
Excerpts from the newspaper, The Colorado Daily Chieftain (now the Pueblo Chieftain) on women’s suffrage

The source is https://www.coloradohistoricnewspapers.org.  Because the newspapers are scanned by a computer the transcriptions are frequently imprecise and occasionally incomprehensible.  We’d like to thank Professor Judy Gaughan from Colorado State University-Pueblo for her re-transcriptions.  The material below is in a rough form but the purpose for posting before the form is finalized is to assist others who might not want to wade through all of the editions of the Chieftain.  Also, please visit the Colorado Historic Newspapers website if you are doing primary source research to confirm that the transcriptions are accurate.

(The Chieftain in this archive begins in 1872)

Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 10, 1872

NEW YORK, May 9 _: —The platform of the woman’s suffrage party was presented to the association in Steinway Hall to • day, by Mrs. Stanton. It recognizes equality, all reform laws, renews constitutional amendments, demands universal suffrage, amnesty thorough, civil service reform, one term principle, election of President, Vice-President, Senators, by the whole peopIe, taxes for revenue only, the reform of the financial system by making the government currency legal tender for all debts public and private, opposes land grants to corporations, favors minority representatives, graduated taxation, reform criminals by education and human legislative, cultivate peace with all nations, and the settlement of all international difficulties between Congress and the nations .

Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 17, 1872

Mrs . Julia Ward Howe finds Santo Domingo a better theme than woman suffrage.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 18, 1872

Anna Dickinson says she cannot support “that man Grant.” As the nominee of the Cincinnati convention for President has long been opposed to the woman suffrage movement, as he has fought against it, kicked against it, and utterly scorned and repudiated it all his life, we rise to ask how the fair Anna and others of her class can support ‘that man Greeley.”

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 7, 1872

A synopsis of the national Republican convention of 1872  reports, among other things,

… that the relations of labor and capital should be recognized and protected ; that the public credit should be preserved and specie payments resumed ; that the claim for woman suffrage should be treated respectfully the amnesty action of congress is approved; also the anti-ku-klux legislation ; that the rights reserved by the states must be respected ; and finally confidence was expressed in the modesty , patriotism , earnest purpose , sound judgment and practical wisdom of U. S. Grant ,…

Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 11, 1872

WORK FOR WOMEN It is quite refreshing these days, when so many women are running around the country, advancing dreamy, impracticable thoughts on the unnecessary question of female suffrage, to hear of a lady who is exercising the ability and philanthropy which God has bestowed upon her, in ameliorating the condition of a class of men usually considered unfortunate. Such a person is Mrs. Sarah Howe Morris, _M. D., Brooklyn, who has conceived the idea of devoting herself to the cure of drunkennes. While a student in the New England female medical college, in Boston, her attention was directed to the action of alcoholic poison in the physical economy, and the physiological effects resulting therefrom. The result of her obversation was, that she came to believe that what was universally regarded as a moral delinquency and crime, was really a mental and nervous disease. The disease, she reasoned, could not exist without a cause, and her mode of cure is to discover the cause and remove it. Her theory has been found to work admirably, in practice. She has established a private institution in Brooklyn, where she proposes to restore to mental and physical health those who have been the slaves of drink. Here is a new and, noble mission, which we commend to the “talking benefactresses” of the race. If all women who pretend to be so anxious to secure “rights” for their sex would follow the worthy example set by Mrs. Morris, they would prove themselves and their ideas better deserving of consideration.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 13, 1872


The Oregon legislature has indefinitely postponed a proposition to establish female suffrage in that state

and a little later in the late news section:

A young lady in New York recently paid $ 250 for having a single dress made. The careworn look of her intended since he heard of it has caused the deepest anxiety on the part of his friends.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 14, 1873[1]

Massachusetts on Woman’s Suffrage. BOSTON , March 13. —The Massachusetts house of representatives rejected the woman suffrage resolution, by a vote of 142-83.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 16, 1874


Proceedings of the XLIII Congress.

In the senate, petitions for commissions on liquor traffic and for woman suffrage were presented and referred.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 27, 1874

Judge Bromwell, the man who wants to take away our carriages on election day, made a feeble attempt to get a female suffrage clause into his new election law, the other day. We hoped that the able speech made by the late Hon. George A. Hinsdale, in the last legislature, and the experience of the people of Wyoming in the female citizen business, would forever put at rest the question of female suffrage in Colorado, but it seems there are still some windy enthusiasts, and men who carry too much sail for their ballast, that want to rake it up from the ashes of oblivion to which all right thinking men in the territory had consigned it. The gentleman who introduced the bill above mentioned, is a curious illustration of how men of talent and education will at times “slop over” in their attempts to make laws for a country already governed too much.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 5, 1874


The Whiskey Insurrection – The Howard Court of Inquiry – Woman Suffrage in Rhode Island – Indian Affairs, etc., etc.

Providence, R. I., March 4 . —In the legislature to day the house special committee on women suffrage, presented a majority report recommending the submission to he people of the following propositions: The amendment to the constitution that women and men politically and legally, shall be entitled to equal rights and privileges, and shall be subject to equal duties and (??)liabilities(??)

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 16, 1874

Blessings of Woman Suffrage.

Gen. Edward Lee, who was acting governor of Wyoming territory when the suffrage was granted to the women, delivered a lecture at Boston, last Wednesday, on its workings. He declares that no domestic jars have occurred, even when in one case a husband and wife were rival candidates for the same office, the one on the democratic, the other on the republican ticket. The women usually vote for the best candidates, and cannot be bribed, and the whole political situation is improved –Cincinnati Gazette.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 16, 1874

NEW YORK , May 15 . —The sixth annual convention of the national woman’s suffrage association was opened this evening at Irving hall, which was comfortably filled and a number of the prominent advocates of woman suffrage were present. Susan B . Anthony presided and Lillie Devereux Blake acted as secretary. Among those Who occupied seats on the platform were Matilda Joslyn Gage, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Carrie S. Burnham, Sarah J. Spencer and others. A few appropriate remarks explanatory of the object of the convention were delivered by Mrs. Stanton. She was followed by Mrs. Spencer, who spoke at length on woman’s rights.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 29, 1874

Proceedings of the XLIII Congress


Mr. Poland , from the same committee, reported back adversely a lot of petitions asking for woman suffrage. Laid on the table.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 30, 1874


Proceedings of the XLIII Congress


—Mr . Boreman called up the senate bill to establish the territory of Pembina, and to provide a temporary government therefor.

Mr. Sargent moved to amend the bill so that the right to vote or hold office in the territory should not be restricted on account of race ; color or – sex . He believed the amendment was not only justified, but was required by the organic law of the United States . Numerous petitions had been presented to Congress for this right to females, and onIy the notice taken of them was to report adversely. The republican party was, to a certain extent , pledged to extend suffrage to females in the territories. To confer upon women the right of suffrage would be to open wide the avenues for them and the advancement of society . Give them an opportunity through the ballot box and they will break up nefarious practices now existing and purify society . The spirit of the constitution should be carried out and women be allowed to vote. Mr. Stewart favored the amendment .

Mr. Morton said he was in favor of the amendment on what he urged as the fundamental principles of our government. The declaration of independence said all men are created free and equal. The word men meant the whole human family. The women of this country had never given their consent to this government within the theory of the declaration of independence. The old common law argument was that the husband took care of the interests of the wife, the father, those of the daughter or in the son that of the mother ; but under common law the husband was a tyrant and despot. This old decline had been overcome and women could hold property now. He believed women had the same natural right to a voice in this government that the man had. To give woman the right of suffrage would elevated the suffrage in this country. Fifty years ago it was thought to be beyond all reason for women to attend political meetings but now they go to such places. The result was to greatly improve the character of these assemblages, as their presence insured peace.

Mr. Flanagan said he was a new convert to the cause of woman suffrage, and was made a convert by the glorious efforts of the women’s crusade against intemperance. Women and women only through Almighty God could save this country from the worst of all evils , intemperance. Women could control the country, men could not. They were more directly interested in all questions of morality than men, and from this time henceforth, he intended to be a woman’s man. (Laughter.) Mr . Merriman said he did not yield in his admiration of woman to any man and by no act or word of his would he detract from her dignity but he claimed the right to be judge together with her, and as to what means were best calculated to promote her interest . He did not believe woman herself thought her happiness or dignity would be advanced by having all the political rights of man conferred upon her , and the strongest evidence of this fact was that neither in this country nor in England had women demanded such rights. The number that had demanded them as compared with the number that had not was but a drop in the ocean. Mr. Stewart said that ten years from now there would not be a man in the senate opposed to female suffrage. Mr. Merriman asked, why not try the experiment in the District ot Columbia ? Mr. Sargent replied “We will when we get a chance. Mr . Conkling said an amendment was in order to this very bill to enforce woman suffrage in the district. If his friend , Mr . Stewart , desired to try an experiment in the new territory , why not try it as an experiment here? The senator from Nevada, Mr . Stewart , ought not to flinch ; if he ( Conkling ) could , not follow him ( Stewart ) . Mr . Carpenter said he would vote for the amendment to confer suffrage in the new territory on the women . He believed that in every condition of life the society of women was beneficial . In every place where she was found everything was neat and orderly . If our wives , mothers and daughters go to the election places , there will be decency , order and peace there . He would vote to establish woman suffrage in Wisconsin or any other place if he could do so to-morrow.

Mr. Ferry, of Michigan, favored the amendment. Mr. Anthony said he had no doubt female suffrage would come in time. He did not believe suffrage was a woman’s right or a mans It was not a natural right; but a political right; regulated by the body politic. After some further discussion Mr. Sargent’s amendment was rejected by yeas 19 to nays 27, as follows (lists names of senators voting).

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 17, 1875

The woman suffrage proposition which received such a strong indorsement in the British house of commons On Wednesday—though there was less than a majority in its favor—is much narrower _than that which is urged by the advocates of woman’s enfranchisement on this side of the ocean. It was merely to extend the privilege of voting at parliamentary elections to unmarried women of full age who possessed the requisite qualifications of householders. The number of persons who would be affected by the proposed enlargement of the franchise, would be comparatively insignificant.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 22, 1875

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 ’75. The women of Iowa have been holding a suffrage convention and have met with marvelous success. The almost converted Governor Kirkwood; _at all events, he has avowed himself since the convention “a believer in the distant advent of woman’s suffrage.”

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 9, 1875

BOSTON. Woman Suffrage Boston, Oct . 8 . —There was quite a large meeting of the friends of women’s suffrage held here this afternoon to consider what, if any, action shall be taken at the approaching election . James Freeman, president of the committee on resolutions, reported a set of resolutions , the first of which opposes Governor Gaston ; the second the democrats and the independents to separate their nominations and endorses Rice ; the third urges the friends of female suffrage to attend primary meetings and secure the nomination of suffragists to the legislature, even to breaking party lines, where it is necessary to secure it. The resolutions provoked much discussion and finally passed.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 21, 1875

French Politics. Paris, Oct. 20 . —M . Roher, in a speech at Adjaccio , on the 16th inst ., attacks Thiers and the Orleanists and censured President McMahon . He also said that the Bonapartists are in favor of universal suffrage and are content to appeal to the people for an expression of national will .

Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 17, 1875

In his recent message to the Wyoming legislature, Governor Thayer extols woman suffrage, and recommends its undisturbed continuance. A Cheyenne correspondent declares, however , that the women do not seek office, have entirely abandoned the jury room, and seem to be growing yearly more indifferent about voting.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 26, 1876

AN UNWORTHY PRAYER. We observe that Mr. John Evans, who has been straining his energies for many weary months past to build a narrow gauge railroad down through the South Park to some unknown point in the San Juan country, is out with a lengthy memorial addressed to the members of the constitutional convention imploring them to incorporate some provision in the constitution which shall define their status and place them practically above or beyond all legislative influence. While confessing to the utmost respect for the industry and perseverance of Mr. Evans, and while we have no doubt that he is honest and sincere in his intentions, yet we believe that his prayer if granted, would be productive of infinite mischief to the railroad interests of Colorado. At this early stage of the railroad development of Colorado, a constitutional provision defining or limiting the guardianship to be extended by the state over such corporations, can be viewed with apprehension and would doubtless give rise to the suspicion that the framers of our constitution had become imbued with the idea that a railroad corporation was too great and sacred a thing to be controlled by the voice of the people. In the states the principle has become tolerably well established that a state should have the right to control and regulate the tariff on passengers and freight within its borders, and we believe that the same principle should obtain here. The question is one that properly falls within the province of the legislature, and like female suffrage and other ills that the nineteenth century is heir to, it should be left outside the constitution.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 30, 1876

(page 4)

THE FEMALE SUFFRAGE MOVEMENT. It would seem that the worthy ladies who have been laboring so earnestly with our constitution makers in order to impress their minds with the idea that female suffrage was the one great, all absorbing need of Colorado, have withdrawn their forces and are now patiently watching the result. We apprehend that the majority of the seed sown, though cast forth by such vigorous hands as those of Mrs. Campbell and others, has fallen upon stony soil and will not ripen into a Wyoming harvest. The arguments urged in support of the measure may be true to a certain degree, and would doubtless be productive of much good if put in actual practice, but at the same time time the impression seems to prevail, that female suffrage can wait a few years, or at least until other and more important questions are determined.

As we have before remarked, when the majority of the women of Colorado desire the right of suffrage, we believe it should be granted them, but we are not in favor of having their policy mapped out by chronic agitators imported from the states.  It strikes us that the only proper way to remove the disabilities and obstacles of which the ladies complain, is not by legal enactment; not by incorporating this or that clause into the constitution, but by education. The common relations of the sexes are seldom determined by national choice, and the evils which result are not usually the deliberate determination of either party. So long as women grow up with no knowledge of their own value and no power to put themselves on an intellectual equality with the men they meet , so long will there be lacking delicacy and mutual confidence in their relations and so long will they be opposed in their endeavor to place themselves on an equal political footing. The man who asserts that by liberating herself from feebleness and dependence upon man, woman invariably forfeits the respect in which she has been held and will lose the protection to which she has been entitled, simply proclaims his own brutality and stupidity. The woman who complains that woman is through her weakness and ignorance, made the innocent victim of the baser passions of man, makes a pitiable confession of folly and shameful imbecility. The moment we escape the forces of physical necessity and dependence upon the supply of physical needs, the woman not less than the man, can be made the arbiter of her own destiny ; and the great work of our generation is to educate in both sexes self-respect, noble aims, and the power to live in the realm of high thought and pure feeling . Then the mutual social and political relations of the sexes will regulate themselves to the perfect satisfaction of all who are affected by them.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 13, 1876

It was resolved, at the annual convention of the Massachusetts Woman Suffrage Association, held at Boston on the 26th, that Gov. Rice to failing to recommend to the public the enfranchisement of the loyal women of the commonwealth, had violated his pledge publicly given on the eve of his election, forfeited the confidence of the friends of reform, and proved himself unfit for the high position to which he has been called by the suffrages of his too-confiding constituents.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 10, 1876

(page 1 column 1) Now Lucy Stone uncork the vials of your wrath upon the heads of the Iowa legislators. The female suffrage resolution which passed the house two weeks ago, has been defeated in the senate by a vote of 22 for , to 24 against.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 12, 1876

(page 1 column 1) Massachusetts . The senate, by a vote of nineteen to eleven, has refused a third reading to the bill to give women the right to vote on municipal affairs in cities and towns, and to hold municipal offices.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 24, 1876

(page 2 column 2) One of the features of the women’s pavilion at Philadelphia is a large collection of stuffed animals and birds killed by Mrs. Maxwell, known as the California huntress. A buffalo, a rocky mountain lion, and a grizzly bear are included in the collection, viewing which the sterner sex cannot but admit that woman has some qualifications for the exercise of the right of suffrage.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 25, 1876

(page 1 column 2) The woman suffrage convention recently held in New York objects to the erection of the proposed French statue of liberty in New York harbor. The suffragists say it would be an insult, because it is proposed “to represent freedom as a majestic female form, in a state where not one woman is free.” Just what to do in such controversy is not very clearly evident. It has been suggested, however, that if the New York legislature is so perverse as to decline to give women a vote, the difficulty might possibly be overcome by disguising the statue of liberty as a man.

(same place two rows down) The national woman’s suffrage association , desiring to be represented at the centennial, contracted for lodgings ab 705 Arch street but were doomed to disappointment at last, the landlady having concluded to reconsider, on the ground that the “same roof could not shelter her and women who do not believe in the bible or Jesus Christ.” If the association is to be locked out in his sort of style, nothing would be so much in order as a more explicit decla[ra]tion of its theological beliefs.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 28, 1876

The chairman said that delegates from the National Womens’ Suffrage Association were present and asked a hearing. (Cries of hear them.) There being no objection the chair announced that they would be heard. Messrs. Weed, of New York, and Smalley, of Vermont, were appointed a committee to escort the ladies to the platform.

The chair announced that a lady had the floor and refused to hear any proposition. Miss Phoebe W. Cousins, of St. Louis, took the platform and addressed the convention with much self-possession, but her voice was too weak to be heard many feet distant . She said : — Mr. President and gentlemen of the national democratic convention—The centennial and anniversary of our national birthday is also happily a centennial leap year. it is in order then, I take it, not only to receive proposals from fair women but to accept them. Taking advantage of this right and of of your courtesy, I, as a delegate authority from the fair sex am here not only to re-affirm for them the principles of liberty and equality, but to sue for the hand of those here assembled in the national convention, and the hand, Mr. President, must be neither larger nor smaller than a man’s hand. In the good old days of our ancestors it was deemed an unpardonable offence if the leap year privileges accorded to women were not unhesitatingly acquiesced in, and he who did not joyfully say yes to the sweet maiden’s coy wooing, was regarded with supreme contempt and isolation of single miser-miser-ableness. He died ere yet his race was run, unwept and unsung of woman. So then, gentlemen, if as a party you would live long and be happy, give heed to a warning from out of the gates of Paradise—It is not good for man to be alone—and accept for your companion in the political household she who binds all the discordant elements of life into true, divine harmony, sweet nature’s better half. James Madison said —Let it be remembered that it has ever been the pride of America that the rights for which she contended were the rights of human nature, and gentlemen, we ask this recognition, not as women, but as human beings, Our magna charta is equality of rights . To-day we sue for this, not by force of might and power, but by the more potent voice of truth and justice, speaking to every thinking man’s conscience in tones more persuasive than those which appealed to King John on the field at Runnymede . We cannot assert this right by a resort to the sword, we confess our inability to thunder our claim from the cannon’s mouth or to fire shot that can be heard around the world, but in this grand centennial yea , when all others are free, and when our souls, too, responding to the justice of the utterances of Jefferson, of Hancock , of Adams and Patrick Henry, with minds expanding to a realization of their grandeur, with pulses beating for the freedom they proclaimed, we would pluck a live coal from off the altar of our liberties that shall kindle in your souls a seal for all rights of individuals, ergo the universal humanity, —such as our fathers had when they thrilled the hearts of the people with the cry that taxation without representation is tyrany, and with burning thoughts and noble utterances they wrote by the camp-fires of the revolution of that immortal truth—all humanity is created free and equal.

She concluded by presenting the resolutions of the Woman Suffrage association, which, on motion of McClernand, of llinois were referred to the committee on resolutions for respectful consideration. A motion for a recess was then rejected. …

Colorado Daily Chieftain, July 1, 1876

The Register advocates female suffrage.  What next?

Colorado Daily Chieftain, July 7, 1876

(page 1 column 2) PENNSYLVANIA,

The Women Again.

PHILADELPHIA, July _6—Mrs . Spencer , in behalf of the National Woman Suffrage _Association, on July 3 rd asked of Gen. Hawley permission to silently present their declaraton of rights while the ceremonies of the Fourth were in progress at Independence Square. Hawley refused. Yesterday , at the close of the reading of the original deelaration of independence, by Richard Henry Lee , Susan B . Anthony Mrs . Gage, Mrs. Spencer, Mrs.  Blake and Miss Cozzens arose , and walking to the speaker’s stand handed to Vice President Ferry an engrossed copy of the woman’s declaration of rights and articles of impeachment against the government of the United States. The recipient received it with a bow. The ladies then retired to the front of Independence Hall, where Susan B. Anthony read aloud the women’s declaration to the multitude there assembled. It was applauded.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, July 9, 1876

(page 3 column 3) CENTENNNIAL EXPOSITION. A Detailed Account of the Great World’s Fair. [From our special Centennial Correspondent Mr. Chauncy L. Hall.]



July 2, 1876

EDITOR CHIEFTAIN : —Everybody here centres In the coming 4th of July celebration

The West Point cadets …

The Mexican veterans have arrived

Two military companies came

The West Pointers have with them a band of fifty pieces and there is no end to the music . _It is estimated that not less than two thousand brass horns will furnish thunder to the multitude here on the 4 th , besides the walking horns that will toot at every gathering and on every street corner .

In addition to the regular attendance, two hundred thousand people are expected on the great centennial holiday. All the representatives of foreign nations will join hands with the patriotic Americans and help celebrate, get drunk and jubilate.

Even the women are going to celebrate on their own hook. It will be styled the “American Woman Suffrage Association,” and the members will hold forth on the 3rd of July, to celebrate the one-hundredth anniversary of the establishment of woman suffrage by the province of New Jersey. Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, Mrs. Lucy Stone and other expounders are to do the heavy work.

A large encampment of Knights Templar …

Colorado Daily Chieftain, July 13, 1876

(page 2 column 2) One of the most fearfully and wonderfully concocted falsehoods we have ever read is told in the St. Louis Dispatch, which says that at a recent election in Wyoming territory, where woman suffrage prevails, a fellow running for town clerk at a recent election bribed eighteen female voters with a single pound of chewing gum.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, July 18, 1876

letter to the editor under a pseudonym

 Jack _Has Gone and Done It.

FOUNTAIN, COL., July 15. —The well known gentlemanly and good looking Jack Brown, who is the owner of a large stock and buy ranch on the Little Fountain has deserted the rank and file of old bachelors. He who in time of Philadelphia’s oil excitement, oiled out of that state with about forty or fifty thousand dollars. Next he dropped anchor at Chicago and dealt a good blow, But not finding the promised land that nature’s law had in reserve for him his wandering spirit sought consolation in the fragrant fields of Colorado’s genial clime. The greatness of altitude, the dry and exhilarating air here was just suited to his delicate constitution; together with iron water he was much pleased, and when fair daughters of Henry smiled upon him the enchantment became overwhelming in the extreme, and he cried “Abba.” When sublimity reigned as air and the poetical spirit of Jack sought for to see the beautiful works of nature, he could be seen a short distance below Widefield station on the Denver & Rio Grande railroad, majestically seated on the upper side of Uncle Henry’s garden fence, viewing the panorama of Cheyenne mountain as the last but most glorious rays of the sun shown o’er landscape fair. bidding adieu to “departing day,” and drawing the picture in dusky grey, yet showing the cottage of Henry nearing the brink of the beautiful Fountain with its rippling waters softly chiming in still air, filling the soul of thirsting man with inspiration from angelic bliss. Poor Jack ; overflowing with the imagined beauties and pleasures in which his spirit drank so freely, until he became unconscious of all around save that home of ecstatic joy that awaits the faithful and the brave, when for a time all is sweet repose.

Again the seen revives, and Fountain fills with joy. Strange as the story seems, Jack , noted as he is for the coolness of his head and the evenness of his temper, on election day got on his ear and over exerted himself in violent. attempts to defeat the constitution and, have no state government, and when the _Daily News_ on the second of July declared , that the constitution had been carried by a large majority he was exceedingly wroth and rent his garments. He immediately sought the county court, however , and had a bill drawn granting certain inalienable rights to females, and positively declared that the Constitution must and should be changed so that that very objectionable clause depriving women of their . political lights should be removed, and after consulting Mr. Perkins, of Fountain a Methodist minister, to see if there would be anything immoral in changing the constitution by stratagem or calling a full convention to reconsider lt, so as to grant all essential, natural and inalienable privileges to certain females.. Enough to say that a few words of moral and legal advice from Mr. Perkins set things all right, and Jack left on the first train for Denver, declaring his intention, let come what would, that he would have embodied in the constitution female suffrage. But he now sees that it was only owing to the adoption of the constitution and a change into a state, that could, ever have united Jack Brown and Miss Lucy Hutchins in the holy bonds of matrimony. Married at seven o’clock, P. M., July 4th , 1876. A very remarkable action for a man opposed to a state government, but Jack so thanks his friends for supporting the constitution, and we have buried the hatchet.

Well, Jack has left us, and we are sad, yet must express some joy in his happiness–and we may add a little envy also—for he gathered from the field of nature a flower rarely plucked, Jackey and Lucy go in peace, and may your future conduct be as exemplary as your past lives, and you will get your reward.

Your friend and observer, – NIL DESPERANDUM.

(same paper, same page column 4) I believe this is a letter to the editor written by Florenz Kranz) (p. 4 column 4) Occasional Notes from the Country. MACE’S HOLE, July 15, 1876. —Three hurrahs for the Centennial State. Long live Colorado!

…(much further down in the column)

… A female lecturer visited Mace’s Hole, her subject being female suffrage. A small audience, little pay and no conversion was the result. Should she ever return and lecture on the science of bread baking, I insure her better success.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 6, 1876

(page 2 column 3) Mrs. Cady Stanton and Miss Susan B. Anthony are fanning the zephyrs by writing a history of the woman suffrage movement. Miss Anthony brings it up from the flood and Mrs Mrs. Stanton carries it on from the landing of Julius Caesar. Miss Anthony by taking it at the flood, undoubtedly expects it will lead to fortune.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 1, 1876

(column 2 page 4 in the CITY AND VICINITY section)

Mrs. Campbell, an advocate of woman’s suffrage, will deliver a free lecture in this city, this ( Friday ) evening, September 1st , She is said to be a very intelligent lady and a fine speaker. We are not advised as to the place she will speak in, but presume it will be announced by hand-bills tills afternoon.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 16, 1876

(column 2 page 4 in the CITY AND VICINITY section)

A party of Chinese have been naturalized in Denver. Next the Indians and then the dogs and burros. What a glorious thing is universal suffrage and what an army of intelligent and enlightened voters has been manufactured in the United States during the past ten years!

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 4, 1876

(page 2 column 3)

At the Faneuil Hall woman suffrage meeting, Friday evening ,Lucy Stone was the presiding officer and first speaker. Her unfortunate husband was not allowed to speak till all the women had been heard, and so late was the hour that before he got through the hall was practically empty. The suppressed sex had the affair their own way.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 22, 1876

(page 2 column 1)


Proprietor J.J. Lambert ________________________ . FRIDAY DEC. 22, 1876. That Broken Treaty. After reading the large amount of sickly, sentimental trash that has appeared for the last year or more in many of the eastern newspapers with reference to they bad faith of the government and people of the United States towards the Sioux Indians, it is pleasant to peruse the report of Gen. George Crook, commanding the department of the Platte, who gives a true statement of the condition of affairs, founded upon personal knowledge obtained at the seat of war. When the lamented Custer and his band were slaughtered by the “good Indians,” and when all right thinking men were calling down the vengeance of the government upon the murderers, there were to be found in the eastern states people who defended the “noble red man” in the indiscriminate slaughter of the whites, and cast upon their own race the blame of the whole transaction. These me, mostly members of down east “peace societies” and other milk and water organizations, together with the notorious “Indian ring” at Washington, were backed up by numerous newspapers, whose editors, knowing nothing of the merits of the case, concluded that it would increase their popularity to howl in the cause of mock morality, even if their senseless howlings did bring about the removal of troops from the Black Hills country and the murder of many more miners and other frontiersmen.

These philanthropists are for the most part men who attend woman suffrage meetings, belong to all sorts of “anti” societies and prate about progress and civilization, but sit at home and try to withdraw the protection of the government from the hardy pioneers who are the forerunners of a coming civilization on the western frontiers, and attempt to transfer that protection to the Indian. The alleged breaking of the terms of the treaty of 1868 with the Sioux has been a great bugbear to these gently, but if some of them will take a little time from their meetings, held for the purpose of supplying the noble red man with pulpits and toothpicks, and read over the report of Gen. Crook, it will perhaps, enlighten them as little as to the true condition of affairs. From the report  …

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 6, Number 1452, January 17, 1877

(page 1 column 2) Proceedings of the Colorado Legislature.


The Legislature. I[From our Special Reporter.] Denver, January 16.— The house passed a bill to divide Grand county, changing the name of the new county from Routt to Custar. The house also passed a bill repealing the law making it obligatory or justices to tax costs against complaining witness, when the prosecution failed to make out a case. The house passed in a committee of the whole the bill in regard to chattel mortgages and a number of joint resolutions. It laid the coal oil bill on the table and passed a bill fixing the terms of the district courts in the various counties. The senate passed the female suffrage bill and the bill to have Colorado represented at the Paris exposition. The balance of the day in the senate was spent in a committee of the whole on various bills.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 6, Number 1456, January 21, 1877

There is more in this edition on apparently spurilous charges of voter fraud in N. Carolina and illegal prohibiting of people’s right to vote in New Orleans

(page 1 column 2)


Proceedings of the Forty-Fourth Congress. SENATE. Washington, January 20.— Senator Sargent presented a petition of male and female residents of California asking the adoption of a sixteenth amendment to the constitution of the United States forbidding the disfranchising of persons on account of sex. Referred to the committee on privileges and elections. In presenting the petition Senator Sargent said the influence of women at the polls would purify our elections and give us a better class of officials, and the state would be benefitted by conferring the light of suffrage upon women. This movement was growing year by year and had already passed the period of ridicule both in this country and in England. Senator Sargent also presented a petition of various powder manufacturing companies in favor of the passage of a bill recently introduced by him to allow them to purchase certain land within the limits of Salt Lake. Referred to the committee on public lands. During the morning hour the president’s message on the occupation of Petersburg was discussed by Senators Withers, Morton and others. After the morning hour, on motion of Senator Edmunds, the compromise electoral bill was taken up. Senator Morton presented the credentials of Kellogg as senator from Louisiana, which were read and laid on the table. They are signed by Gov. Packard. A women’s suffrage petition was presented. Senator Dorsey submitted a resolution instructing the committee on Indian affairs to investigate whether any portion of the school fund for the five tribes of the Indian territory has been misapplied, whether those tribes have secured any debts and what legislation is necessary on the subject.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 6, Number 1457, January 23, 1877


… Hen Convention. …

(also here a man convicted of abortion)

The _Mirror_ has been among the foremost to conserve the interest of good morals by exposing the peccadillos and the short-comings of other people, and now the editor has a domestic trouble of his own, and the _News_ of Sunday told the people about it. The tongue of Madame Rumor is busy with the name of another woman in connection with the trouble, but, from all your correspondent could learn, the aspersion or suspicion, or whatever you are a mind to call it, is unjust if not absolutely false, and I forbear to mention names. There is evidently a screw loose somewhere in the moral machinery of our city and it is a dangerous place for unprotected members of the legislature. Several letters have been received by members from ladies with whom they have no acquaintance —heads of families too, soliciting them lo meet them at times and places that too plainly indicated they had naughty designs against the honor of the honorable good-looking parties solicited. I am glad to say for the peace of their wives at home, that they did not yield to the temptations—i. e. none of those that showed me the _billet boux_(sic). This was a subject the suffrage association or as the Chieftain will have it “hen convention” did not discuss; but the short-comings of men and their injustice in withholding the ballot from the better and fairer half of creation who have never yet in earnest asked for it, came in for a good share of lampooning and in some of the speeches downright abuse. One of the most violent of the speakers was turned out of her hotel next day, thus exemplifying in her own person the right to tie treated the same as anybody else who attempted to beat a landlord, or who through impecuniosity could not pay for hash and lodging. Your correspondent does not wish to cast reproach or ridicule on the suffrage movement by chronicling the short-comings of some of its over zealous advocates and will put himself right on the record by saying that he believes it will be granted whenever a majority or even a large minority of the women of the state ask for it—but not till then. Why don’t the noisy advocates of the measure call an election at every voting precinct in the state—a la Tommy Patterson—and ask the women to go to the polls and express their sentiments in the matter of voting for or against female suffrage? There is nothing in our laws to prevent this, and it would probably be the fairest, cheapest and most expeditious way to get at the pith of the matter. They might do it at the next school election where their right to vote is already granted, if the present school bill passes the house at it already has the senate. If the matter is tested in this way, I believe there is gallantry and chivalry enough among the men of Colorado to ratify the choice of their helpmates by voting for the measure. The meetings of the association were largely attended, and the audience comprised some of the ablest men in the state, so that the malicious witticisms of an anti-suffrager, that it was made up of all the strong minded women and weak headed men of the state, is not strictly true, although unquestionably these two classes did the greater part of the talking and harangueing.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 6, Number 1459, January 25, 1877


The Legislature—Suicide—Smash.

[From our Special Reporter.]  Denver, January 24.—The house spent most all day in committee of the whole and disposed of a large number of bills, among them the senate female suffrage bill. It submits the question to the qualified electors next fall. The house defeated the bill abolishing capital punishment and passed a bill exempting Indians from paying toll on the highways. The senate spent the entire day in a committee of the whole on the bill concerning corporations.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 6, Number 1458, January 24, 1877

The Question of Suffrage.

“Shall the suffrage be extended to females” seems, next to the “code,” the all absorbing questions of the day among many of our curbstone politicians. We have read and heard many opinions expressed, pro and con, upon this subject, and have heretofore kept silent in the hope of finding among them some solution of a problem connected with the matter which we shall shortly explain.

As a contemporary remarked the other day, this question has passed beyond the stage of ridicule, that is as far as the tyrant man is concerned, but the principal weapon used by the dear women at their recent convention in Denver was ridicule. There must have been a curious assemblage at that gathering, judging from the details given by the Denver press. There were advanced thinkers of all varieties, long haired men and shorthaired women, in fact all varieties of females except those possessed of youth and beauty.

But to our subject. The question has arisen in our mind as to whether citizenship without responsibility is any greater evil than taxation without representation. Now are our females who are so desirous to exercise all the rights of citizenship prepared for certain duties which the law requires of every citizen? Will they carry muskets in the militia should a sudden emergency demand it, are they ready to answer the call of a sheriff as members of a posse comitatus and will they be willing to serve on juries, leaving their homes and children to take care of themselves while mamma attends to her duties as a citizen of the great American republic.

Perhaps the ladies who advocate this suffrage movement may think these questions very ungallant on our part and may claim that some citizens are now exempt from the duties of citizenship; this is true, but these exempts area very small minority of the population, whereas in some of our states, Massachusetts for example, were women suffrage introduced the voters without responsibility would outnumber those who are responsible and thus carry things their own way.

We have discovered it to be an invariable rule that where women attempt to place themselves on an equal footing with men, they (the women) desire to be treated with all the leniency and consideration usually extended to the sex and at the same time to receive a man’s wages without accomplishing anything like as much as a man’s labor. This same rule makes its appearance in the women suffrage movement. The dear ladies want to vote but don’t desire to defend the country in her hour of need or do duty on juries. To this rule there are of course a few exceptions, mostly masculine women without home ties or feminine instincts, some of whom have already shouldered a musket and, dressed in men’s clothes, marched valiently (sic) to their country’s aid.

It is proposed to purify the politics of the country by enfranchising the women. He who touches pitch is usually defiled, and would not our women receive more defilement from dabbling in politics than the amount of benefit to be derived from their enfranchisement. A female politician is generally the pet abomination of a sensible man. How many of us are there who, when retiring to the bosoms of our families after a hard day’s work in office or store, would like instead of listening to an account of home matters and the prattle of childish voices, to be obliged to discuss with our better half the electoral bill or the proceedings of the last county convention.

Those who advocate female suffrage in Colorado claim to be the most advanced thinkers of the day. A pet hobby among these people is educated suffrage. Should the suffrage be extended to females in Southern Colorado how about the uneducated part of it? As far as most of the American women and the higher classes of Mexicans are concerned it would be satisfactory, but how about the others, who are largely in the majority? Haven’t we voters enough whose votes may be purchased for a half dollar each, or do the exigencies of the times require more?

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 6, Number 1459, January 25, 1877

Proceedings of the Colorado Legislature

The Legislature—Suicide—Smash. [From our Special Reporter.] Denver, January 24.—The house spent most all day in committee of the whole and disposed of a large number of bills, among them the senate female suffrage bill. It submits the question to the qualified electors next fall. The house defeated the bill abolishing capital punishment and passed a bill exempting Indians from paying toll on the highways. The senate spent the entire day in a committee of the whole on the bill concerning corporations. …

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 6, Number 1460, January 26, 1877


The Legislature [From our Special Reporter] Denver, January 25:—The house passed the female suffrage bill and several others and indefinitely postponed the resolution favoring the congressional compromise bill by a party vote.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 6, Number 1464, January 31, 1877


Proceeding of the Forty Fourth Congress SENATE. Washington, January 30.—

… Numerous petitions were presented asking the adoption of the constitutional amendment prohibiting the states from disfranchizing persons on account of sex. Senator Christiancy in presenting the petitions, said not a drunkard, gambler or person of vicious life was among the petitioners, and his observation in Michigan, where over forty thousands votes were given for female suffrage, satisfied him that the people advocating this amendment were among the most intelligent people in the country.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 6, Number 1482, February 21, 1877


Legislative Jottings—Woman Suffrage—K. O. R. M—Court.

… The female advocates of woman suffrage are very few in number here. They hope to secure, however, a liberal report from the prohibitionists and anti-worldly amusement party, whose principles they promise to carry out when they obtain political power. If the intelligent and respectable wives and mothers of our city were permitted to vote next fall, not more than one in twenty would cast a vote for woman suffrage. In whatever part of the Union you meet with a female advocate of woman’s rights, you will generally find them to be the crowing mute of some hen-pecked husband, whose plumage is never permitted to expand beyond the primitive tassellated pin feather. How often along our mountain ways, when the shades of evening have hushed to stillness all animal life, we learn to listen to the mournful voice of the pin feather recluse that comes to us from the distant camp fire by the spring, closing his evening devotions, solitary and alone carroling that old familiar song—”Through mining camp and mountain town. With weary step I wonder; No home with cheerful smile have I, A poor forsaken gander,” That fellow’s wife, you may be assured, is conducting a saloon crusade on the streets of Chicago, or advocating women’s rights in the pulpit or on the rostrum. The popular secret order of the K. O. R M., said to have been originated by the Ladies Aid society, is accomplishing much good by its liberal donations in support of the poor. A branch of the order I learn is soon to be organized at Pueblo and Ca~non City. The order here it is said numbers one hundred and thirty-four. A lady advocate of woman’s suffrage from Cincinnati, I learn, will lecture before the order in their lodge room on Thursday evening next.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 6, Number 1492, March 6, 1877

DENVER, March 5, 1877


…  The ladies of Unity church will have a woman’s suffrage or female rights party to-night. Their entertainments are among the most popular of any given this winter. A Cheyenne theatrical troupe are also billed for the present week in Denver. So you see there is no lack of amuse for saints’ or sinners.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 6, Number 1498, March 13, 1877

DENVER, March 10, 1877


SOCIETY AFFAIRS are somewhat on the wane. The last notable affair was the woman suffrage ball, last Monday night. It was one of the most enjoyable affairs of the winter. The ladies kept the door, managed the floor and chose partners during the evening, and in fact did everything that gentlemen usually do, except pay the bills. They allowed the tyrants to do this, as usual.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 6, Number 1499, March 14, 1877

here the uncomfortable History of women’s suffrage where racism rears its ugly head.

Canon City Items. Canon City, March 9—

… One event both pleasant and profitable I must not omit mentioning. Tuesday evening Mrs. Shields, of Colorado Springs, delivered a lecture on woman suffrage at the Methodist church. The house was filled and the audience was deeply interested. It is seldom unprofitable to listen to the thoughtful words of a Christian woman. Those present were at least convinced by her unassuming conversation like discourse, that it had now become their duty to consider the question, decide it justly and act consistently with their honest convictions. The times of a couple of generations since when girls were even denied admission to public schools, were contrasted with the present, when schools and colleges are both open to them, where they become the equals of the most capable men, who, while they do not try to deny this, neglect to give them what is not a privilege, but a simple right, which none doubt that they would exercise intelligently and conscientiously. The lecture was probably not less effective on account of little hesitations and repetitions. These only showed her to be a sensitive woman who wished to perform to the best of her ability an entirely new and not altogether agreeable duty. A number of our best people are earnest friends of this movement, and there is no doubt of its final success. Crime and ignorance are comparisons, intelligence and honor go together; 83 male convicts in our penitentiary one female and she a Mexican—certainly the proportion of unprincipled voters will not be increased if but to secure for our mothers, wives and sisters a power already possessed by the gentle Fenian and genial darkey, we erase the word ‘‘male” from the voters qualifications.

  • (author)

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 6, Number 1500, March 15, 1877


Woman Suffrage.

Providence, March 14.— In the house of representatives a special amendment to the state constitution is pending, so that upon any proposition to impose a tax upon unmarried women and widows they shall have the privilege of voting the same as men.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 6, Number 1500, March 15, 1877


Trinidad, March 12

… A woman’s suffrage lecturer has been airing her views here on the subject of suffrage. A view of Mrs. Dr. Mary Walker, and Mrs. Tillotson, clad in the semi-masculine habiliments of the woman’s rights prater-sisterhood, as they promenade Pennsylvania avenue in the city of Washington, is a better argument against woman’s rights than any talk that can be had upon the subject. An experience of a few years will show that no lady of respectability will willingly go the polls, except under very peculiar circumstances. [3]

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 6, Number 1501, March 16, 1877

Woman suffrage is attracting the attention of the Trinidad people.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 6, Number 1503, March 18, 1877


… Mrs. Shields, of Colorado Springs, will lecture on women suffrage at the Methodist church, on Monday evening at 7 o’clock. Lecture free.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 6, Number 1504, March 20, 1877

… Mrs. Shields lectured on woman suffrage last night in the Methodist church to a good audience composed mostly of ladies, as the question discussed is of little interest to our readers and of none whatever to ourselves we refrain from details.

the very next entry apparently of more interest to the Chieftain than suffrage

Louis Lehman’s little dog “Peanut” was run over and killed by a wagon yesterday. Louis “waked” him in good shape and all the boys from the cigar factory attended the funeral, Tom Holmes drove the hearse. “Peanut” was a “lovely corpse.”

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 6, Number 1505, March 21, 1877

Woman Suffrage.

Pueblo, March 20th, 1877—I would like to inquire through the columns of your paper of the Rev. George Wallace whether the question of woman suffrage is a religious or a political one? If political, would it not be better to discuss such questions in some of our public halls, rather than open the doors of the church for any other purpose than fur which it was dedicated.  -A Professor.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 6, Number 1506, March 22, 1877

Woman’s Suffrage

A “professor” desires to ask G. Wallace whether women’s suffrage belongs to _politics_ or religion. He seems to think that if it is a politic child it had better he nursed in some public hall rather than a church. Wize [sic] men will differ in their moral judgments. No man is infallible, not even the Pope of Rome as some folks would believe, much less “A Professor.” “A Professor” ought to ask the trustee who gave consent, and not Mr. Wallace, who does not control the church, outside of his own services. “A Professor” ought to know that Methodist ministers do not hold the property in trust for the society as do trustees. G. Wallace had no objections and no trustee offered any, political or religious. It is presumed that “A Professor’s” idea of politics is the spontaneous erection of his party—bristles in hostile attitude to others who are not of his party. The innocent term politics, is frequently made a pretext to vent ill-nature and morbid spleen, on many occasions, when blind hissing bigotry lies concealed behind the flimsy and thin covering. Politics, sir, is as pure a system of moral principles as ever God revealed and enjoined on moral government, in their relations to each other, as families, communities or nations. Blind, purblind is the man who thinks that politics, eliminated from the filth and slime of low intrigue and party views, is too pure to be handled by good men and good women.

We would whisper in the ear of “A Professor” that politics is that system of government which embraces every principle of duty required in the Christian religion. Politics is the outgrowth and practical application of the divine code given in the decalogue and incorporated in the teaching of the Great Master himself. The principles of this science ramify the family, the state, and the whole society of the race. Its branches entwine the individual in all his relations to other beings like himself. There can hardly be a sermon preached but what politics are in some of its branches, are more or less discussed, though not recognized by the hearer, nor always by the minister himself.

Wallace is not a mouthing politician in the degraded sense of the term, but be believes in the divine rights of every human being, without respect to age, color or sex. – Homo.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 6, Number 1507, March 23, 1877


Trinidad, March 21, 1877 -I learn that Marcus L. Peterson, of Las Tejeras, joined the Mormon church some time ago, and is now successfully engaged in proselytizing the Mexicans to the doctrines of the latter day saints. He is said to have converted about forty to those doctrines, and will soon migrate with them to the more congenial clime of Utah, where a plurality of wives may be enjoyed together with woman suffrage and other new fangled doctrines. The democratic party of this county will lose forty votes by tills migration. In Utah women vote.

(goes on with some racist slurs against Mexicans but not in connection with suffrage)

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 6, Number 1508, March 24, 1877

The Ohio prohibitionists have taken most of the current “isms” under their special charge. They have adopted a platform favoring the prohibition of the liquor traffic; opposing the employment in the public service of persons who sell liquor or are addicted to the habit of drinking liquor; demanding female suffrage and compulsory education, and favoring the use of the bible as a text book in the public schools, and the observance of the Christian Sabbath. The matter of dress reform and compulsory vaccination have been postponed until next season.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 6, Number 1509, March 25, 1877

La Veta.

[From our special correspondent.]

La Veta, March 22—The weather is delightful, and tbe surroundings already begin to assume a verdant aspect. Dr. C. A. Washington’s large stock of drugs, fixtures, etc., were sold today at public auction, on a writ of execution. Fun, faucy and frolic were indulged in here last night by a couple of our ‘society” young ladies, who took into their heads the representation of the , male character, by habilitating themselves accordingly, and as Messrs. Johnson and Jones, they took the town in, accompanied by a corporal’s guard , of the Y. M. C. A. Although many longing ad wistful eyes were cast upon the fair impersonators, and their bumps were sufficiently displayed, it is a matter of opinion as to whether— well, I’ll say nothing more this time. Talking of bumps reminds me of Free-no-lo-gy! Our town has lately been infested with one of those agitators called “bumpologists.” Besides his weakness and peculiarity of “laying on hands,” be has an affectionate leaning towards the ardent, from which result he ofttimes becomes mixed in his delineations of character and disposition. Your correspondent attended one of his lectures, last Tuesday evening, but being called away on business deputized a friend to take notes of any item of interest which might transpire. The following is his report: Among the noted lumps of Intelligence, exhibited on the “anxious seat,” wishing a chart of character which they wanted a stranger to proclaim, were Judge Toffelmire, Prof. Morton, J. W. Hamm, F. L. Martin, F. L. Proctor and C. W. Alexander,

The Judge was defined as a very “oyster’ man, would make a good governor, schoolmaster, or confidence man, or a good exponent of the female suffrage question!

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 6, Number 1511, March 28, 1877

Trinidad Items.

Trinidad, March 24 — Knowing that correspondence from any part of tbe state is always welcome to you, no matter from whose pen it originates, I will give you the news of this town and vicinity in as few lines as possible.

Owing to tbe disappointment of numerous candidates for tbe postmastership, and the fact that woman suffrage has recently been introduced here, it is now proposed to start an opposition post office, and put a lady postmistress into it. Revenge is sweet.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 6, Number 1525, April 13, 1877

Temperance and female suffrage are attracting the attention of Cañonites.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 6, Number 1526, April 14, 1877


Mrs. Shields, of Colorado Springs, lectured in Ula one evening last week, on the subject of woman suffrage. The audience was large and appreciative. She handled the subject skillfully, though I have not learned of any converts being made on the occasion.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 6, Number 1537, April 27, 1877

suffrage for people in Washington D.C. under discussion by the president.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1547, May 9, 1877

As far as we can learn not one female exercised the right of suffrage at the school election here on Monday. That is good evidence how very anxious the ladies of Pueblo are for the right to vote.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1564, May 29, 1877


WOMAN SUFFRAGE How about the coming question upon which the state is to take a ballot next fall? The cry of the sufferers already resound from the flesh and the rostrum, and young voters who have an inkling to go back on their cause will be made to tremble in their boots when forced to submit to the condition of a button-hole encounter with his society dear. Wonder if Denver will cast her nine thousand votes for the oppressed women of Colorado as, she did for the constitution ? Keep an eye on her old lady — she has not been oiled thoroughly since July MRS. SHIELDS OF COLORADO SPRINGS. Thislady made her second appearance in the Quaker city a short time ago. She carries woman’s political equality and religion all in the same bundle ; crowds it into the old and new testament and bungles it up in a manner that would shock a Hindoo juggler. The Idea of attempting to reconcile the minds of a voting populace in the cause of woman suffrage by the introduction of Paul’s writings or the Mosaic law, is mighty thin, and presumes a great deal upon the ignorance of a bible reading people. Madam, don’t take such a load. Young persons should be a little careful and not injure their growing constitutions. Do not pervert, misquote, or slide over the old book, in order to make it stick to your case ; better assume, as some ofthe clerical fraternity also advocale woman’s rights, that the gospel law as originally handed down for the government of women is not appropriate to their case to-day. (Just so.) What would have been the result if on coming around on review day old sinner Paul had found retained on the Corinthian general’s staff such soldiers of the cross as now itinerate about the country peddling the gospel and distributing sensational tracts from female lobbyists upon general politics, and advocating street prayer meetings in the cause of whisky temperance, armed with sledge hammers and ark scenes, attacking every suspicious looking [illegible] beer bottle in all private as well as public houses, teaching wonderful truths to the great mass of our benighted people, and doing a land office business in calling sinners to repentance–just now. The antis up this way contemplate, if the bible is the instrument to be applied in the case, bringing out Mr. Cramer:, who is a strong dissenter to their cause, as a leader in the war. He can sling a ponderous sledge hammer argument. His biblical scythe is exceedingly sharp, and moweth the largest stalks in the field. He has dealt them some heavy blows of late in public debate, and scooped them every lime. He can quote passages from the beginning of Genesis to the end of lime, and re-serve enough to overturn the whole abortive scheme of woman in her oily attempt to undermine man’s political fame[?]. your correspondent has given this great[?] question in connections with the bible much serious thought, and as a free thinker and an old citizen of Colorado, and wishing to make a woman’s cause his [??] has come to the conclusion that if old Paul, Moses, and a score of other old demagogues, are to lay down the law to govern the Intelligent [???????] christian women of the nineteenth century, the sooner old Gabriel too [?] [?]is o[?] home to call us from [?]ime in bo??dle? eternity, the better it will be for us poor miserable worms of the earth. Ever ready to aid In the cause of suffering humanity, I remain yours.most obediently, NIL DESPERANDUM.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1584, June 21, 1877

The New Territory.

The movement for the formation of a new territory out of the southern portion of Colorado and the northern counties of New Mexico gains favor daily among the people of this region. When we say the people, me mean those who pay the taxes and bear the burdens of citizenship, not those who hold and expect to hold state offices and fatten at the public crib. This is a movement which has originated among the people, not among the politicians, and is a scheme devised by long headed, thinking men, in order to bring about the formation of a territory, where the interests of the people are identical and where they can enjoy a cheap and reliable administration of the laws without being ground to the earth by outrageous taxation.

It is not the desire of the promoters of this movement to form a new state, we have had state enough in ours to last us for some time, and the only possible advantage we can discover arising from statehood at present accrues to the political shysters of the northern part of the state who hold fat offices and are paid by the people. Had it not been for the clamor created in the south when the salary bill was pending in the legislature the barber shop statesmen and cross roads politicians who occupy the state offices would have received salaries twice too large, and further, ground down the people by onerous taxation.

The question of woman suffrage will be brought before the people at the general election during the coming fail. We, of the south, are almost unanimous in our opposition to this foolish scheme, but in the north it is favored and supported for the purpose of enabling that section to forever outvote us and continue the state of political bondage in which our people have been held ever since the organization of the territory. The state was foisted upon the people by outrageous frauds in the north, and, mark our words, if the people of the southern portion of the state are not up and doing, the same game will be played upon us in the woman suffrage matter. Here, no respectable woman desires to dabble in politics, while in the north these crowing hens abound, and on the day of election the most respectable lady in the country will jostle the brazen faced, painted harlot in the mad race to exercise the manly privilege of voting.

Among the newspapers of Southern Colorado we find little opposition and much favor shown toward the movement. When any serious opposition is shown, it invariably comes from those who are enjoying or expect to enjoy official pap. We do not blame these gentlemen, self preservation is nature’s first law, and there are few men in this degenerate age whose patriotism is sufficiently powerful to occasion them to sacrifice their personal interests for those of the country at large. Such things cannot be expected until times improve and money becomes more plentiful.

Our dear friends who compose the little close corporation in Denver and its neighborhood, which manages the state of Colorado, should not be unhappy that the southern portion of the state desires to part company with the north. These gentlemen have been scheming and working for an increase of territory with a perseverance and determination worthy of the czar in his desire to make a meal of Turkey. They want a piece of Wyoming, and are still working vigorously to obtain it. This, it is to be presumed they will get, as they generally do everything they go after, (except, perhaps, that Insurance commissioner matter,) and then Colorado will still be quite a large state, even after the proposed new territory of San Juan has been cut off from it.

Our political masters up north are inclined to sneer at this movement for a new territory .and make light of it as a matter that cannot be accomplished, but the movement has friends at headquarters which they dream not of, and will be advocated by one of the shrewdest and most active political managers at present living in the United States.

Let the friends of the scheme then organize in every town and precinct in Southern Colorado and Northern New Mexico, let the organization be made perfect, and at the proper time a convention be called to meet at some central point to devise ways and means for carrying out our plans.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1585, June 22, 1877

The friends of female suffrage propose to hold a grand Fourth of July demonstration at Colorado Springs A fine dinner, patriotic and woman suffrage speeches, good music, strawberries, ice cream and lemonade comprise the bill of fare for the occasion. Mrs. Margaret W. Campbell is announced as one of the speakers of the day. A large excursion party will be on hand from Denver and everybody is invited.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1586, June 23, 1877


Tenth—Tub race and other amusements. Tub race to take place at Thomas’ Lake, immediately in the rear of the park. The committee earnestly request the business men of the city to close their respective houses, to the end that there may be a proper observance of “the day we celebrate.” They also request that the people of Pueblo, South Pueblo and Pueblo county will put in an early appearance with well filled baskets for themselves and friends. In the evening the newly elected governor of San Juan and his guards will arrive by a special train. He will be escorted to the capital building by an immense torchlight procession headed by the Pueblo cornet baud, where he will deliver his inaugural address. Several female bolters from the “Colorado Springs Woman Suffrage strawberry Picnic Convention” will be present and address the meeting.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1590, June 28, 1877

Fourth of July Carnival. Pueblo has as lively a lot of young men, and old ones too, for that matter, as can be found west of the Missouri, and they intend to give the Fourth of July such a whooping up this year that the youngest hoodlum in the city will refer to the ’77 Fourth when be becomes a gray-headed grandaddy. The carnival doings will be rich, and the tub race will be the great nautical feat of the year. The following is the carnival programme : The Governor of San Juan will arrive on special train over the “ Bananna line,” at 9 o’clock r. m., when he will, be received by the citizens, The procession will be formed in the following order: 1. Band, headed by the world renowned musical director of the Prussian army, Herr Fritz Tomblinkenstafenstaufeukraushorn Grasshoppersufferer. 2. His Excellency The Governor of San Juan and escort, with foreign ambassadors from Colorado. 3. Delegation from the Woman’s Suffrage Strawberry Picnic Convention. 4. Allegorical representation. 5. Citizens on foot and in carrriages 8. Fire departments from the different cities in the state. 7. Visiting military organizations from across the border. The procession will form at the depot, and march down Second street to Santa Fe avenue, up Santa Fe avenue to Tenth street, from Tenth street to Main street, down Main street to Seventh street, up Seventh street to Santa Fe avenue—thence to the Limdell Hotel, where His Excellency the Governor of San Juan, will address the people, after which Susan B. Anthony and Olive Logan will present their peculiar views. The Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary of the capitol of Colorado, will deliver a congratulatory address, after which His Excellency will bold a levee. The exercises in front of the hotel will be interspersed by vocal and instrumental music

All parties desirous of signing the roll of masqueraders will please give their names to Mr. Edward Card, at the post office, at as early a day as possible, that an estimate of the number of lanterns, &c., may be procured, &c.

same again in July 1, 3, and 4

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1593, July 1, 1877

The Female Suffragists expect to have a big procession on the Fourth at Colorado springs. A large excursion from Denver will participate.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1598, July 8, 1877


… In the afternoon the Woman’s Suffrage Club held forth to a large crowd in the public school building. Speeches were made by their self-styled “warhorse” Mrs. Campbell, Rev. Blodgett, and others , and at intervals the band made things lively with some of their soul-stirring strains. In the evening the subject of woman suffrage was again taken up, this time in the enclosure of the present location of the college, where ice cream lemonade, candy and all the good things you get on such occasions were provided. Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Shields, Judge Lucy, Major McAllister, Rev. Blodgettt, John Potter, Ben Crowell, and several others, were called upon to address those assembled, to which they responded cheerfully, especially Judge Lucy.

Trinidad, July 12, 1877

Our friend Sturges is calmly awaiting his commission as governor of Baton territory, and in the meantime is engaged in solving the conundrum— Does fitness for the county judgeship make fitnessfor  the candidate for that office? He wants to know how the candidates for county judge stand on the woman suffrage question. Would it not be wise to ascertain first who are the candidates for that office, or will be.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1619, August 2, 1877


The San Juan Ladies Won’t Have It—Meetings at Del Norte and Other Points. Del Norte, July 29 -A topic which is sought to be forced upon the attention of the people of Southwestern Colorado, is having a rather one-sided discussion, that is, the advocates of woman suffrage are doing most all the talking. Mrs. Margaret W. Campbell, accompanied by her husband, is making a tour of important towns, giving lectures, distributing documents, and soliciting funds to conduct the approaching canvass, but with all the arts and appliances brought to bear, it has been impossible to stir up any excitement. In Lake county the meetings were a failure. At Saguache the advertised meeting was a small one, and the following sentiment was strongly expressed—“We shall vote against the proposition because our wives and sisters do not wish to vote : they are opposed to the measure and we shall act in unison with their wishes.” At Del Norte, a place rated at fifteen hundred inhabitants, twenty-seven adults, by actual count, attended the lecture, and nine of these were strangers. The contributions, although a most earnest application was made for monied help, were less than five dollars. No excuse could be made for non-attendance, as there was no other meeting being held on the evening in question, and notice had been given by hand bills and advertisement for two days previous. At the close of the meeting an announcement was made of a meeting on the Tuesday evening following, but when the time arrived it was found that no further announcement had been made, nor any arrangement for room and lights. So the proposed meeting went by default, there being a happy excuse afforded by the prevalence of a light rain. Mrs. Campbell journeyed to Conejos to endeavor to secure the co-operation of Lieutenant-Governor Head in influencing the Mexican vote of Conejos, Costilla and other counties. It has not transpired what success she had, but judging from past political experiences, it could not have been flattering. From Del Norte Mrs. Campbell and husband have journeyed across the range to interview the miners of the Western slope and solicit contributions. Judging from the expressions of leading and influential ladies throughout the San Juan country, the vote will be decidedly opposed to the ‘ Question of the hour.’ If the ladies desired it to pass, then there would be no doubt a decided majority in favor of the amendment. Women in the San Juan country are so few as compared with the male population, that it is a noticeable fact that their wishes are deferred to, their opinions consulted and their influence is paramount. Nowhere in the world could there be more chivalrous devotion, greater protecting care exercised, and nowhere are women more self-sustaining and self-reliant than in this comparatively new country. MANIFOLD.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1631, August 16, 1877

To oblige a lady we publish a communication on the subject of woman suffrage in our issue to-day. We have no sympathy whatever with the movement and are of the opinion that ninetenths of our readers are in the same position. When the dear ladies are willing to accept the responsibilities of citizenship as well as the privileges perhaps we will think differently.

Woman Suffrage.

Lake City, August 15.—A communicated article regarding suffrage In San Juan, appeared in a late number of the CHIEFTAIN, in which so many mis-statements were made, that it b but a matter of justice to give the other side.

The first statement, “ Topic sought to be forced,” “One sided discussion,” etc., can have but one reply. If bringing it before the people by public speaking, distributing documents, or in any other legitimate way is forcing it upon the public, why Abraham Lincoln’s abolition of slavery, and every other question of national interest that has ever come to us, has been forced upon the people, and why not this equally important one of suffrage.  And if the “ Suffragists are doing all the talking,’”! doubt not it is for the reason once given me by a prominent citizen of Denver, at a time when I was gradually slipping into the principles I now hold faithfully. I asked anxiously, “ Why does not some one say a good word on the other side? I have heard so many strong arguments in favor of suffrage, and such frivolous ones against that I would really rather hear something against it.” Judge — replied with a dignity that showed firm belief in his own words, “ Madam you will never hear it, for there is nothing to be said.”

As for the tour of Mr. and Mrs. Campbell being a failure, I can say, and know whereof I speak, it is untrue. They did not come expecting to create a wild enthusiasm, but to learn the country and the people, and by organizing co-operating committees on whom they could depend for aid, distributing tracts (these tracts bearing many of the most honored names in the United States) at every ranch and mountain gulch to set the people thinking and thus prepare the way for those who are to come after. This they are doing with a tireless energy that commends warm admiration.

While it is true that the audience at Del Norte was small, (though I am told by a lady present that there were a hundred of the best people in the town there), yet the lecture was given and an interest awakened that will spread, and a half dozen most excellent names given for a co-operative committee. That “ light rain” the second evening was a regular Colorado pour, such as would daunt even strong minded women.

At Eureka, Howardsville, and Silverton, nearly ever person in the camp turned out, many coming for a distance of two or three miles. At one small camp across the range a prominent man of San Juan told Mrs. Campbell that he was doing all he could to help the cause, and that he had twenty-five men in his employ on whom he could depend for favorable votes to a man in October next. Another at Eureka Gulch said he knew at least fifty who were strong advocates. At isolated ranches that would not be reached by one traveler in fifty, from two to six would be found. Down in the Mexican settlement it was whispered ‘‘You pay for drinks, you get many votes.” But imagine Mrs. Campbell carrying a keg of beer and a bottle of whisky on her _burro_ (?), or standing at a bar dealing out liquor to buy Mexican votes ! Why Manifold himself, with his strict temperance principles, would look more at home.

At Lake City no finer audience was ever assembled that which gathered to hear Mrs. Campbell. There was not sitting room in the court house for all, and many stood throughout the lecture. The closest attention was given to every word, and when the tracts were distributed men would rise by dozens and reach for one lest he should be left.

And so it is throughout the San Juan country. I do not mean to say that we have no opposition, nor that we may not possibly lose the fall election, but I do say that this is a question that will not be sneered out of existence. The Hon. Alva Adams admitted as much when he told Mrs. Campbell that he was glad the question was to be submitted this year instead of next, for he thought it would be easier defeated. He is a wise politician and clear sighted enough to see that in another year we would win in spite of all opposition.

There are the usual three classes of opponents to fight—the indifferent, short sighted class, who care only for self interest and do not look very far ahead tor that ; the narrow minded contemptibly prejudiced, and a few high minded persons who are honorably convinced that we are wrong. The last named we meet in the same spirit, and heartily respect them, though it be their voles that defeat us in the end. The first we deem a great misfortune —that dead weight that has attached itself to every grand and noble movement the world has ever yet made to throw off any evil. The other class we view from serene heights, and as for any attempt to convince them—why, we can only think of Mother Goose’s melodious rhyme:

Bah! bah! black sheep, have you any wool?

Yes, sir, I have three bags full.

One for the master,one for the dame,

But none for the little boy crying In the lane

“The San Juan men are chivalrous and will do as the ladies wish,” did Manifold say. Very well, gentlemen, please us all by voting for suffrage.  That will give every lady a chance to obey her husband (one of the strong opposing arguments, I believe.) and to do as she wishes. Those whose husbands desire them to stay at home and who wish to do so, have the privilege for no one is obliged to vole. And those of us whose husbands have such foolish faith as to think their wives capable to go with them in every walk of life, and pure enough to resist any contamination, will have an opportunity to obey our husbands and please ourselves. Remember, there is no chivalry in giving ladies their wishes only when they happen to coincide with your own. The truly chivalrous man will even lay aside a pet prejudice that he may have the honor of pleasing a lady. How much more when the laying aside of a prejudice will grant the simple justice or making the life struggle an equal chance for women as for men.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1645, September 1, 1877

The friends of the female suffrage movement seemed determined to inaugurate an active campaign this fall. Several eminent lecturers, male and female, have been secured, who will address the people of the various cities and towns of the stale, under the auspices of the Woman Suffrage Association of Colorado, which has its headquarters at Denver. We have received a letter from an officer of that body stating that Mrs. Lucy Stone and Mr. H. B. Blackwell of Boston, will address the people of Pueblo on Tuesday evening, September 4th, upon the question of equal suffrage. Mrs. Stone is well known as one of the earliest advocates of female suffrage in America and as a speaker on this subject has few equals and no superiors. Her lecture will no doubt be an exceedingly interesting one, and we have no doubt will draw a large audience, not only of those who are friendly to the movement, but others who desire to hear both sides of the question and give the matter a fair and impartial consideration. The time and place of the meeting will he announced in due time.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1648, September 5, 1877

Mrs. Lucy Stone and Mr. J. B. Blackwell lectured on female suffrage in Chilcott’s Hall last night. A good audience attended, but we fear motives of curiosity prompted most of those present, and but few converts were made.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1649, September 6, 1877 

Judy’s commentary:  apparently unable to persuade the women of southern Colorado that they did not want suffrage, the Chieftain then decided to terrorize the women of the upper classes (who had more time to agitate for suffrage) that the poor would take over the world if women got the vote.

Woman Suffrage.

Whilst not entering upon a full discussion of the question of woman suffrage, we cannot fail to be impressed with the necessity of a general yielding of the present agitation, to the more pressing needs of the hour; especially as these needs demand a prior consideration, and until met and adjusted, any extension of the franchise to woman would only Increase existing evils and make it more difficult to apply the remedy. With the present extended franchise, the work of reform presents almost insuperable difficulties. in view of which the labors and influence of the men and women at present agitating the above question, should be wholly diverted and given to the more serious question of redeeming the country from wrongs that a farther extension of the franchise will only aggravate.

The bad effects of an extension of the franchise would, no doubt, be more severely felt in our large cities than in sparsely populated sections, as the aggregate of the irresponsible and uneducated vote, so largely detrimental to these popular centers, would be much increased. We all know that the governments of our cities are municipal failures, and the result, as all are beginning to admit, of the controlling vote of the irresponsible and non-property holding class of these places. As a rule, the class are the minions of corrupt politicians, rewarded for their partisan efforts by positions on the police force, and the thousand and one petty offices in the gift of the ring. It needs no further statement to impress upon our minds the corruption and misrule which such a state of things engenders. Business men, counting the worth of their merchandise by thousands, property owners with their heavy investments in real estate, householders, occupying their paid for homes along the avenues and streets of these large towns; in a word, citizens having interests at stake, are out-voted by those who own no property, and with a recklessness peculiar to an irresponsible class, our cities are voted into the hands of men Who grow rich from office by bleeding the business and property interests to death. In this way such cities as New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and a host of others, have been governed to extravagance and ruin, and every little city of our laud that is aspiring to corporate honors, is following in the same wake. Even Denver, the reputed capital of the Centennial state, is gradually piling up obligations, which are aggregating to future troubles and terrible burdens, and the men to bear them, are apparently powerless to prevent it so long us irresponsible men in the way control the municipal government of our cities. The remedy for the failure of municipal rule is to deal with the matter fairly and justly. It is right that in state and congressional rule every man should have an equal vote, for in these two departments the political rights and interests of the citizen are merged. But in our city governments which exist for the general business, property and personal welfare and protection of the municipality, such rule, should be entirely removed from the sphere of politics and fairly adjusted to the situation. Instead of the vote being based on citizenship alone, the true welfare and prosperity of the city would be more surely secured by a vote on the basis of business, property and citizenship combined. This would give on ample check to the extravagance and jobbery which are now loading our cities with debt, and instead of the council chamber being a field for the political vulture, and the subordinate offices filled by unprincipled men, our city fathers would be found on the side of economy, and efficiency would mark every subordinate post.

From January 1st of this year up to July 1st, instead of the indebtedness of New York city being reduced, the debt has been Increased by one million eight hundred and sixty-eight thousand dollars; and this state of thing is not confined to the metropolitan city, but is spreading in most of our municipalities, and becoming a nightmare to every business man, property holder, and would be to every nonproperty man in these populous centers did he fully realize his true inter What effect would an extension of suffrage to woman be likely to have on the question ? Stop and think ye strong-minded of the opposite sex, and ye men that would rush heedlessly to sustain any question the fair sex would agitate. The irrcs|irresponsible class In our cities have wives and daughters. With whom would their sympathies be united ? and what an overwhelming mass of this class of our population, in these large centres, would be added to give strength to misrule, thus increasing the debt, corruption and ruin already so prevalent. Let every true woman turn from the suffrage movement, and wives and daughters strengthen the hands of their husbands and brothers, first, to remedy the evils referred to, and then instead of an extension of the franchise help to Improve the present vote of the male citizen, by establishing it on an educational basis; and should it appear wise to the improved condition of the country, to extend the franchise to woman, no doubt the award will be made.

Let the thinking voter take a look at the situation at home, here in Southern Colorado. Perhaps one-sixth of our female population are intelligent women who can read and write, at least, and understand the political questions of the day. What are the remainder? Cast your eye around in some of our southern counties and see. Haven’t we enough of that class of voters at present whose suffrage can be purchased with a drink of whisky or a twenty-five cent shinplaster, or would you have more? Would this class of female voters “elevate the polls?” We think not much. Few of the respectable portion of the female voters would turn out on election day, but, rest assured, the other kind would be on hand on all occasions and for any purpose no matter how venal or corrupt.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1649, September 6, 1877


It is a bad thing for a politician to talk too much as regards the intentions of his party. It leaked out tiie other day from a prominent advocate of female suffrage in the northern part of the state that the reason why so many of the northern politicians are advocating the scheme is that the north has a great many wore women than the south, and the game now is to enfranchise the woman so as to perpetuate the preponderance of the voting power of the north over the south, and thus continue to manage the state government, as at present, in the interest of the former to the exclusion of the latter. The trick is a smart one, but a little thin. If southern politicians have their own interests in view they had better take care that all tickets are printed “Against female, suffrage.”

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1651, September 8, 1877

Those remarkable associated press telegrams with reference to the wonderful progress of the cause of female suffrage in Southern Colorado and the warm reception given to Mrs. Lucy Stone and H. B. Blackwell, are sent by Mr. Blackwell. Our readers can draw their own conclusions.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1654, September 12, 1877

The negroes of Denver are holding anti-female suffrage meetings.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1655, September 13, 1877



Tom Field and H. B. Blackwell.

Many of the readers of the Colorado newspapers have no doubt been led, through the medium of the glowing telegrams sent to the associated press by Mr. H. B. Blackwell, Lucy Stone’s husband, to believe that the whole country south of the divide is blazing with enthusiasm over the new movement, and that unheard of majorities will be certainly given in favor of extending the suffrage to females. To let the gas out of this wonderfully inflated bubble requires only a pin prick, and the following little story will illustrate how it is done. Mrs. Stone and Mr. Blackwell went to Garland to speak in favor of their pet hobby. They are rather a nice looking old couple, and being introduced to Mr. Tom Field, he, with his usual politeness, especially where there is a lady concerned, kindly offered the use of an empty store-room belonging to his firm, wherein to hold the meeting. When the audience gathered, Mr. Field introduced tbe speakers in a flowery oration. Tbe meeting was a good sized one, as there Is a large floating population at Garland, to whom a female orator would be a natural curiosity, and hence every idle man in town attended.

After the meeting closed and everybody had left the hall except Mrs. Stone. Mr. Blackwell, Mr. Field, and our well known correspondent Mr. W. Holly, Mr. Blackwell requested that Mr. Field would take charge of the cause at Garland, telling him that the way in which the friends of the measure hoped to carry tbe outside districts was by the carelessness of the voters in not having their tickets printed either for or against female suffrage and thus allowing the matter to go by default and be carried by the votes of the elect up north.

Mr. Field listened attentively, and when Mr. Blackwell finished, said:

“ Well, sir, if you want somebody to attend to this matter here you had better find some one who is favorable to female suffrage?”

“Ain’t you in favor of it?” cried Blackwell excitedly.


“Why not ?”

Because my wife told me not to be!” came out in Tom’s unmistakable Missouri drawl.

Mr. Blackwell waxed exceeding wroth, and after dancing around a while he and Field and Holly laid their heads together and could not find one man in that whole section favorable to female suffrage.

And yet from the glowing telegram sent with regard to that meeting, one would suppose that the whole country were ready to rise en masse against the “tyrant man!”

In justice to Mr. Holly and also to save his scalp from the hands of the male and female Philistines who favor the female suffrage movement, we would beg leave to state that he did not tell us this story, but it came from entirely another direction.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1656, September 14, 1877

Most of the advocates of female suffrage come from Massachusetts, and nearly all of the money to run the campaign In Colorado comes from that state. The question naturally arisesWhy do not the people of Massachusetts try the experiment at home, and then if it turns out to be a good thing the people of Colorado will advocate its adoption here. We cannot afford to have our young commonwealth made a field in which to test Massachusetts isms, and would prefer to see the people of that state try some of their own medicine first before administering it to us.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1657, September 15, 1877

3 items on page 4 of the same newspaper, not immediately next to each other but nearby and in this order:

General Sam Browne, of Denver, will address the people of Pueblo in favor of female suffrage at Chillcott’s Hall to-night.

Miss Susan B. Anthony went south this morning on a lecturing tour in favor of her pet hobby, female suffrage.

Female Suffrage In Wyoming.

A correspondent of the Denver Tribune, writing from Cheyenne, gives the following account of the workings of female suffrage in Wyoming:

The influence of the female vote in this territory, where they vote, Is unfelt. They at least have accomplished nothing toward advancing morality.

There are more saloons, harlots, gamblers, Sabbath-breakers, loafers, bilks, dead beats and bad boys in this city than any place of its size in the world.

The literary tastes may be inferred by standing at any news depot and seeing the sales of Police Gazette, Jolly Jokers, Days Doings, and novels of the grade of those which appear in the Ledger and New York Weekly.

There is outside of Harpers’ Magazine and Scribner’s, hardly a magazine sold at all, The public library is in debt $75, but interest is not taken in it to the extent of saving it from being held fur the debt.

The city and county governments are badly and expensively administered, while the courts are too ridiculous to be burlesqued by negro minstrels. We could have exchanged judiciaries with South Carolina in their worst times, and given boot.

Our newly elected legislature is made up of men from both parties, but the members are conspicuous for their want of every desirable qualification for law makers, if I make one or two exceptions. As jurors women are utterly rejected, whether justly or not I do not know. I, myself, am not unconditionally commuted to either the affirmative or the negative of this great question. But I am sure that Impartial and careful examination of it here, in its birth-place, will not bear out the assertion of the ladles, and their long haired. short-witted champions, that a millenial [sic] state awaits that community which gives her daughters the right to vote.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1658, September 16, 1877

General Sam Browne’s lecture on female suffrage has been postponed one week on account of that gentleman’s Illness.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1664, September 23, 1877

“Ways That are Dark and Tricks That Are Vain.”

One of the main points of stock arguments of woman suffrage advocates for many years past has been that the extension of suffrage to women would eleve=ate the tone of the politics of the country, purify the ballot box and bring about a milleneum in the political world that would make the devious ways of politicians straight and clear the political pool of all its filthy abominations. This is a good string to harp upon, it is a sweet morsel for fools and an enticing bait for gudgeons, but unfortunately like all oth political demagogues the woman’s rights people forget to practice what they preach. Several little games have come to llght during the present canvass that show the finger marks of slippery politicians and the use of tactics worthy of Boss Tweed and his poiticall adherants. First and foremost comes the prsotitution of the associated press for the purpose of sending buncomb reports of woman suffrage meetings all over the country. Numerous telegrams were sent from this section by the friends of the cause, every lecturer having by some means received authority to send such reports as he or she chose to write, coloring them to suit the occasion. Where a fair audience collected at any place to see Susan B. Anthony or Lucy Brown, just as they would gape open mouthed at a recently imported gorilla od Conant’s “Solid Mul eteer,” and after listening to the remarks of the speaker stole silently away, the meeting was reported to the associated press as being “numerously attended and very enthusiastic.” This sort of thing has been repeated ad nausseum until the people are disgusted and the newspapers have commenced to enter protest against its further con-???? A night or two since ??? where a handfill of people ???????? to listen in solumn silence to the dreary and oft repeated platitudes of a paid speaker. and where the audience kept dwindling away during the entire address, the meeting was reported as being large and enthusiastic and that much of the seed had been sown in good ground where it would bring forth a hundred fold. The truth of the mat–ter was that no interest whatever was excited and not a convert made as far as can be learned. Another little game, which we presume will have a tendency to “elevate the polls,” has come to our notice in a neighboring county. The law requires that the ballots cast at the election shall contain the words “Woman suffrage approved” or “Woman suffrage not approved,” as the case may be. The friends of enfranchising the downtrodden female are having ballots printed containing the words, “Against Woman Suffrage,” for the purpose of deceiving the opponents of the movement into voting ballots which will be

of no effect whatever, and thus reduce . the strength of the oppoaitiou. Such dirty ilittle games as these, the the strength of the opposition Such dirty little games as these, the offspring of a lot of political ab??tedn? who are connected with the movement to carry out their own ends and which bear the ??? marks of old political hacks, scarcely show as strong a desire as might be expected to clear the political atmosphere of its impurities or to “elevate the polls” In a manner satisfactory to all concerned. Prominently connected with ‘The movement is one gentleman, who one of the lady speakers characterized in conversation as a shifty politician. (Most all the men engaged In it seem to have such tendencies.) She also said that this man could do little good for the cause. He seems to be the chief engineer of all of these petty deceits,but the trouble with him is the :same that affects those whom he would enfranchise—his tongue Is too long. He tells bis schemes, to the wrong parsons, and seems to labor under the delusion that every man who goes to listen to a female advocate of’ women’s rights thoroughly believes in the measure. In this way :many of these little games have been exposed. If the friends of female suffrage wish to make the people of Colorado believe that they are honest in their pretended desire to purge polities of all of their objectlonal features they must Inaugurate some other mode of carry ing on their campaign rather than the ancient hackneyed clap-trap which has been used by politicians for the past century. Let the suffragists themselves set the example of honesty In politics and then perhaps the outside world may be led to believe that they are In earnest in what they say. and not a party of tricksters like unto all other politicians. – .

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1665, September 25, 1877

Woman Suffrage. PUEBLO,, September 24—The advocates of woman suffrage have had their own way so far, and have of course been making a good deal of noise which they Intend shall be taken for rousing enthusiasm in their behalf. That they have in a measure succeeded is sufficiently shown by the course of some old demagogues in Denver who were at first silent and suspicious, and are now shrieking for suffrage like an old band at the bellows. When you find old politicians like George Miller, Sam Browne and W. B. Mills snorting around about woman’s rights, you may know that they think their bread is buttered on that side. If the thing should carry, of course the man who has given her the right will have the best claim to the female vote, and when a fellow wants to go to congress, or some other good place, every vote will count. But after all the uproar, there are some reasons for withholding tbe ballot from woman, which will probably have some weight with sensible men, when they come to vote on the question. The first proposition in the declaration of independence and all other maxims asserting the equality of everybody, have not changed the laws of creation, and woman will still remain quit* different from man. Say what you will about sauce for the goose and gander, there is a difference between them, even when they eat the same sauce, and they cannot occupy the same place in the journey of life. N man who is worthy of the name ever treats a woman as he treats other men, nor can any woman deal with men as she deals with her own sex. For this reason each class is in all material pursuits widely separated. In social life the sexes mingle freely and find the highest pleasure in each other’s society; but in business matters, where greed and selfishness control, and the strongest always wins, they cannot meet on equal terms. A woman in business must acquire the qualities of a man or retire from the field. She must become hard, exacting, and often mean, in order to meet the like qualities with which she is competing, and this she usually finds to be impossible. If she succeeds she will be something to fear, but the fellow who can love her will be very hungry, indeed. So in politics, it is nonsense to say that woman may enter the field as men do and submit themselves to the wild passions of the hour. It is not in their nature to do it, and whenever they become capable of it may the Lord take a liking to them, for no finite being will be able to do so. At a recent election in Cheyenne it is stated that separate polling places were opened for the accommodation of woman voters, probably because they were unable or unwilling to go to the places that were thronged by men; and If they are to vote at all this is clearly the only practicable way. Think of Mr. A. approaching the lovely Mrs. B. and making oath that C., the candidate, is a first class full-blown, doublebreasted scoundrel, who is seeking to destroy the republic. Would not that be a spectacle for gods and men? The fact mentioned as to the working of the suffrage movement in the land of its birth proves what was stated at first, that men and women cannot meet on equal terms except in social life. If a plainer satement [sic] of the truth is required, it may be sufficient to say that the sexual passion is the strongest element in human character. When men and women come iu contact or competition, the difference of sex, if it does not control, will strongly influence their conduct. If any one doubts this let him think of it for awhile and then answer. Does any one expect the husband and wife to oppose such other on public questions? If Patrick is in favor of whisky as a beverage, will Biddy declare for buttermilk ? After all, the extension of suffrage to women will not bring into politics any new element or influence, and that is the only ground upon which it can be supported. As amongst men, the ignorant and illiterate women far outnumber the intelligent class and to give them votes will multiply numbers without result.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1666, September 26, 1877

 two snippets, one after the other

“Grandma” Blackwell is still rendering the associated press ridiculous by his buncomb dispatches regarding female suffrage meetings.

In looking over the appointments of the female suffrage speakers, we find Pueblo left out for the remainder of campaign. For this and other mercies the Lord be praised.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1670, September 30, 1877

The female suffrage lecturers make speeches on Monday evenings. Do political meetings held on Sunday aid in bringing about that high toned morality which we are promised in case woman suffrage.

The woman suffragists have attempted to bolster up their weak cause in Pueblo by persistent and barefaced lies, sent by telegraph, that would do credit to the most unprincipled petty ward politician. We refer to the associated press reports forwarded from this city by the sneakers themselves With whom from fifty to seventy persons, two-thirds women and boys, make a “large and enthusiastic meeting” of voters. This systematic daci?? ???? ??? elevate the polls,” but we can’t see it. The end, perhaps, in their opinion, justifies the means.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1671, October 2, 1877


Judge Belford has joined the female suffrage party. Some of us who know how the Judge was bamboozled here once by the flimsiest spiritualistic fraud ever invented, will not wonder at his joining the ranks of the new lights. We refer to the Vail humbug.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1672, October 3, 1877


Woman Suffrage Defeated


Las Animas County: , from partial returns. . .There is a large majority against woman suffrage.

Costilla County, Woman suffrage vetoed.


Deer Trail, Woman suffrage not approved, 15 majority

CARR, There were 25 votes cast, 1 for suffrage and 24 against.

DUDLEY, Woman’s Suffrage approved 6 not approved 24

EL MORO, Greasers ahead on the suffrage question, 29 for, 135 against

Mt Lincoln Woman suffrage approved 5, not approved 10

GEORGETOWN, Election passed off very quietly.  The ladies took a prominent part in the result.  It will be morning before the votes are counted.  Woman suffrage will be defeated in this county 10 to 1.

BYERS Woman suffrage approved 22, not approved 9.


The election yesterday passed off quietly, and though there was little or no excitement much earnest work was done.  The vote polled was exceptionally light, several of the precincts not polling more than one-half the usual vote.  The tickets are nearly all badly scratched and split, making it almost impossible to form any idea as to which party won a victory.  The woman suffrage question {????] a Waterloo defeat as far as heard from in this and other southern counties.

Need to see a better copy of the paper.  This is badly marred and the numbers are unclear.

Precinct #2

Against 11

For 0

Majority Against 11

Precinct #5

Against 23?

For 0? 8?

Precinct #10

Against 46

For 6

Majority Against 40

South Pueblo

Against 119

For 12

Majority Against 107

Precinct No. 15

Against 21

For 1

Majority Against 20



Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1673, October 4, 1877


Costilla County: for female suffrage 37, against 230


The republican majority will reach 250 and the majority against woman suffrage 500.


Huerfano County

For woman suffrage 24, against, 184



Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1674, October 5, 1877


Gone Up.

To the thinking, conservative citizen, perhaps the most satisfactory feature of the late election is the overwhelming defeat of the efforts of certain windy fanatics to foist female suffrage upon the people of Colorado. Colorado being the youngest of all the states, and her people, having just escaped from the guardianship of the general government, presumably the most verdant In matters of statecraft, was considered by the female suffrage shriekers as an excellent place wherein to try experiments. They left their homes in New England to make a desperate effort to have their pet hobby inaugurated here, knowing that its evil effects would not be felt directly by themselves and utterly regardless of the injury which might be inflicted upon us. Massachusetts discarded them, Kansas disdainfully spat them out, and then they alighted in full force In Colorado. Their first strong effort was made here during the governorship of the great and good Ed. McCook. The scheme at that time was almost forced through the legislature, but a speech, one of the finest ever delivered on the subject, was made by the late Hon. Geo. A. Hinsdale in the territorial council, which completely demolished the arguments of the suffragisls and overwhelmingly defeated them. McCook, the chivalrous and valiant Edward, was so enraged at the failure of his pet scheme, that he filled himself with rum and bullied Gov. Hinsdale with a pistol in the streets of Denver. That backset quieted the matter for a while, and the movement showed its head no more until the meeting of the constitutional convention. Then the friends of female suffrage rallied again in force and “heifer-dozed” the convention into allowing a proviso to be Incorporated in the constitution requiring the people to vote upon the members, This was done because the members of the convention were bored to death by men in petticoats and women In pantaloons whore senseless gabble became an intolerable nuisance which it was necessary to abate to save some of the constitution makers from premature lunacy. When the republican state convention met, a plank favorable to female suffrage was Incorporated In the platform by an enthusiastic Denver gentleman who was a member of the committee on resolutions. In the confusion attending the closing scenes of the convention this plank was adopted among the others, but was Immediately smothered and never published. Upon the opening of the late campaign the suffrage party girded themselves for the conflict. The eastern slates were scoured and all of the crowing hens and clucking cocksiIn that region of advanced ideas were collected, brought west, and let loose like a flock of magpies upon the people of our state. Calling to their aid a few spavined, superannuated political bucks of native production, they penetrated every town, village and erase roads settlement in Colorado. The churches were prostituted for political meetings, the peace and silence of the Sabbath evenings were broken by their Insane screechings, bare faced lies were telegraphed all over the country and every trick known to the most unprincipled politician was brought into play to forward their ends. In the city of Denver women of good standing so far forgot the native modesty of their sex as to appear at the polls and electioneer in favor of their pet scheme. This alone should have been enough to disgust any respectable, well meaning man with the cause and its advocates, A great deal of good hard work was done, and if Grandma Blackwell is to be believed ”large and enthusiastic meetings of voters’’ were held in almost every city and town In the state. The friends of female suffrage had it all their own way, no effort beyond a speech or two in Denver having been made in opposition to them. After all of this effort what was the result? An overwhelming defeat, which ought to kill the movement for all time. This, however, we can hardly expect. “Cheek” is one of the principle attributes of female suffragists, and our people may expect to see the scheme advocated soon again. Go home Lucy stone, go home Grandma Blackwell Stone, depart Colonel Susan Boanerges Anthony, leave our gates Major Hindman, and ” bag your head” Judge Miller, the people of Colorado are not at present prepared for your advanced ideas. They are of the opinion that suffrage is sufficiently extended already and that woman’s true sphere is the center of the home circle and not at the polls or in the jury box.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1674, October 5, 1877


More results:

Precinct 12

Against 24

For 0


Against 45

For 3

Majority Against 42


Precinct No. 14

Against 18

For 4

Majority Against 14



Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1677, October 9, 1877

apparent letter to the editor


Good-by to the Female Tramps of Boston. Colorado Springs, October 8—The attempt of tbe people of one state to control the local politics of another, has never been so signally rebuked as as in the recent attempt of Massachusetts to fasten upon the people of Colorado tbe odious ahd demoralising principle of woman suffrage. Massachusetts. who has persistently scoffed at tbe idea of extending tbe right of suffrage to the females of that state, did not hesitate to raise large sums of money to corrupt and purchase a portion of our widely circulated newspaper press, and to send among us her most notorious female tramps, as well as others of like character, wherever they could be procured for money. These corrupting Influences were required, by their foreign employers, to pervade every part of the stale, where they were received with that quiet courtesy that bespeaks the silent emotion of contempt. Their arguments were listened to until conviction was conveyed to almost every mind that woman suffrage would lead with Inevitable certainty to the utter and complete destruction of the home circle. Cheyenne, the solitary city of the territory of Wyoming, numbers among her female voters over one hundred mported prostitutes, who through their right of suffrage already control the political government of that city, whose dance houses and gambling bells surpass in number and allurements other cities of many times their populations. These female tramps from Boston, Philadelphia, and other localities, that have corme and gone, in their exhibi–tions of oratory and arguments, fell far below the expectations of the people of Colorado, among which there were none who deemed their arguments worthy of a reply. They told us indirectly if evil resulted from this [?]gathering[?] of female suffrage, it would be confined to localities like New York, Chicago and other populous cities. It was humiliating to learn from their arguments that the triumph of female suffrage here, was to be used in fastening It upon other states; that the city of New York was to enjoy female suffrage at no very distant day, when no candidate of any political party could receive any part of the votes and support of the sixteen thousand public prostitutes of that clty, unless he became a frequenter of their [?]houses[?] and places of resort, with a liberal expenditure of electioneering ?????? – or milk dresses. Well, we have been awakened by these Alleway Nana to a knowledge of the dangers that would inevitably result from female suffrage, and it will be many years before Colorado elects another legislature who will authorize a vote upon the ques–tion of female suffrage. Should Massachusetts ever again undertake to manage the political affairs of a sister state, she should keep her wilted females at home, or send wlth them such protecting agents as have at least a character for truthfulness. Jimmy Blackwell, known in Southern Colorado as tbe carpet bag carrier of Grandma Stone, is one of the most solid, superb, and magnificent avoid ers of truth that ever ventured upon that branch of the fine arts; his brilliancy in this particular cannot but

command the admiration of all the readers of his campaign reports, and cause to rest uneasy in his winding sheet the traveler Gulllver. He is said to be a lineal descendant of Ichabod Blackwell, the inventor of the wood en nutmeg, whose horticultural skill enabled him to supply the army of the revolution with that commodity after the Oriental artcile had been cut off from the colonies by the maritime power of England. Good-bye Miss Lucy, good-bye Jimmy, good-bye all the female tramps that have honored us with their presence, end informed us of the dangers of female suffrage. May they return safely to their homes, recuperate and be randy to pounce upon our greaser brethren at the south as soon as they shall venture to leave their territorial probation. Good-bye girls. MUCILAGE


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1677, October 9, 1877


Lake City, Oct. 5

Women suffrage nowhere – defeated by a large majority. –U.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1678, October 10, 1877


The Kansas City _Journal_, In an article upon the late election in this state, says: “ The question of woman suffrage was warmly agitated, but the amendment conferring the franchise was defeated by a decisive vote. This is somewhat ominous for the cause, since woman suffragebeing in full operation in the neighboring territory of Wyoming, the people of Colorado have had a good opportunity to observe its workings and may be supposed to act more intelligently than any community which ever voted on the question before. The most eloquent and effective advocates of the cause, including Lucy Stone and Susan B. Anthony conducted the canvass, and must be greatly disheartened at the result. There is danger now that the country will accept the verdict of Colorado, and consider the question settled.”


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1679, October 11, 1877


Thanks, Mrs. Campbell! One Mrs. Margaret W. Campbell, wkoot the beginning of the woman suffrage campaign in this state, Inserted her shriveled limbs in a pair of her hen-pecked husband’s cast-off pan–taloons, and proceeded to shriek for the ballot for women, pays the following handsome compliment to the many intelligent conservative citizens of Colorado who took the liberty of casting their ballots la opposition to her pet scheme: “Our enemies are the ignorant, degraded and superstitious Mexicas of the south, under the leadership of his holiness, Bishop Macheboef, and the rumsellers, their customers, and the uneducated and uncultivated negroes of the north, under the self-constitu-ted leadership of Dr. Bliss.” No doubt many of our citizens who refused to aid the female suffrage scheme will feel highly flattered at the neat compliment paid them by this interesting, intelligent, modest, ladylike creature, and as this movement is likely to come up again some time or other, will certainly vote in favor of It on account of the gentle, persuasive eloquence of Mrs. Margaret W. Campbell, whose proper sphere would seem to be a stall In a fish market.



Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1680, October 12, 1877


City and Vicinity

Woman suffrage has been defeated by ten thousand majority, which is an evidence ot the good sense and sound judgment of the people of Colorado.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1682, October 14, 1877

A report from Lake city that talks about all sorts of people:

Col. S.N. Wood, late speaker of the Kansas house of representatives, with his family is also adjourning in Lake. His daughter Florence was married while I was in the city. Col. Wood took an active part In favor of female suffrage In Colorado. Mrs. Wood is the owner of several good mines in the vicinity of Lake.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1684, October 17, 1877

ULA, Oct. 15


Notwithstanding the severe and merited rebuke the female suffrage shriekers received In this locality, they seem determined not to give up the fight. Since the election a gentleman of Ula has received a letter from the Indomitable Susan B. Anthony, requesting him to circulate a petition for signatures, Importuning the next session of congress to submit a sixteenth amendment for adoption or rejection by thu legislatures of the different slates. She says petitions _must_ go up signed by a million of voters. The gentleman is now trying to find some one who ts in favor of the measure to place the matter In his hands. We earnestly hoped they would give us a rest after the election; but alas, for human hopes. As well hope for no wore storms upon old Sangre de Cristo, or for Custers, of the Roslta _Index_, to quit disgusting his very few readers with his puerility, os to hope for a ‘rest as long as these strong-minded tramps are allowed to remain outside the lunatic asylum. l am reliably informed the citizens of Roslta are contemplating holding an indignation meeting, the object of which is to request him to step down and out.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1686, October 19, 1877


Lake County

We found the Brown creek store in charge of Mrs. Evans, a lady who understands business but is no advocate of female suffrage.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1691, October 25, 1877



Notes on Farming and Beaver Creeks

Turkey Creek, October 23 Well, the election is over and woman suffrage has had an effectual stopper. I suppose that Lucy Blackwell, Doctor Stone and the balance of that ilk, will get mad and buck around some, particularly Lucy. for they say she hasn’t been broke yet. I wouldn’t say a word against women suffering a little on or before election day if they would only come to the scratch with their poll tax. You see it would help a fellow out. But they would say, no poll is mine, but _satis verborum_. Ladies, we will stick to that new and particularly wise saying, “a wise mouth keeps a close head,” and we are certain there is no nonsense about that.

We started in to say something about farming and its results on a portion of the Arkansas river and Beaver creek. Commencing at the mouth of Turkey creek, twelve miles above Pueblo, we will mention Mrs. A. D. Hamlin, widow of the late A. D. Hamlin, who many of your readers will remember us an upright man and honorable citizen, as well as a pleasant companion. She has harvested from thirty to fifty bushels of wheat and oats to the acre, having about fifty acres in small grain. Hits is also largely engaged in stock raising, and we know from observation that she owns a large number of fine steers that go prowling around to haunt the dreams of the average Turkey creek man that hasn’t got any. …

more on farming…

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1693, October 27, 1877


Most of our citizens will remember a frothy old pop bottle called H. B. Blackwell, who herded Lucy Stone around Colorado during the woman suffrage campaign. He was a nice old fellow, with manly attributes similar to those possessed by our late respected grandmother, long since defunct. and a capacity for mendacity seldom equalled even in. the truth telling West. This interesting gentleman, who makes his living by shrieking for women’s rights, is much disgusted at the defeat of his pet scheme, and teams around like a Texas steer in fly time, kicking at everybody in Colorado who had sense enough to oppose him and his party. He writes a letter to the _Woman’s Journal_, in which he assigns all the reasons imaginable for the defeat of the suffrage movement, except the proper one, viz, that an overwhelming majority of the people of Colorado are not yet fit candidates for a lunatic asylum, and hence didn’t want female suffrage foisted upon them. As long as there are fools enough remaining in Yankeedom who having more money than good sense, waste the farmer In paying such fellows as Blackwell to run around the. country, and among sensible people with their foolish isms, just so long will men of his stamp continue to flourish. Colorado Isn’t a good climate for such and they had batter stay at home In the land of advanced ideas. The CHIEFTAIN is Indebted to “Old Pop Bottle” for a first class advertisement in several papers of the country.



Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1695, October 30, 1877


Perhaps the most difficult piece of work which has yet fallen to the lot of the great statesmen who manage the affairs of Colorado, Uisto extract the returns of the late election from Routt county. The name of significant of tenacity in holding on to things, offices and “sich.” The state canvassing board la exceedingly anxious to know whether Judge Stone is elected, and what the minority is in the state in favor of female suffrage. They have waited as long as possible for the missing returns from the populous and fertile county of: Routt, and the documents not being forthcoming, have sent several members of the Rocky Mountain Detective Association to hunt them up just as the governor sent Dave Cook several years ago to hunt fur imaginary riots in Lake county. Now it appears that notwithstanding the fact that Routt county has been organised for almost a year, there are no justices of the peace to assist the county clerk In making the canvass. It seems as though it ought to be somebody’s duty to appoint officials for new counties. In order to obviate this little difficulty

Late returns



Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1706, November 11, 1877


The majority in the state against female suffrage is 7,441.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1731, December 12, 1877


Gentiles of Utah want to repeal suffrage of Utah territory when Utah becomes a state.

see also: Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1768, January 26, 1878


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1731, December 12, 1877


President Hayes is in favor of female suffrage. Last Monday, Mrs.Sarah J. Spencer and Mrs. Sargent, wife of the senator, had an interview with the president. They asked him to recommend in his annual message legislation by which women should be recognised In foreign as well as domestic appointments. Also that he recommend an amendment to the constitution to secure woman suffrage In the states.. The president replied that at a future time be might state, in writing, his views on the subject, but would now say that if congress should recommend for adoption by the states such amendment to the constitution it would meet with his approval.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1732, December 13, 1877

in the national senate


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1749, January 4, 1878

The female suffrage nuisance Is being again stirred up In Denver. Isn’t the smallpox enough of a plague throughout the state without the woman nuisance? Oh! Lord, how long?


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1756, January 12, 1878


THE WOMEN Washington January 11—The senate committee on privileges and eleclions to-day heard the arguments of a number of delegates from the National Woman SuffrageConvention.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1757, January 13, 1878


OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. New Years—Woman Suffrage—Mrs. Chisholm—Simon Cameron and the “Widdy”—Financial Legislation—Public Schools—Etc. WASHINGTON, January 5, 1878—New Year’s day has passed and the morning papers gave a glowing description or the fine display, extravagant dress, and lovely appearauee of the “Washiugton belles’ who received that day. At the president’s reception no wine was on his table. With the general depression of business,bankruptcy unprecedented In our previous history, the piteous moans of the laboring class of “Give me work at any price to keep starvation from my door,” it looks as if it was a Happy New Year only for the favored few. Before congress closed for a vacation Roscoe Conkllng aired himself, patted Thurman, of Ohio, and Voorhees, of Indiana, on the back and carried them with him as well as the majority of republicans in his fight for power. When the suffrage petitions were presented to different members of the senate, Thurman referred his petition to the committee on public lauds, having a desire, he said, to do all he could for the ladies, he wished them to have “two strings to their bow.” He being a democrat,and flying off with Roscoe Conkllng, looks as if he had two strings to his bow that do not harmonize as well as those fixed for the ladies.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1771, January 30, 1878

report from Canon City on a dance.  Ladies named, men were not because…


The gallant gentlemen will be entitled to mention when the woman’s suffrage amendment is passed.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1775, February 3, 1878


State News

The Massachusetts Woman Suffrage Association reports that it expended $1,000 in money and distributed 15,000 tracts In Colorado, and secured the gratuitous services of H. B. Blackwell, Lucy Stone, and others, during last fall’s campaign.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1777, February 6, 1878


Carry the News to Lucy


Washington, February 6—The house committee on Judiciary to-day took a vote on the proposition for a 16th amendment to the constitution as presented and advocated by the late female suffrage convention. The vote in favor of the proposition was, yeas, Lynde, Frye, Butler. Conger,Lapham. —5. Those against it were Knott, Hartridge, Stenger, McMahon and Culberson—5. Harris, of Virginia, who is opposed to female suffrage, being absent. There Is no probability whatever that the committee will at anytime hereafter take favorable action on the subject.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1783, February 13, 1878


CONGRESSIONAL Proceedings of the Forty-Fifth Congress SENATE. Washington, February 12—Senator Chrlstiancy, in presenting petitions from citizens of Michigan favoring the sixteenth amendment conferring the right of suffrage upon women, said he hoped the committee on privileges and elections would take up the subject and report upon it. When he should become satisfied that a majority of the women of the country were in favor of female suffrage, he would vote for it, but until then he would not. He did not think these petitions should be presented to congress—the legislatures of the states were the proper bodies to present them to.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1788, February 19, 1878


Finance* …— Woman’s Rights, Etc. Washington, February 12 —The financial question is the all-absorbing topic in the press and on the street..[this goes on a pace]

Mrs. Isabella Beecher Hooker was before the judiciary committee and delivered an elaborate address in behalf of the protection of women citizens. The committee gave close attention, and at times seemed to be much moved by the powerful way in which her points were presented. Mrs. Sarah J. Spencer and Dr. Mary Walker made a long argument before the house committee on territories urging the abolition of polygamy in Utah. They believe the people of that territory who are polygamists should be disfranchised. They are agitating universal suffrage in the district. Both sexes are disfranchised here, and we are governed by a board of commissioners appointed by congress. When rogues fall out, His said, honest people get their dues. The everlasting returning board, that any honest man would leave as a dead issue in the present condition of our oountry, is on the tapis. Major Burke and W. E. Chandler seem to identify each other in the affair with plenty of abuse, but no stern logic or important facts. From the sets of dishonest and unprincipled politicians that have brought lost confidence to our republican government, it would be a tor better subject for our learned divines and the press to agitate “Has not the moral and religious training of our youth been neglected,” than the question of “Is there a Hell?” Public schools are the heart of our nation. Ninety-five per cent of the teachers of our public schools are women. Did we as mothers agitate and contend for the rights and protection of the educational facilities for the masses with one half of the earnestness of the ladles who are besieging the capital for the privilege of the ballot, the desired results would be obtained in our public school system and we would not hear the cry that is now coming from some of our large cities—“We are top heavy and vice and ignorance are on the increase.” OCCASIONAL.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 7, Number 1814, March 22, 1878

Another Defeat of Female  Suffragists.


Providence, March 21—The house of representatives to-day defeated by a vote of 19 to 85 the constitutional amendment giving unmarried women and widows the same privileges as men to voting upon propositions to impose tax or appropriate money, or for the city council.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 8, Number 1855, May 9, 1878

PENNSYLVANIA __ National State Convention Philadelphia, May 8— The national state convention wan called to order in the Concert hall this morning. Ail the counties in the state with a few exceptions have fall delegations, the number of delegates present being about two hundred and thirty. A delegation of women representing the citi–zen’s suffrage association was on the floor at the opening of the proceedings. Chairman Deweys in his address reviewed the condition of the party, stating that from 4,000 votes in 1876 it had increased to nearly 55,000 votes in 1877, and that with its thorough organization there was no reason that entire success should not be achieved in the next campaign. David Kirk was chosen temporary chairman and in acknowledging the honor conferred he denounced the national banking system, claiming that the nation should honor Its own paper. After the appointment of a committee on credentials the convention took a recess. Upon reassembling the convention was addressed by John Biney, for many years president of the Miners’ and Laborers’ Benevolent Association, of Schuylkill. Miss Elizabeth McFarra, of the citizens’ suffrage association, made a short address, asking the convention to insert in its platform a plank granting the right of suffrage to women. She was followed by other ladies from the same association.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 8, Number 1875, June 4, 1878

Colorado Springs Jottings

There will be a distinguished hen convention held at Denver next month, under the management of a few of those bantam chicken cocks that flop and crow on all such occasions. The object of the convention is to secure to one or both of our political parties, nominees for state offices who are known to be in favor of women suffrage.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 8, Number 1881, June 11, 1878

CONGRESSIONAL Proceedings of the Forty-Fifth Congress SENATE. Washington, June 10

In answer to an inquiry of Senator Sargent, the chairman of that committee, Senator Wadleigh,said it was the intention of the committee to submit a report at thee present session, on the sixteenth amendment to the constitution confering [sic] the right of suffrage upon women.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 8, Number 1909, July 14, 1878

Suffrage by the colored people

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 8, Number 1915, July 21, 1878

One of the Many Promised Criticisms.

Colorado Springs, July 19,

—The nomination of Loveland and Field for governor and lieutenant governor—the purchase of the Rocky Mountain News —and the bringing on of the eclipse a week from Monday are regarded here as a part of the late democratic convention and has caused active whispering among the republican leaders throughout the northern part of the state. Democrats are not willing to bet on Patterson’s election but are offering to bet two to one that if he comes within 859 votes of an election he will be seated and there appears to be no takers of this offer.

As Tom has slid down off of the woman suffrage platform and left Belford wearing the red flannel skirt the chances of their election are much nearer a tie vote than it was on a former occasion.

If the coming legislature should be democratic the cause may be traced to our nominating woman suffragists instead of republicans. If we can successfully escape the carrying of this ism a republican legislature may be regarded as a certainty. MUCILAGE.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 8, Number 1950, August 31, 1878

That Woman Suffrage Matter.

In the contest at the court house on Thursday night, Mr. Patterson made a good deal of fun of Judge Bellford because the latter had made a woman suffrage speech in Denver. Now this is all right, but then there in another side to the story. At the time when the female suffrage movement was at its height, Mr. Patterson, influenced possibly by his estimable better half, who is one of the leaders of the female suffrage movement in Denver, agreed with Mr. D. M. Richards, of that city, who was chairman of the female suffrage committee, to deliver twelve speeches in different parts of the state in favor of the movement. Mr. Richards then went to Judge Belford, told him what Mr. Patterson had agreed to do, and asked that the judge should do likewise. Thu latter promised to make three or four speeches In favor of the movement. A few days afterwards Mr. Patterson discovered that the woman suffrage movement, though popular in Denver, had few friends in the democratic regions of Southern Colorado, and fearing that if he advocated tbe cause he might lose a few votes, he ingloriously went back on his word and refused to make the promised speeches. Mr. Richards, much disheartened and disgusted at Mr. Patterson’s refusal to keep his word, complained to Judge Belford, who with his usual manliness and inpendence [sic] made a speech in favor of woman suffrage, as lie had agreed to do. This is the true inwardness of the matter, out of which Mr. Patterson makes so much capital.



At the Belford-Patterson meeting at tbe court house on Thursday evening Mrs. Wm. lngersoll and Mrs. Geo. H. F. Work each sent a handsome bouquet to Judge Bellford. These bouquets were quietly appropriated by Mr. Patterson, who at tbe close of the meeting said—”Judge, those bouquets are mine but you can have them if you want them.’’ Not satisfied with having stolen Judge Belford’s seat, Tommy even steals his bouquets.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 8, Number 1958, September 11, 1878

[not female suffrage]


New Hampshire Republicans Concord, .September 10–In the republican stale convention today the committee on resolutions reported tbe following; Whereas, the republican party can point with pride and confidence to its record in war and to its legislation in peace as enduring monuments of its patriotism and statesmanship, and claim them as pledges ff unequalled and undeminished capacity for future service, and the grounds of popular confidence and support; and whereas, the country has reached a period demanding the largest experience, wisdom and courage in the conduct of national and state affairs, and we cannot afford to commit its destinies to the keeping of the party that for twenty years has shown itself incapable and unworthy of the great trusts and care of state and nation, therefore, Resolved that we will give to the present administration our cordial support in all just measures, tending to purify and elevate the public service,to secure and perpetuate inter state amity and confluence, to guard and maintain political rights of all individuals and classes, to preserve the obligated faith and to perpetuate the prosperity of the nation, and we heartily commend that management of finances under which the last fragment of premium on gold is disappearing, the burrowing rate steadily diminishing and tbe long depression in business and industry vanishing before a sure return of confidence and prosperity. Resolved, that our good name and welfare as a people demand that our financial pledges, made in the hour of national peril, should he maintained inviolate and our public debt be paid, principal and interest, according to tbe spirit and letter of the law. Resolved, that as repealed efforts and failures have proved it to be beyond the power of the government to impart value to irredeemable paper and maintain its currency as money, and as our legal tender notes were issued under a solemn promise that they should be redeemed dollar for dollar in gold and silver at the earliest practical moment after the restoration of peace, and as the time for the fulfilment of this pledge has now arrived aud specie payment been reached, we denounce all efforts to delay the day of resumption and to inflate the currency by any additional issue of irredeemable paper money, as destructive to all business interests, unwise, dishonorable and fraudulent as a public measure. Resolved, that we do not believe in questioning the president’s title, no trifling with the issues irrevocably and justly settled and no further use for the useless Potter committee; that there should be no payments of outlawed southern claims and no pensions to the rebel. Resolved, that we believe in equal taxation of all property and in exemption for none Resolved that an average of ten hours daily labor is enough for man, woman or child, and in the absence of a contract this ought to be considered a legal day’s work. Resolved, that we believe in equal rights for all citizens of the republic. Resolved, that we believe in honest and unintimidated ballot, and a fair field for all political parties, at the south as well as at the north, without which suffrage is shame and the constitution a rope of sand. Resolved, that as a party we welcome and bid God speed to the temperance reformation, and will give it such material support as shall be at our command. Resolved that we endorse profound and heartfelt sympathies for our plague stricken brethren at the south in the fearful and widespead visitation of disease which is now bringing unutterable desolation and sorrow to their homes, and pledge to them such material aid as providence has placed in our power to give them. The state committee was then selected and the convention adjourned.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 8, Number 2013, November 14, 1878



Hen Convention.

Indianapolis, November 13.— The ninth annual convention of the American woman’s suffrage association met to-day with delegates from thirteen states present. The proceedings were mainly of a business character and reports by the state delegates showing the progress of the work in their respective localities. This evening is devoted to speaking.



Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 8, Number 2036, December 12, 1878 (https://www.coloradohistoricnewspapers.org/cgi-bin/colorado?a=d&d=CFT18781212-01.2.12&e=31-08-1878-31-01-1879–en-20-CFT-1-byDA-txt-txIN-suffrage——-0-Pueblo)


Captain S. H. Winson, who lived several years in Wyoming territory, where they have woman suffrage, gives to a reporter of the Indianapolis Journal his observations of its practical working. He says: “For about two years after the law was passed nearly all the women in the territory used to vote, my wife among the rest. But after this experience the better class became disgusted with the operation of the law and quit voting. As an instance of how female citizenship worked in one case, I remember a jury trial where the defendant was charged with rape and murder. The jury consisted of six men and six women. After the trial had progressed about two weeks one of the women was taken sick. The trial was postponed several days on her account, but she was unable to resume her duties and a new jury was ordered, and a new trial from the beginning. During this same trial I knew of three mechanics and hard working men whose wives were on the jury, and who in consequence of that fact had to quit work and stay at home and take care of their children. As an instance of the demoralizing influence of politics upon women, I remember seeing a lady, the wife of a candidate for office, standing at the counter of a beer saloon and drinking beer with a parcel of colored men. I could mention her name but will not. She was from Ohio and was well educated and entirely respectable, but she was so intensely interested in her husband’s success that she resorted to this means of getting votes for him. I saw this same lady and a school teacher of Cheyenne in their buggies driving colored men and women, and even well known harlots, to and from the polls In such ways as this I regard the operation of the law as demoralizing to women. There may be others who differ with me, but I am simply giving my views of several years experience of the law. I may add that my wife, who enjoyed the privilege of the elective franchise during the period of our residence in Wyoming, entirely accords with these views.”



Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 8, Number 2059, January 10, 1879


Crowing Hens.

Washington January 9 —The eleventh annual convention of the woman’s right association assembled to-dav. Many ladies prominent in advocacy of female suffrage were on the platform, but the audience was small. A committee of three was appointed to wait on President Hayes and inform him that there were some 20,000,000 women in the United States, he having ignored that fact in his recent message, and that it would be wise to mention them in future messages.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 8, Number 2061, January 12, 1879



It is a mistake, says the Denver Democrat, that Matilda Fletcher comes to Colorado on a woman suffrage mission. Her line of effort lies in a different direction. She comes with the object of introducing into our state laws such measures as will tend to elevate the rising generation in practical ethics. To this end the lady has already addressed the legislature; and will place in the hands of the state board of education such bills as will cover the ground and produce the desired effect.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 8, Number 2062, January 14, 1879



Woman Suffrage Washington, January 13 —The committee appointed by the woman suffrageconvention held in this city last week, consisting of Mrs. Gage, Mrs. Spencer, Mrs. Wells and Mrs. Williams, the two latter of Utah,called upon the president this morning and presented a memorial of other papers in relation to female suffrage, and charging that the president had ignored the women of the country in his annual message. They also called the attention of the president to the recent decision of the supreme court in relation to polygamous marriages and to the effect of enforcing the act of 1862, and said that it would make thousands of women outcasts and their children Illegitimate. The president said he was deeply impressed by what had been said and requested that Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Wells make out statements and hand them to him. He wanted all the information on the subject he could procure. They promised to do this and the president then asked them how he could serve them. The reply was by vetoing any bill to enforce the act of 1862. In answer to the memorial and remarks made in relation to female suffrage, the president said : You say I have ignored the women of the country In my annual message. I will carefully consider what you have said and the Papers you have presented to me. In my next message I will act according to the dictates of my conscience and the best light I have.



Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 8, Number 2072, January 25, 1879


Proceedings of the Legislature [Special to the Chieftain.] DENVER, January 25 — Numerous bills were introduced in the senate today on a variety of subjects. The practice act to supercede the code, was again under discussion, and the bill was ordered engrossed for a third reading, by a vote of fourteen to nine, This insures the passage of the bill in the senate. The bill to re-arrange the judicial districts of the state passed the house to-day by a large majority, and now only requires the governor’s signature to become a law. Under the new arrangement the districts will be as follows : First–Boulder, Jefferson, Gilpin, Clear Creek, Grand, Summit and Routt. Second— Arapahoe, Elbert, Weld, Douglas and Larimer. Third—Las Animas, Huerfano, Fremont, Bent, Pueblo, Costilla and Custer. Fourth—Conejos, Rio Grande, Saguache, Lake, Hinsdale, Ouray, San Juan, La Plata, Gunnison, Park and El Paso. The committee on state instutututions of the house, introduced a bill to establish a Colorado inebriate and insane asylum at Pueblo. The joint memorial asking congress to provide for terms of the United States courts at Pueblo and Del Norte has passed both houses. A bill was introduced in the house by the committee on state institutions, centering jurisdiction upon the justice aud police courts in cases of inebriates or common drunkards, and giving the county commissioners certain powers in regard to the transfer of such persons to an inebriate asylum, and authorizing said boards to cause to be levied and collected a special revenue for the support of such inebriates. This is a of Mr. Thomas’ bell punch bill.



Proceedings for the Forty-Fifth Congress. SENATE. Washington, January 24—The vice president submitted a memorial from Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and other officers of the woman’s suffrage association, praying the passage of a resolution amending the constitution, prohibiting states from disfranchising persons on account of sex.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 8, Number 2077, January 31, 1879

This has nothing to do with women’s suffrage, but how could I resist?


Our Public Schools.

Huerfano County, Jan. 22,1879. Here we are again. In my last I said that the public school was one of the means belonging to the government upon which depended its future, to a great extent, and as a part and parcel of a free and independent government, should be an object of solicitude on the part of every officer as well as citizen in the land. Every means in the hands of those should be used to the end that will make them universal in the instruction of coming generations, to read, think and understand the nature of and the workings of our free institutions. If the common school opens the eyes of the nation it is certain that they will see “ a government that if corrupt can no more exist with a population that is enlightened than the night can continue when the sun is up. Every public measure for the intellectual improvement of the governed, is the surest pledge and guarantee of the integrity of those who govern.” Universal suffrage can only be a failure through the ignorance of the masses. The confidence of the commercial world, in the soundness of our institutions can only be regained and sustained by a continued effort in this direction. That many of our learned and wealthy men, and even some of our great writers, are of the opinion that universal suffrage is a failure. I believe this opinion arises from the fact that there are too many votes cast by men who do not know and understand their value. Thus a few dollars in the hands of a designing scamp often destroys the virtue of an election. This government is not merely a machine for the preservation of life and property, (any government comparatively well organized can do that), but an institution intended to actuate the commonwealth for the common good. Its stability does not lie in mere order and security. The real basis of our institutions is the national will and the purity of the exercize of that will must come from our common school system. It is the only arm of our great government that makes one and all alike, and upon the broad result of its workings depend much. I believe that it is not a tyranny to make it compulsory on the part of each and every parent to send their child to school, at least a portion of the time. It is not a hardship that these young minds be educated strictly in the language of the nation. I think that the severest penalties should be attached to every statute on this subject; and made incumbent upon every officer to look to the matter. Chief Justice Marshal said that the power to create implied the power to preserve. While it is evident to the mind that any influence that tends to destroy the effect of a public institution is hostile and incompatible with the power to create. Although the public school in its management and maintenance is left to the sovereignty of the state it is still a part of our republican institutions, national as well as state,and should jealously be looked after and preserved. I will ask you, Mr. Editor, what would now he your circulation if the 90,000 people living south of us had for the last thirty years been taught in the language of the nation? What would now be the effect, under such circumstances, upon our commercial relations with the east? With our two great Industries, our mineral and stock interests, and many minor resources which are subservient to them, requiring the keenest intelligence in their development, what has been lost to us in the past thirty years, and what stand may we gain in the next, depends much upon ourselves. P. S.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 8, Number 2079, February 2, 1879


Proceedings of the Forty-Fifth Congress.


Washington, February 1

Senator Hoar, from the committee on privileges and elections, presented the minority report in favor of the sixteenth amendment to the constitution prohibiting the disfranchising of persons on acccuut of sex. Ordered to be printed.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 8, Number 2081, February 5, 1879


Territorial Legislature YANKTON, February 4—The twenty first day of the legislative session has been reached and no very Important measures have been passed. A bill was introduced to-day granting suffrage to the women of the territory. A hard fought battle has been waged over a temperance bill it has been defeated and to-morrow a high license bill will be introduced. A memorial has been adopted asking congress to divide Dakota into two territories, and there is a strong sentiment against the admission of the whole of Dakoka as a state, as provided in a bill now pending before congress,


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 8, Number 2084, February 8, 1879

The Irrepressible Female.

Female suffrage is an uneasy spirit which will haunt our legislature from year to year in spite of the efforts of the people to quiet it. When the last vote was taken upon this matter the people pronounced against it by an overwhelming majority, and proceeded to lay the flattering unction to their souls that female suffrage was forever dead and buried, but now it suddenly turns up again with renewed strength and vigor, and like the irrepressible female of the period is determined not be crushed. Senate bill No. 111 provides that at the general election of 1880 the question of conferring the suffrage upon females shall again be submitted to the people. Now many people in their ignorance of the female suffrage movement, are verdant enough to suppose that all of its male advocates are thin, sallow and long haired mortals, more woman than man. Now to correct this time honored error we will describe Mr. Wolcott, of Clear Greek county, who introduced this bill in the senate. The honorable gentleman is a young man of about thirty summers, he parts his blonde hair in the middle, has a love of a yellow mustache, and a pair of liquid blue-gray eyes, regular heart smashers . He wears a number seventeen collar, weighs about 200 pounds, and is the idol of the ladies. There is no long haired, chronic dysentery look about Wolcott, he is evidently all there. In the name of the long suffering public we must enter our solemn protest against the infliction upon the people of Colorado of another female suffrage campaign. We have not forgotten our last dose of Lucy Stone and Old Pop Bottle Blackwell, the former with the oily tongue of a fishwoman and the latter as mendacious as a modern epitaph ; and the memory of the last visit inflicted upon us by Major Susan B. Anthony haunts us like a Christmas nightmare produced by too much citron in the mince pie. We recollect how the whole state was overrun with an army of New England female suffrage tramps, who vituperated with true feminine ferocity all who did not think as they did, who shouted their doctrines in halls, churches, schools houses and at the corners of the streets, until the female suffrage tramp became as great a nuisance as her near, relative the genuine bummer. Misrepresentation was the order of the day. Every little handfull of deluded innocents which assembled at a cross roads school house to hear one of these apostles hold forth was nagified into a “large and enthusiastic gathering of the people” and many of our political leaders were by systematic and persistent mendacity on the part of Lucy Stone’s man Blackwell and his fellowfools, lead to believe that female suffrage was the pet scheme of the people and bound to carry all before It. But the day of the election came and the truth was demonstrated, showing that the female suffragists were but a handful of our population, and the mass of the people in their indignation deliberately raised their voluminous coat tails and sat down upon the abomination. When the result was announced there was mourning in Israel; Lucy Stone’s tongue and pen ran with lightning speed and she abused all those who opposed her pet scheme in language worthy of the belle of a frontier dance house, while old Blackwell flew around like a grain of pop corn on a skillet, exciting the laughter of all sensible people. Notwithstanding the unmistakable verdict of the people we find this matter again brought up for discussion in the general assembly and the precious time of the last days of the session of that body occupied by a measure which can amount to nothing and which stinks in the nostrils of the voters of Colorado. At this late hour of the session, however, the bill stands but little chance of passing. There appears to be a strong opposition to it in the senate and the house has matters of importance before it which will be almost certain to prevent its being passed there. We would suggest that the authorities have the gentleman who introduced this bill prosecuted for maintaining a nuisance.


Proceedings of the Legislature [Special to the Chieftain.] Denver, February 7.—The senate special committee to whom was referred the insane asylum bill for the purpose of harmonizing the amendments, reported the bill to the senate this afternoon considerably modified. It was found on examination that no appropriation was made to erect buildings, but that $8,000 were appropriated for the care of the insane until the tax of one-flfth of one mill could be made available, hence the amendment to the bill requiring the people of Pueblo to subscribe a like amount to that appropriated by the state for the erection of the necessary buildings has been stricken out by the committee and a report made to the effect that the people of Pueblo will be expected to donate forty acres of land for a site. The amendment was ordered printed and the bill will pass in this form tomorrow. The house amendments to the bill for funding county debts were concurred in. The following bills passed: Providing for the opening of an agricultural college; for a vote of the people on woman suffrage; making the stealing of a dog larceny; striking off a portion of Saguache county and attaching it to Rio Grande, and the house joint memorial regarding a military post in southwestern Colorado. The mavorick bill, heretofore published in your columns, was passed. The senate wrestled most of the afternoon with the unwieldly irrigation bill, but it don’t concern southern Colorado. The bill requiring railroad companies doing business in Colorado to keep books within the state, was discussed at length and ordered engrossed for a third reading. The military bill came up in the house and caused a lengthy and heated discussion, and at one time the state came very near being left without a militia law, through the efforts of a couple of Quaker members from Gilpin and Boulder counties. The friends of the bill rallied to its support and the bill with an amendment providing for a military tax of fifty cents per capita, instead of one dollar, finally passed, and Major Sheets is happy. A brilliant reception took place at the residence of Lieutenant-Governor Tabor to-night which was attended by the state officers and members of the legislature, together with many ladies. In the lieutenant-governor’s large and beautiful parlors might have been seen nearly every political leader in the state, and the host and his wife and daughter spared no pains to render the evening pleasant for all. As presiding officer of the senate Governor Tabor has made an enviable record for himself and has secured a host of friends. It is rumored here that the running time on the Denver and Rio Grande railway south of Pueblo will be made much faster shortly.


Wolcott, the senatorial champion of female suffrage, parts his hair in the middle. That accounts for it. There is always some abnormal condition of the hair attaches to those female suffrage fellows. How is it anyhow, that the subject seems to be inseparable from hair in some form or other.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 8, Number 2099, February 27, 1879

excerpt from long article

Not one Chinaman in a thousand knows or cares anything about the political institutions of our country. Born under the worst kind of a despotism, upheld by idolatry and ignorance, be knows nothing of the blessings of freedom and cares less. If suffrage were conferred upon him tomorrow lie would consider his vote as far too many of our intelligent voters do now) as an article of commerce and would dispose of it to the highest bidder. The Chinese women who come to the United States are worse, if possible, than the men. We will venture to say that among the thousands of these women in this country at the present day there are not ten of them who are not strumpets of the worst kind. It is a well established fact that no respectable Chinese woman ever comes to America.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 8, Number 2107, March 8, 1879

London, March 7.—ln the house of commons to-day a motion in favor of female suffrage was rejected by a vote of 217 to 103.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 8, Number 2121, March 25, 1879


Sat Down On.

Providence, Match 24.— The house of representatives voted on the woman suffrage question, which resulted in ayes 23 and nays 21. not being a two thirds vote which is necessary for the submitting of the amendment of the constitution to the people.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 8, Number 2125, March 29, 1879



Snubbed Again.

Boston, March 28— The woman suffrage movement was defefeated [sic] in the house of representatives to-day by a vote of 85 to 82.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 8, Number 2135, April 10, 1879 Edition 02


Rejected. Boston, April 10—The house has rejected tbe bill to secure to women the right to vote in municipal affairs in cities and towns. The bill to give women the right to vote for members of school committees passed.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 8, Number 2143, April 19, 1879

The woman suffrage movement has received a set back. “Abby Smith’s cows” made Glastonbury, Connecticut, and the Smith sisters, Abby and Julia, famous. Taxation without representation was declared by them to be tyranny. Their taxes could only be collected by a sheriff’s levy, and thus the cows became historic. Abby Smith died at a ripe old age, firm in the faith ; but now Miss Julia, in her eighty-seventh year, has definitely and finally thrown up the sponge by marrying another octogenarian. If this [spiritual??] intercourse with this world. Unless the lamented Abby has changed her mind, she will be apt to rap the drapery of their couch about them with her ghostly knuckles, much to their discomfort.



Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 9, Number 2159, May 8, 1879

Hen Convention.

St. Louis, May 7 The national woman suffrage association convened here last night and elected officers for the ensuing year, and transacted other routine business of an unimportant nature.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 9, Number 2160, May 9, 1879


TELEGRAPH. [headlines]

Hen Convention Cacklings in St. Louis.

The Downtrodden Female Will Rise and Tear Things.

Terrible Accident in a Chicago Hotel.

Woman’s Head Smashed by An Elevator.

Situation of Affairs in Russia.

Another Victory for Parole.

Communists Organizing for a General Strike.

Prize Fight in Canada.


MISSOURI, Hen Convention. St. Louis, May B.— The woman suffrage association continued its sessions this morning, and lengthy reports from Indiana and Louisiana, detailing the progress of the womens’ work in those states, were read. Both showed fine progress in the development of the women’s cause. Long declarations of principles were submitted and read, but no action was taken on them. Speeches were made by the Rev Olympia Brown, Mrs. Collins, of Louisiana, and Mrs. Spencer, of Washington, who made a scathing review of the decisions of the United States supreme court on the rights of women. The platform of the women suffragists presented to the convention this morning, declares the right of selfgovernment through the elective franchise, is a birthright of native citizens, and an acquired right of adopted citizens, the exercise of which may be regulated but not destroyed by legislation. Demands an amendment to the federal constitution defining the rights of citizenship and suffrage so clearly that even the supreme court can understand them. Asserts that since, under decisions of the United States supreme court, the male African is the only United States citizen who held the ballot in every state in the union under the federal constitution, the white men should make common cause with the women of the country in securing national protection in the right to vote. Declares it the duty of congress to adopt the 16th amendment to the constitution giving women the right to vote. Also, that all state legislatures should request congress to submit such an amendment to them. Calls on the lower house of congress to pass the resolution reported by the committee on rules authorizing the appointment of a committee on the rights of women citizens. Affirms that the admission by several states of the right of women to vote on school questions, is a practical admission of her right to vote on all questions. It requests the vice presidents of the women’s national association to arrange state, county, and town associotions [sic] and have sent from every post office in the country a petition to congress praying for a constitutional amendment granting women the right of suffrage.  It declares it the right of every woman to demand registration as a voter, and present a ballot at the elections, and to sue every official who refuses them them [sic]the right to vote. It asserts that while the women are not permitted to vote, the legislation of the country is defrauded by one half of the intelligence, virtue, and practical wisdom of the nation. It requests, in view of errors and absurdities in previous census returns, regarding women and children, that congress will provide for the appointment of a fair proportion of intelligent women to gather up vital statistics concerning women and children for the next census. It declares that laboring men should demand a ballot for the unpaid laborer of the whole world, that she may with it compel reform and industrial schools to be opened, the outcast redeemed, the dram shops closed, the savage civilized, and make honest work on fair wages for women ; that every child born upon our soil has a right to mental, moral and industrial training at the public expense, and if needful such training should be enforced in our public schools, that there may be no necessity of enforcing them in our prisons.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 9, Number 2161, May 10, 1879


… War Dance of Indignant Females Ended.


The Indignant Female.

St. Louis, May 9— The national woman’s suffrage convention adjourned late to night after, with one exception, the most successful meeting ever held by the association. The platform, an epitome of which was telegraphed last night, was adopted. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Elizabeth Cady Stanton ; vice president at large, Susan B. Anthony ; honorary vice presidents. Lucretia Mott, Philadelphia ; Ernestine L. Rose, London, England ; Clarine D. H. Nicholls, of Pomo, California ; Sarah Pugh, Germantown, Pennsylvania ; Elizabeth T. Schenck, San Francisco ; Amelia Bloom, South Carolina ; Mary T. Shields, of Colorado Springs. Colorado ; Sarah E. Moll, of Worcester, Massachusetts ; corresponding secretary S. Spencer, of Washington ; foreign corresponding secretary, L. C. Bullard, of New York; recording secretary, E H. Sheldon, of Washington ; treasurer, Julia Spofford, Washington; auditing committee, C. A. Reddell, R. M. Parnell, Ruth C. Dennison. A secret session for women only was had this afternoon and to-night. Speeches by S. B. Anthony and Mrs. E. C. Harton. The audience was very large at the meeting. St. George’s Hall has been been literally packed with intelligent and cultivated people, the gentlemen being in the majority. The delegates will stop over to-morrow, visiting the merchant’s exchange at noon by invitation and visiting other notable places in the suburbs.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 9, Number 2162, May 11, 1879


The Indignant Female.

St. Louis, May 10—Delegates of the national women’s suffrage association visited the Merchants’ Exchange about noon to-day by invitation of the directory, and were greeted with cheers.

The ladles were escorted to the rostrum by President John Wahl and Vice President McEnnis, where they were introduced to the exchange by Miss Phoebe W. Cousins, of St. Louis, in a very graceful and happy little speech.

Short addresses were then made by Mrs. Stanton, Miss Anthony, Mrs. Thompson, and Miss Merriweather, of Memphis, all of which were listened to with marked attention by the members and warmly applauded.

Miss Anthony put to a vote a proposition for a sixteenth amendment to the constitution of the United States, granting women equal rights with men, and it carried by a decided majority.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 9, Number 2167, May 17, 1879


Woman Suffrage.

Washington, May 16—The committee on rules authorized the subcommittee on reports to make their report to the house. Among the measures was one asking for the appointpointment [sic] of a special committee to take charge of and report on the subject of woman suffrage.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 9, Number 2177, May 29, 1879

fascinating and completely different Republican party than the one we know today


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 9, Number 2200, June 26, 1879

In a discussion of cleaning up house rules

The speaker mentioned it as a historical fact, that, except in two instances the woman suffrage and liquor traffic reports of the committee [sic] on rules had never been made on party grounds.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 9, Number 2233, August 5, 1879

The Massachusetts legislature, at its last session, passed an act conferring upon women the right to vote for members of the school committees throughout the state upon conforming with the regulators laid down for men. The advocates of this measure urged its adoption on the ground that the effect of the privilege would be to purify the muddled fountain of politics. Its opponents were half willing that the bill should pass, in the belief that the outcome would reveal an aversion to the ballot on the part of the great majority of women. Sufficient time having elapsed to learn the probable working of the measure, a correspondent of the New York Post has been gleaning the facts with regard to the acceptance of the franchise by the women of Boston. One of the conditions of voting is that the applicant for the privilege shall have paid a state and county tax for 1878 or 1879. It appears that the good women of Boston are very reluctant to undergo the preliminary examination as to age, residence ability to read, etc., that the law directs. The correspondent concludes that, in spite of the fact that the new applicants for the right of suffrage have been treated with every consideration, less than a thousand women will come to the polls in Boston at next December’s election. Special efforts to create enthusiasm are being made, but with indifferent success. Thus far only about one hundred names of women appear on the books of the Boston assessors, and these are almost without exception, borne by those who have been foremost in the woman suffrage movement.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 9, Number 2236, August 8, 1879



Providence. August 7—The Wallace committee have begun an investigation here by inquiring into the provision of the state constitution giving suffrage only to such foreign born citizens as possess real estate valued at $234.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 9, Number 2273, September 21, 1879

Mr. Z. L. White, of the New York Tribune, has been studying the Mormon question in Utah. He finds the solution of the problem, how to annihilate polygamy, beset with difficulties and obstacles, chiefly of the United States government’s creation. The Mormons are greatly stirred up over the action of the government in recently picking up the question of polygamy and the comments of the newspapers, urging a sweeping prosecution. But here are the obstacles. The statute authorizing the prosecution of people guilty of polygamy does not reach the mass of the Mormons , who married before its advent. The class it does reach embraces no prominent men, but are chiefly foreigners brought “into the fold” by missionaries. The law ought to be made to reach the leaders. It might easily be so altered by providing that no man should cohabit with more than one woman. This simple amendment, in the hands of the present efficient officers of the territory, would be a powerful measure toward the annihilation of polygamy. One great trouble in the past has been the presence in the territory of men appointed by the government, who “have been able to command respect neither for themselves nor for the administration which sent them.” Governor Emery and his assistants are men of an entirely different stamp, and, even with the little power now intrusted to him, be has done much toward remedying the evil. The old jury system, which about prevented the possibility of convicting a polygamist, even under tbe statute, has been abolished. The aim is now to check the power communicated to polygamous husbands by the right of suffrage vested in women. One anomoly of the statute permits a foreign woman to vote after having been but a mouth in the territory, if she marries a citizen within that time. To punish the hundreds of thousands of polygamists is of course impracticable, and the efforts of the government must take the direction of preventing further intercourse of this kind, and to gradually crush out polygamy. It cannot be wiped out as slavery was.




Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 9, Number 2270, September 28, 1879

The leading article in the North American Review for October is by Francis Parkman and is entitled ‘‘The Woman Question.” It discusses the proposed extension of suffrage to women, and takes strong conservative ground. All the principal arguments against giving women the right to vote are brought together and exhaustively treated.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 9, Number 2283, October 14, 1879

Francis Parkman’s article in opposition to giving the ballot to woman, which appeared in the October number of the North American Review, is to be replied to in the November issue of that periodical bv Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Julia Ward Howe, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Wendell Phillips, and Lucy Stone. The discussion is likely to be sharp, and to give a very complete presentation of the pros and cons of the women suffrage question.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 9, Number 2293, October 24, 1879

The North American Review for Novem- [sic] opens with a series of replies, by Julia Ward Howe, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Lucy Stone and Wendell Phillips, to Mr. Parkman’s article on “The Woman Question,” which appeared in the October number. They are united under the title, “The Other Side of the Woman Question,” and give a very complete presentation of the arguments in favor of extending the right of suffrage to women.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 9, Number 2321, November 26, 1879

fascinating fear of the Catholic church taking over the country if the Irish get to vote.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 9, Number 2328, December 5, 1879

Democratic Caucus Committee.

Washington, December 7 —The democratic caucus committee consisting of Senators Thurman, White, Bailey, Vance, Kernan, Saulsbury, Lamar, Voorhees and Jones of Florida. They held a long meeting this afternoon, at which the rolls of the sergeant and other officers of the senate were critically examined with a view to ascertaining whether any further action is advisable in regard to the distribution of the senate patronage. Inquiry concerning this subject which the committee were required to investigate by the resolution at Thursday’s caucus, will be continued at another meeting. The committee on rules authorized Representative Frye to report a resolution for the creation of nine members to whom shall be referred all matters introduced in the house which relate to the subject of woman suffrage.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 9, Number 2329, December 6, 1879

Woman suffrage don’t seem to be gaining ground very rapidly. Among fifty-three women in the literary department of the Michigan University, thirty-two expressed opposition to suffrage, fourteen were in favor of it, five were undecided and two declined to express an opinion.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 9, Number 2357, January 10, 1880

an op ed from Capitol City

This is the town, you remember, three years ago gave three majority for woman suffrage, a thing that speaks well for the intelligence of her citizens.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 9, Number 2362, January 16, 1880


Washington, January 15. —Senators McPherson and Baldwin presented petitions of women asking for a congressional amendment giving women the right of suffrage.


next column

A New Cable Scheme.

New York, January 15.—A Times Washington special presents the details of a telegraph scheme introduced in the senate yesterday in the form of a petition … . Another special says that a woman suffrage facily clogged the senate yesterday, on the call of the petitions. Each petition had been carefully enclosed in a white envelope and the contents described on the exterior in one and the [s]ame writing. Senator Thurman presented thirteen of these documents and nearly all of the other senators had several. Some of the petitions are from individual women who ask for the removal of their political disabilities that they may vote, state constitutions, and state laws to the contrary notwithstanding. Others are from women who own real estate and who say they are heavily taxed each year for pauperism and crime, while they have no power to suppress vice or regulate the taxation.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 9, Number 2365, January 20, 1880


Washington. January 19 —Senator Ferry introduced a resolution proposing an Amendment to the constitution that suffrage shall not be restricted on account of sex or any other reason that does not apply to all citizens.


Senator Platt introduced a joint resolution requesting the president to invite the co-operation of foreign maratime [sic] governments in the construction of a canal across the Isthmus of Darian Laid on the table. [Panama Canal]

A number of private bills passed and the special order bill to prevent cruelty to animals in transit was called up.

The bill introduced by Senator Saunders granting an increase in the pension to the widow of Major Thornburgh, late of the United States army was referred.

The chair appointed Senator Pryor to replace the late Senator Houston on the committee on elections, claims and post office.

After an executive session the senate adjourned.



Washington, January 19. —The senate judiciary committee has given permission for a limited woman suffrage association to present oral arguments, Friday next, in behalf of a proposed constitutional amendment.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 9, Number 2370, January 25, 1880

The female suffrage tramps are attempting to bulldoze congress.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 9, Number 2391, February 19, 1880

The New York Sun is opposed to suffrage founded upon intelligence, just what might have been expected from the organ of the roughs and the oracle of the low gin mills.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 9, Number 2399, February 29, 1880

If woman suffrage goes on we shall be all under petticoat government in time. It is proposed now by some of the New York lawmakers to let the ladies vote for presidential electors.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 9, Number 2410, March 13, 1880

 ex-slave suffrage


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 9, Number 2421, March 26, 1880


Our Sentiments

Providence, March 25.—The senate today rejected the proposed amendment to the constitution giving school suffrage to women by 26-18.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 9, Number 2433, April 9, 1880

supreme court not women suffrage


Colorado Daily Chieftain May 3, 1880

Patton’s Purgative Pellets Operate Like a Charm.

And a Vast Amount of Bile Thrown Up.

The Old School Board Sustained by a Handsome majority.

Nearly One Hundred and Fifty Women at the Polls.


The most exciting election for school directors that has ever taken place in this city occurred yesterday. It was a bitter fight between the two factions—the one headed by A. B. Patton, and the other by the old board. The unrelenting warfare waged by Mr. Patton upon the Messrs. Rice, Hayslip and Hughes has engendered bitter animosities, which, after repeated efforts could not be healed by arbitration, and when the light began yesterday morning it was conceded by all that the struggle would be a hard one. The adherents of both tickets worked like beavers. An extra issued the Democrat, containing a number of misrepresentations, added additional heat to the contest, and the old board were compelled to refute them by printed posters. Wire-pulling and catskinning were the order of the day, and carriages were flying hither and thither with an activity of a circus day. A large number of females voted, a number of whom were colored. It is the first time the women of the city took upon themselves the prerogative accorded to them by law. It was not a resort of the two factions, but so animated had become the controversy, so exciting the contest, that the ladies became as deeply interested as the opposite sex, and by a seemingly tacit understanding they marched to the polls and for once in their lives exercised the right of suffrage.

The excitement was at a white heat all day and did not cease until the polls closed. The result is given below:


OLD BOARD. J. Rice ……………………………………421

G.P. Hayslip ………………………….. 419

Josiah Hughes……………………….. 418



Benjamin Mattice……………………………..189

G.H. Hard……………………………………….190


Mr. Rice’s majority over Mr. Montgomery as president of the board, is 235. Mr. Hayslip’s majority over Hr. Mattice, as treasurer, is 230. Mr. Hughes’ majority over Mr. Hard, m secretary, is 228. Comment is unnecessary. The people have spoken, and pretty plainly at that.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 10, Number 2478, June 1, 1880

More Cackling.

Chicago, May 31.—The national woman’s suffrage association begins a three days session at Farwell Hall to-morrow. Many delegates an already here including some of the most prominent ladies in the country.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 10, Number 2483, June 6, 1880


Susan B. Anthony is pertinacious, if anything. She is at Chicago knocking at the doors of the convention for admission. When woman suffrage is recognized and established, Susan will lie ready to die. Not until then.

When the Chicago convention is over and the Cincinnati convention is over and one of the candidates is elected, what the deuce will there be to write about. But then the boys might stir up the woman’s suffrage question just for the sake of getting Susan B. Anthony and Victoria Woodhull to talking.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 10, Number 2486, June 10, 1880

The Greenback Convention

Chicago, June 9. —The national convention of the national greenback labor party met at 12:30 this p. m.

The woman’s suffrage association, through one of its members, asked for the insertion of a woman’s suffrage plank in the platform, and Susan B. Anthony was allowed to present the subject, Dennis Kearney alone objecting.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 10, Number 2495, June 20, 1880


Susan B. Anthony, Matilda Joslyn Gage and Lillie D. Blake, of New York, S. A. Spencer of Washington. D. C., Elizabeth A. Meriweather of Tennessee, and other of the woman’s suffrage association, are here to present their claim for ballot to the democratic party. They have established headquarters in one of the rooms at Music hall.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 10, Number 2496, June 22, 1880


Woman suffrage advocates are busy. Mrs. Gage and Mrs. Blake visited the Tammany delegation, where they were courteously received by August Schell and others. Mrs. Blake also addressed the delegations from California, Nebraska, New Jersey and Delaware. Others addressed other delegations. These busy workers have been granted sixteen seats in the convention.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 10, Number 2584, October 3, 1880

The Utah Woman Suffrage Act Void

Salt Lake, October 2.—The woman suffrage act is considered void because it did not require women to be taxpayers, citizens of lawful age, or to have a stated residence in any county or precinct, all of which is required of male voters. A mandamus was sought to compel the registration officers to strike women from the lists on these grounds. Justices Hunter and Emerson denied the writ, holding that it will not properly apply in such a cause, because the registering of voters is not a ministerial act. They did not pass on the validity of the act itself. Justice Boreman held the woman suffrage act to be invalid, that a mandamus will apply to compel the registering officers to strike off illegal voters, and that the writ ought to be issued.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 10, Number 2647, December 17, 1880


Proceedings of the Forty-sixth Congress.


Washington, D. C., December 16.

Senator Hoar presented a petition for woman suffrage in the territories, which he said, was signed by ladies of the highest attainments and occupying places of the highest respectability in society, and which contained arguments that to his mind had never received any answer worthy of the name of respectable argument.

The morning hour having expired the educational bill came up again. [free public education]

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 10, Number 2648, December 18, 1880

The women of Missouri are already beseeching Governor Elect Crittenden to recommend their elevation to the right of suffrage in his first message to the general assembly.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 10, Number 2656, December 29, 1880

On the 20th of January the Colorado woman’s suffrage association will meet. Hens will then begin to crow.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 10, Number 2663, January 7, 1881

A Susan B. Anthony Convert. Boston. January 6 — Governor Long, in his message, favors the proposal to give property holding women the right of suffrage.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 10, Number 2671, January 16, 1881

When the woman’s suffrage convention meets in Denver next Thursday there will be considerable cackling and crowing.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 10, Number 2672, January 18, 1881

Representative Brush, a Follower of Susan B. Anthony.

Introduces a Woman Suffrage Bill in the House.

Denver, January 17.—After the reading of the journal, the following bills were introduced:

By Mr. Brush—An act to extend the right of suffrage to women.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 10, Number 2676, January 22, 1881


…The Woman Suffrage Bill is Squelched in the House

Causing Weeping and Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth

In the “State Equal Suffrage Association”

SENATE. Denver. January 31.—

… The committee then rose and the house resumed. The committee on engrossment reported bill No. 60, to extend the right of suffrage to women, correctly engrossed. The bill was then read a third time and on motion to indefinitely postpone was lost—29 to 21. It was then put upon its final passage and lost—ayes 24, nays 18.


The house then went into committee of the whole, Mr. Powers is the chiar [sic]

Bill No. 60–Concerning woman suffrage was ???? favorably and its passage…

(last line cut off entirely)

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 10, Number 2677, January 23, 1881

Representative Bush’s Woman Suffrage Bill.

[Colorado Legislature]  HOUSE.

The vote by which the woman suffrage bill was lost, was reconsidered, and the consideration fixed for Tuesday next.

next page and several columns later…

The house has set down on the woman suffrage bill, for which act every respectable citizen in the state should be thankful.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 10, Number 2678, January 25, 1881

Boost the woman suffragists.

… Crowing hens must be set down upon.

… Electric lights is what Pueblo wants, and is going to have.

If the Colorado legislature it so rattlepated as to pass an act granting women the right of suffrage, it is to be sincerely hoped that Mother Shipton’s prophesy will come true before an opportunity is given the felines to exercise their privilege.

[next page]

The most foolish thing the Colorado legislature has been guilty of this session was the action of that body on Saturday last in reconsidering the woman suffrage question, and opening it up for further consideration to-day. Those who advocate this ruinous privilege for woman are not fit to vote, and the respectable portion of womankind in Colorado, we have great cause to be thankful, do not advocate or want such a privilege.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 10, Number 2679, January 26, 1881


Work Done by the Legislature Yesterday.

The Woman Suffrage Bill Again Considered.


DENVER, January 25. A large delegation of ladies, headed by C. H. McLoughlin, visited the senate to-day, and remained during the introduction and reading of the temperance bill.

Afternoon session. [Colorado House]

Mr. Brush’s female suffrage bill came first under consideration.

Mr. King moved to indefinitely postpone it. Lost—23-19. The question then recurring on its passage, the bill was defeated —22 ayes to 23 noes.

[next page]

No woman suffrage laws are needed in this land.

[next column]

This may be, but these same papers advocate woman suffrage. Now, which is the better of the two evils, male or female bums? The question resolves itself into about this form, and of the two we must say we prefer the former.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 10, Number 2680, January 27, 1881

To members of the Colorado legislature –Don’t meddle with railroads.

… We don’t want any woman suffrageism in ours. Most anything would be preferable to that horrible state of affairs.

… The twenty members of an Illinois total abstinence society deposit $200 each, to be forfeited to the rest in case of being caught at breaking the pledge.

… The lower house of the state legislature has shown much wisdom by setting down on the woman’s rights bill—even though it was by a bare majority of one. We cannot stand much cheek in a man, but any quantity in a woman, at least until they begin asking the right of suffrage then—“ Get the behind us Satan.”

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 10, Number 2681, January 28, 1881

Woman suffrage has gone to the demnition bow-wows.

… Wonder if we will get that appropriation for the insane asylum.

… It is to be hoped that the Colorado state senate will show its good judgment by throwing cold water on the howling gang of women suffragists.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 10, Number 2686, February 3, 1881

Woman’s suffrage it is to be hoped is a thing of the past in Colorado.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 10, Number 2694, February 12, 1881

Woman Suffragists Delighted

[Madison (Wis.) Cor. Milwaukee Republican.]

The female suffrage bill came before the special committee to-night, and while it was under consideration Senator Quarles developed a big point, and one that created a biggest sensation. The bill is in the form of a constitutional amendment, and has passed one legislature. As such its friends desired it to pass this legislature and then go to the people at next fall’s election. Quarles read the state constitution, and in section 4 of article 3 found a provision for allowing any persons to vote by a special enactment and a vote of the people. No amendment to the constitution is needed. As the bill has passed one legislature it will be withdrawn and a bill reported to submit the matter to the people. It can not now be killed by the legislature, but must be submitted to the popular vote. Female suffragists are rejoicing.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 10, Number 2697, February 16, 1881

Universal suffrage in France

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 10, Number 2700, February 19, 1881

LOUIS, February 18.—The Woman Suffragist society last night resolved to put a political ticket in the field for the spring elections, and effect close ward organization.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 10, Number 2705, February 26, 1881

No female suffrage in ours. Woman’s place is at home, and there we love to see her.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 10, Number 2733, March 31, 1881

Defeated Again

Boston, March 30.—The house yesterday defeated, by a vote of 122 to 76, the bill to give municipal suffrage to women.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Number 2786, June 1, 1881

Susan Anthony, Mrs. Stanton and the veteran stand-bys in the cause of Woman suffrage, are holding one of their annual conventions in Boston. The sad sisters meet every year, say the same things, do the same things and separate with a firm belief that they are all frauds, because no two of them can embrace the same idea as to what ought to be done. Still the ladies are making headway. They are allowed to vote at school elections in Massachusetts, New York and one or two western states, and if the republic lasts long enough they may yet have the pleasure of being elbowed by negroes and ward; bummers at the polls of a presidential, election.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, Volume 10, Number 2797, June 14, 1881

Our Opinion, a weekly paper devoted to the temperance cause, has made its appearance at Denver.

The June number of the Colorado Antelope, edited by Mrs. C. M. Churchill, Denver, devotes some space to the Stickney Campan tragedy, and, as usual with all these female suffrage organs, reasons from a false basis. Perfect equality before the law is not all that is required to make a true wife and mother, and the ballot will not restrain a woman from becoming a harlot if she is naturally inclined that way.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 23, 1881


The patriot’s little bong mo—“There’s no woman suffrage in Ireland, but a good deal of Mis(s)rule.”

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 27, 1881

The Females.

Louisville, October 28.— At the Woman Suffrage Association to-day the constitutional amendments now pending in Indiana, Nebraska, and Oregon, and the school suffrage already established in twelve states, were welcomed as an encouraging indication of progress. Hon. Erasmus McCarrell, of Nebraska, was elected president for the ensuing year. A meeting of the citzens of Louisville is announced to form a city woman suffrage society to-morrow. The convention adjourned this evening.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 8, 1881

To-day elections will be held in Colorado, Maryland, Minnesota. Massachussetts, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin. In most of them the full list of state officers and the legislature an to be elected. Colorado votes on the location of the state capital, Nebraska on the proposition of woman’s suffrage, Wisconsin and Virgins on an amendment for biennial semi one of the legislature, and Minnesota on some proposition regulating the legislators. In Iowa, Minnesota and Mississippi the legislators elected will elect s United Status senator, and in New Jersey the state senators will participate in the election of a United States senator in 1883,

Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 17, 1881

If female suffrage were a realized fact throughout the country, there could hardly been more scratching than there was.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 14, 1881



The committee on rules reported back the resolution for a select committee of seven to be appointed by the chair on the extension of suffrage to women or removal of their legal disabilities. He asked unanimous consent for the present consideration of the resolution.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 15, 1881

President Arthur is said to be sweet on the ‘‘vidders.’’ His last edict against female suffrage would seem to indicate that one of them has presented him with a mitten lately.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 21, 1881


… The Woman Suffrage Resolution Kicked In the Senate.


Senate Proceedings Washington, December 20.

At the expiration of the morning hour the senate resumed consideration of house resolution for a committee on woman suffrage and Morgan addressed the senate, after which was an executive session. The woman’s suffrage resolution was informally laid aside.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 10, 1882



Senator Hoar’s resolution for a special committee on woman’s suffrage passed.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 12, 1882


Senate Proceedings

WASHINGTON, January 11, -The president pro tem, announced the special committee on the rights of women as follows: Lapham, Anthony, Ferry, Blair, George, Jackson and Fair.

Senator Anthony introduced a bill providing for the retirement of any person who served fifty years or upwards in either house of congress.

Nearly every senator present having submitted petitions for a commission on alcoholic liquor traffic, Senator Blair said it was evidence of the universal demand for legislation on the subject

Senator Morgan offered a resolution directing the woman suffrage committee to inquire into suffrage in Utah, and report a bill to remedy the existing law, conferring suffrage on Utah women.

… Senator Morgan offered a resolution which was laid over to be printed, directing the special committee on woman suffrage to inquire into the matter of suffrage in Utah, and report a bill to set aside any existing laws conferring suffrage upon the women of that territory.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 18, 1882

Denver News: The associated press gravely informs the country that Ex-Senator Sargent is the most bitter and unrelenting foe of monopoly in this bread land. Next we shall hear that the railway kings have turned into grangers, and that Susan B. Anthony is opposed to female suffrage. The associated press agent who is engineering the Sargent boom, ought to hate his pay raised immediately.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 21, 1882


The senate select committee on female suffrage received a large delegation of prominent ladies yesterday, and after listening to several speeches, passed a resolution that the question of female suffrage should receive a full and fair investigation at their hands.

(next column)

Capital Notes Washington, January 20.—

… The woman’s suffrage convention was largely attended to-day and the addresses were of great interest to the hundred ladies who made up the audience.

… Female Suffrage Washington, January 20.— The senate select committee on woman suffrage gave a hearing to-day to a large delegation of members of the National Women’s Suffrage convention. Speeches were made by Mrs. Searle and Mrs. Granger (Indiana), Mrs. Colby (Nebraska), and Miss Susan B. Anthony.

The committee unanimously adopted the following: Resolved, That the committee are under obligations to representatives of the women of the United States for their attendance this morning, and for the able and instructive addresses which have been made, and that the committee assures them that they will give the subject of woman suffrage that careful and impartial consideration which its grave importance demands.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 22, 1882

Capital Notes

Washington, January 21—

… There was a large attendance of ladies at an adjourned meeting of the senate select committee on woman’s rights to-day, and a large number of senators and representatives were present to see the chosen champions of the woman suffrage cause and hear their arguments. Addresses were made by Matilda Jocelyn Gage, Lillie Deveraux Blake, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Mrs. Sowell of Indianapolis, aad Isabella Beecher Hooker. Mrs. Stanton’s speech was elaborate and forcible. The hearing ceased to-day and the committee will now take the subject under advisement.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 2, 1882

As we here before remarked, and as we repeat again, it will be quite time enough to give the privilege of suffrage to women, when the women themselves ask for it. The cry raised by a few persons in their name is a false cry. It is a bold and brazen lie, wherever, whenever and by whomsoever it is made to take the form of a statement that the women of Colorado ever asked for or ever wished for the ballot. Not one wife or mother in the state in a thousand ever attends the shrieking matches of the scolding sisters which are held at various intervals. The fact is beyond dispute, and yet the shouting sisterhood perambulate the state and prostitute pulpits and the press with the preposterous pretences that the women of our state feel themselves oppressed because they cannot vote at elections.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 2, 1882

As we here before remarked, and as we repeat again, it will be quite time enough to give the privilege of suffrage to women, when the women themselves ask for it. The cry raised by a few persons in their name is a false cry. It is a bold and brazen lie, wherever, whenever and by whomsoever it is made to take the form of a statement that the women of Colorado ever asked for or ever wished for the ballot. Not one wife or mother in the state in a thousand ever attends the shrieking matches of the scolding sisters which are held at various intervals. The fact is beyond dispute, and yet the shouting sisterhood perambulate the state and prostitute pulpits and the press with the preposterous pretences that the women of our state feel themselves oppressed because they cannot vote at elections.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 25, 1882

The Utah Commission. Washington, April 24.—The president is looking about and exercising great care in selecting who shall compose the Utah commission. It is stated that ex Senator Paddock has been agreed upon as one of the members that will compose it. He has been in New York lately and at first re fused to accept but finally alter reconsidering consented bis name might be used. It was intended ex-Secretary Kirkwood should be placed on the Utah commission but Senator Paddock’s selection will result in the former’s appointment as western representative upon the tariff commission which place he much preferred. Miss Phoebe Cousins of St. Louis, is bringing every possible influence to bear whereby she may represent the government in the adjustment of the Mormon question, and has urged the Missouri delegation to assist her. Senators Cocknell and Vest are agreeable and have so indicated, but others, while willing to do all in their power to assist Miss Cousins, do not believe the appointment can be obtained by her from the fact it would be a recognition of female suffrage by the president. The senate public lands committee this morning agreed to report favorably the nomination of George B. Armstrong for register of lands, at Huron, Dakota.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 20, 1882

New York. May 19.— Helen M. Slocum, the well known public speaker and leader of woman’s suffrage, is dead.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 23, 1882

The woman suffrage movement has been hopping up before the country for some years, but it is now our duty to announce that it has received a blow, from the effects of which it must be very quiet. In the New York legislature the other day a member moved the right to vote should not be granted to women under fifty years of age. There may be women in that state who have reached fifty years, but no one ever heard it from their own lips, and if any legislator imagines that inspectors of election can elicit affirmative information on the subject he is woefully mistaken. But, perhaps, the mover of the bill meant in a roundabout way to entirely prohibit woman suffrage; if so, he hit on exactly the method.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 27, 1882

The Chicago Times takes up the cudgel for the domestic servants, and thinks that if they were praised more in the newspapers they would do better work, and that if the calling were elevated a better class of women who are obliged to work for their living would gladly gladly choose domestic service. The Springfield Union concurs with the Times, and suggests that if the women who are so anxious to improve the condition of their sex would inaugurate a movement of some sort to make house service more respectable the benefits would be vastly more appreciable and practical than those expected to result from woman suffrage. The benevolent suggestions of the Times and the Union are very good in their way, no doubt; but. do we need any reform that cannot be instituted in every household by the keeper of the house herself, unaided by conventions or outside movements of any sort? Women are notoriously tyranical to their Iess-favored sisters, and few girls of the better class will stand the torrent of abuse heaped upon them for a slight mistake or error of any kind. No business could prosper should men treat their employes with so little consideration. By all means show domestics as much humanity as man shows his home, at least, and if you can persuade yourself to treat them as though they were living souls the victory will be half won. This is a subject for women to think of in a sort of “put-yourself-in-his-place sort of a way.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 6, 1882

Washington, June 5.—

… Senator Lapham reported favorably a bill giving women the right of suffrage.  Senator George made a minority report.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 8, 1882

 President Arthur commended on many things including ex-slave suffrage

Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 8, 1882

St. Louis,- August 7.—The national greenback central committee of this city have telegraphed the United States senate, protesting against the confirmation of Dillon, of St. Lonis, as secretary of the legation to Mexico. The reaeon assigned is the endorsement by Dillon when he edited the Evening Poet, of this city, of the speech made by George G. Vest, new United States senator, in which he denounced universal suffrage.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 11, 1882

context is unclear

THE PROHIBITIONS PLANK. The republican state convention adopted a platform this morning. The following is the prohibition plank: “That we declare ourselves unqualifiedly in favor of the prohibition of the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage and pledge ourselves to such additional legislation as shall secure the rigid enforcement of a constitutional amendment upon the subject in all parts of the state.” The other resolutions request the legislature to submit to the people a constitutional amendment in favor of woman’s suffrage; requesting their congressmen to secure an amendment to the revenue laws to prevent the issuing of receipts or stamps to sell intoxicating liquors to any person other than those authorised to do so under state laws. Two or three planks provide stringent railroad laws. Governor St. John was then called for and made a brief speech. No effort was made to make St. John’s nomination unanimous. The remainder of the ticket is as follows: D. W. Finney, present incumbent, lieutenant governor; James Smith, present incumbent, secretary of state McCabe, a colored man, of Graham county for auditor.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 20, 1882 

If the democratic state convention wishes to secure the support of the Denver Republican they should by all means put a female suffrage plank in their platform. The great majority of the stock of this influential (?) sheet is held by women and it could not well go hack on the suffrage racket. This is a hint for the “leader” of the democracy.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 23, 1882

Zeigenfuss and Mrs.Churchill of the Antelope will make a strong suffrage tandem team, with the Antelope in the lead

 Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 10, 1882

St. Louis, September 9.—Susan B. Anthony arrived last night enroute to Omaha where a national woman’s suffrage convention will be held September 26, 27 and 28

Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 20, 1882

Democratic Convention

Boston, Sept. 19.—The democratic state convention was called to order. Chairman Jonas H. French made a brief address. J. G. Abbott was chosen permanent chairman. Commission appointed. A speech was made by the chairman on reforms, and the convention nominated B. F. Butler governor. The resolutions were read. When the woman suffrage resolution was read a delegate moved to strike out the words “or sex”. He did not favor “such nonsense.” The amendment was finally adopted by a close vote, and the ticket completed thus: Lieutenant-governor, S. W. Bowerman; secretary of state, D, N. Shellings; treasurer and receiver, Wm. A. Hodges; auditor, Jno. P. Sweeney ; attorney-general, G. F. Ferry.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 28, 1882

Omaha, September 27.—The committee of the Women’s National Suffrage Association are in conference with a committee of the Nebraska association, to plan a campaign in Nebraska. Miss Anthony, Mrs. Saxon, of New Orleans, Miss Hanaman, of Pennsylvania, Madame Neyman, of New York, Miss Phoebe Couzins, of St Louis, Mrs. Shattuck, of Boston, Mrs. Foster, of Philadelphia, and Mrs. Colby, of Nebraska, speak until the election.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 29, 1882

Female Suffrage.

Omaha, September 28. —To-day’s morning session of the National Woman’s Suffrage Association was devoted to the organization of campaign work. This afternoon Mrs. Shattuck, of Boston, and Susan B. Anthony spoke. This evening addresses were made by Mrs. Neyman, of New York, and Mrs. Miner. The convention closed with a public reception at the Paxton hotel, attended by leading citizens. The convention has been a success, and there is no doubt many converts have been made, but nevertheless it is doubtful if woman suffragewill be carried this fall, as it requires a majority of all the votes cast and persons not voting upon the question will virtually be casting a vote against suffrage. A convention will be held at Lincoln the 29th and 30th. The anti-monopolists nominated a complete state ticket headed by E. P. Ingersoll, of Johnson county, for governor. The resolutions cover the principal planks of the anti-monopolists as enumerated by the New York anti-monopoly league. They also demand a revision of the revenue laws so as to compel railroads to pay their proportion of taxation.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 30, 1882


Another Howl for Equal Rights and the Ballot.

… Female suffrage Omaha, September 29 —At the National a Woman’s Suffrage association a resolution was adopted thanking congress for the appointment of a woman’s suffrage committee in each house; thanking Senators Lapham, Blair and Anthony for their report in favor of the impartial suffrage amendment to the constitution of the United States; that it is the paramount duty of congress to submit a sixteenth amendment which shall secure the enfranchisement of women; that the association should labor for the submission of an amendment to the national constitution prohibiting states from disfranchising on the ground of sex; that the action of the state conventions of republicans in Kansas and Indiana, democrats in Massachusetts, anti monopolists , in New York and prohibitionists in Chicago indicate the full recognition of owmans [sic] political right; that is due the legislatures of lowa, Oregon and Indiana to ratify the proposed womans’ suffrageamendment, and that the enlargement of womans’ political freedom in Ireland, Scotland and Russia is encouraging while the refusal of these privileges is more inconsistent in our republic.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 15, 1882

The republican party will not go off on a greenback shute, a temperance shute, or a woman suffrage shute. It is attending strictly to its legitimate business.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 28, 1882


Welcome to Female Sufferage [sic] in Oregon.

Female Suffrage New York, October 27.—Speaking of the strides woman suffrage is making in Oregon, the Herald says if the amendment shall be adopted, Oregon will have the honor of being the first state in the Union to admit women to fill offices for all departments of its government. It may seem surprising that an experiment of this kind should be first attempted in Oregon, which is on the skirmish line of civilization, but it should not be forgotten that two hundred years or so ago the experiment in government which the world covered with ridicule, was tried on the New England coast. It may be that Oregon is the New England of the nineteenth century.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 31, 1882

interesting stuff on voting procedure and printed pasters ready cut and gummer for instant use

The Denver News is now a faithful copy of that rank democratic organ the Denver Tribune. If the soporific Republican would follow the same example it would be a relief to the tired female stockholders.

… It is rumored that the female stockholders of the Denver Republican will turn the paper into a woman suffrage organ at the close of the campaign. S. S. Wallace will be prevailed upon to accept the position of managing editor, assisted by those two noble hearted dames, Ziegenfuse and Catherine Churchill.

Inspired by intense hatred to the republican ticket and willing to do anything in a mean, underhanded way to compass its defeat, the Denver Republican is now harping on the prohibition dodge. This was the load that broke down the republicans in Ohio and the female stockholder’s organ hopes to play the same game here.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 4, 1882

(concern about election fraud in Pueblo)

Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 15, 1882

When Governor St John, of Kansas, heard the final returns, he seized his walking stick and ruthlessly demolished a granger’s corn crib and eleven beer bottles. He still insists that prohibition is a good thing, and will shortly attempt the experiment on Susan B. Anthony, who has grown very dissipated lately over the failure of female suffrage in Nebraska.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 16, 1882

We observe that female suffrage was snowed under to the tune of 25,000 votes in Nebraska. Between common sense and nonsense, the former seems to have a decided majority in that country.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 29, 1882


The Suffrage Amendment.

Miss Susan B. Anthony has announced that she will pass the winter in Washington, devoting her time and energies to advocating before congress an amendment to the constitution denying the right of a state to abridge the suffrage on account of sex. Miss Anthony will not succeed in her mission, because, in the first place, there is not one congressman in twenty who-cares a cent whether the right of a citizen to vote is abridged or denied on account of sex. In the second place, the reason why congressmen do not care about the suffrageamendment is because their constituents do not care about it, and the reason why their constituents do not care about it is because the whole movement is based on a fallacy. The suffrage ia merely a means of controlling the government of the country, and the conditions which control its exercise are not based on sentiment. Nobody would oppose the extension of the suffrage to women if such a step would give us any assurance that the country would be better governed, but it is opposed by the majority of thinking men and women because they know that such a change would lower the standard of the suffrage, which is already too low. In every class of society the woman is a with a few individual exceptions, less fitted to vote than the man is. She has a more limited acquaintance with public affairs, a more limited experience and responsibility in every way. In that ideal future to which we aspire, and in which the real rights of women will be freely recognized and enjoyed, woman may take her place beside man as a voter, a politician and an office holder. But that future is so far off that Miss Anthony will not see it, and perhaps when it comes woman will be so well contented with her position that she will not want the suffrage.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 6, 1882



Congress Asked to Fix a New Marriage Law.


The Utah Commission Washington, December 4—The Utah commission in a report to the secretary of the interior recommends a marriage law be enacted by congress which would form an auxilliary in the suppression of polygamy. The commissioners say that owing to the peculiar state of affairs in Utah Territory, a law allowing women the right of suffrage is an obstruction to a speedy solution of the vexed question, and should be repealed or annulled by congress. The commissioners say the law so far has been a decided success in excluding polygamists from the exercise of suffrage, and they are of the opinion that the steady and continued enforcement of the law will place polygamy in a condition of gradual extinction. The commissioners notice as an encouraging sign that many of the “liberal” meetings hare been largely attended by Mormons,and that these meetings have been characterized by exceptional good order and good humor. In conclusion the report says, after counseling moderation, if, however, the next session shall fail to respond to the will of the masses, congress should have no hesitation in using extraordinary measures to compel the people of this territory to obey the laws of the land.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 21, 1882

not females



Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 12, 1883


The Woman’s Suffrage Association Meet and Want to Know Why They Can’t Cast Ballots.


…Woman’s suffrage. New York, October 11.—The annual meeting of the American Woman’s Suffrage association adjourned after a two days session. There (were 71 delegates present during the session, from ten states. Letters were read from George M. Curtis and others. Lucy Stone, Julia Ward Howe, Mary A. Livermore, Mary N. Eastman, Robert Collyer, Dr, Bashford, Henry B. Blackwell, Wm. Dudley Moulke, Oliver Johnson, Dr. Edward Beecher and others made addresses. Mary B. Clay, of Kentucky, was elected president. It was resolved to petition the state legislatures for municipal and presidential woman’s suffrage by statute, and ask congress for a constitutional amendment. Encouraging reports were received from twenty-one states and territories. Ex Governor John W. Hoyt telegraphed from Cheyenne: “Wyoming stands as solid as her mountains for the equal suffrage of woman. Great good and no evil has resulted here. God speed your efforts for the enfranchisement of woman.”


Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 18, 1883


The Legislature of Washington Territory Passes a Bill in Favor of Women’s Suffrage.


What Are We Coming To? Portland, Oregon, October 17.—A bill granting woman’s suffrage passed the house in the Washington territory legislature to-night The vote stood fourteen to seven. The result of the vote caused much excitement among friends of woman’s suffrage.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 19, 1883

The Republican Ticket. PUUBLO.Oct. 18, 1883.—In looking out upon the political horizon, we see no speck upon its surface, no cloud to dim its brightness. The same old ringing words are just as applicable to-day as they were years ago, when it took the life blood of our people to stay the shock of rebellion. The present campaign is of course local, and at a casual glance it would seem that the ingredients necessary to make up a national campaign were useless, and should not enter into a local struggle for the supremacy between the two parties. But “ Oaks from little acorns grow,” and thus it is in the principles underlying the foundation of our government. The germs of all our national legislation are gathered from the remote corners of our mighty nation, and smelted in the crucibal of reason, and then forged into the chain of right and justice, law and progress, that has bound the hearts of our people together so firmly, that no man nor set of men, can intimidate or make them swerve from the road that leads onward and upward to the ultimate goal of our nation’s glory; and at the same time do justice to every man, be he a millionaire or a pauper. Our people are proverbial for their thoughtfulness and mature deliberations upon all subjects that are liable to affect the best interests of the masses; and when the two parties come before them for their suffrage, it is the signal, warning the people to be on their guard, and scrutinize not only the character of the men placed upon the separate tickets, but also the principals of the two parties themselves, and see if there is not some scheme underlying the surface, calculated to rob them of their just rights, and do them irreparable injury at some day in the future when the eyes of the nation are turned to the head of the ticket in a national campaign. The laboring men especially (of whom I am one) have reason to look well to the tendencies of the two parties, before casting their ballot at any election, no difference how insignificant the office may seem to be. The idea we wish to convey is this : Put no man on guard who is not in sympathy with the laboring men, and have not their interest at heart. But you say what has a county election to do with the tariff question and other national issues ? We answer that in these very contests are hidden the germs of the mighty conflicts that burn and seeth in the hearts of our people, and through your acts are moulded into laws that either benefit you or do you an injury. They are questions that are of vital interest to each one of us; the comfortable support of our wives and children depend upon our action in this matter; the future policy of our government is shaped, and gathers impetus from thoughts emanating from our brain. We are the people; and we are responsible for the good or ill that may come to us in the future. We hold the reins of government in our hand, and are responsible to generations unborn for the manner of government handed down to them. Can any proposition be plainer than the one stated above ? Can we as a people be gulled into the support of men whose political faith draws them irresistably into a political vortex, which compels them to legislate the bread out of the mouths of their wives and children by repealing our tariff laws ? Can we as a people become so blind as to not recognize the fact, that a democratic victory on the 6th of November will be one link in the chain now attempting to be forged, with which to bind us to the wheels of the chariot of free trade to be crushed and starved by inches, while the pauper labor of Europe will take our places in the work shops and upon the wall ? Can we as people stand upon the summit of these grand old “rockies” and look out upon our nation, teeming and surging with life and activity, with every man who will work, actively employed at some avocation, yielding him a fair compensation for the labor performed, and not feel the shock that would inevitably come upon a reversal of our tariff system, which would throw our doors open to all Europe, and permit them to ship their products to our shores unrestrained ? These are the political questions that have birth in our hearts and minds, and take root and grow into the higher legislation of our country, and are promulgated from the walls of the capital of our nation. Then why should we stultify ourselves by supporting men upon the democratic ticket, whose known sentiments are diametrically opposed to the best interests of the working men. The. democratic candidates may be good fellows and our personal friends, yet as sober thinking men we must lay that aside and look beyond, to the grand culminating point where the sheaves are all gathered in, and the fruit garnered in the storehouse of our nation to be distributed to us again, in the shape of laws protecting us and our families against an influx of foreign wares that will inevitably crush the life’s blood from our hearts. “JED.”



Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 24, 1883


November Magazines.


The North American Review for November, by the liveliness and the sterling worth oi the articles it contains, satisfies the requirements of the most exacting reader. Senator H. B. Anthony writes of ‘‘Limited Suffrage in Rhode Island,’’giving incidentally a highly interesting sketch of the early constitutional history of that little commonwealth, and setting forth the considerations which influenced its people in restricting the electoral prerogative.



Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 31, 1883




The Utah Commission Gives a Favorable Report On Its Great Work. The Fight Against Polygamy Appears to Be Assuming Definite Form of Action. A Very Heavy Failure in the Cotton Trade at Liverpool Throwi the Business Into Convulsions. Other Cotton Failures Looked For. The CUb Commluioa. Washington, October 30.—The board of Utah commissioners submitted its second annual report to the secretary of the interior. After making a statement of the former legislation of congress in relation to bigamy or polygamy, they say the duties of the commission appertain only to matters of registration, election and eligibility to office; while punishment for the crime of polygamy is left, as nnder the former law, to the courts of justice nnder the antipolygamy act. The commission had good success at the general election in August, 1883, in excluding polygamists from the polls, and so far as advised very few, if any, illegal votes have been cast in Utah since the commission took charge of registrations and elections, in Angnst, 1882. The enforcement of the law against 12,000 polygamists, who have been ezclnded from the polls, shows that the act has been folly and successfully executed. It is thought that the discrimination between those Mormons who practice polygamy and those who do not, while not likely to have much effect upon the elderly men who already have a plurality of wives and several families, mast have great weight upon the yonog men of the territory, many of whom are ‘ambitions and aspiring, and would not like voluntarily to embrace political ostracism. The very existence of the law disfranchising polygamists must tend to destroy their influence, whenever it is understood that it is to be a permanent discrimination. The fact also that it will be necessary to the preservation of the political influence of the “people’s party,” as the Mormons style themselves, to have a large body ot their members who are not polygamists, mnst tend in time to weaken the practice of polygamy, for every married Mormon who takes but one plural wife loses three votes for his party—his own and those of his two wives, woman’s suffrage being established by law in Utah. Concerning the plurality of wives, the report says; That doctrines and practices so odious should be upheld so many years, against the laws of congress and the sentiments of the civilized world, is one of the marvels of the nineteenth centnry, and can be scarcely appreciated, even by those familiar with the world’s history. In relation to the difficulties of governmental control and (he suppression of religious fanaticism, certainly no government can permit violation of its laws under the gniae of religions freedom; and while confrees may not legislate as to mere matters “f opinion, yet it may punish as crimes thoee actions which are in violation of social duties or fail to subserve good order. The right of congress to suppress this great evil is undoubted. It is equally plain that the dignity and good name of this great government among (he nations of the earth demand snch congressional action as shall effectually* eliminate this national disgrace. The commission renews the recommendations contained in the report of November 17,1882, notably the one regarding the enactment of a marriage law by congress, declaring all future marriages in the territory nnll and void unless contracted and evidenced in the manner provided by the act. If the next legislature shall fail to adopt measures in conformity with the provisions of October, 1882, for the suppression of polygamy, the commission will be prepared to recommend, and congres will certainly not delay the adoption, of most stringent measures, with such limitations of the constitution as may be considered necessary for the suppression of this great evil. The report refers to ,the various municipal elections, and says the most important election was that of Angnst 0, J883. The total number of votes cast in this contest was 21,960, against 27,923 at the last November election. The principal falling off was on the part of Gentiles or the “liberal” party. In November the total votes of the people’s or Mormon party was 23,039; liberals 4,884. In Angnst the votes of the people’s party were 20,508; liberals, 1,453. From which it appears that large numbers of liberals refrained from voting, a fact that must be regretted, for it is believed (hat by proper effort and good management one or more non-Mormons might have been elected to the legislative assembly, who would have the opportunity of putting the majority on record. In conclusion, the commission say that recently soms ten snits were instituted in the Third district court of Utah, by Mormons, against members of this commission, complaining that they bad been nojastly deprived of the right to register and vote. These are understood to be test cases, designed to contest the constitutionality of the Edmonds act, as well as the legal constructions which were pot npon its provisions. These snits are still undecided, and are likely to be appealed to the supreme court of the United States. It has been asserted that polygamous marriages have increased since the poseege of the Edmunds act. On the contrary we have the opinion of many Mormons and non-Mormons that they have comparatively decreased since the passage of aaid set After diligent inquiry we believe the lattes conclusion is correct, bat the Utah legislature will have an opportunity ofratiafying the neon try on this particular subject by passing raeb public marriage arts as

those we have suggested to congress. By this and each other legislation as we have indicated they will give the government an assurance of their loyalty and patriotism, and avert a contest which cannot but result in their discomfiture. We think it proper to recommend the zeal of the governor of Utah in his efforts to enforce all the laws of the United States. Signed by Alex. Bamaey, A. 8. Paddock, £. L. Godfrey, A. B, Carlton and J; B. Pettigrew. CMsn Failure.




Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 4, 1883


Temperance Work. Detroit, November 4.—At the election of officers of the National Woman’s Christian Temperance Union to-day, Miss Frances E. Willard was unanimously reelected president, amid the greatest enthusiasm. Resolutions were adopted declaring the high taxation of the liquor traffic wrong in principle, inefficient in practice; favoring prohibitory legislation; calling for the abolition of internal revenue as relates to the manufacture and sale of liquors; favors legal protection from the encroachments of the liquor traffic. All these were adopted unanimously. The interest culminated in the discussion of a resolution endorsing the sixteenth amendment and committing the convention to women’s suffrage. Alter a long debate, participated in by a large number of delegates, it was temporarily vetoed and another taken up condemning the sale of intoxicants aboard railroad dining cars, which was likewise largely discussed and finally referred back to a committee. Another resolution, advocating increased circulation of temperance literature, equality of morals in both sexes, and the prohibition of the sale of tobacco to minors, was adopted unanimously, as was also a resolution pledging the support of the union to the political party favoring prohibition.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 7, 1883

England not women


Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 23, 1883

Massachusettes Ben Butler will vote for woman suffrage


Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 7, 1883


A Bill for female Suffrage Gets Into the Senate.

Forty-Eighth congress.


Washington, December 6— The following joint resolution was offered by Senator Butler : To provide an amendment to the fifteenth amendment to the constitution inserting the word “nativity,” so as to make the article read “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not he denied or abridged by the United States or any state on account of nativity, race, color or previous condition of servitude.” Senator Lapham offered a resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution, giving women the right of suffrage.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 18, 1883


. An Awful Country. Vancouver, W. T., December 17.—There was a grand rally last night in honor of the passage of the women’s suffrage law. Leading politicians, irrespective party, are petitioning President Arthur to appoint Mrs, Dunway, the leader of the women’s enfranchisement cause, as governor of the territory.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 19, 1883


Washington, December 18

Mr. Keefer was instructed to report a resolution, without recommending its adoption, for the appointment of a committee on woman’s suffrage. A request that correspondents be admitted to the house lobby was considered, and was unanimonsiy disagreed to.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 20, 1883


Mr. Keifer, of the same committee, reported without consideration a resolution for the appointment of a committee on woman’s suffrage. Laid over till to-morrow.



Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 21, 1883



This Time Woman’s Suffrage Makes Itself Prominent in the House. Congress Adjourns Till Monday, and Will Have Recess Over the Holidays.

Mr. Keifer called up a resolution reported yesterday for the appointment of a committee on woman’s suffrage. Mr. Regan wished to place himself in opposition to the resolution, on social and constitutional gronnds. He argued that the committee could not report a measure which any court conld enforce, or which would be constitutional, and protested against kicking abont the poor old constitution, which has been so long forgotten. The granting of suffrage to women tended to degrade them. Congress should not try to over-drag the social status of the world. Mr. Belford asserted that it was competent for congress to pass a law prohibiting a state from depriving women from participating in its government. If there were more female influence in the political arrangement of the country, even the morals of the house of representatives might be improved. Mr. Keifer spoke in favor of the appointment of a special committee, to which should be referred all petitions and measures pertaining to the subject of woman’s suffrage, If it were unconstitutional to grant the right of suffrage by law it was competent for congress to amend the con-

stitution so as to enfranchise woman, and the progress of events pointed toward that advanced step in civilization. The resolution was reported by yeas 88, nays 124. commemorate the surrender by General Washington of his commission as commander-in-chief of the army. The president was requested also to order a national salnte fired from the various forts of the country on the 24th. The joint resolution was passed. Mr. Henley asked leave to introduce a bill to amend the act to execute certain treaty stipulations with the Chinese, Mr. Weller objected, but subsequently withdrew the objection, when it was renewed by Mr. Skinner, of New York. Adjourned till Monday.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 22, 1883



Consolidation of the Pueblos is a matter of importance to us all. It means increased prosperity to evert’ resident of the twin cities.


Mr. Belford expresses himself strongly in favor of female suffrage. The next move on the checkerboard has not been announced.



Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 8, 1884


The New “York Tribune calls attention to the fact that the promoters of “the woman’s movement” have had three reasons for encouragement during 1883. In the first place, it has been judicially decided in Massachusetts that a woman is a “person;” and, in the second place, New York has decided with equal condosiveness, at the bauds of her superintendent of public instruction, that women have a right to vote for school officers; and, in the third place Canada’s Welland county council has resolved to memorialize the legislature to grant suffrage to women.



Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 9, 1884

Gammon. New York, January B.—The woman’s suffrage party’s state executive committee denounces Senator Edmunds’ proposition to disfranchise the women of Utah as a gross wrong to non-polygamists. New York senators and representatives are called npon to resist the proposition.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 16, 1884

connected ith polygamy


Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 18, 1884


Cheyenne, Januar17. —The message of Governor Hale was read this afternoon at 2 o’clock to the eighth legislative assembly. After complimenting the people upon the prosperity which has attended them in the past, and making predictions as to the future greatness of the territory, the governor reviews the mineral and agricultural resources in most glowing terms, The finances of the territory are shown to be in prosperous condition. Radical changes in veterinary laws are urged, in order to prevent introduction of contagions diseases into this great cattle raising section. The Yellowstone national park question is dealt with in a few pointed sentences, his excellency urging the necessity of more stringent legislation, in order to protect the beauties of this national resort, the principal argument being for an extension of county judicial authority over the park by the county in which it is situated. The Indian question is also dealt with in an able and spirited manner. The governor also recommends a revision of the election laws and the mode of selecting jurors. He recommends that the election laws be made mote stringent as regards bribery. Game laws receive more than passing notice, and stringent measures are urged for its protection. Several railroad enterprises are urged for tavorable consideration by the legislature. The question of female suffrage is ignored altogether in the message. As a whole, the message meets with general approval.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 8, 1884


An amendment by Mr. White,of Kentucky, to form a woman’s suffrage committee, was lost by 67 to 103, almost a party vote, the democrats voting negatively.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 5, 1884


Female Politicians Washington, March 4.

—The sixteenth annual convention of the Women’s Suffrage association began to-day. All the women who have been prominent in the suffrage movement were present except Mrs. Stanton, who was detained by the illness of her sister. After the appointment of a number of committees and adopting of several resolutions, relating fur the most part to routine business, the association took recess. The first public session of the convention was | held this afternoon, Miss Anthony presiding. The programme for the afternoon i; session included an invocation by Rev. Olympia Brown, an opening address by Susan B. Anthony, and reports from members. Miss Anthony read letters of encouragement from George William Curtis, J. P. Thompson, M, P. and Jane Cobden, daughter of the late Richard Cobden. This evening was devoted to adresses, —•—



Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 6, 1884

Suffrage for Women. Washington, March 5—At a meeting of the National Woman’s Suffrage association the question of “How the national association can help the women of Oregon to gain the ballot” was discussed. It was said that in that state Mrs. Dunaway has been taking a census of voters favorable to woman’s suffrage, and had learned that the measure will have the votes of the best citizens. It was decided to assist the women of Oregon in a financial direction alone. It was decided, therefore, to prepare and send throughout the country, to members and their friends, asking for assistance. Miss Anthony read a long list of names of persons from whom letters of encouragement have been received, among them a letter from Senator Anthony. Miss Phoebe Cozzens, of St. Louis, then addressed the convention, her subject being “What Answer?” and was followed by Mrs. Belva E. Lockwood, who discussed the question of the constitutionality of the Edmunds bill to disfranchise the women of Utah, and incidentally defended the Mormon church. When she had finished her speech Miss Anthony stated that the association had nothing to do with the government’s treatment of the Utah question, except in so far as its treatment of the women of Utah is concerned. Miss Anthony notified the convention that the president had arranged to receive the delegates to-morrow ; that the senate committee on woman suffrage would give them a hearing Friday, and the house judiciary committee Saturday.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 7, 1884

Telegrams Condensed. The women’s suffrage convention elected for the ensuing year as president, Elizabeth Cady Stanton; vice presidents, Susan B. Anthony and several others, and an honorary vice president for every state and territory; an executive committee, delegates, etc., etc.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 9, 1884


Miss Susan B. Anthony, Phoebe Cousins, Mrs. Haggert and other members of the women suffrage association made an address before the house judiciary committee, advocating an extension of the right of suffrage to their sex.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 21, 1884

 “colored people education suffrage


Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 26, 1884



Woman’s–Suffrage. New York, March 25. —John W. Hoyt, ex-governor of Wyoming, who is here on business, has sent a letter to a leading member of the legislature of this state, strongly recommending woman suffrage, giving an account of his official experience, its practical workings in Wyoming, and saying that if business allowed he would visit Albany and urge the legislature to enact it.



Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 29, 1884


Congress Adjourns Till Monday, and Will Get Through June 2d. The House Gives a Woman a Pension—Not Much Work Yesterday. A Bill to Abolish the Iniquitous System of Hiring Out the Labor of State Convicts. Some Important Washington Items Forty-Eighth Congress. SENATE. Washington, March 28. Senator Palmer, of the committee on woman’s suffrage, reported favorably the joint resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution to extend the right of suffrage to women. Senator Cockrell said this was the action of a majority of the committee. The minority would hereafter present their views.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 1, 1884


McCord’s Pet Scheme. Washington, March 31.—Representative McCord has prepared a joint resolution to be introduced as soon as possible, providing for the appointment by the president, with the advice and consent of the senate, of a commission of seventy-six persons, two from each state, of different parties, for the purpose of considering and proposing to the several states the propriety of calling a convention of at least twothirds of the states, to propose amendments to the constitution. The convention, should it be called by the states, is to meet July 4, 1337. Among the subjects to which the proposed amendments relate are the presidential succession, the election of president and vice president, the exercise of the veto power, woman’s suffrage, and a number of other subjects, such as regulation of trade marks, establishment of a federal system of popular education, and freedom of the civil service from political control.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 2, 1884



Bill Nye Says a Few Words Neither Sensational Nor Selfish, Though He Does Not Tackle the Great Question of Ultimate Results on the Political Machinery. [St. Louis Republican.] There have been many reasons given first and last why women should not vote, but I desire to say, in the full light of a ripe experience, that some of them are fallacious. I refer more particularly to the argument that it will degrade women to go to the polls and vote like a little man. While I am not and have never been a howler for female suffrage, I must admit that it is much more of a success than prohibition and speculative science. My wife voted eight years with my full knowledge and consent, and to-day I cannot sec but that she is as docile and as tractable as when she won my trusting heart. Now, those who know me best will admit that I am not a ladies’ man, and therefore what I may say here is not said to secure favor and grateful smiles. I am not attractive and am not in politics. I believe that I am homelier this winter than usual. There are reasons why I believe that what I may say on this subject will be sincere and not sensational or selfish. It has been urged that good women do nol properly exercise the right of suffrage where they have the opportunity, and that only those whose social record has been tarnished a good deal go to the polls. This is not true. It is the truth that a good, full vote always shows a list of the best women and the wives of the best men. A bright day makes a better showing of lady voters than a bad one, and the weather makes a more perceptible difference in the female vote than the male, but when things are exciting, and the battle is red hot, and the tocsin of war sound; anon, the wife and mother puts on her armor and her sealskin sacque and knocks things cross-eyed. It is generally supposed that the female voter is a pantaloonatic, a half-horse, halfalligator kind of a woman, who looks like Dr. Mary Walker, and has the appearance of one who has risen hastily in the night at the alarm of fire, and dressed herself partially in her own garments and partially in her husband’s. This is a popular error. In Wyoming, where female suffrage has raged for years, you meet quiet, courteous, and gallant gentlemen, and fair, quiet, sensible women at the polls, where there isn’t a loud or profane word, and where it is an in finitely more proper place to send a young lady unescorted than to the postoffice in any city in the Union. You can readily see why this is so. The men about the poll are always candidates and their friends. That is the reason why neither party can af ford to show the slightest rudeness toward a voter. The man who on Wednesday would tell her to go and soak her head, perhaps, would stand bareheaded to let her pass on Tuesday. While she holds a smashed ballot shoved under the palm of her gray kid glow she may walk over the candidate’s prostrate form with impunity and her overshoes if she chooses to. Weeks and months before election in Wyoming the party with the longest purse subsidizes the most livery stables and carriages. Then on the eventful day every conveyance available is decorated with a political placard, and driven by a polite young man, who is instructed to improve the time. Thus every woman in Wyoming has a chance to ride once a year at least. Lately, however, many prefer to walk to the polls, and they go in pairs, trios, and quartettes, voting them little sentiments, and calmly returning to their cookies and crazy quilts, as though politics didn’t jar their mental pulse for a minute. It is possible, and even probable, that a man and his wife may disagree on politics as they might on religion. The husband may believe in Andrew Jackson and a relentless hell, while his wife may be a Stalwart and rather liberal on the question of eternal punishment. If the husband manages his wife as he would a clothes-wringer, and turns her through life by a crank, he will no doubt work her politically, but if she has her own ideas about things she will naturally act on them, while the man who is henpecked in other matters till he can’t see out of his eyes will be henpecked, no doubt, in the matter of national and local politics. These are a few facts about the actual workings of female suffrage, and I do not tackle the great question of the ultimate results upon the political machinery if woman suffrage were to become general I do not pretend to say as to that. 1 know a great deal, but I do not know that. There are millions of women, no doubt, who are better qualified to vote and yet cannot, than mill, ions of alleged men who do vote; but no one can tell now what the ultimate effect of a change might be. So far as Wyoming is concerned the territory is prosperous and happy. I see, also, that a murderer was hung by process of law there the other day. That looks like the onward march of reform, whether female suffrage had any thing to do with it or not And they are going to hang another in March, if the weather is favorable and executive clemency remains dormant, as I think it will. All these things look hopeful We can’t tell what the territory would have been without female suffrage, but when they begin to hang men by law, instead of moonlight, the future begins to brighten up. When you have to get up in the night to hang a man every little while and don’t get any per diem for it, yon feel as though you were a good way from home.


next article is

“Acting Copy” of an Erratic Emotional Actress.



Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 5, 1884


An Adverse Report by a House Committee on Woman Suffrage.

Statesmanlike Views of Senator Gibson on Popular Education.

The House Passes the Indian Appropriation Bill—

Loss of Life on Bailroads.

Funeral of the Duke of Albany.

News From Washington. Washington, April 4.


Representative Maybury was instructed by the committee on judiciary to prepare an adverse report on the joint resolution proposing a constitutional amendment to confer suffrage on women.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 9, 1884


The house committee on judiciary to-day adopted Representative Maybury’s adverse report on the joint resolution to provide a constitutional amendment to give women the right of suffrage. Mr. Dorsheimer agreed to report it on the ground that it is inexpedient to extend the right of suffrage now, but was of the opinion that it will be advisable at some future time to give women the right to vote. Representatives Reed, Brown (Indiana) and E. B. Taylor (Ohio) will submit a minority report.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 24, 1884

Senator Brown, representing a minority of the committee on woman’s suffrage, submitted the views of that minority in opposition to the measure recently reported by the majority of the committee, which proposed a constitutional amendment granting the right of suffrage to women.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 24, 1884



Incidents In the Life of a Woman’s Suffrage Leader.

Readiness of Repartee

-Story of a Quarrel with Horace Greeley

— Looking Toward the Sunset of Life.

[Lillie Devereux Blake in N. Y. Mail and Express.]

Her readiness of repartee is one of Mrs. Stanton’s most remarkable gifts. I was once on the platform with her at a convention at Newport over which she presided. It was in this same summer of 1809, and was, by the way, my own first appearance as a speaker. There was also present Mr. Theodore Tilton, who was then at the height of his success, with no shadow on the promise of his brilliant career. A very pious lady was making a speech, or rather reading an essay, in the course of which she said something about Moses. As she uttered his name she looked up and remarked to the audience: “I have always thought that when I passed to the Beyond, the person whom I should most wish to see—of course after the members of my own family—was Moses.” With a smile, Mr. Tilton, who was sitting at the back of the stage, whispered: ’’Mrs. Stanton, when you go to heaven do you wish to see Moses?” “No,” said she, “I would rather see Lot’s wife.” It was on this same occasion that after a session a fashionable lady of Newport expressed to Mrs. Stanton a fear that it was not quite modest for a woman to speak in public. Our handsome and dignified president looked at her with mild surprise. “Why,” she said, “there are not so many people at our convention as there were at the ball last night, and surely it is more modest to make a sensible speech in quiet costume than to exhibit one’s bare arms and shoulders at a public dance in the embrace of a strange gentleman.” The lady, whose own dress had been remarkably decollette, had nothing but a blush for reply. Once after a speech before the state legislature a lady had the impertinence to ask Mrs. Stanton what she did with her children during her public appearances. “Oh,” replied Mrs. Stanton, “it takes me no longer to come here to speak than it takes you to come here to listen; what have you done with your children during the two hours you have been sitting here?” A prominent judge and state senator, who with his family was among her friends, still felt himself called upon publicly to oppose the married woman’s property bills which every one knows, or should know, were carried through our legislature by the efforts of Mrs. Stanton and her co-laborers. The judge made several speeches against the bills, declaring that if wives were permitted a separate estate from their husbands it would cause dissensions in families. The bills were passed despite the eloquent advocate’s opposition. A few months later Mrs. Stanton met the judge in New York. She held out her hand with a mournful expression of face, though, I doubt not, there was a twinkle of fun in her kind blue eyes. “Permit me to condole with you,” she said. “Condole with me!” exclaimed the judge; “on what?” “On the great unhappiness in your family—the unfortunate differences between your wife and yourself.” The judge flushed, thinking that some busybody had spread slanderous tales concerning him. “Why, what have you heard?” he demanded angrily. “Nothing, nothing whatever,” replied Mrs. Stanton; “only, as you predicted such dire family quarrels as the result of passing the property bills, and as they have since passed, I suppose you and your wife must be on the eve of divorce.” The good judge laughed heartily at the practical joke. “You were right,” he said: “I do not think any trouble will come from those new laws.” A curious story is that of the relations between Mrs. Stanton and Horace Greeley. For years they were firm friends; they were ardent workers in the anti-slavery cause, and in the early days of woman’s rights conventions The Tribune could always be depended on for a fair report of their proceedings. But Mr. Greeley never gave in his adherence to the demand for equal suffrage. He thought women should have all advantages of education open to them, and opportunities for occupation, and equal pay for equal work. He even held with Dr. Bushnell that women should have the right of offering their hands to those whom they preferred, but he could not think that those same hands might properly drop a ballot into a box. During:the civil war Mrs. Stanton turned a laugh on the sage of The Tribune when, amid a group of friends, he said to her, “Madame, the ballot and the bullet go together. If you want to vote are you ready to fight?” “Certainly, sir,” she replied, “I am ready to fight just as you have fought, by sending a substitute.” However, the friendship between these two gifted people continued unbroken till the New York constitutional convention of 1868. Horace Greeley was a member of that body and violently opposed the woman-suffrage amendment, which was discussed for many days during the sessions, Mr. George William Curtis and Hon. Charles J. Folger being among its warmest advocates. One day just after Mr. Greeley made some particular intemperate remarks against the amendment, Mr. Curtis rose and handed a memorial to the secretary, saying as be did so, “I have the honor, Mr. Chairman, to present a petition in favor of the woman suffrage amendment, signed by Mrs. Horace Greeley and 300 other women.” The effect may be imagined. There was a chorus of laughter and the papers for sometime were full of comments on the incident. Mrs. Stanton and Mr. Greeley did not meet for some months, when they encountered each other at one of Miss Alice Cary’s receptions. The philosopher still cherished his wrath so strongly that be refused to shake hands with his former friend, and asked angrily: “Why did you not inscribe my wife’s maiden name on that petition, and call her Mary Cheney Greeley?” “Because,” replied Mrs. Stanton, “I wished all the world to know that Horace Greeley’s wife protested against her husband’s report” “Well,” retorted Mr. Greeley, “let me tell you what I, intend to do. Hereafter no word of praise shall ever be given to you in The Tribune, and if you are necessarily mentioned, it shall be as you have designated my wife, by your husband’s name. You shall be spoken of only as Mrs. Henry B. Stanton.” How small seem these petty differences in. looking over a long life’s achievements. As her years are drawing towards the allotted three score and ten, Mrs. Stanton sees the reform she has inaugurated gaining in power every day and people already admitting that its final success is only a question of time. She has sometimes said wittily that she does not want to enter the kingdom of Heaven disfranchised, and as she is still in the enjoyment of health and vigor, we may reasonably hope that this great woman may live to see the crowning of her life work with victory.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 25, 1884

Mr. Maybury, of the same committee, an adverse report on the woman’s suffrage constitutional amendments. Mr. Reed presented a minority report. Both were placed on the house calendar.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 26, 1884

letter to editor??

The report of the house committee on judiciary, relative to extending the right of suffrage to women, is somewhat mixed, four reports having been made, but the majority report is adverse to granting the .privilege asked, and for the time being the question seems to have been nicely shelved.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 2, 1884

Woman’s Suffrage Creates a Discussion Delegates to a National Convention.


WOMAN’S SUFFRAGE The consideration of the platform was then again taken up, beginning with the fifth section, relating to woman’s suffrage. This question caused much discussion. John Hipp made a brilliant address, giving reasons for not including this clause in the platform of the prohibition party. The prohibition convention should choose a platform appertaining to prohibition only. Mrs. M. J. Tilford, Rev. Mr. Wallace, C. H. St. John, Mr. Soggs, Mrs. G. W. Sprague, Mr. Wilsey, Rev. O. L, Fisher and others spoke in favor of the clause, The question was temporarily tabled,and the following resolution was then offered by Doctor Sawyer, of Canon City : Resolved, That we recognize in the agency and power of woman a necessary factor to the complete and final overthrow of the liquor traffic, and shall hail the day with delight when she shall exercise the right and privilege of the ballot. After some discussion the resolution was adopted. Consideration of the platform was then resumed and the fifth clause, in relation to woman’s suffragewas stricken out by a vote of 61 to 43. The convention then adjourned sine die. A day will be appointed in the near future for holding a state prohibition convention. *


Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 30, 1884


Tempting Woman Suffrage Plank.

Greenback Convention. Indianapolis, Ind., May 29.


Eleventh—For the purpose of testing the sense of the people upon the subject, we are in favor of submitting to a vote of the people an amendment to the constitution in favor of suffrage, regardless of sex, and also on the subject ‘of the liquor traffic.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 5, 1884

The National Convention. Chicago, June 4,

A woman’s suffrage resolution was presented and referred to the committee on resolutions.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 8, 1884

in the how to powder your nose section

Old Sojourner Truth believed enthusiastically in women suffrage, But she condensed the wisdom of volumes in this piece of advice to her sex: If you want your other rights, take ’em.”

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 19, 1884

The consideration of the Utah bill was then resumed. Senator Hoar offered an amendment to strike out the clause abolishing woman’s suffrage in Utah. Rejected, 17 ayes to 34 noes. Senator Bowen voted aye. The bill then passed, 33 yeas to 15 nays.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 21, 1884

Chicago, Jane 20.— The American prohibition convention adopted a platform which declares that the God of Christian scriptures is the author of civil government ; favors the nse of the bible in the schools; asserts that God requires and man needs the Sabbath; demands strict prohibition laws, the withdrawal of all charters to secret lodges, and that their oaths be prohibited by law; opposes prison and imported contract labor; favors a revision of the patent laws; pledges the party to vote for woman suffrage; asserts that the civil equality granted by the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth amendments shonld be extended to Indians and Chinamen; that international differences should be settled by arbitration; that land and other monopolies should be discouraged; that the government should furnish a sound currency; that tariff should be reduced as fast as the. necessity of the revenue and vested business interests will allow; that polygamy should at once be suppressed; that the republican party is censurable for a long neglect of its duty in respect to this evil; demands a direct vote for president and vice president of the United States.



Colorado Daily Chieftain, July 24, 1884

The Prohibitionists. Pittsburg, July 23.—

The convention* by a rising vote and much enthusiasm, endorsed the views and principles expressed in the memorial of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, presented to-day. ilt was proposed to couple with it a woman’s suffrage plank, but at the suggestion of Mrs. Woodbridge, the secretary, that part of the motion was withdrawn.



Colorado Daily Chieftain, July 25, 1884

Prohibitionists Convention

Bruce, of Maryland, offered a resolution on the same subject. This and other resolutions, as to woman suffrage, temperance missionaries in the south, etc; were referred to the committee on resolutions.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 1, 1884

The Woman’s Suffrage Advocates Support the Republican Ticket.

A Letter From Mrs. Stanton and Miss Anthony Making Wise Remarks.

Some Full Details of the Condition of Affairs at Toulon and at Marseilles.

The Doctors Popularly Supposed to be Clearing the World of People.

The Arabian Rebels Get a Whipping

The Woman suffragists for Blaine.

New York, July 31.—Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, president and vice president of the National Women’s Suffrage association, have issued an address to members making some suggestion to co-workers why they should remain steadfastly with the political party that for the last quarter of a century has most faithfully represented the fundamental principles of republican government. The address says: At the opening of the next session of congress, with our bills and reports waiting their turn on the calendars of both houses, it is to the republicans we must look for discussion and division on our questions, and did they constitute a twothirds majority we should confidently hope tor the passage of a resolution to submit the sixteenth amendment, but we have nothing to expect from any of the other parties now struggling into existence. As to the greenback and anti-monopoly parties, with their quasi-recognition of woman’s political equality in their platforms, and the rank and file of seceding democrats and working men who will constitute his supporters, Hon. Ben. F. Butler would be powerless to help us. The prohibitionists’ disposition to make women suffrage the tail to their kite is to defy the laws of gravitation. Prohibition could not secure women suffrage, but women suffrage is the only power by which prohibition could be made possible. Those demanding the recognition of God in the constitution are reminded by the address ‘‘That the best recognition the men of this nation can make of God in the constitution is to secure exact justice to their mothers.” The recent defection of some of our most prominent friends from the republic party, who have spoken bravely and eloquently for many years on our platform, must not mislead the unwary, as their action has been in no way influenced by their interest in the woman suffrage question. In fact their remarkable somersault as far as we can see is not to illustrate any vital principles, but merely to gratify personal pique. It is not that they hate Cleveland less, but Blaine more that such men as George William Curtis, Jas. Freeman Clarke and Thos. Wentworth Higgins have come down from their high moral platform to swamp their votes with the democratic party. The result of this last session, were its proportion equal to its virtue, the pretension would be to throw the administration of our government into the hands of the democratic party, not into those of Cleveland, who, though he were possessed of all the cardinal virtues claimed, and in addition thereto the crowning excellence of adhesion to the great principle of protected freedom for women, he could do nothing for any reform with congress and his constituency, nine-tenths of whom are blinded and bitter opponents to all liberal measures. Suppose, on the other band the republican candidate, Jas. G. Blaine, were wanting in all public and private virtues, with congress and his constitutency, three-fourths of whom are our friends, be could do nothing to hinder the passing of the amendment. But he is friendly. His name stands recorded with the “ayes” on all questions affecting the interests of woman brought before congress for many years. Thuns in Mr. Blaine we have a nominee in harmony with the republican majority in congress, hence our hope of securing the initiative step to make suffrage for woman the supreme law of the land lies in the triumphant success of the republican party. For these reasons, as we have no votes to offer, we should give our earnest, concientious support to the republican party, whose chosen leader is one of the ablest statesmen our country can boast, and who if elected will, with the noble women of his family circle, honor the White house and the highest office in the gift of the American people.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 15, 1884

Worldly Wisdom.

[New York Cor. Liter Ocean.]

A worldly wise matron, whose name is known in the cause of woman suffrage, said to me on this phase of the servant girl question: ‘‘You asked me why I discharged my chambermaid the other day after 1 had told you how far above her work she was in intelligence. She was precisely what 1 wanted, with one vital exception. She was pretty. You must have noticed that. 1 am sure ray son did. I would gladly have kept her as a servant, but 1 didn’t want herfor a daughter-in-law. See tho trouble made by that kind of thing in the Rhinelander family. They thought their waitress was a jewel. So did the son. Caste is very un-American, but it isn’t without its valuable domestic uses. The fact is, that waitresses mid nursemaids are thrown so constantly into close relationship with their employers that, if apt at acquiring politeness, they are able to turn into ladies when occasion offers. I don’t see how this difficulty is going to be obviated.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 20, 1884

Making a Convert.

[Rev. Myron W. Reed.][1] When reasons of hygiene do not absolutely forbid, I like to see the man next the door, coming home from a day’s work, rise promptly and sweetly, and give his seat to a lady, and then I like to sec her as promptly and sweetly refuse to take it. She who does tills lias covered a multitude of sins, and made a convert to the doctrine of woman suffrage.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 30, 1884

 There is a Republican convention in Pueblo but I read nothing about suffrage.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 31, 1884

Sailed for Ireland, New York, August 30.— Sexton and Redmond sailed for Ireland to-day. A large number of friends, among whom was Mrs. Parnell, bade them farewell. Mrs. Clemence S. Lozier, of the woman’s suffrage party, asked them to convey to the Irish party in the house of commons the thanks of the woman suffragists of this country for voting in favor of woman’s suffrage, and their assurances of sympathy with the cause of Ireland,

Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 9, 1884


The Pioneer Woman Journalist—

A Remarkable Character.

The Anti-Slavery “Visitor”—

In the Hospitals—

Plainness of Attire—

Not a Woman Suffragist—

The Pathetic Part.

[Gertrude Garrison in New York Graphic,]

It was an event of national importance when in 1848, in Pittsburg, Mrs. Jane Grey Swisshelm jumped suddenly from her “sphere” and landed in the journalistic arena in command of a little paper called The Visiter (spoiled with an “e”). A political paper, tool Worse than that—an anti-slavery paper! The new craft was little but mighty. It created what she styled “a pantaloon panic.” The editors from shore to shore considered their bifurcated garments imperilled by this daring woman, and defended them by sneering at her. Over the pea name “Jeannie Deans,” Mrs. Swisshelm had contributed articles and stories to Neal’s Saturday Gazette of Philadelphia. The Dollar Newspaper and the Pittsburg Spirit of Liberty, but the little Visiter soon made her famous in two countries. The Visiter not only flew in the face of public sentiment by advocating the abolition of slavery but it taught the incendiary doctrine that a woman was entitled to the same legal protection as a man, and that as matters were she didn’t get it. Mrs. Swisshelm re-established The Visiter at St Cloud, Minn., and went through a siege of border ruflianism on its account that endangered her life and the lives of her friends. She also became a lecturer, and after a stormy editorial and oratorical caieer went to Washington as a correspondent for The New York Tribune, the first woman ever employed in that capacity in this country. After the war broke out she spent two years in the hospital as nurse. In her autobiography she grows more enthusiastic over this part of her work than over anything else she has done. She elected subjects for her care exactly as she would have voters chosen -by reason of their fitness. When she found a man whose face bore evidence of a clean mind and a manly spirit, whose life would lie worth something to the world if prolonged, she did all she could to save him. But when she read grossness, sensuality and selfishness in a sick man’s countenance she wasted no effort on him. She saw no merit in saving human life at the expense of bettor material. Mrs. Swisshelm never wore a flower, a feather a bow of ribbon, a ring or bit of jewelry in her life. She told me she never owed the expenses of her wardrobe to exceed $10 a year. In the summer she usually wore a gingham gown that cost about a dollar, with a sun bonnet to match; and once she paid $5 for a yard of velvet out of which she made a bonnet that she wore seven years, While in office doing editorial work she wore scarf tied under her chin which looked like a cap. She didn’t affect this originality of costume because she was eccentric, but to avoid the dubious felicity of being

“talked about —to confute by her appearance as well as her conduct any lie that any blackguard might set afloat about her. She wanted to be able to look a man straight in the face while she talked with him, and never for an instant have him think that she was anything more than a mind in a washerwoman’s dress. For the same reason she never accepted the slightest attention from any gentleman. To all offers of seeing her to a carriage or car she answered that she needed no such courtesy. When she went to the office or elsewhere at night she took a small office boy with her as escort. With all her severe plainness of attire she never looked less than an empress. She had a beauty of figure and face and a majesty of carriage that common garments could not conceal. She was an illustration of how little, after all, we are indebted to clothes for our appearance. She had an oval face, with a broad, smooth forehead, dark, arched eyebrows, big, clear, gray-blue eyes, a perfectly straight nose and a large, firm mouth. In conversation she was charming. She talked as she wrote, with a choice of language at once powerful and beautiful, and in a voice strikingly unemotional, clear and deep, with no high keys and no womanish quavers in it. Mrs. Swisshelm’s chirography is a sort of photograph of her character. It is a curious, original and beautiful band—straight, strong and without a superfluous line. Besides some of the affected flurries of younger writers it looks like a leaf from an engraver’s book of samples. Mrs. Swisshelm is often spoken of as a “woman’s rights!’ woman. She really never favored suffrage, and had no sympathy whatever for the original type of equal suffragists, who fairly Hayed “man, the oppressor,” alive, when they treated the world to a specimen of their oratorical powers. She wanted women to be equal before the law with men, to have the same chance in life, the same pay for their labor, and the same tolerance towards their faults—to share equally in everything. Her matrimonial star was evil. After twenty years of unhappy wedlock she took her only child, then a baby, in her arms and went up into the forests of Minnesota, hoping to live a peaceful life, far from all public strife and contention. The dream was vain. None of us can escape our destiny. The busiest and stormiest part of her life was yet to come. She made but one direct charge against her husband. It was that he “was not much better than the average man.” The most pathetic part of Jane Swisshelm’s history is the surrender of her love of art to the ignorant prejudice of her time. She never saw any paintings until after she was married. A traveling artist stopped at the village; she saw his pictures and a new world was opened to her—opened only to be rudely closed again in her face. She tried painting, and was at once lost to all other interests; but the sentiment of the times was against a married woman doing anything but housework. While she was experimenting on canvas and hesitating in her mind about the line of duty, she met one of those newspaper paragraphs with which men are wont to pelt women into subjection: “A man does not marry an artist, but a housekeeper.” “This fitted my case,” she said, “and my doom was sealed. I put away my brushes; resolutely crucified my divine gift, and while it hung withering on the cross, spent my best years and power cooking cabbage.”

Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 18, 1884

(Chieftain seems to be o.k. with temperance, just not with suffrage.  This is the longest article.)

Annual State Convention in This City of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union.

Committees Appointed in the Afternoon and a General Meeting in the Evening.

Ladies Present from All Over the State.

The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union for the state of Colorado met in its fifth annual convention in this city yesterday. A large number of delegates, besides a number of ladies who are not delegates, arrived during the day. Most of them are entertained during their stay by various citizens, while others are stopping at the Fifth Avenue and other hotels. The members of the local union are making all possible endeavors for the comfort of their guests, and for the success of the convention, which promises to be an interesting and well conducted meeting. The Pueblo union is only a year old, but is well organized, and its members consider themselves complimented by the selection of this city for the convention. Yesterday afternoon a meeting of the state executive committee was held at the Fifth Avenue hotel. Mrs. Shields, of Colorado Springs, president of the state organization, presided. The secretary is Mrs. Palmer. The meeting opened with prayer by Mrs. Bartlett. Various minor business was attended to, concerning the conduct of the convention. Committees of from two to five ladies each were appointed, on credentials, resolutions and plan of work, revision of the constitution, and finance, Mrs. Thompson, of Longmont, is chairman of the committee on credentials, and Mrs. Tilford, of Denver, is chairman of the committee on resolutions and plan of work. Rules were adopted limiting to five minutes the speeches on the reports of superintendents of departments, and allowing no one to speak twice on any report. Last evening the general convention met at the High street Baptist church. Some elegant floral decorations had been prepared for the occasion in the church building. Mrs. Shields, the president, was unable to be present, on account of the illness of one of her two sisters, both of whom are in the city. Mrs. Emma Malloy, of Indiana, therefore called the meeting to order and presided. There was a large audience present, consisting almost altogether of ladies. The exercises were opened by the singing of the hymn, “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name,’’ and prayer was offered by Mr. French. Vocal music was given by a choir consisting of Miss Owen, Mrs. Hughes, Messrs. Wells and Howe. Mrs. McNeill, president of the local union, then gave the address of welcome, a short but excellent speech. She said the theme before the convention was an old and hackneyed one, yet in itself inexhaustible. To-day the banner of temperance floats higher in the political and social atmosphere than at any time in the past; and that banner is upheld by women. “The political issue of to-day is prohibition, and our hope is for Christian temperance. The work has not more than just begun, and woman shall lead to certain victory. As there is strength in union, so may we stand heart to heart and give a new momentum to the onward march of temperence in Colorado. To you, the representatives of the different branches of the union in this state, in behalf of the local unions, I extend a hearty welcome, not only to seats in this convention, but to our homes and our love. Our union is but in its infancy, only one year old, yet so perfectly alive that its work is an echo of the grander work extending over the state of Colorado, awaking a new appeal amid its mountains, and vibrating like thunder heard remote.” The response was made by Mrs. Thompson, of Longmont, and was brief but appropriate. She expressed thanks for this hearty welcome. “Words of welcome are always pleasant. Many of us for the first time look upon your stirring town. We take a pride in the Centennial state, and the eyes of the world are upon it. We have wished to visit the city where it is said the manufacture of iron in its perfection can compete with the world. We want to talk with yon even on the material prosperity of our state. We have come, some of us, reluctantly. The mother heart turns even now to the loved ones at home. We have left our homes in the interest of a work for the protection of those homes. Our homes are threatened by a monster so grim and horrible that could I picture it before your eyes, my stronger brother, yon would need no bidding to fly to the rescue. We are glad that we are welcomed in a church. We are ate glad that onr cause is God’s cause, and that it is a holy cause. There is no such enemy to the cause of Christ as intemperance. We have gathered from all the churches, and in the name of God would combat this great evil. Again, we thank you, hoping to meet yon all in that city where all is righteousness and peace and joy.” Mrs. Sophie F. Grubbs, of St. Louis, a sister of Mrs. Shields, presented an address on the nature and aim of the W. C. T. U.. She began by showing that the work of the present is often greater than we think, and we build better than we know. The American colonists, seeking a more secure home for themselves, and afterward defending themselves against an oppression which to them was a present wrong, were unable to look into the future and see as we can see the greatness of this nation. Wrong and injustice are often made ministers of God’s justice. It would be pleasant if amid onr weary toil we could see the future great results, but God hides from us all but the past and the present. So it was with the women who started the crusade against intemperance ten years ago. With no resource left them but prayer and pleading for their own homes, subjected to taunts and revilings, they little knew that the crusade would be the fore-runner of a great epoch in the history of the nation. These were eminently the home keepers, the women of the home whom God raised up, who bitterly felt the invasion of the enemy not only in purse but in heart and brain, Peculiarly Christian were those women, for none others could have endured such a storm of invective. Without wealth or social influence, and deprived of that weapon by which they could have protected their homes —the ballot, they laid deep and strong the foundations of truth and liberty. When the work is accomplished the oppressed shall go free and the yoke shall be broken; and this nation shall be what it has purported to be, the land of the free and the home of the brave; a government of the people, for the people and by the people, with righteous laws upheld by a people cherishing those laws. There are those here who will see the glorious marriage of politics and purity. The speaker gave brief notes of the crusade, begun December 23, 1873, at Canton, Ohio, by Mrs. Judge Thompson, at the head of seventy women. “Far, far above thy thought His counsels shall appear,” and He to whom a thousand years are but as a day breathed into their work an inspiration that for ten years has been growing wonderfully. In 1874, at Cleveland, a convention was held representing 22 states. This work is now carried on in 48 states and territories, is thoroughly organized. It has 7,000 subordinate unions and 150,000 members wear this white badge of unity and love. It has organizations in Canada, England and Germany, and there is not a large city where its members are not striving to introduce it into every avenue. The speaker described in some detail the work of the “police matrons” in the larger cities; the work of visiting and influencing prisoners; the work among the soldiers and sailors and the employes of railroad companies. The work of the Union has had its influence in inducing steamship companies and railroad corporations to forbid the use of liquor among their employes. A stigma has been placed upon wine growing at the state and county fairs. A great influence has been exerted among business and literary men. Corporations have been induced to make their payments to employes on Mondays instead of Saturdays. The speaker mentioned the seventeen different departments into which the work of the union is divided, speaking especially of the work among foreigners, among whom temperance literature and temperance arguments printed in their own language are circulated The speaker made an argument in favor of what she called the “third party,’’ or woman’s suffrage. “Three years ago our women believed in the power and majesty of the law. Now they believe in the power and majesty of the whisky ring. The republican and democrats parties have been weighed in the balance and found wanting. Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity, and He will not lead us to a higher plane till we leave the old parties. By God’s grace this shall be accomplished, and prohibition, resting upon the sentiment of the people, shall be the result.’’ The speaker closed by showing the influence that this temperance work is exerting upon society. She asserted that 5.000 German votes bad been cast in favor of the prohibition amendment in lowa. “The secret of the power of this movement is that it is a consecrated work. Ambition and self-seeking have no part in it, but it is characterized and governed by unselfishness and love for humanity. Home protection means not only the protection of our homes, bnt helping the needy to find homes. Our only reward is in the promise, ‘lnasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these ye have done it unto me.’ ” Mrs. Emma Malloy, of Indiana, then gave some interesting reminiscences of the crusade in ’74. Mrs. Malloy is a most interesting and fluent speaker, and her descriptions of the exciting scenes of the “crusade” in Ohio and northern Indiana were vivid, and had a great effect upon her auditors. After singing and a benediction the meeting adjourned to 9:30 o’clock this morning, at the same place. The annual address of the president, Mrs. Shields, is to be given to-day. This morning there will be reports from the committee on credentials, and from the superintendents of various departments of the work of the W. C. T. U. in the state. This afternoon there will be papers presented on important topics by various ladies. This evening there will be a general meeting at the Pueblo opera house, addressed by Mrs. Malloy. No admission fee will be charged, and it is hoped a large audience will be present. The street cars will wait at the hall to convey the people to both sides of the river after the meeting.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 20, 1884

Won’t Take a Sure Thing.

New York, September 19.—Mrs. Clemence S. Lozier, M, D., chairman of the New York state committee of the woman’s suffrage party, to day issued the following card: The New York woman’s suffrage party of this state had no share in nominating a woman’s rights ticket tor the presidency, and the use of the name of the undersigned as a candidate for vice president is without authority. While the writer appreciates the kind intentions of the friends who have made this use of her name she sees no need of a special woman’s suffrage ticket when all the candidates for president are friendly to woman’s suffrage. Clemence S. Lozier, M. D.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 20, 1884

another long article on the Temperance convention in Pueblo –last day of the metting in Pueblo


Close of the State Convention in this City of the Woman’s Temperance Union. Election of State Officers—The Resolutions Adopted—Much Minor Business Transacted. A General Exception Held Last Evening. Yesterday was the third day of the fifth annual convention of the W, C. T. U., which has been in session in this city. The convention was called to order at 9 o’clock, at the Baptist church, by the president, Mrs. M. F. Shields, of Colorado Springs. After devotional exercises farther reports were called for from the superintendents of state departments. Mrs. Shields reported on the subject of literature and the Union Signal, in the absence of the superintendent of that department. Mrs. Thompson, of Longmont, reported concerning the press, and Mrs. Telford spoke of her work in connection with the neswpapers in Denver. Mrs. J. S. Sperry, of Pueblo, made her report on the subject of the department of prison and jail work. Miss Fannie Kowe, of Colorado Springs, made her report as corresponding secretary. Mrs. Chamberlain, of Leadville, read a paper on the subject “Daughters of Ease;” and Mrs. Day, of Trinidad gave a paper on the subject “Bands of Hope.” The usual time was spent in devotional exercises, and the noon recess was taken. In the afternoon a large amount of minor business came up. The convention was occupied a considerable time in considering the report of the committee on revisions, A number of amendments to the constitution and by-laws were made, after full discussion and careful revision. The committee on finance approved the report of the treasurer, Mrs. Hanna. The amount passing through her hands during the year has been $6OO. There is $2OO in the treasury, aud the union has no liabilities. Mrs. Potter made an earnest address on the subject of that unpopular branch — work among fallen women. The lady received the endorsement of the union as a worker in this field. Mrs. Shields and Mrs. Telford were appointed as delegates to the national convention at St. Louis. Mrs. Sperry is alternate for Mrs, Sperry is alternate for Mrs, Telford, and the latter is alternate for Mrs. Sperry as delegate to the national conference of charities and correction, also at St. Louis. The union then proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year. The president called to the chair Mrs. Stimson Smith of Denver. On motion, a committee on nominations was appointed, consisting of one member from each local union. The committee retired, and presently reported the following nominations for the office of president: Mrs. Shields, Colorado Springs; Mrs. Palmer, Boulder; Mrs. Gray-Pitman, Denver. Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Chamberlain and Mrs. King were appointed tellers, Mrs. Palmer respectfully declined the nomination, and a ballot resulted: Shields 32, Gray-Pitmau. Mrs. Shields’ election was made unanimous. She was conducted to the chair, and made a little speech, saying she could not return thanks for her re-election to a very onerous position, but she did thank the members of the union for the many manifestations of their kindness and regard, and their forbearance with her errors. She had tried and would try to do her best, and her mistakes were of the head and not from the heart. The following additional officers were elected, by acclamation: Vice president, Mrs. M. F. Gray-Pitman, Denver; corresponding secretary, Mrs. E. D. H. Thompson, Longmont; recording secretary, Mrs, M. L. Palmer, Boulder; treasurer, Mrs. J. K. Hanna, Denver. The following appointments of superintendents of state departments were made: Legislative and petition, Mrs. Gray-Pit-man ; scientific instruction, Mrs. A. J. Peavey, Denver; juvenile work, Mrs. T. E. Murphy, North Denver ; Sunday schools, Mrs. J.W. White, Longmont; the press, MrsMary Jewett Telford, Denver; finance, Mrs. Anna Day, Trinidad; hygiene, Dr. Clara Howe, Colorado Springs; unfermented wines, Mrs. Wallace, Boulder; prison and jail reformatory work, Mrs. J. S. Sperry; evangelical, Mrs. Hubbard, Trinidad; suppression of impure literature, Mrs. E. M. Chambers, Colorado Springs; railroad employes, Mrs. Eva Higgins, La Veta; work among foreign population, Mrs. William Hicks, North Denver. Longmont was select as the next place lor bolding the annual convention. The committee on resolutions and plan of work reported the following. The committee consisted of Mrs, Telford, Denver; Mrs. Wallace, Boulder; Mrs. Murphy, North Denver; Mrs. Bobbins, Longmont; Mrs. McNeill, Pueblo: 1. Your committee recommend the following departments of work for the coming year—[Here follow the departments above enumerated; also the departments of heredity and flower mission.] 2. We hope the superintendent of each department, state and local, will make real study of that department, also that the general scope of this work be studied by all members, that we may know something of the responsibility, opportunity and honor of the W. C. T. U. 3. We recommend that the place of any local officer or superintendent be considered vacant unless she report quarterly and that (his place be filled by the unions, it deemed advisable by the executive commit!*. 4. We urge upon our women the use of the ballot in the election of school boards. 5. We trust that every woman in our unions will appreciate the worth of her influence in keeping the Sabbath; and that every union will especially work for the enactment and enforcement of Sunday laws. 6. This being the year for the meeting of our general assembly, we recommend placing before it memorials that a prohibitory constitutional amendment be submitted to the vote of the people, and that scientific temperance instruction be made obligatory in our public schools. 7. “ As the strength of the liquor traffic is in the law protecting it, and law is the result of sentiment expressed by the ballot, we therefore recognize it to be the Christian and patriotic duty of women to bend their energies toward securing the ballot, to the end of crystalizing their sentiment into law that shall protect the home from the encroachment of its enemies.” 8. We believe that the time has fully come, in the providence of God, when the administration of our national government should pass into the hands of better and braver party. We therefore promise to uphold that party which supports and works for the prohibition of a the liquor traffic, and heartily endorse the nominees of the Pittsburg convention, St. John and Daniel. 9. Your committee hopes that the unions of our great, glorious, wicked state will not forget the foundation of all our work, Christ, the Helper. 10. A vote of thanks is tendered the Baptist church of Pueblo for the use of their building; the singers and organist, for their services; the people, for their bountiful hospitality; the Pueblo Chieftain, for its correct reports of the convention ; the Commercial and Victoria hotels, for free entertainment; the Fifth Avenue hotel, for reduced rates, free entertainment and the use of their parlors for public meetings; the public stables for the nse of carriages at reduced rates; the railroads of the state, for substantial courtesies, especially the D. & N. 0., which kindly puts a special train at our service from Pueblo to Colorado Springs on onr return home. We gratefully remember Mrs. A. J. Fairbanks, who, despite ill health, has lately organized two unions in the mountains; and we return Mrs. Emma Molloy earnest thanks for the enthusiasm she is infusing into temperance work in the west. The convention then adjourned sine die. Daring its session it has been characterized by uniform earnestness, dignity, and parliamentary smoothness. There were many minor points that came up which would be of general public interest, and at times a sharp spice of wit was thrown into the deliberations of the ladies, thereby diverting the routine. The personnel of the convention is not beyond criticism, but few conventions of men of equal numbers can display more braiji, none can show half so much heart, none so much genuine piety. Whatever may be said of the leading idea of this association—prohibition, it is very noticeable that philanthropy in all forms goes along with it. Having closed it labors, the members of the Union were given a social reception last evening in the parlors of the Fifth Avenue hotel. A large number of ladies and their friends were present, besides a few gentlemen. Mrs. J. S. Sperry acted as master of ceremonies. The exercises opened with music, and then came a few toasts. The toast “The National W. C. T. U.” was replied to by Mrs. Emma Molloy, the talented lecturer from Kansas; the toast “The Ballot,” by Mrs. Stimson Smith, of Denver, an earnest advocate of female suffrage; the toast “Our Sisterhood,” by Mrs. Shields; the toast “Our President, Mary F.Shields,” by Mrs, Gilmore. These speeches were all happy and able, and of much interest. Mrs. E. E. Alden favored the company with vocal music, and Mrs. Molloy sang “One more river to cross,” the audience joining in the chorus with enthusiasm. Scheiber’s band arrived and gave music, and the evening was most pleasantly spent. The reception last evening was tendered the visiting delegates by the members of the Pueblo union. Nearly all of them go home to day.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 26, 1884

Indian suffrage – meeting in New York “The Indian Problem”

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 10, 1884

misc.  just gives some flavor

A sheet and pillow case party, instead of the usual masquerade, will take place at Fisher’s skating rink Saturday night. There will be no prize,

Excursion for Everybody. The D. & N. O. railroad will run an excursion from Pueblo to Colorado Springs and return Sunday, October 12th, leaving Pueblo at 8:30 A. m. and returning leave Colorado Springs at 5:30 P. M. Fare for round trip $1.50.

Take your dinner at Breed’s restaurant, 405 Santa Fe avenue.

Judge G, G, Symer, the republican candidate for congress, General E. K. Slimsou and Mr. James MacCartby will address the voters of the Pueblos next Tuesday evening. Don’t forget it. Mr. MacCartby will have a word to say of especial interest to Irish Americans.

For Cheap Railroad Tickets, Go to Carter’s, B street, South Pueblo, Tickets bought, sold and exchanged, dtf.

& N. 0. Trains. Until further notice train No. 4 over the New Orleans railroad, will leave Pueblo at 6:40 A. M,, Sundays excepted, and train No. 3 will arrive in Pueblo at UP. si. October 9th and 10th round trip tickets will be sold to members and the families of members of the G. A. R. to Colorado Springs and return for $1.50 each, good until October 14 lb. The same privileges will be extended Sons of Veterans.

All voters should bear in mind that the boards of registration will sit in the several precincts on Tuesday to take the names of all who are entitled to suffrage. Let every republican see to it that all other republicans of his acquaintance are properly registered.

Young ladies and gentlemen are you busy during the day? Join the night class for business students at Pueblo Collegiate Institute.

The excursion to be given by the Denver & New Orleans Sunday next will no doubt be largely attended. Round trip tickets only $1.50.

At 9 o’clock this evening there will be a grand march, led by Mr. Dofllemeyer and Miss Parks, after which will come Miss Parks’ skating exhibition, dancing, etc. Let everybody attend.

Wtu. E. Doyle & Co., 409 Santa Fe avenue, pay more for their meats than other dealers, which insures them the choicest beef, pork, mutton, lamb, veal, etc., and they have at all times only the best.

Star mills Denver flour is the best in the market.

lot Only first-class restaurant in the Pueblos 405 Santa Fe avenue.

Twenty lessons in penmanship at the new college for $2.00.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 19, 1884

university education and suffrage –interesting

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 31, 1884


He Attends Three Huge Meetings of Brooklynites and New Yorkers. The Ladies Give Him a Rousing Reception at the Academy of Music. Representatives of Pour Thousand Irish Americans Present an Address of Welcome. He Will Wind Up the Campaign on Monday Evening at Boston. Attempted Murder Yesterday at SilvertonJames («. Blaine. New York, October 30. —Mr. Blaine went to Brooklyn this afternoon to attend a reception and mass meetings there, and to review a parade. The flags of the city were hoisted on the city hall, municipal buildings and many private residences. Blaine went first to the Mansion house, where an informal reception was held, and hundreds of people were presented to him. Boston.—Colonel Whipple, who went to New York to invite Mr. Blaine to Boston, telegraphs that the republican presidential candidate has consented to accept the hospitality of the republicans of this city on Monday. Elaborate preparations will be made for the reception. A parade which was to have taken place to-night has been postponed till Monday, when Blaine will review it. New York. —Long before the hour appointed for the reception to Blaine, given by the ladies of Brooklyn, the academy ol music was crowded in every part, and people were going away unable to get in. Although the occasion belonged peculiarly to women there were many men present. Kev. Dr. Behms, chosen spokesman for the ladies, delivered an address, portions of which were warmly applauded. When he introduced Mr. Blaine everybody in the house arose and cheered, and it is probable so large a number of handkerchiefs never before fluttered in the great hall. Blaine bowed repeatedly to the plaudits. Silence finally being restored, he said ; “In the Important national contest which now draws to a close, much of the progress of which I have personally witnessed, two things have especially impressed me—the influence exerted by women in the United States, and that exerted by the young men. [Applause,] And I do not know that I ought to divide these, for I attribute the great interest and activity of the young men largely to the influence of their mothers. [Applause.] The republican party owes a great debt to the women of the United States. [Renewed applause.] Not a debt now maturing, Pat one which began at the very found at iop of the party, for the literature which sprang from the pen of women did much, I was about to say did most, to concentrate that great army of freedom which, in the conflict that came upon the country, destroyed the institution of slavery. [Cheers.] And I am sure that when the news came to me that I was selected for the important and responsible position in which I now stand I received no greeting that meant more or was more grateful to me than the one which came to me from that lady whose gifted pen imparted spirit and soul to the anti-slavery agitation, when she gave to the world “ Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” [Prolonged applause, and three cheers for Harriet Beecher Stowe.] I know the widespread influence that goes out from such a greeting as this. I know that, without suffrage woman casts often the weightiest vote. [Applause.] I know that the great moral strength with which the republican party has been inspired for its struggles and triumphs, has come from women. [Great cheering.] I make, therefore, due and profound acknowledgement, not merely for the great significance of this occasion, hut for its cordiality, and whatever of personal compliment it may imply ; but I should be vain indeed if I should take to myself any great part of that which means only an expression of sympathy and support in that great commanding contest in which, for the time, I am called to represent the patriotism, tbo best heart, the best aspirations of the American republic.” As Mr. Blaine took his seat there was another enthusiastic demonstration like that which had greeted him on his introduction

Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 20, 1884

A woman’s suffrage convention is being held in Chicago.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 25, 1884

Woman’s Suffrage in Washington Territory Popular With the Masses.

…Utopia of Women.

Washington, November 24.—Watson Squire, governor of Washington territory, in his annual report, says the manufacturing industries of that territory have attained a highly gratifying degree of improvement, and that of lumber is taking the lead. In many cases the Indians are engaged in prosperously cultivating the soil, and it is believed that the system of the allotting of a suitable quantity of land to them in severalty can and ought to be encouraged. If they could be induced to concentrate and altogether abandon certain reservations it wonld conduce much to the development of large tracts of valuable lands that are now unproductive.

Touching the territorial law conferring upon women the right to vote, the governor says: “Although many of our citizens are disposed to question the wisdom of this law, especially when attended with the requirement that women should serve as jurors, it meets the approval of a large majority of the people, and the women of the territory are for the most part strongly desirous that the enactment be retained upon our statute books. Thru far it seems attended with no important results unfavorable to the welfare of the people of the territory.”

Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 5, 1884

Mr. Sheffield, the new senator from Rhode Inland, has been appointed to a membership on the committees on claims, mines and mining, revolutionary claims, and woman’s suffrage; Senator Sabin to the committee on examining the several branches of the civil service; Senator Dawes to the comittee on navil affairs; Senator Slater to the committee on Indian affairs; Senator Morgan to the committee on fish and fisheries; and Senator Slanderson to the chairmanship of the committee on printing.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 7, 1884

Woman’s Suffrage. New York, December 6.—The woman’s suffrage party have sent Marquis Salisbury a letter of warm thanks to the conservative party of England for their friendly attitude on the suffrage question.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 9, 1884

Woman’s Suffrage

NEW YORK- December 7.—A delegation of the woman’s suffrage party called on Sir John A. McDonald, prime minister of Canada, this morning and thanking him for incorporating woman’s suffrage in the pending Canadian franchise bill, tendered him a public reception,

Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 9, 1884

Talleyrand on Woman Suffrage.

[Exchange.] Forty or fifty years ago, when there was no agitation of the woman sufferage [suffrage] question, Talleyrand, the great autor and statesman, wrote as follows: To see one-half of the human race excluded by the order [other?] half from all participation in government is an anomaly which, according to abstract principles of right, it is impossible to explain.”

Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 19, 1884


Among the memorials presented was one by Senator Hoar from the women’s suffrage association of Pennsylvania, protesting against the admission of Dakota on a constitution made by men alone, and denying suffrage rights to women. Senator Hoar, in presenting it, said that while he favored women suffrage, he thought it unwise in the present temper of congress for the advocates of that cause to oppose the admission of the new state on the grounds set forth, because when the territories of Wyoming and Washington shall call for admission, the exercise of suffrage by women in these territories may be advanced as an argument against their admission.

Senator Vest submitted a joint resolution declaring that without the consent or authority of congress, the proposed Nicaraguas surveying expedition ordered by the secretary of the navy, was illegal, and directing the secretary of the navy not to enforce the orders issued on that subject until a definite and final action was taken by congress on the resolution. On Senator Hale’s objection, the resolution went over one day, Senator Vest saying he would call it up to-morrow, as the expedition was under orders to sail from New York Saturday, and prompt action was necessary. Senator Sherman called np, and the senate passed the bill appropriating $50,000 for creating a statue to the memory of Gen. Lafayette.

… Doc. Holliday was arraigned in criminal court today for the shooting of Officer Allen.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 11, 1885


The woman suffrage bill has passed both houses of the Dakota legislature.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 14, 1885

Can’t Vote. Bismarck, Dak., March 13.—Governor Pierce to-day vetoed the women suffrage bill.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 7, 1885

Special correspondence of the Chieftain Denver, April 5, 1885.

Speaking of unwarranted or malicious newspaper attacks reminds us that the Rosita Journal savagely pitched into Hon. Oney Carstarphen because he introduced a bill “to discourage strikes.” The bill was handed to him by Hon. J. B. Orman, with a request that he introduce it. Mr. C. did so, and distinctly stated at the time that it was not his bill and that be did not approve of it and should oppose its passage. The bill went to the committee on state affairs and was by Mr. Barker, the chairman, reported to the committee of the whole without any recommendation. It was indefinitely postponed. Courtesy requires a member to offer a bill desired by any citizen, or citizens, just the same as he would present a petition for temperance, or female suffrage, or any other question on which a petition might be gotten up. This is the sum of Oney’s sin, but he did get the county seat removal bill passed, which will remove it from the town of Rosita. Hence these tears from the Journal.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 30, 1885

The School Election.

Pueblo, April 29.—The women of the Pueblos have the unquestioned right of suffrage at the school election Monday next, and many no doubt will avail themselves of the privilege. See to it, however, that your candidates are in favor of scientific instruction in the schools, on the effects of alcohol. The truths of physiology and hygiene, systematically presented with a view to instruct the youthful mind concerning whatever may injure or defile the wonderful structure of the human body, will be the presence of a preventive of much injustice and much suffering. If those three hundred and sixty convicts in our Canon City prison had received such instruction, who can doubt bat a large per cent would, instead, be free and respected citizens. Fourteen of the states of our union have passed scientific instruction laws, nine during the present legislative season, being Alabama, Wisconsin, Missouri, Maine, New Jersey, Oregon, Nebraska, Kansas and Pennsylvania, as has also Nevada, requiring the teaching of the physiological effects of stimulants and narcotics in all schools supported by public funds, and including state schools, normal, reformatory and charitable.  -A Believer.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 5, 1885

L. S. Hatch, secretary for Mr. Hubert Howe Bancroft, the historian, is now in the city gathering data for the history of Colorado, which is to be published by Mr. Bancroft. The territory covered by Bancroft’s works is the western half of North America, from Panama to Alaska, including the whole of Central America and Mexico. Thirty-nine volumes of this great historical work have already been issued, and Mr. Bancroft has not alone devoted his life, but a large fortune to this great work. That the plan of the great work has been honored in the execution is the verdict of all who have examined the volumes issued.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 5, 1885


Lively Time in the Pueblo and South Pueblo Districts.


There was considerable excitement over the school election yesterday in this district until it was learned there was no opposition to the regular ticket placed in the field, but neither the knowledge of this fact or the stormy weather kept the ladies from turning out in large numbers and taking advantage of their right of suffrage. Voting was very lively a part of the time. The first fifteen minutes after the polls were opened 103 votes were cast, and 318 votes were cast between 2 and 3 o’clock. The total vote cast was 1,033. of which H. M. Morse received 1,017, J. W. Anderson 1,019, scattering 6.  The result is very gratifying to the old members of the board, and especially to the ladies who took part, all of whom evinced great interest and feel a corresponding pride in the result.



Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 24, 1885

South needs to stop preventing suffrage of Blacks.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 25, 1885

 Police in London cannot vote.  (??)

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 3, 1885

Woman Suffrage In England. [Cincinnati Commercial Gazette.! The approach of the general election in England under the extended franchise is said to have put the question of woman suffrage a long way into the future. In some of the colonies, however, the suffrage question is a burning one; and in Australia, for instance, there is thought to be a likelihood of the passage of a law giving women who possess the property qualification the franchise so long as they remain unmarried.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 21, 1885 not women

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 31, 1885

 vote the straight republican ticket

Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 13, 1885

Miss Belva Lockwood, late candidate for president of the United States on the equal suffrage ticket, and who received four votes for that office in Colorado, will lecture at Pueblo opera house Saturday night. She is an excellent speaker and should be listened to by a large audience.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 15, 1885

Belva Lockwood’s Lecture. Mrs. Belva Lockwood, the famous lady attorney, of Washington, lectured last evening to an audience of about seventy five persons, at the Pueblo opera house. The title of her address was “A Panorama of Washington.” She was introduced by Mayor P. F. Sharp in a few appropriate sentences. People who are by force of circumstances isolated away out here on the plains, far from the busy centers of social and political life, often long tor at least a brief glimpse upon those stirring scenes, away in the peopled east, where men and measures are watched by a whole nation, and events occur that are historic. To such the lecture was a treat. Mrs. Lockwood is known as an advocate of female suffrage, but, unlike most of such persons, she has more than one string to her harp, and when not arguing for “woman’s rights” she can charm any intelligent audience with rare powers of description, a keen insight into the true life of political centers, and a forcible way of stating things that is very refreshing. Whether her other lectures, more given up to the demand for suffrage, would be so attractive, we do not know; but this one, filled as it was with racy and graphic word pictures of life in Washington, kept the audience listening closely for every word. The subject is a varied and exhaustless one, and capable of affording points of new interest in the bands of a thoughtful, cultured and discriminating spectator. Mrs. Lockwood’s long residence in the national capital, and her personal interest in leading political events, enable her to illustrate her lecture with many points of interest which have escaped the observation of the ordinary newspaper correspondent. Her criticisms of noted people, however, are very acrid, to say the least. But in this respect she is like all other residents of Washington, who come to look upon all politicians as shams, whom they respect only in proportion to their success.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 3, 1885

Woman Suffrage in England.

[Cincinnati Commercial Gazette.] The approach of the general election in England under the extended franchise is said to have put the question of woman suffrage a long way into the future. In some of the colonies, however, the suffrage question is a burning one: and in Australia, for instance, there is thought to be a likelihood ot the passage of a law giving women who possess the property qualification the franchise so long as they remain unmarried.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 9, 1885

 The US gets along with all foreign powers

Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 6, 1886

Senator Edmunds then called up the Utah bill reported by him from the committee on judiciary. The bill having been read at length. Senator Hoar moved to strike out the seventh section, being the section prohibiting the exercise of suffrage by the women in Utah, After a short debate the bill went over one day.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 7, 1886

this is a longer article

Senator Brown expressed himself as opposed to woman suffrage and said that if the question was up in his own state he would vote against it, but as the question before the senate was one affecting a right already given to the women of Utah by the laws of that territory, he (Senator Brown) would vote for Senator Hoar’s motion.

A vote having been reached on the amendment it was rejected, yeas 11, nays 37. The senators voting yea were Messrs. Aldrich, Blair, Brown, Call, Dawes, Dolph, Hoar, Mitchell, of Oregon, Palmer, Stanford and Teller.

The section disfranchising the women remains therefore a part of the hill.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 9, 1886

Failures—Woman Suffrage

New York, Jan. 8. —Business failures throughout toe country for the last seven days are 336, being the largest aggregate for any week since January 1885. Casualties are exceptionally numerous in the southern states. The woman’s suffrage committee at its meeting last evening passed resolutions denouncing the pending bill to take the right of suffrage from the women of Utah, calling on the New York senators and representatives to oppose it, and declaring woman’s suffrage to be the true cure for polygamy. The request was telegraphed to Senators Evarts and Miller at Washington.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 7, 1886

Mrs. L. J. Tony, vice president of the National Women’s Suffrage association for Colorado, is in the city, and will call on our citizens, both ladies and gentlemen, in the interest of equal suffrage.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 13, 1886

It is proposed to amend the constitution of Rhode Island so as to admit women to the right of suffrage on the same qualifications that are required of men in that state. While amending their constitution in order to grant woman suffrage the people of Rhode Island would do well to remove the anti-republican distinction in their laws against citizens of foreign birth.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 18, 1886

Suffering for Suffrage Washington, Feb. 17,—The eighteenth annual convention of the national Women’s Suffrage association began this morning, with 17 states and territories represented. There was a large attendance and much interest was manifested. Today’s sessions were presided over by Susan B. Anthony, who, on taking the chair, announced that the president, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, was ill at her home and would not he able to attend the convention. Elizabeth Cady Stanton was re-elected president. Susan B. Anthony, Matilda Joslyn Gage and Phoebe W. Cousins were chosen vice presidents. At the evening session a paper on “Woman’s suffrage and the labor question” was read by Clara B. Colby, of Nebraska. Rev. Rush B. Shippen read a paper on ‘‘The advance of woman,”and was followed by Ada C. Sweet, of Chicago, in an address on “Woman’s work.” Adjourned till tomorrow.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 20, 1886

News from Washington

At  to-day’s session of the woman’s suffrage convention resolutions were adopted calling on congress to submit to the states at once the question of the right of women to vote, and protesting against the passage in its present shape of a bill now pending in congress to suppress polygamy, as discriminating unjustly against gentile and non-polygamous mormon women for crimes never committed by them.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 24, 1886

Senator Hoar said the committee on library would consider the matter of an appropriate monument in memory of Lincoln.

On going to the calendar, among bills postponed to a later day was the woman’s suffrage constitutional amendment, Senator Blair saying that although it was a very important measure it could not be discussed under the five-minute rule

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 28, 1886

more articles on women in this newspaper

Correspondence of the Chieftain from Washington D.C.

The annual woman’s suffrage convention was held at the Universalist church this week. Ten cents admission was charged to non-members, and each session, afternoon and evening, was well attended. Prominent among tee woman’s suffragists rose the commanding figure of Susan B.

Anthony, who presided. She was dressed in black, with a light shawl of gold bars thrown across her angular shoulders. Mrs. Gongar, another leader of the movement, attracted attention by her magnificent costume of blue embossed velvet, and her stately presence. Mrs. Shattuck, of Boston, was tastefully attired in brown silk, and was an altogether different figure of a woman than the general idea of a woman’s rights woman would lead us to expect to see. She is young, buxom, pretty, and intelligent, and read her report with such charming grace and modest demeanor that would have captured the audience, women as well as men, had she not spun it out to over an hour. Mrs. Sarah Perkins, of lowa, made the best points in her speech. She is a strong-faced woman, with ungraceful shape, but tastefully dressed and has a kindly expression about the month. Among other things, she said that the old, old story of the baby being neglected if women are given the ballot, is dying out. People used to think that if women had the franchise she would be voting from morning till night, and from Monday morning till Saturday night, but now public opinion had changed and it was conceded that, to vote, would require no more time than marketing. The convention was a success. The addresses were bright and telling, and the enthusiasm greater than in former conventions. The only drawback was the absence of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, that good motherly figure, whose dignity and intelligence is a weighty influence in converting the skeptical on these occasions. – Pueblo.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 28, 1886

Must be Built.

One of the most important things for the consolidated Pueblos to do, is to concentrate on the erection of the “Pueblo college” building. This will bring many people here to stay, and satisfy a long felt want among those who come here. We cannot afford to do less. Self respect demands that we have a first class Christian college, and nothing else can advertise us so well abroad. The city is incomplete without it. “Pueblo college” must be built. Denver, Colorado Springs, Canon, Del Norte and nearly every other place that makes any pretensions, all have their colleges, while the modern “Pittsburg of the west ” has strangely been content to live without. But the time has fully come for action on this line, and we have confidence in the business enterprise and push of the Pueblos that our fair famed cities will meet the emergency and bring “Pueblo college” rapidly to the front and continue their help until the word “college” shall be dropped for that of university, amid the shouts of a prosperous and happy people.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 28, 1886

Susan B. Anthony is here at the Riggs house, carrying on her usual woman’s rights campaign. She is looking well, and tells me she expects to have considerable agitation this year in congress on the subject “Twenty-fire senators,” said she, “have already told us that they are not opposed to us, and I do not perceive the ridicule of the past in the convention of public men in regard to woman’s suffrage. The cause is growing, and especially in the minds of the women of the south. Public men from the southern states, when asked as to woman’s rights, invariably reply that the women of their section want to have nothing to do with them. They know less about the opinion of their women than they did of the desire of the negroes for liberty. One of the high school teachers of New Orleans is a niece of Jeff Davis, I met her in that city this year; she told me she was woman’s rights to the backbone—‘Carp,” in Cleveland Leader.

The Woman’s Suffrage Bill.

—National Trade Unions.


News From Washington. WASHINGTON, April 1.—

Mr. Reed’s proposed constitutional amendment, forbidding citizens to be deprived of the right to vote on account of sex, received three votes only, in the house judiciary committee this morning, and only one of the three persons casting a favorable vote has pronounced in favor of woman’s suffrage. An adverse report will be presented tomorrow

… A bill appropriating half a million dollars to erect a monument to the memory of Abraham Lincoln at Washington was passed.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 3, 1886 not women

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 10, 1886

Woman’s Suffrage Making Great Progress in the Senate.
Teller Advertising Female Suffrage-
The House Fails to Eulogize Gladstone

Forty-Ninth Congress


… The Washington territory admission bill was placed before the senate, the pending question being on Senator Eustis’ proposed amendment limiting the right of suffrage in the proposed new state to qualified male electors only. Senator Butler said he would vote against the amendment. Senator Beck favored the amendment and spoke in its support. Senator Teller hardly expected that the senator from Kentucky would have thrown any obstacles in the way of the people becoming citizens of the United States. If that senator were now in his own country Mr. Teller doubted very much weather he would be “Home rule.” Ho doubted whether Mr. Beck would be in sympathy with the straggling people of Ireland or with the great statesmen who had just made the world ring with noble utterances in behalf of self government.  Mr Teller characterized Mr. Gladstone’s speech as the greatest ever made on the subject to which it related, and made by probably the greatest man of the age. He said that Gladstone’s words would live as long as the English language lives. Referring to women’s suffrage Mr, Teller believed it would be one of the greatest blessings to civilization.

After a long debate on the merits and demerits of female suffrage, Senator Eustis’ amendment was rejected; yeas 12, nays 25. The ysay were Messrs. Beck, Berry, Coke, Eustis. German, Gray, Ingalls, Jackson, Mazey, Pugh, Salisbury and Walthal[??]. A number of pairs was announced. Senator Morgan among them. Among the senators voting against Senator Eustis’ amendment was Mr. Edmunds. The senate then adjourned till to-morrow.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 14, 1886

“household suffrage” in England

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 18, 1886 not women

Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 7, 1886


… The majority of the house judiciary committee in reporting adversely upon the proposed woman suffrage amendment to the constitution submits but a formal report recommending that the proposition lie upon the table. The minority report, which is signed by Messrs. E. B. Taylor, Hepburn, Coswell and Ranney, comments upon this fact, but says the importance of the question of woman’s suffrage is forcing itself into full discussion everywhere, and the silence [?] of the committee will have no tendency to withdraw it from public attention. “In a government by the people,” continues[?] the minority, “the ballot is at once a badge of sovereignty and a means of exercising power. Women are people, and we submit that they are neither morally or intellectually incapable, and that no necessity for their disfranchisement can be suggested. On the contrary we believe that they are entitled to immediate and absolute.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 7, 1886 not women
Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 26, 1886 not women
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 20, 1886 not women
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 21, 1886 “negro” suffrage

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 22, 1886 not women

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 27, 1886

Session of the W. C. T. U. Minneapolis, October 26.— In the national W. C. T. U. this morning Mrs. Switzer gave an interesting history of suffrage work in Washington territory. “Evangelistic work,” by Mrs. Anna M. Palmer, was next reported. “Legislation and petitions,” in the absence of Mrs. Woodbridge, was reported by Mrs. Kimball, of Illinois. She believed in prohibitory law. Mrs. Dunham, of lowa, urged ladies to turn their influence to the supreme court. Mrs. C. S. Jackson, of lowa, read a paper on “The relation of temperance to capital and labor.” She charged that an average of $70 for every adult male in the country is spent annually for drink. A resolution was adopted to petition the managers of railway dining car companies, asking that there be no liquors or tobacco allowed on their cars. The Edmunds bill was endorsed. A salary of $1,800 was provided for the president and $1,000 for the treasurer. The convention closed to-night, the evening session being occupied with committee reports and unfinished business.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 4, 1886

Suffrage to Women. Montpelier, Vt., November 3.—The house of representatives to day passed a bill granting suffrage to women, by 135 to 82.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 3, 1886


The W. C. T. U. Holding a District Convention. Notes of the Proceedings Yesterday and the Progrraame of Work for To-Day. The annual conference of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union for the southern district of Colorado is in progress in this city. The sessions are held at the Court street Presbyterian church, and are well attended. There have been a number of meetings of the W. C. T. U. in Pueblo, both state and district, and they are always well attended and develop interesting discussion. This district conference seems to equal, if not to excel, the state convention of the Union three or four years ago. Mrs. Eva Higgins, of La Veta, is the district president, and was in the chair yesterday. There are about forty delegates present, who are being entertained during their stay in Pueblo by the resident members of the Union, a few being also at the hotels. The programme prepared for the first day was carried out with but little deviation. The convention was called to order at 10 o’clock by the president, and devotional exercises were conducted by a member from the Colorado Springs union. The appiontment of committees and the reports of local unions filled up the morning hour. In the afternoon the report of the committee on constitution and by-laws was received. The principal paper was one on Woman’s Suffrage, by Mrs. Chambers, of Colorado Springs, followed by discussion upon it. There was also an earnest, discussion upon the subject of Scientific Temperance Instruction in the Public Schools. Last evening’s session almost filled the church with delegates and visitors. A good choir gave music. Rev. B. B. Wright offered prayer. An address greeting the visitors and delegates from other parts of the state was heard from Rev. J. C. Hay, and next an address of welcome by Miss J. F. Baldwin, of Pueblo. The response in behalf of the Union was given by Miss Mary Hots, of La Veta, the district secretary. The president, Mrs. Higgins, gave her annual address. It mentioned the work accomplished by the organisation with satisfaction, and found encouragement in the outlook for the coming year and the future. The address was heard with much interest by those present. A touching recitation, describing scenes at the cabin home of a drunkard, was given in an excellent manner and with much dramatic force by Miss Ida Carpenter, of Boston, who is now stopping at Las Animas. The evening’s exercises were closed with an address by Rev. L. J. Templin, of Canon City, on the topic, “The Aims and Necessities of the Prohibition Party.” The address seemed to partake largely also of argument in favor of woman’s suffrage. After vocal music the session closed with a benediction. To-day at 12:30 the delegates are to be taken to visit the L. B. U. Home. The programme for to-day is as follows, beginning at 9:30: Devotional exercises, led by member of La Veta union. Beading of the minutes. Reports of committees. Paper by Mrs. E. S. Owen, Pueblo; Subject, “Watchman, What of the Night?” Discussion. Report of local unions. Recess till 1:30. Devotional exercises, led by member of Canon City union. Reading of minutes. Paper by Mrs. Sabine, read by Mrs. E. A. Johnson. Subject, Woman Suffrage. Discussion. Paper by Mrs. Chambers, Colorado Springs, Subject, Press Work. Discussion. Report of committee on resolutions. Election of Officers. Recess till 7:30. Singing. Prayer, Rev G. L. Hart. Paper by Miss Louise Campbell, Pueblo; Subject. “Our Work.” Half-hour talk, illustrated, by Dr. Corwin, Pueblo. Music. Benediction, Rev. Mr. Lee, Pueblo. Pennsylvania hot buckwheat cakes raised with sotts! and Pennsylvania sausage hot! December 14, begin to take i a at 5 o’clock.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 8, 1886

Forty-Ninth Congress SENATE. Washington, December 7.

… Senator Blair gave notice that he would to-morrow ask consideration of the joint resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution extending the right of suffrage to women.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 9, 1886

Forty-fifth Congress. SENATE. Washington, December 8

… The senate then proceeded to consideration of a bill reported by Senator Blair from the select committee on woman’s suffrage February 3, 1886, proposing an amendment to the constitution of the United States extending the right of suffrage to women, and was addressed by Senator Blair in support of the bill.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 15, 1886 not women

Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 13, 1887

proposed bill in U.S. House against polygamy and abolishes woman suffrage in Utah

Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 26, 1887

Sixteen Senators Vote in Favor of a Constitutional Amendment
Arguments for and Against the Admittance or Women to the Ballot Box.

Forty-Ninth congress.


Washington, January 25—

… Senator Blair moved to lay aside unfinished business and to take up the proposed woman suffrage constitutional amendment. Agreed to, by 25 to 16. Following is the text of the proposed amendment: “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any state, on account of sex. ‘’Congress shall have power by appropriate legislation to enforce the provisions of this article.”

Senator Brown addressed the senate in opposition. He said that woman now exercises an imperceptible influence in public affairs, much greater than she could if female suffrage were enacted. It might be a gratification to a small minority of women, but it would be cruelty to the large majority. The most ignorant and less refined portions of the female population (to say nothing of the base classes) would flock to the polls, while refined, intelligent and virtuous women would stay at home. Thus there would be a vast preponderance of ignorance and vice at the polls. Senator Dolph favored the resolution. The stage of ridicule of this movement was past. This resolution might not pass, but the time was not far distant when in every state and territory woman would be admitted to an equal voice in government, whether the federal constitution be amended or not. No measure involving such radical changes in society had made such great progress as the woman’s suffrage movement. Senator Eustis inquired of Senator Dolph whether he did not think if woman bad the right of suffrage she ought also to be required to serve on juries. Mr. Dolpb said that that did not necessarily follow; there was no connection between jury service and the right of suffrage; but in Washington territory, where women have the right of suffrage, they also serve on juries, and to the great satisfaction of both judges and lawyers. Senator Eustis asked whether it was a decent spectacle to take away a mother from her nursing infant and keep her up all night sitting on a jury. Mr. Dolph replied that there was nothing in that suggestion, because no woman under such circumstances would be required to serve on a jury. In conclusion he said: “God speed the day when, not only in all the states and territories, but everywhere, woman shall stand before the law freed from the shackles riveted on her by tyranny and by ignorance, not only in relation to the right of suffrage, but in relation to every other right.” Senator Vest spoke in opposition to the resolution.

The vote was then taken on the resolution, and it was rejected; yeas 16, nays 34.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 27, 1887 not women

Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 29, 1887

Telegraph Condensations

… A municipal woman’s suffrage bill passed the Kansas senate by 25 to 13.

… committee of the woman’s suffrage association urged the president not to sign any bill denying suffrage to Utah women.

next column

Something to Be Considered.

The women of ancient Greece used to place the most beautiful statues in their sleeping apartments, and they reared a race of men famous through all time for their matchless symmetry of face and figure. The society ladies of the present day keep constantly with them their pet pugs and terriers, and the result may be seen in a generation of dudes.—Lowell Citizen.

Domestic Economy In College.

The trustees of Purdue university, in Indiana, have decided to establish a course of domestic economy there in connection with the regular course of study. If this means that the young women of the university are to be taught housekeeping, their future husbands are to be congratulated. —New York Sun.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 17, 1887

It is interesting to note that many earnest and intelligent women, both in this country and in England, are looking at the “woman question” in a higher light than that which relates simply to the right of suffrage, and are considering how best they may succeed in gaining legal protection for young girls and in inculcating the law of social purity. It has often been used as a reproach that there seemed to be one moral code for man and another for woman, and that while the man was not called upon to suffer socially for wrongs committed upon the latter, woman herself was exposed to humiliation and social ostracism. It is the aim of associations that have recently been established to change this and to stir up the manhood of the nineteenth century to greater respect and reverence for womanhood. Such a crusade is one deserving of recognition and in accord with the philanthropy that ought to mark our latter day civilization.

There is nothing just now that would prove a better advertisement for Pueblo, than to have our business streets lighted by electricity.

same paper

Municipal Suffrage for Women.

Topeka, February 16. —The governor to-day approved a bill, thus making it a law, conferring municipal suffrage upon women.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 20, 1887

The recent decision of the supreme court of Washington territory that woman suffrage, which has been in force there for about four years, is unconstitutional, is working disastrously. Convicts sentenced upon verdicts of guilt found by mixed juries, are being discharged, and civil matters which have depended upon like juries are again being brought into consideration, and the legality of the findings questioned. Everybody is more or less excited, and there is a prospect of trouble ahead until the matter can be settled.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 5, 1887

WHAT IT DIDN’T DO. The following measures of national importance failed of action of an affirmative nature in either house

Bills to repeal the civil service law and to grant woman’s suffrage were killed in the house by adverse committee reports, and in the senate by adverse test votes.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 11, 1887

Telegraphic Condensations.

The Canadians are preparing to wage n hard war against American fishing vessels. The Massachusetts house by a vote of 97 to 61 defeated the woman suffrage resolution.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 6, 1887

Kansas City, 11 p. m.— Scattering returns from Kansas indicate that the municipal elections in general passed off quietly, and as far as can now be judged the introduction of female suffrage does not work any great change in the character of the results. In some cities and towns the women availed themselves quite generally of their newly acquired privilege!. The effect of the experiment cannot be divined as yet. The issues involved, however, are local. At some points the women were elected to membership on school boards.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 7, 1887

Providence, R.I., April 6.—The state election is in progress under fair skies and with a close contest. The existing prospect favors a large and close vote. It is believed that Wetmore (republican), for governor, is running considerably behind the rest of the ticket. The woman suffrage amendment received but faint support in this city.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 8, 1887

The cause of Women suffrage is not advancing very rapidly; but the fair sex is gradually achieving some very valuable rights, nevertheless. For instance, a law has just gone into operation in Ohio which gives to wives the same control over their own property that husbands have over theirs, and which declares that neither the husband nor the wife, as such, shall be liable for the contracts or debts of the other. This is only simple justice, to be sure; but it is to be confessed at the same time that only within recent years have legislatures begun to recognize the fact that simple justice stay be safely granted to persons who happen to have been been of one gender instead of another.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 8, 1887

Little Rhody’s Election. Providence R.I., April 7.—John W. Davis, democrat, is elected governor by 973 majority. There is no election for lieutenant governor or secretary of state. Zika O. Slocum, democrat, is elected attorney general by 2,518 majority, and S. N. Perry, democrat, general treasurer, by 2,609. The majority against the woman suffrage amendment is 15,123.

In this city the entire democratic assembly ticket is elected. The senate stands: Republicans 19, democrats 12. The house will comprise 27 republicans and 23 democrats, with 12 districts yet to be heard from.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 14, 1887

The Woman’s Suffrage Movement Making Visible Progress in the State Legislatures.

… A Vote for Women’s Votes Lansing, Mich., April 13. —In the house of representatives a bill granting to women the right to vote in municipal elections was defeated by a vote of 50 to 38.

Harrisburg, Pa., April 13. —The senate to-day finally passed a joint resolution proposing a woman’s suffrage constitutional amendment, by yeas 27, nays 16. The ladies’ gallery was crowded during the vote.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 16, 1887

“As the bow unto the cord is, so unto the man is woman.” The woman suffrage experiment in Kansas adds a new proof to the poet’s assertion. As a rule the wives and the maids voted the same tickets as their husbands and sweethearts.- The result is an increase of the republican majorities. In a democratic state the democratic majorities would he increased by a like experiment, and that’s all there is to it.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 4, 1887


The Possibility of a Great Crisis In Political History

—A Serious Outlook,

Now that the experiment of training the chimpanzee as a servant has been tried and found successful a very grave question arises before us, and unless some immediate step are taken for its prevention a very serious evil is likely to result. Let us suppose that things have been allowed to take their own course and that we are in the year 1957. Every day cargoes of chimpanzees are brought into the country and sold as servants. Men in all parts of the country have seized upon this opportunity to obtain cheap labor, and have expended time and money in educating the chimpanzee, so that now, at the end of a century of careful training, he has almost reached perfection. A maiden lady in Boston discovered that the chimpanzee has arrived at such a degree of intelligence that he is in every way the equal of his master. She communicates this fact to another maiden lady over a cup of tea. The other lady agrees with her, and they decide that the chimpanzee is very much oppressed.  The disease spreads rapidly, and in a short time the maiden ladies of Boston hold a meeting and pass a resolution that the chimpanzee must be emancipated. Men throughout the country who have invested largely in chimpanzees, and are dependent upon them for their livelihood, are strongly opposed to this measure; but the women of Boston are firm; either the country must free the chimpanzee and place him on equal footing with all other citizens of the United States or the women of Boston will secede. It is a great crisis in our political history. We may lose the great city of Boston, and perhaps Massachusetts. The excitement throughout the country is intense, Men talk of war. Shall we again bear the Strain of a civil conflict? But the women of Boston stand firm. Congress passes a bill of emancipation and the president signs it. Thousands of men are ruined, but the chimpanzee is free. But is the chimpanzee happy? No longer provided with food and clothing, he wanders about in utter desolation. One hundred years of education have deprived him of that instinct which nature gave him, He shivers in the cold wind, and is unable to provide himself with food. A boycott has been declared against all who shall employ him. His lot is indeed wretched. Why then, do our statesmen worry themselves about such questions as prohibition and woman suffrage, or allow their minds to be dissipated by considering the labor question and Knights of Labor or railroad corporations? Why do they waste their time in disputing with Canada upon the rights of fishermen, or spend weary nights in writing articles on seacoast defenses, and in hunting up difficult propositions for the next civil service examination? Why do they not, before it is too late and the evil is upon us, turn their attention to the all important question of the chimpanzee?—Cor. New York Graphic.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 18, 1887

A Woman’s Prediction. Mrs. Mary E. Haggart, in a plea for woman suffrage before a mass meeting of Indianapolis workingmen, predicted that “humanity as a whole, not humanity as a half, would before many decades solve the problem of humanity.”

Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 24, 1887 not women

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 4, 1887

Rev. S.R. Belk’s Lecture One of the largest audiences that ever gathered to hear a lecture by a local orator was addressed this Thursday evening at the Pueblo opera house by Rev. S.R. Belk, of the Methodist Church South. The discourse was one of much interest, abounded in original thoughts presented in beautiful language and contained a fine eulogy upon women, her sphere and influence. The speaker held, however, that woman’s influence is best exerted, and with the best result, elsewhere than at the ballot box. In other words. Mr. Belk believes that “woman’s rights” and “woman’s suffrage” are two different things and that woman does not need suffrage to obtain her rights; or at least that she can influence suffrage greatly without herself casting the ballot. Mr. Belk’s lecture was a fine oration and a practical one, and was folly appreciated by the large number present. The interest of the occasion was added to be Mrs. L’Fee and Mrs. Annie Wall, who gave music and readings, the latter contributing an original poem.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 16, 1887

Cuban suffrage in Spain?

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 19, 1887

in England, “universal manhood suffrage” is called for HA!

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 22, 1887

education and suffrage

Colorado Daily Chieftain, July 10, 1887

Mormon question again, and polygamy is bad

Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 21, 1887

also on this page, women in the home and how to keep the toilet bowl clean, in fact, this whole page seems like a bizarre collection of things for women, included are a few

Retaining the Maiden Name. It is the fashion for the most ultra fashionable women nowadays to retain their maiden for their “middle name.” Some of these ladies have been astonished to hear that the innovation was first started and became widely used by the suffrage women of this country, who thought it best to retain even this slight hold upon their identity. The shocked and surprised fashionables are of the class that are unconsciously using and utilizing many of the changes that have been slowly brought about by their indefatigable “sisters” of stronger views.—Hartford Times. For Bono Felon. When you think or know you have one of those things on your finger, take a piece of common cotton cord and commence winding it at the little end of your finger as tightly ns you possibly can until you pass below the point where the pain is—the idea is to press all the blood out of the diseased part —let the string remain on some fifteen or twenty minutes; when you take the string off it will be very painful. If tho symptoms return repeat the operation. I have known this remedy to cure when the finger was ready for the lancet.—Atlanta Constitution. Sticky Fly Paper. Mix equal parts by measure of melted rosin and castor oil. Stir until thoroughly mixed, which will take only a minute. While yet a bttte warm spread thin and evenly on any strong paper that is not porous—old letters, catalogue covers, etc. Spread with a case knife or any straight edged instrument slightly warmed. Leave a narrow border to handle with. The beauty of American women often puzzles foreigners, who cannot account for it. One ingenious lady of foreign birth has produced the theory that the reason that Americans have such good forms is that their restlessness and nervousness prevent their being long in one position, so that any defect is not likely to become fixed. Southern housekeepers, as a rule, arrange fresh fruits upon the table with a great deal of taste, and the dainty and elegant appearance of their dining rooms is very attractive. Center pieces of mixed fruits make a palatable dessert, being at the same time a handsome ornament. A company of San Francisco women a few years ago established a filature on the Pacific coast. Now they have an immense business, and at the same time are looked upon as public benefactors iu providing employment for women and children in raising cocoons. It frequently happens that painters splash the plate or other glass windows when they are painting the sashes. When such is tho case, melt some soda in very hot water and wash them with it, using a soft flannel It will entirely remove the paint. “No man,” says Mr. Ruskin, in one of his latest essays, “should marry under 24; no girl under 18.” And he adds that the young man should choose his bride “as he would choose his destiny, with range of choice from earth to Heaven.” The women of New York have been granted more patents than their sisters in any other state. The women of Massachusetts, Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin rank next in order.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 24, 1887 not women

Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 27, 1887

Syracuse, prohibitionist meeting supports suffrage

Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 8, 1887

Worcester Mass, looks like here prohibitionists might not support suffrage

Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 24, 1887

transcription not fixed

What She Saw Just Before Thank* giving. ,, 0 , nr ‘ cr know j’nst what is going on in the minds of those about us. If wo did contentment would bo much rarer than it Is, and apprehension and anxiety would hold tho very earth up by tho oars. Yes, it is a fine thmg mo an> not all mind readers. ,, v thought has a way of diffusing itself all around, while certain people who keep ; tho windows of their minds closed to shut it out are very comfortable in the belief that nobody is entertaining it because they are not. It was just so at tho Terry farm. Tho i people of the house had no idea what was ; goingon in the fowl minds about them. Tho ! 1 1 nth was, now fanglcd ideas had gained won- ! dcrful headway in the barnyard. Many of ! the hens were pronounced equal suffragists, | and went aliout talking equal rights in a way j that would have got them into serious Iron- j blc twenty-five years ago, if they had been j alive at that time. A few of (ho biggest j i brained cocks espoused tho cause. Two | of tho mcdiocrcs also took it up and ‘ enjoyed themselves amazingly making speeches. If they had a fault, it was that they wore too fond of oratory. When tho hens bad a convention these two seasoned fowls were always there, and took front seats on tho platform. The moment tho meeting opened Iwth bobbed up to talk. The president, one of tho most intcl- : lectual lions in tho whole state, and also | blessed with high executive ability, always found it difficult to decide which one to recogi nizc, so simultaneously did they spring to their foot. Before the first one was through i speaking tho other one was up nnd ready to 1 begin at tho end of his rival’s last word. In j this way they monopolized the entire time of 1 every meeting, nnd famous birds from a distance who had been invited to tho meetings j to speak went homo with all their music in ; them. Tho hens didn’t like this a bit, but I being hens and not roosters they were obliged 1 to go slow in moving against the enemy. These two strong woman’s rights cocks ; were not wholly consistent. In their speeches | they soundly berated all men who did not > make a bold stand in favor of woman suf- ! frnge: but it was whispered around that they were tho last foM’ls to get up and give their scats to hens in a street cor, and that when they employed hens to scratch by the day for them they paid them merely enough to keep soul and body together. But at tho lieginningof autumn suffrage talk rather gave place to occultism. There was a perfect wave of metaphysical interest in tho land, and it found a lino soil in tho brains of those advanced birds. Mind cure. Buddhism, theosophy, clairvoyance an 1 all phases of occultism blossomed like the rose. So absorbed were many of these feathered disciples of new thought that they scarcely ate any of tho unusually tempting food given them with a view to increasing their corpulency for Thanksgiving. Braced up by the belief that they were in jxwscssion of mighty secrets unknown and unheeded by tho rest of tho world, they wont about with their heads quite iu another world. Indeed, some progressed so far as to believe and assert that they need never die if they didn’t want to.

Among them was one quite an adopt in the wonderful. She was a Brahma, and much did she boast of her noble Eastern blood. Mmc. Devachau was her name. Her ago no fowl could find out Some said she was a female Maliatma nearly 500 years old. Others said she was SO years at least. Meantime the madamo smiled when the subject was hinted at, and looked to bo on the sunny side of 40. Mmc. Devachau was a wonderful bird. Sho was very learned. She read Sanscrit os easily as sho could fly over a fence. Sho wrote a good deal of very oliscureand mystic literature. Sho could drop down apparently dead and be flung around almost anyhow, and when sho got tired of that pick herself up and go on as before. At such times sho claimed that her spirit was out of her body and floating off seeing things in two hemispheres. Besides she was a clairvoyant and told fortunes. At this she did quite a thriving business. About Nov. 1 sho warned the big turkey that something unpleasant, not to say dangerous, was hanging over him. At first ho whistled her down the wind, and declared that bo put no faith in predictions. Ho wasn’t superstitious; not he. Nevertheless, when Mme. Devachau told him that sho saw blood clairvoyantly and also an ax suspended suspiciously near bis head, the red died out of his comb, and with a piteous face ho begged her pardon for his previous skepticism. •’ “You will learn,” sho said, “that my sox (the uneducated clairvoyants always say sect, but Mme. D. was very learned and always spoke correctly) is coming to the front; that what some of us say is not to bo put down os the idle clucking of ignorant old hens. Out in Kansas there is a town with a woman mayor; another with a board of female aldermen; mid Phebo Couzins is now tho marshal of St. Louis; and as for my predictions you are quite welcome to doubt them and take the consequences,” “Really, madame,” ho said, “j our Oriental lore interests me. I must study deeper into the mysteries of eastern thought.” • “One feature of Buddhism will strike you with force, I think,” said the wise hen of Brahma, drawing down one eye suspiciously. “That is, it forbids tho eating of flesh.” The big turkey changed color again. Flesh eating was a distasteful subject to him, and ho always avoided distasteful subjects. The clairvoyant shut her eyes, stiffened her body and began to sea things. She said a dark day was coming for the entire race of fowls, and oven certain quadrupeds on tUs hemisphere. It would occur about the latter part of November. They who cscaprt that day were tolerably sure of their lives for another month, at least There was but one course to take to escape the doom of that Mf/’ir Thursday; that was to get out of the way of the flesh eating animal man. At this point a small white pig came up and sniffed derisively, and then trotted off to eat the food which the fowls neglected for Oriental wisdom. The pig was a noted skeptic. Tho Brahma hen looked after Urn and smiled pityingly. “Ephraim te Joined to bis idols,” she said. “Selflshnem pays tte own penalty. Wegetwha* wa ThemM

that is set wholly on this world reaps Mi harvest in this world, and it is often a regular whirlwind” The Brahma hen was certainly very deep. The fowls of every order gathered around her to dnuk in her wisdom. She was a believer in reincarnation, but Mas in no hurry about it. She said it didn’t matter to her Low soon her bones were bleaching white and bare on the earth, save for one thing. Tiiat was that sho wonted to spread her doctrines a while yet. Chickens, turkeys, clucks, geese and pigeons nil went to bed tiiat night in a frame of mind Even the most skeptical of them were , more or less troubled by tho fortuneteller’s i prediction. Your i-kepticol jieoplo ore never I skeptical when Had is predicted of them. ; They lielievo even what they don’t want to I believe while loudly proclaiming their lack i of faith. Two days liefore Thanksgiving tho Brahma I hen told her faithful followers that the timo | was at hand when they mast floe from tho wrath to come, and they flew. “Why, dear me,” said ho whose business it ! was to kill the Thanksgiving fowls, “I can’t ] fill’la feathered creature on tho place, except those two old noisy cocks, which are so tough a lion couldn’t eat thorn. These nro our friends the orators, who were too conceited to take warnings of any kind”

“Wo can Imil them till they are tender,” said the mistress of the house. Then some food was held out to th so worthy ranters, nnd some flattery heaped upon them, nnd the conceited things, thinking they were to take part in a convention where they could do all the talking, stepped up to tho enemy nnd were caught and beheaded. Before this the small pig which had sneered nt talk of tho dark Thursday predicted by Mine. Dcvachau was ready for roasting. Ephraim was indeed joined to his idols forever more. Tho two orators and tbo skeptic graced and greased tho Thanksgiving board, although not exactly in tho characters they would have chosen. The next day the big turkey nnd nil tho other fowls who hail taken Mine. D.’s warning returned to tho farm nnd settled down comfortably to life again. Over the lioues of the skeptical pig and tho two blustering orators they told each other how thankful they were, laying i>articular stress on their gratitude for the Inxm of minds receptive enough to accept new thought. That evening they gave a swell party to Mine. Dcvachau and loaded her with honors. G.G.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 3, 1887

“coloreds” voting

Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 17, 1888

A New Woman Suffrage Bill. Olympia, Washington Territory, January 16.—A bill granting suffrage to women passed the lower house of the legislature t0-day. It passed the upper house last week by a vote of 9 to 3. Petiions are being poured in on Governor Semple from all parts of the territory asking him to veto the bill. The opponents of woman suffrage think he will return the bill without his approval, while the friends of the measure think they can pass it over his veto. The legislature three years ago passed a women’s suffrage bill, but the supreme court declared the act unconstitutional, and recently reaffirmed the decision. The present bill is framed so it can stand in the courts.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 20, 1888

Woman’s Suffrage a Fact.

Olympia, W, T., January 19.—Governor Semple late last evening signed the bill giving the ballot to the women of Washington territory.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 1, 1888

Decided Against the Women.

MADISON, Wis., January 28.—The women of Wisconsin were defeated in the supreme court to-day, the court holding in an elaborate opinion that the legislature did not for a moment contemplate ex–tending the same suffrage to females which males enjoy, bat on the other hand meant to restrict female voting to school matters only, as specified in the law. Tne case was that of Olympia Brown Willis, of Racine, against A. L. Phillips and other inspectors of election of the Second ward of the city of Racine, who at the election last spring refused either to receive the vote of Mrs. Willis for mayor, city clerk, comptroller, alderman and supervisor, or to permit her to swear it in. Mrs. Willis claimed such right under chapter 211. laws of 1885, and immediately sued the inspectors for $5 and damages. She won the suit in the circuit court for Racine county, but the inspectors appealed to the supreme court, which to-day reversed the decision of the lower coart and held as above noted.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 7, 1888

 The four southern states that give the most for public schools are Tennessee, Mississippi, Maryland and West Virginia, and yet these four combined give less than Wisconsin alone, which is about an average northern state. Of the $111,000,000 expended for public schools, as shown in the census of 1880, tha southern states, exclusive of Missouri, Delaware and Maryland, raised only $1,100,000, or one-tenth of the whole. The Blair bill only encourages a culpable neglect by the southern states to provide their own means of education.

… Of the 15,000,000 women of America it is claimed that about 2,000,000 have declared themselves in favor of woman suffrage. This claim can he cut down more ‘than half, and then bear another cut of a half, and still leave a larger contingent than can be mustered for service. But admitting the claim in full there are 13,000,000 yet to hear from, and with the well known ability of the better half of the republic to make known their wishes it is doubtful if the sex should be considered as friendly to the proposition until a more emphatic and a more general demand is made.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 24, 1888

Canada is patterning after the United States. A bill to establish “manhood suffrage” has passed the Ontario legislators. Now let them make voting compulsory, and they will be a step ahead of us.

.. There is not a more important subject now before the country than that of our periodically-occurring labor disturbances. It is a question that may well engage the profoundest ingenuity of practical statesmanship,

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 24, 1888

Cuts of the Mayoress and Council women.
Something About the First Town in Kansas to Carry the Municipal Suffrage Law to Its Limit.

The beautiful little city of Oskaloosa. Kan., perched amid its groves of maples, or its breeze swept and health giving hills, has very unexpectedly awakened to find itself famous, and it is to its women it owes its fame. A writer there says under a recent date; “The musical Indian name of Oskaloosa is all at once upon everybody’s lips, and special reporters, special telegrams and special artists are daily affairs. And all because of the fact that the good people of the city (taking advantage of one of those progressive Kansas ideas formulated into a state law, which allows women the right to vote and to hold office in incorporated cities) have ventured upon the unheard of experiment of trusting the reins of government of any other than household affairs to the dainty hands of women!

“Yes, the election of a woman mayor and five councilwomen by a large majority over a conventional ticket of common, everyday, humdrum men. was a matter of deliberate intent, done in good faith and in the belief that needed public improvements and the moral welfare of the city were perfectly safe in the hands of representative wives and mothers. It is no wild freak of a border Kansas city town, but the sober action of an intelligent and cultured people. Oskaloosa is the county seat of Jefferson, second county west of the Missouri river, a fine farming county, filled with the well cultivated Gelds of men from all the states east and north of us. The town is twentyeight miles from I.eavonworth and the same distance from the state capital, forty-six miles by rail northwest of Kansas city, twenty north of Laurence and thirty south of Atchison.

“The following personal descriptions will satisfy the curiosity which has brought such floods of inquiry, and so sorely perplexed the modest ladies who had never a dream of such results following their consent to serve as candidate for official position;

[image of 6 women ]

“Mrs. Mary D. Lowman, the mayor, is a pleasant faced, kindly voiced woman of 49 years of age; a native of Pennsylvania, but a resident of Kansas twenty years and of Oskaloosa eighteen; of medium height, with hazel eyes and dark hair, now streaked with silver. She has been for five years an assistant in the office of the register of deeds, which position her husband formerly held. She is the mother of a son and a daughter, both grown; is a Presbyterian religiously and a Republican in politics, as is her husband. She is a woman who has the universal esteem of all who know her.

“Mrs. Emma K. Hamilton, a native of Indiana, is aged 89; the wife of W. A. Hamilton, one of the firm of the Blue Ribbon real estate office, and the mother of three children. A zealous Methodist, a strong Republican and an ardent Prohibitionist, she has decided convictions and the ability to forcibly express them. She has dark hair and blue-gray eyes, and is well known for her kindly deeds of charity. She was educated in Ohio and has lived in Oskaloosa fifteen years. Her husband is of the same political faith.

“Mrs. Sarah E. Balsley, a handsome woman of 30, of plump figure and with the red hue of health still in her cheeks, has bright black eyes and hair to match. She was born in Ohio and has resided in Oskaloosa fifteen years. She is a devoted Methodist, and holds to the Democratic faith of her father, though her husband, a loading physician, is a Republican.

“Mrs. Hannah P. Morse, a native of England, has spent 22 of her 45 years in the city which she is now called to sit in council over. She is a pleasant lady, with dark hair and eyes, and decidedly plump, matronly form—the mother of a son and grandmother of a little girl, and the wife of a prominent attorney. She is of the same political faith as her husband and a member of the Methodist Episcopal church.

“Mrs. Mittie Josephine Golden, a petite woman of blonde hair and blue eyes, is the wife of .a well known mechanic of the city, and the proud mother of two bright and pretty little girls. A Methodist In religion, she is with her husband politically—in name, at least. She was born in Independence, Mo., thirty-one years ago.

“The youngest member of the board is Mrs. Carrie L Johnson, who was born in Oskaloosa some twenty three summers ago—a pretty, vivacious lady of decided blonde complexion, the wife of the cashier of the Oskinoosa bank, whose pronounced Republicanism doesn’t deter his better half from asserting the Democracy of her father. In religion Mrs. Johnson la at Episcopalian.”

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 25, 1888

The Women Must Wait Longer.

Boston, April 24.—

The house this afternoon defeated a bill granting municipal suffrage to woman.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 28, 1888

Prohibitionists in Iowa.

Des Moines, Iowa, April 27.—The state prohibition convention washeld here last evening. A state ticket was nominated as follows; Secretary of state, J. Mickelwaite; state auditor, Malcom Smith; treasurer, J. L. Adame; clerk of the supreme court, E. O Thape. Resolutions were adopted favoring prohibition in both the state and national constitution; the repeal of all license and revenue taxes on liquors; demanding a fair count of the votes cast by prohibitionists; favoring woman suffrage, and laws for the observance of the Sabbath. Delegates to the Indianapolis convention were selected and instructed to support General Fiske for the presidential nomination.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 18, 1888
prohibitionist party meeting in Michigan – support suffrage

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 1, 1888
prohibitionist convention in Indianapolis debates contentious suffrage issue

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 2, 1888

The woman suffrage promoters in Washington territory have never been able to get their pet hobby firmly installed as a constitutional proviso, although territorial legislatures have from time to time passed laws giving women the ballot. Last year a judicial decision was given adverse to the constitutionality of such a law; yet in January last another woman suffrage law was passed. This act has in turn been pronounced violative of the constitution, and some other means of procuring the results they desire will have to be sought out by the advocates of the policy of making women factors in the strife and chicanery of politics.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 7, 1888

Democratic Convention in St. Louis

Among the early arrivals in the hall is a delegation of women who are here to insist upon the incorporation of a plank in the platform in favor of woman’s suffrage.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 16, 1888

The Preliminary Froth and Spatter Before the Melee.



Chicago, June 15.— The republican national committee got down to actual work tonight. Before taking up the business in hand, however, Mrs. Isabella Beecher Hooker, a well known woman’s suffrage advocate, was granted ten minutes to present her cause. Mrs. Hooker entered with Secretary Fessenden and a lady friend. She spoke calmly and well, arousing laughing enthusiasm by an offer that if the committee would endeavor lo have a woman’s suffrage plank inserted in the convention platform she would guarantee them a hundred woman speakers in the coming canvas, who would sweep the republican party into power to stay as long as it pleased.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 24, 1888


The Woman’s Suffrage party seemed to enlist as valiantly as any of the other factions in pressing their cause at the convention. They opened headquarters

[image of two women in front of a vanity chatting]


at the Sherman house. There Miss Susan Anthony and Isabella Beecher Hooker marshaled their forces to attack the Republican platform makers and compel them to insert a suffrage plank. If their wish is granted they promise a large number of handsome woman suffrage orators to stump the land and offset the influence of the mistress of the White House in the affections of the present voters.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, July 20, 1888
suffrage and naturalized citizens – wait a year to vote bill

Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 1, 1888

Before this there is an odd story by Eliza Putnam Heaton.

also, this column (half with the story and half with the Belva Lockwood article) is upside down.

The story (not included here, but here are the headlines: NEW ENGLAND SHOP GIRLS

SKETCHES OF THE MOST INDEPENDENT WOMEN IN THE LAND. Where Yankee Girls Still Stitch Shoes and Write for Magazines- Thrifty Women Who Buy the Houses Their Husbands Live In—The Famous Mill Girls of Lowell Have Left Plenty of Descendants. {Copyright 1888.)


She Talks a Little at the Expense of Susan B. Anthony and the Strong-minded Sisterhood.

“I am not backed in my political course,” said Mrs. Lockwood, “by any of the long established woman suffrage organizations. I think for a fact that they are jealous of me. Now there’s Miss Anthony, for Instance: she’s just a little mad at me I think. You see, some time ago the women met at Washington for a grand talk. I had prepared a long paper on a special topic, but the clay before the meeting was to begin Miss Anthony came to me and said: ’Belva, we must change the programme somehow; you are the most versatile among the women here and can help us out. Another woman wants to speak on your topic. Suppose now, you give us a paper on the Mormon question? That was pretty short notice, wasn’t it; but I consented and prepared a paper in time to read it. Susan was just a bit mad with me, for she seemed to misunderstand my attitude. Now, though you may find a hundred people who will assert that I uphold polygamy, it isn’t so; my paper was a careful legal argument, on the status of Mormon women, and Susan didn’t seem to like it. But then, you see Susan is an old maid, and I have been married twice!” • Mrs. Lockwood is the feminine impersonation of vitality and energy. She must have been well dressed, for on my word, when I had come away I could not recall a single feature of her garments except that the general color was dark,—J, H.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 4, 1888

 “colored” suffrage, also articles on breast milk and henna

Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 10, 1888

THE WIT OF WOMEN. If steamers ere named the Asia, the Russia and the Scotia, why not call up the Nausea?—Louisa Alcott A friend said to the sister of President Cleveland, as she was leaving Buffalo for Washington; “I hope you will hail fromm Buffalo.” “0, you expect me to hail from. Buffalo and reign in Washington If the Venus de Medici could be animated into life, women would only remark that her waist is large.-Ouida We shall be perfectly virtuous, when there is no longer any flesh on our bones. —Marguerite do Valois. One loves to talk of one’s seif so much that one never tires of tete-a-tete with a lover for years. That is the reason why a devotee likes to be with her confessor. It is for the pleasure of talking of one’s self —even though speaking evil. –Mme. de Sevigne. When you wish to affirm anything, you always call God to witness because he never contradicts you.–Queen of Rommania. Her neck and arms were as naked as if she had never eaten of the tree of knowledge of good and evil — J[???] Carlyle. Judge no one by his relation whatsoever criticism you pass upon his companions, Relations like features are thrust upou us; companions like clothes are more or less our own selection —Kate Field. Marryin’ a man ain’t like settlin’ alongside of him nights and hearin’ him talk pretty; that’s the fust prayer. There are lots an’ lots o’ meetin’ after that.–[??] Terry Cooke. No! I ain’t one to see the cat walking into the dairy and wonder what she come after.—George Eliot. ” What would you do in time of war if you had the suffrage?”asked Ho[???] Greeley of Mrs Stanton. “Just what you would have done, Mrs. Greeley; stay at home and urge others to go and fight,” replied the lady. Mile. Mars, a favorite of the Theatre Francais, had offended the Gardes du Corps, and they went to the theatre [???] hiss her down. She came to the front of the stage and referring to the fact that they [???] went to war, said; “What has Mars to do with the Gardes du Corps?” “Pray,” said an army officer who had been on guard duty in Washington seventeen vears, to Miss Cleveland, “what do ladies find to think about besides dresses and parties?” “The heroic deeds of our modern army officers,” replied Miss Cleveland. “Have you seen Mrs. — lately?” -a lady who did all the talking. “No. I had to give up her aquaintance. I tried for two years to tell her something in particular.”—(Kate Sanbornis “The Wit of Women.”

Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 23, 1888

The persistence with which the woman suffrage advocates to Washington territory have fought for the right to vote is worthy of a better cause. Twice the legislature has passed a law declaring that women have the right at the ballot and twice the supreme court of the territory has declared the law unconstitutional. Now the believers in woman suffrage propose appeal the case to the United States supreme court. If they get knocked out they will probably have to wait until the next century for the evolution of the public sentiment to meet their advanced ideas.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 26, 1888

Woman’s Suffrage on Appeal.

Tacoma, W. T., August 25.— Papers have been filed by Judge Allen appealing the recent decision of the supreme court relative to woman suffrage to the supreme court of the United States.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 28, 1888


Mrs. Lillie Devereanx Blake was greeted by tee finest audience at the courthouse last night that ever turned out to hear a lecture in Pueblo. The audience chamber and the hall were filled to their almost capacity by well-dressed ladies and attentive men, who had come to hear the woman suffrage question discussed by one of the most able exponents of the doctrine in this country. It would be useless for us to attempt even a synopsis of Mrs. Blake’s masterly lecture under the above caption. Suffice it to say that she had prepared her case carefully, and the attention given her remarks and the hearty applause which greeted the telling points of her address showed conclusively that the logic of her statements was admitted by a majority of those present, and even the doubting Thomases did not feel inclined to object.

The speaker was introduced by Mrs. J. S. Sperry, who presided at the meeting, but previous to the commencement of Mrs. Blake’s address, Miss Frances Murphy sang the “Waltz Song” from the Beggar Student very sweetly. That the beautiful number was thoroughly appreciated was attested by the hearty applause given by the vast audience present. At the conclusion of the lecture Miss Murphy played a charming instrumental selection, which was most artistically executed. Mrs. E. K. Alden was to have sung, but when she reached the ball it was so crowded with people that it was impossible for her to reach tha stage, and thus the people unwillingly deprived themselves of the pleasure of listening her. At the conclusion of the lecture a collection was taken up, and that was the only time during the evening that the men were of any service. However, the ladies are very thankful to the gentlemen for their attendance, and the nickles contributed.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 11, 1888

Prof. E, D. Cope’s woman suffrage article in the Popular Science Monthly for October is one that may prove formidable to advocates of immediate reform, from the ground it takes on the inherent and ineradicable differences of the sexes in physical and mental constitution. That such differences exist, says Prof. Cope, is the universal testimony of physiologists, psychologists and writers on ethics. No body of people should be allowed to make laws that they cannot execute; a minority of men could defy a majority of men and women. This is perhaps the best argument Prof. Cope presents, and it is one which seems to be grounded on what are the facts of the case

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 20, 1888

number of measures introduced in Congress this year incl. woman suffrage

Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 1, 1888

 singer Mrs. Ella Wilcox is against suffrage but pro women working in careers like journalism and – presumably – music

Read this one again


Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 7, 1888


They Discuss the Issues of the Campaign -Their Favorite Candldates—The Temperance Sentiment Notably Strong (Copyright 1888.) It is unquestionably a fact that If the voting privilege should be given to women to-day, the entire Women’s Temperance Christian Union, with very few exceptions, would vote for General Clinton B. Fisk for President. There are upwards of two hundred and fifty thousand members in the organization, and they would likely influence many more voters among their own sex. The rank and file of women are not actively interested in the campaign because it does not vitally concern them, but when once they are tailed upon to take sides as the women of Boston have had to do, they will quickly enter politics, and vote as judgment or prejudice dictates. Ten years hence it is predicted, they will be voting in the majority of the States, as they are now doing in Wyoming, Kansas and Nebraska and other States. The school question concerns them in Boston, and the fight has been made a religious one. Hence it is a success. The Protestant and Catholic women are divided on questions connected with the government and management of the public schools, and at least thirty thousand women will vote this year against a few hundred last year and the year previous. The leaders of the suffrage societies in the different States, recognizing what a potent factor religion is in the lives of women, are quite willing to raise the same issue in other cities and towns, as now agitates Boston women, and when once the two great religious sects in this country are arrayed against each other at the polls, even on one point only, women will have an absorbing interest in politics. The intelligent women of the United States are watching this factional fight at the Hub, and the tactics pursued there will be adopted elsewhere where the right to vote on this school question has been granted to women. A canvass among many well-known women of the professional class has been made, and with the result depicted below. To the questions would they vote if they could and for whom, the ladies made answers as follows: “Jennie June” writes: “If I had a preference for any political candidate, it would favor the present occupant of the White House, President Cleveland. The reasons are: First, That he has shown himself conscientious and courageous in his office, wise and temperate in his judgment, and steadfast in his adhesion to principle; secondly, because his principles favor the economical and really progressive administration of national resources.” Lilian Whiting says in reply to our question: “You kindly ask me to name my choice of Presidential candidates and detail the reasons for the faith that is in me. Alas! I am not an * advanced’ woman. Although, as I have lived in Boston seven years, a period in which one is traditionally supposed to be made anew, and therefore I claim the privilege of calling myself a Bostonian, 1 do not iive up to my environment. 1 have never voted, even on school suffrage. I fail to remember the distinctions of the tariff. I vaguely grasp that President Cleveland is on oue side and General Harrison on the other, and that General Fisk represents Prohibition, and I know not what else, and they all seem to me men so able and good that I fail to perceive any reason why the country should not prosper gloriously under either. In fact, I am in the condition of the lover who sings: How happy could I be with either, were t’other dear charmer away.’ 1 frankly admit that I have no political convictions, and far more rights than I can wisely use.” Mrs. J. Ellen Foster is an out-and-out Republican, and has issued with others the address of the “ Woman’s Republican National Committee,” asking the women of the country to support the Republican Party. In 1872 Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and others issued a similar address urging women to work for the re-election of General Grant. Mrs. Foster is a leader in the Women’s Temperance Christian Union, but she Is not in favor of the Prohibition party. Mrs. Stanton favors both the Labor and Prohibition parties, and thinks that true woman suffragists can do nothing else and be consistent. “It is needless,” she says, “pretending to belong to any of the political parties; we have no voles to help make or break parties, and we should let them live or die as the case may be, until such time as some one of them sees fit to give us the only legitimate power by, which we can help them—the free use of the ballot.” Mrs. George W. Childs of Philadelphia, wants Cleveland re-elected, on Mrs. Cleveland’s account particularly. Lucy Stone is a Republican and thinks there is more hope for woman’s suffrage from that party than from any other, not excepting the Prohibition. Clara Barton is a woman’s suffragist, bat cares little lor the issues of the campaign. Mrs. Martha J. Lamb, the editor of the Magazine of American History, would vote for Cleveland if she could. So also would Miss Gilder of the Critic. Miss Middie Morgan devotes her time and attention to cattle and prefers them to candidates, but she thinks Harrison ought to be elected because he is a Republican. Mrs. Hetty Green,the millionaire financier, says it is a matter of no concern to her who wins the office of President. She is no politician. Mrs. Jeannette Thurber would vote with her husband, Frank B. Thurber, for Cleveland if she could. She does not care for politics, but if women were voting she would try, to elect a Democratic candidate for once. Mrs. Abram S. Hewitt Is a Democrat and ought to have the power to vote for her husband. She would make good use of the privilege and go the whole Democratic State and National ticket. Miss Mary F. Eastman, the well-known suffrage leader, says she would like to vote very much, but she will not say which of the candidates she would honor with her ballot. Her friends think would be General Fisk. Frances E. Willard is stumping the country for Fisk, and she says two hundred thousand temperance women would vote for him if they could. She further says that the temperance women will put in some hard work in the next four years for the right of suffrage, and whenever this justice is awarded them they will put

a Prohibitionist in the White House, Rev. Phoebe Hanaford of New Haven, Conn., is an advocate of the Prohibition party, while the Rev. Olympia Brown, of Wisconsin, would like to vote for Harrison. Marietta Holley (“Joalah’ Allen’s Wife”), is a temperance woman and favors the election of the Prohibition candidate. Mary A. Livermore is speaking In various parts of the country in behalf of General Fisk. She left the Republican party this year and denounced it for its alleged broken pledges to the Women’s Suffrage party. The Republican General Committee, to offset her loss, hired Miss Anna Dickinson, at a high figure, to go to Indiana and Illinois and work for Harrison. Anna hasn’t paid much, if any attention, to politics for a long time, having been a great invalid for two or more years, and she is talking over the old issues that should have been buried twenty years ago. She does not care who wins the fight nor what the party majority may be; she has no heart in the work, and is doing her political work for her wages. Belva Lockwood would like to vote for herself, but is debarred from so doing. Susan Anthony would vote for any party, she says, that would give women the right to vote; after that she would vote for women candidates every time. When Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe heard of the nomination of Harrison, she manifested much interest in the news and said she hoped he would get the office. Mrs. John A. Logan is a Republican, and while Harrison is not her choice, she is using her influence to get him elected. She is a good politician, and is more familiar with public men and measures than are the majority of women whose husbands are or have been office holders. Eleanor Kirk says: “To have a ‘choice of presidential candidates’ without the legal right to make such choice practical, is an intensely humiliating position, and a woman may well stop and think whether a public expression of a preference utterly null and void, is not an added shame. To be compelled to say, ‘If I were a citizen of these United States,’ or, ‘if I did not have to be classed with “idiots and lunatics ” and were disenfranchised by crime, I would support such a candidates,’ is enough to effectually seal the lips of a woman who has sense enough to know when she is insulted. Suffice it to say, then, that I have a choice of Presidential candidates, and a reason for my choice. I would also have the full courage of my convictions if I were so fortunate as to be named with the pauper laborers from other countries, and the men of our own country who can neither ‘read, write nor cipher,’ who lie, and steal, and get drunk, and who are only above the beasts of the field by reason of walking on two legs instead of four.” Mrs. Schuyler Colfax of Indiana, is a member of tho Women’s Republican National Committee, and is working for tho election of Harrison and Morton, Isabella Beecher Hooker of Hartford, Conn., who is a vice-president of the National Woman SuffrageAssociation,says: “l am a Republican and hope for Harrison’s election.” Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher is a Cleveland woman, and hopes the President will be re-elected. Mary B. Clay of Kentucky, the daughter of Cassius M. Clay, who is also a vicepresident of the National Woman Suffrage Association, is a Republican and would vote for Harrison if she could. Clara B. Colby of Nebraska, the” editor of the Woman’s Tribune, Is a Prohibitionist and is helping Gen. Fisk. Elizabeth Lyle Saxon, the President of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union of Tennessee, and a Woman Suffragist, would like to vole for Clinton B. Fisk for President. Laura C. Holloway answers ; “ Had I the ballot privilege, I would cast my vote for President Cleveland. He has given the country a good administration and deserves re-election. As I cannot vote, I see no reason fur discussing politics.” Rose Terry Cooke has a husband and would like to vote the Republican ticket with him. Mrs. Fred. Grant is a Republican and would vote the straight ticket. She was immensely pleased with her short experience in the electioneering business for her husband when he ran for the office of Secretary of State, and would be glad to be in the field again should he be nominated for office. Mrs. Cleveland and Mrs. Harrison maintain an awed neutrality and preserve utter silence. Nothing could induce them to say who would be their choice for the Presidency. Mrs. Julia Ward Howe is a Republican. Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, the philanthropist, is a temperance woman and not interested in the canvas. If she could vote it would be for the Prohibition candidate. Miss Rose Elizabeth Cleveland would like to vote for her brother. Mrs. Frank Leslie cannot vote, but she la using her strength as a publisher for the re-election of President Cleveland. All her publications are Democratic. Harriet Prescott Spofford, the author, is a woman’s suffragist, and would like to vote for General Fisk, the Prohibition candidate. Her interest is not centered in either political party. Margaret J. Preston, the poet, is a Democrat, and would like to see the President re-elected. So likewise would Amelie Rives Chanler, who is a Southern Democrat. Gail Hamilton would have been glad to vote for Blaine, but would not decline to vote for Harrison. The stake and fagots would not force from Mrs. Agnew and Miss Dodge, the New York School Board members, any political opinion or expression for or against either candidate. They ore in business and not in politics. Miss Mary Booth, the editor of Harper’s Bazar, is for Cleveland, and would vote for him if she had the privilege. Mrs. Jesse Benton Fremont is for Harrison. So is Miss Kate Field. Lacy Larcom and Nora Perry are both Republicans, but are wholly indifferent to the political game of chess. Mary D, Bryan, the novelist, is a Democrat of the uncompromising class. She wants everybody elected who is running on that ticket. Miss Emma C. Thursby says she hasn’t any politics. Anna Randall Delhi is a Prohibitionist, so likewise is Mrs. Thomas, President of Sorosis. Mrs. Lew Wallace is for Harrison. Mrs. Sarah K. Bolton is likewise, and so also is Mrs. Rebecca Harding Davis. The readiness with which women addressed on the subject of their vote, responded, indicates, in most instances, their interest in the struggle now In progress. As they represent the educated class, their interest in politics may not be significant of a general regard for subject on the part of their sex.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 5, 1888

how much money was spent in New York City on Elections, incl. women’s suffrage and other so-called parties

Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 22, 1889

WOMAN’S SUFFRAGE. The Annual Convention of the Woman’s Suffrage Association. Washington, January 21.—The opening session of the annual convention of the National Woman’s Suffrage association was held this morning. Many workers prominent in the movement were present, including Abigail Scott Dunaway, of Oregon. Susan B. Anthony, presided, and spoke hopefully of the progress of the movement and ultimate success. She was followed by A. G. Riddle, of Washington.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 30, 1889

WOMAN’S SUFFRAGE. —— An English Lady Makes a Plea and Answers Some Objections. Let no man or woman be mistaken as to what this movement for women’s suffrage really means, writes Mrs. Fawcett in the Woman’s World. We none of us want to turn the world upside-down, or to convert women into men. We want women, on the contrary, above all things to continue womanly—womanly in the highest and best sense—and to bring their true woman’s influence on behalf of whatsoever things are true, honest, just, pure, lovely and of good report, to bear upon the conduct of public affairs. Some people attempt to meet the claim of women to representation by the absurdly irrelevant remark, for I can not call it an argument, that women householders ought not to vote for members of Parliamen because they can not be policemen and can not be soldiers. Who wants them to be either policemen or soldiers? There must always be a certain division of labor between the sexes. The physical constitution of a woman fits her to perform certain duties, on which the welfare of society in a high degree depends. The physical constitution of a man fits him for certain other duties, one of which is that of external defense. And there are certain other duties which men and women must undertake jointly and in co-operation with one another, and from which the total withdrawal of one sex or the other is fraught with danger and mischief. Those who are in favor of woman’s suffrage maintain that the duty of loving one’s country, of understanding her interests, of endeavoring to influence public affairs by the choice of men of high character and true patriotism to serve in Parliament, is one which is incumbent on women as well as on men. There is nothing in the nature of a woman which fits her to be a policeman or a soldier; and there is nothing in the nature of a woman which unfits her to love her country and to serve her by helping to send good men to promote sound legislation in Parliament. People sometimes talk as if fighting for one’s country were the only way of serving her. Surely that Is taking a very one-sided view of a nation’s interests. All work well done, all service in lifting up the lives of others to a higher level, “All we have wished or hoped or dreamed of good,” forms the real treasury of national greatness. I have no wish to disparage the usefulness, the necessity, of the army and the police force; but civilization owes quite as much to that great host of silent, busy workers, of whom at least half are women, through whose labors alone there is any thing worth preserving, as to the army and the police force for preserving It

The Fiftieth Congress.


Washington, February 7.—

…. The committee on woman’s suffrage reported back favorably a joint resolution proposing a constitutional amendment to prohibit the denial or abridgement of the right to vote by the United States or by any state on account of sex. Placed on the calendar. A minority report will be made.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 28, 1889
suffrage in japan

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 4, 1889

Woman’s Suffrage and the Excitement It Makes in Kansas.
…News From the Elections.


Kansas City, April 3.—The election yesterday was a very hot contest. J. J. Davenport, anti-ring republican, was elected mayor, and all the other republican candidates except treasurer. The women played a very important part in the municipal elections in Kansas. Eight hundred women voted in Wichita, and two women were badly defeated for members of the school board. Harris, liquor dealer, was chosen mayor.

At Atchison five hundred women voted, their ballots being equally divide between democrats and independents. B. P. Waggener, democrat, was chosen mayor. At Topeka the women made a strong fight. It is believed the democratic ticket is elected. At Rossville the women elected their ticket.

At Leavenworth Susan B. Anthony made a heroic fight for her brother, D. R Anthony. republican, for mayor, but was defeated by a large majority. Four thousand women voted. Oskaloosa again elected women officers by sweeping majorities. At Cottonwood Falls Mrs. Minnie Morgan was elected mayor, with a fall council of women.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 7, 1889

Missouri Women’s Opinions. St. Louis, April 9.—Sunday’s Post-Dis-patch will print interviews on politics with 500 women in different parts of Missouri. These interviews show that while Missouri is democratic at every election the majority of the women interviewed are republicans, only a few are prohibitionists, and not 20 in the 500 favor full woman’s suffrage, but quite a number of them would be glad to vote on the license and school questions.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 10, 1889

WOMEN IN AMERICA. Their Position in Relation to Commerce, the Arts and Politics Prof. James Bryce, in that suggestive work upon the “American Commonwealth,’’ which seems likely to create an equal interest with De Tocqueville’s earlier volumes upon democracy, has an instructive chapter upon the position of women in the United States. “Nothing in the country,” be says, “is more characteristic of the peculiar type their (our) civilization has taken.” Acquainted as we all are, observes the Providence (R. I.) Journal, with the efforts that are being made by a small class to secure the suffrage for women, and to make her sphere more nearly co-extensive with man’s, It is probable that we have not realized how steadily during the last generation her position has improved in this country, or how favorably it compares with her lot in other lands. It seems to be evident that it is easier here for women to find remunerative employment in intellectual, commercial and mechanical pursuits than in any part of Europe. They have in large numbers won admission to the medical profession, a small but still respectable number have been admitted to the bar, several have been recognized as Christian ministers, a few are employed in journalism, and many in the various departments of literature. They form a great majority of the teachers in the public schools, the exact number of teachers reported by the United States Bureau of Education In 1887 being 104,249 men and 194,439 women. No prejudice has ever interfered with their entering the lecture field, they have played a conspicuous part in the promotion of philanthropic, moral and religious reforms, especially in the antislavery and temperance movements, while in the cities their aid has been invaluable in the founding and management of countless charitable and reformatory institutions. While the claim that has been made for the enfranchisement of woman on equal terms with man has not been granted, except in the Territories of Utah, Washington and Wyoming, it has received more favorable consideration than in England, and fourteen States have now granted her the right to vole on certain questions connected with the public schools. It is worthy of notice, also, that women were admitted as delegates to the National Prohibition convention in 1884, and that they claimed admission as delegates to the last General conference of the Methodist church. Absolutely no prejudice interferes with their employment in commercial occupations wherever their services can be made profitable, and women already crowd the positions of clerks, secretaries, telegraph operators and kindred pursuits. While discrimination in the way of payment is made against them, it is probable that this, all things being considered, is not oppressive, and that a tendency exists toward increased remuneration. That a strong tendency exists to make the conditions of woman’s life equally favorable with those of man is shown in the provision that is everywhere made in this country for the education of girls. It is quite as ample and adequate as that made for boys. They are received into the public schools upon equal terms, into many of the academies and colleges, even leading Institutions like Michigan University setting the example, while the rapid endowment and largo patronage of such institutions as Vassar, Smith and Wellesley Colleges show show strongly the higher education of women has appealed to the American sense of justice. In no other country in the world has ampler or better provision for this purpose been made. A still more significant indication of woman’s high position in this country is seen in the deference that is universally accorded her. She possesses a degree of social freedom that is unknown in older countries. Americans do not feel the need of guarding the character of their women by the barriers which are thrown around them in the old world. They are treated with confidence, allowed to be a law to themselves, and as a result inspire more profound respect by conduct which is, undoubtedly to a larger degree than elsewhere, irreproachable. This respect accorded to woman is as pronounced, though obviously with ruder manifestations, on the frontier as in the older parts of the country, and seems to be the direct outgrowth of our ideas of equality. We are so much accustomed to this that it never occurs to us to suppose that it can be otherwise anywhere. But let us see the contrast which Prof. Bryco notes: “A European can not spend an evening in an American drawing room without perceiving that the attitude of men to women is not that with which he is familiar at home. The average European man has usually a slight sense of condescension when he talks to a woman on serious subjects. Even if she is his superior in intellect, in character, in social rank, he thinks that as a man he is her superior, and consciously or unconsciously talks down to her. She is too much accustomed to this to resent it unless it becomes tastelessly palpable.” We may well congratulate ourselves upon having struck, in this respect at least, one of the highest notes of civilization. The position accorded women has always been regarded as a test of a nation’s progress. Woman is the natural perfector of manners, morals, culture and religion. That we are in advance of other nations in the treatment of women may be taken as the best possible promise that the developments of the future will be in the line of the world’s best achievements. How far it has already had a beneficial effect upon our National institutions and character we must again appeal to Prof. Bryco to determine: ‘The respect for women which every American man either feels or is obliged by public sentiment to profess, has a wholesome effect on his conduct and character, and serves to check the cynicism which some other peculiarities of the country foster. The nation as a whole owes to the active benevolence of its women, and their zeal in promoting social reforms, benefits which the customs of continental Europe would scarcely have permitted women to confer. Europeans have of late years begun to render the well deserved admiration to the brightness and vivacity of American ladies. Those who know the work they have done and are doing in many a noble cause will admire still more their energy, their courage, their self devotion. No country seems to owe more to its women than America does, nor to owe to them so much of what is best in social institutions and in the beliefs that govern conduct.”

Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 22, 1889

Municipal suffrage for women was defeated in the Michigan senate the other day by a large majority. Woman suffrage seems to be following the fate of prohibition.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 13, 1889

Woman Suffrage Abroad.

Among the countries in which woman suffrage in one form or another prevails are: England. Scotland, Wales, Sweden, Russia, Austro-Hungary. Crotia, Dalmatia, Italy, British Burmah. Madras Presidency, Bombay Presidency, Russian Asia, Tasmania, Iceland, New Zealand. Victoria. New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 26, 1889

The Nineteenth Century for June contains an appeal against woman suffrage signed by the wives of some of the most distinguished statesmen and literary men of England. They base their opposition on the ground that modern government rests on force, and say that for that reason it requires members of the sex who, in the last resort, are physically qualified to carry out forcible measures. If this view of the case is to prevail, then the only hope for the women suffragists is to bring about a state of affairs which will insure constant peace. We inspect, however, that the greatest obstacle to female suffrage is the apathy of women. It is a notorious fact that nine out of every ten women consider politics a nuisance and a bore, and regard the suffrage as something entirely undesirable and unwomanly.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, July 9, 1889

The Constitutional Convention.

Helena, Mont., July 8 —The convention met at 2 o’clock. The president announced that he was not ready to name the committees.

…BISMARK, Dak., July 8.—The convention met to-day but did nothing except to adopt rules and listen to a speech on woman’s suffrage from Dr. Blackwell, of Boston. The committee adjourned till Thursday to give the president an opportunity to make up the committees.

I started skipping relevant things here in a rush to get to 1893.  so come back to this point

Colorado Daily Chieftain, July 31, 1889
suffrage almost a tie in Montana

Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 13, 1889

fight in Washington re suffrage

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 9, 1889

The advocates of woman suffrage will not relish the returns from the new states which voted on the amendment giving women the right to vote. Everywhere, except in some parts of eastern Washington and South Dakota, the masculine voters jumped on the amendment with both feet, to use a bit of vigorous slang. It is evident that the west is not sufficiently “cultured” to believe that women would purify the polls.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 11, 1889


The seventeenth annual congress of the Association for the Advancement of Women, commenced its session in Unity church in Denver on Tuesday last. Mrs. Julia Ward Howe made the opening speech which contained the usual matter. A short discussion was afterwards held upon the subject of schools and examinations What the ladies assembled there will say when they read that Rev. A. W. Williams, pastor of the First Congregational church, in Cheyenne, said from his pulpit in an address a few days since, upon the new constitution of Wyoming, that he failed to discover that female suffrage had purified politics up there, remains to be seen. This idea has always been a pet notion with the advocates of women voting. Possibly they will pitch into the unfortunate devine as the notorious Lucy Stone Blackwell did with Dr. Bliss in the streets of Denver several years ago, and abuse him in fishwoman style because he dared to differ with her upon this point. The News publishes portraits of the prominent ladies in attendance upon the convention. If the portraits are good once the ladies have no reason to be proud of their personal appearance. The pictures are not lovely, and were it not for this well known enterprise-of the management of the News a horrible suspicion would probably arise that the pictures were taken from the advertisements of the Chinese quack doctors who abound in Denver at present, and who advertise extensively in the columns of the daily press. Some scoffers call the congress the “Hen Convention” and insinuate that Billy Arlington should have been present to sing his celebrated song of that name at the opening, bat such triflers are frowned down immediately.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 16, 1889

convention of Political Reformers want woman suffrage among other things

skipped much

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 7, 1890

The question of woman suffrage is beginning to be agitated in the columns of the local press. When the dear women demonstrate their desire as well as their ability to accept and discharge the duties and responsibilities of citizenship as well as its privileges, then the CHIEFTAIN may feel inclined to advocate their cause. It is hardly to be presumed that female citizens would prove a success when called upon to act on a sheriff’s posse comitatus, serve as soldiers in case of rebellion or invasion or sit two or three weeks on a jury in a murder trial, while their families suffered at home and “hubby” had a high old time nights with the boys.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 28, 1890

There seems to be some opposition in congress to the admission of Wyoming on account of the woman’s suffrage article in the constitution. The territory has had woman suffrage for a good many years and that millenium in politics which its advocates always promise don’t seem as yet to have arrived. Politics are no purer in Wyoming than elsewhere, and the women who do the voting there are largely those of a class whose presence is not desirable in any community.

skipped much

Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 23, 1890

Woman Suffrage.

Washington, May 22.—For the first time in the history of the house judiciary committee, a majority of the members to-day agreed to favorably report upon the joint resolution (introduced by Representative Baker, of New York,) providing for a constitutional amendment to grant the right of suffrage to women.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 30, 1890

The ladies who would like to vote are respectfully advised not to allow their hopes to carry them quite away because the house judiciary committee has reported favorably a resolution in favor of a constitutional amendment granting the privilege of suffrage to women.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 30, 1890

Willie Pabor has been trying to persuade the National Editorial convention that Colorado favors female suffrage. Before swallowing this unconscionable rot the members should consult Lucy Stone Blackwell as to her experience in advocating that doctrine in this state.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, July 6, 1890

ATTENTION, LADIES! To My Sister Women of Pueblo: All who are interested in the reforms that are agitating the public mind, industrial, social and political; all who are interested in temperance, suffrage, abolition of child labor, enforcement of education, shorter hours, better wages, elevation of the human family, are cordially invited to attend the meeting which I will address in the trades assembly room, new city hall, Tuesday afternoon, July 8, at 2 o’clock; Thursday afternoon at the same place, and Saturday evening at 8 o’clock at the DeRemer opera house. All who are not interested in all or any of the above subjects are earnestly requested to attend. Yours for the sisterhood of women, Mrs. Leonora M. Barry Lake.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 19, 1890

The Mississippi constitutional convention has decided definitely against woman’s suffrage.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 1, 1891

Female suffrage is symbolized on the official seal of the state of Wyoming, which contains the figure of a woman, from whose uplifted arm hangs a broken chain, while the motto of the state is “Equal Rights.” This seal was adopted by the first legislature, and is emblematic of the political status of a state which is different in the respect symbolized from every other in the American Union. It wouldn’t be a bad idea for the woman suffragists in other states to procure a fac-similie of this seal, and pass it around among the faithful. The Chieftain thinks that possibly “Equal Responsibilities” should be added to the “Equal Rights” granted to females in Wyoming.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 4, 1891

WOMEN SUFFRAGE. Hon. Amos Steck, who is one of the senators from Arapahoe county in the Eighth general assembly, is a man whose honesty and ability is unquestioned. He is an old timer and as a citizen is generally respected throughout the state. In common with many other able men Judge Steck is the possessor of a hobby, one which he rides wherever the opportunity occurs. His peculiar “wanity,” so to speak, is a fondness for the ladies; that is he is fond of the fair sex to the extent of desiring to confer upon them all of the rights and privileges of citizenship. Whether he was elected to the legislature upon the platform of impartial suffrage the CHIEFTAIN is unable to state, but certain it is that during the several terms which he has served in the general assembly he has never failed to mount his favorite hobby and ride it in triumph through the legislative halls. The present session has proved to be no exception. Dissensions have occurred, riots have been threatened, a speaker has been deposed and a politician murdered, but in the midst of all of the racket Judge Steck bobs serenely up in the senate with a long winded petition from the fair daughters of Denver, who desire to pose as crowing hens and to enjoy all of the privileges of citizenship without its responsibilities. He also favored the senate with his usual oration upon the many virtures of the female sex and the numberless reforms which would immediately follow the confering of the right to vote upon the women of the state. It is not a great many y ears since the question of a constitutional provision confering the right of suffrage upon women was submitted to a vote of the people of the state. Many of our readers will remember that for several months previous to that election Colorado was over run by a horde of loose tongued female suffrage tramps of both sexes from the new Englandstates, who, unable to persuade their own people to adopt their peculiar ideas, inflicted themselves and their oratory upon our citizens with the vain hope of making Colorado an experiment station in which to test their theories, in order to prevail upon their home governments to try them in case they inflicted no permanent damage upon us. Meetings were held at every important point in the state, public sentiment was carefully misrepresented by their speakers, every person who failed to endorse the movement was villified by the shrewish tongues of Mrs. Lucy Stone Blackwell and her co-laborers in the cause of the downtrodden and abused female, but to no purpose. The people of the state repudiated the whole matter by a large majority and if the question were submitted to them again would in all probability repeat the operation. One reason why the people of Colorado are not specially in love with female suffrage ia because they fail to discover that the beautiful theories as to the many advantages to be derived therefrom, as claimed by the advocates of the measure, ever materialize in practice. Wyoming has enjoyed the supposed beneficent effects of the system for several years yet it is by no means apparent that politics are any purer in that state than they are in Colorado or that there are any better reasons to predict the early advent of the millenium in the former than in the latter. One great difficulty with our politics at present is that we have too many voters and that inestimable right would be much more highly prized and appreciated if it were more restricted and more difficult to obtain. However public opinion in Colorado is so strongly against female suffrage that the honorable senator from Arapahoe may explode his oratorical fireworks to his hearts content without doing any very serious damage. It amuses him and don’t hurt anybody else.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 8, 1891


A Womanly Woman’s Opinion of Female Suffrage. To the Editor of the CHIEFTAIN: Pueblo, February 5.—As I was reading the Chieftain this morning my attention was drawn to an article written about Woman’s Suffrage. I hear it again and again and I am so tired of it. I think when a woman thinks of voting she had better pick up her work basket and look over her husband’s socks and see if they do not want darning, for I know they do if she has got time to talk politics, and while she talks politics she lets her dinner burn, and then she gets a lecture on neglecting home duties, from her husband, and he is compelled to go to a saloon to get him a lunch and he takes a drink at the same time, all on account of woman’s suffrage. I think a cheerful home, good meals and a pleasant welcome for the husband, when he comes home, would be the kind of woman suffrage I think best, for if we had a right to vote we would vote just as our husbands did and that would make more voters, but would not change the result any. 1 believe all good women would vote with good women and all bad women would vote with bad women just so with the men. We have men leaders that we are proud of. I don’t believe a good man will respect a bad man. I want to say that we have just as bad women as we have men, and they have influence over a certain class of men and they would vote together. For myself I cannot say but what we can get along with out woman’s suffrage in the future as in the past. It may be that I do not know. It we take to electioneering and voting what will become of our families? We can never get others to take care of our families and to do for them as we would do. It is not natural for strangers to take the care of our little ones and have the patience and love that we should give them. Then why should we neglect our loved ones for the polls? I tell you our children need our affections and it is our place to raise voters and not lose time in voting. If we conduct our homes properly we will not fail to raise the right kind of voters. Our good men were never raised by a politician mother. They were taught their good deeds at their mother’s knee. I think it is all right for men and women to talk politics and exchange ideas. We are living under a grand government and I would like to say a few words about old Uncle Sam. There is a great cry about his showing so much partiality. He gave us all that we could expect —a home, free, not a dollar of indebtedness on it. Is he to blame for the mortgage that was put on that homestead? Was the rich man to blame? I say no. The widow and orphan loaned their money as well as the rich and are now compelled to take that land or nothing. It seems to me that if the farmers had worked as hard to keep the mortgage off as to get it on their farms would be free to-day. If I understand it these farms were valued at three times as much as they were worth in order to get a mortgage of one third of their value, and when they got that they got all the farm was worth, the money loaner thinking that he had made a good investment and the borrower should lose nothing. So he put the most of his next year’s crops in sitting on a dry goods box in some town in front of a grocery store talking of hard times and signs of failures, which is a very good sign according to my idea, (seeing the farmer sitting on the box.) Now, Uncle Sam gave us altogether four hundred and eighty acres of land if we wanted it. What more can he do? I don’t know unless he gives them a reservation and rations, the same as the Indians, and then if he did not suit them they could get up a ghost dance and demand whatever they wanted. This will do for the present. A Woman at Home.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 11, 1891

Hon. Amos Steck thinks that the Chieftain has done him an injustice in 1 stating that female suffrage is a hobby of his. He says that his last speech in the 1 legislature upon that subject was made twenty-one years ago. He is right regarding the time of making that speech, and the writer could hardly believe that 1 so long a time had elapsed. Judge Steck says that as far as female suffrage is concerned he don’t care a straw about it, but 1 if a majority of the women of the state I want it he’ll vote for it.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 23, 1891


A Gathering of Representative Women of the Country. A CONVENTION IN WASHINGTON. The Golden Rule the Basis of Their Work and Their Organization.—A Connell to Obtain Unity of Aim and Object.— Some of the Women Who Are There, and the Societies and Associations They Represent. Washington, February 22. [Associated Press.]—Women from all parts of the country whose names are inscribed upon the roll of fame are gathering here in large numbers, and have literally taken the leading hotels by storm. Their presence is duo to the fact that the first triennial conference of the Woman’s Council of the United States opens to-day, with sessions continuing for one week. This organization was brought into existence shortly after the International Council of Women which was held in this city in 1888, and is the outcome of that notable gathering. Its aim is to place the wisdom and expert experience of each woman at the service of all: to widen the horizon of women; to correct any tendency to an exaggerated impression of their own work by enabling them to know the work of others; to increase the spirit of endeavor among women and by discussion and an interchange of thought to increase the sum total of womanly courage and efficiency. Among the delegates here are representatives of the following women’s clubs: The Women’s National Press association, the Sorosis National Women’s Suffrage association, the National Christian Temperance Union and the Woman’s Centenary association. Among other organizations sending fraternal delegates are the Female Educational association of Boston. Baptist Home Missionary association, Illinois Women’s Home Missionary Union, Woman’s Missionary association of the Evangelical Reformed church, Illinois Woman’s Alliance, Illinois Press association. New York Woman’s Press association, the Loyal Women of American Liberty, the NonPartisan National W. C. T. U., the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Union, the Society of Friends, and the women of the medical college of John Hopkins university. Prominent among women who have already arrived are Julia Ward Howe, president of the Women’s Congress. Mrs. Charlotte Emerson Brown, president of the Federation of Women’s clubs, which has a membership of sixty-eight clubs. The venerable Susan B. Anthony, Frances Willard, president of the National W. C. T. U.: Mrs. Ella Dietz Clymer, president of Sorosis; Mrs. Anna Garlin Spencer; Mrs. May T. Lathrop; Mrs. Anna Nathan Meyer, of New York City, one of the founders of Barnard college, and now | one of its trustees; Mrs. Mary E. Lease, a Kansas lawyer, who has become famous in the west as the orator of the Farmers’ Alliance; Mrs. Zerelda Wallace, the mother of General Lew Wallace, author of “Ben Hur:’ Mrs. W. B. Carse, the founder of the Temperance Temple at Chicago; Dr. Julia Holmes Smith, the founder of the Isabella Association; Dr. Sarah Hackett Stevens: Miss Mary G. Burdette, sister of the famous lecturer; Mrs. Mary Allen West, editor of the Union Signal. Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, of Iowa, who is at the Riggs, is the fraternal delegate of the non partisan W. C. T. U., while the Loyal Women of American Liberty are represented by Mrs. I. C. Manchester, of Providence, R. I.: Mrs. H. R. Bishop, of Somerville, Mass., and Mrs. F. H. Eaves, of Roxbury, Mass. Then there is Rev. Anna H. Shaw, Elizabeth Katie Stanton, of the National Women’s Suffrage Association, Mary T. Lathrop, of Jackson, Michigan, of the National W. C. T. U., and Lucy T. Langstroff, of Philadelphia, the eminent advocate of Women’s Foreign Missions. The convention was opened at Albaugh opera house this afternoon with sermons by five women clergymen—Rev. Ida C. Hultin, of Des Moines, Iowa; Rev. Anna H. Shaw, of Washington. D. C.; Rev. Myla T. Tupper, of La Porte, Ind.; Rev. Mary A. Safford. of Sioux City, Iowa, and Rev. Louise S. Baker, of Nantucket, Mass. All of these ladies are eloquent speakers, and with one exception each is the pastor of a large and flourishing church. Miss Frances E. Willard makes the following statement regarding the basis of the National Council of Women: “The women of the council, sincerely believing that the best good of their homes and the nation will be advanced by their greater unity of thought and similarity of purposes, and that an organized movement of women will best conserve the best good of the family and the state, have combined themselves together in a federation of workers committed to the overthrow of all forms of ignorance and injustice, and the application of the Golden Rule to society, custom and law.”

Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 7, 1891

Mr. Huggins, of Rye, is an ardent advocate of female suffrage as well as a red hot prohibitionist. As a friend of the downtrodden female his name is wonderfully appropriate, but huggin’s of rye on the part of a pronounced total abstinence man can’t be tolerated.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 1, 1892

It Will Come Some Day. The passage of a woman suffrage bill by the New York assembly was as usual a joke. Nine times in eleven years such a bill has passed one house or the other, always to fall by the wayside at last. This time, however, an unusually large number of jokers joined the real friends of the measure, making the vote in its favor us 2 to 1. Some day the “joke” may be carried too far, for the jokers and the bill may get through both houses. Then, if New York happens to have a conscientious governor, he will be unable to see any logical reason why women should not vote and he will sign the bill.—Philadelphia Ledger.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 12, 1892

Suffrage In the United States Equal suffrage is in force or has been adopted in some form in twenty-nine different states and territories, namely, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Missouri, Nebraska. New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming. The different forms of the exercise of suffrage have been almost as various as the states named. For instance, in Pennsylvania voting has been confined to local improvements. In New York woman suffrage has been limited to school elections. Kansas has prescribed that women shall have equal privileges with men in municipal elections. In Wyoming there has been no distinction in sex in the electoral franchise since 1870, and of all the states she has fewer criminal and insane people in proportion to total population. Utah, the home of Mormonism, granted to women the ballot until the Edmunds law was enacted in 1870. The Gentiles are now convinced that women should vote, and it is probable that when that territory is finally admitted it will be with a provision for equal suffrage. Further examples might be cited, but when the precept is plain and generally granted that the woman is the equal of man in every province of government that regards the welfare of humanity, they are useless. It is foolish to contend that woman is not the equal of man in every work that seeks the advancement of the yonng, or that men are better entitled to direct the affairs of municipal and educational reform. —Woman’s Recorder.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, July 10, 1892

A Mayor Who Believes In Woman Suffrage. At the recent commencement of the Colorado State university, which is coeducational, several young women were members of the graduating class. Hon. Platt Rogers, mayor of Denver, was among the speakers. He said: As a property owner, woman’s right to hear and be heard, to vote and be voted for, is as great as the most treasured franchise that has ever been conferred. Indeed, the difficulty is not to satisfy ourselves that her claim to suffrageis as valid as our own, but rather to understand and defend the reasons upon which her disfranchisement has been based. If the co-education of the sexes means anything, it is this: The line of distinction in the minds of the educated of the country has ceased to exist. Nothing, then, remains as a barrier to the full assumption of her rights save the unsubstantial mummery of words. This must speedily be removed, and the Nineteenth century must crown its achievements by the granting to women of free and unlimited suffrage.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 28, 1892

What the Suffragist Desires Let no man or woman be mistaken as to what this movement for woman’s suffrage really means. We none of us want to turn the world upside down or to convert women into men. We want women, on the contrary, above all things, to continue womanly—womanly in the highest and best sense—and to bring their true woman’s influence, on behalf of whatsoever things are true, honest, just, pure, lovely and of good report, to bear upon the conduct of public affairs.—Mrs Millicent Garrett Fawcett

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 26, 1892


Ladies Who Hate WhIsky and the Business In It. CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION. Arrival of Delegates In Denver to Attend the Annual Convention. Including Miss Willard, the President.— What She Has to say of the Probable Work of the Convention.— The Question of Biennial Meetings. Denver, Colo., October 25.—The vanguard of the delegates to the convention of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, which will convene in this city Friday, the 28th. arrived to day. In an unostentatious manner Miss Frances E. Willard, president of the temperance hosts, her private secretary, Miss Anna Gordan, Lady Henry Somerset, a peeress of England and leader of the thousands who battle against intemperance in Great Britain, and Mrs. Rustall, the corresponding secretary of the national W, C. T. U. and head of the Union Signal, alighted from the Kansas Pacific train at 7:30 this morning. Through some misunderstanding none of the ladies appointed to welcome delegates at the depot were present, and after arranging for their baggage the visitors entered a hack and were driven to the Brown hotel. Later in the day Miss Willard was interviewed by a reporter. Referring to the coming meeting she said; “The interesting part of the convention will be the debate on the platform, which is prepared by a representative of each of the forty four states and five territories of America. Some changes may be made in the constitution, but they will be chiefly technical. There is a feeling among some of our women that we ought to have bi-ennial instead of yearly conventions, and there is likely to he some lively talk about that. Any change of the national officers lies of course with the convention. The present officers have held their positions fourteen years.” Miss Willard thinks the erection of the wonderful temple at Chicago has struck the key note for the erection of women’s buildings all over the country. “We used,” she remarked, “to rent quarters of the V. M. C. A. or crawl into some rented room of one kind or another, but ever since Mrs. Corse built that magnifi- , cent temperance temple at Chicago the women of this country have followed up the idea, and are now going into their own tabernacles and raising sufficient from rentals to carry on their work. That is the philosophy of it, and it is a splendid idea” Lady Henry Somerset also submitted to an interview. She is a handsome woman in the prime of life, with a bright happy smile, deep contralto voice and engaging manner. Lady Somerset is a true believer in prohibition and woman suffrage, and thinks that these measures will be recognized as they deserve in England within a few years. She is of the opinion that never until woman can co operate in government affairs will the absolute outlawing of the liquor traffic be possible. These principles one advocates in the most gentle and womanly way, pointing out their great value in the establishment of homes. The national executive committee will meet Thursday morning in Trinity church in private session, and the national board of superintendents will meet at the same time in the same place. In the afternoon they will hold a joint session and make a final digest of all the work that will come before the convention, which convenes Friday morning. The death of Mrs. President Harrison will cast a gloom over the delegates, for she was ever a true advocate of temperance. Mrs. Hortense Miller, chairman of the decorative committee, has a large sized crayon portrait of that lady, and will have it heavily draped and placed on an easel at the convention.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 6, 1892


PARLIAMENTARY SUFFRAGE FOR NEW ZEALAND WOMEN. A Mother’s Unequal Struggle—Belva Lockwood’s Victory—a Bright Woman Physician—Novel Use for Cigar Ribboons. Time for Women to Act. It seems certain now that the legislative council of New Zealand has passed the bill conferring the parliamentary suffrage upon women, which was sent up to them from the lower House. This bill has twice been carried in the popularly elected chamber, but up to this time it has failed to pass the council. Evidently the popular demand has become too strong to be resisted. The bill has passed, and only awaits the signature of the governor, which there seems little reason to doubt will be given. A very unnecessary amendment to the bill has been added by the council, that women may vote without going to the polls. Very likely this was proposed with a view to make it easier for women to vote at home, if that is the way it is intended that their voting shall be done. But this is not stated. To us, who are accustomed to see women in all kinds of business and fully equal to its demands, it seems odd enough that any such provision should have been suggested. It certainly gives opportunity for endless cheating. How is the woman who gives her vote to another to cast for her to be sure that be will put in the vote she gave? These New Zealand legislators have no doubt done what they thought the best thing, but their action furnishes new proof that each class needs to legislate for itself. The passage of this bill is the great event of the year. It opens a large territory to equal political rights. While the women here in the United States, except in Wyoming, are still disfranchised. we rejoice with the women of New Zealand and we congratulate them. Their gain is the gain of all women. The bill passed there will aid the women of every other country. Tho other Australian colonies are even now getting ready to follow the good example of New Zealand.—Woman’s Journal.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 25, 1892


Centennial and Central High School Elevens Meet the First Time.
First Animal Game Between the Teams of the Two City High Schools.
—An Interesting Contest —
Teams About Evenly Matched
-One Touch Down but no Goal.

Football among the school boys of Pueblo has probably come to stay, judging from the interest taken yesterday afternoon in the first annual game between the elevens of the North and South side high schools at the Minnequa ball park. Every town in New England of any size at all, has its high school, Latin school or academy team, and this is true of many places as far west as the Mississippi river. Interest in the game, which draws 30,000 people to Springfield, Mass., from cities distant from fifty to one hundred and twenty five miles, every fall to see the crimson of Harvard and the blue of Yale battle for supremacy on the gridiron field, and the same number to New York on Thanksgiving day to see the Eli and the Tigers struggle with the ovate pigskin, has arisen in the Pittsburg of the West. Considering that the two elevens had had but little more than one week’s practice, the game that they put up was very good indeed, and showed that there is material which, with careful coaching next fall will give both schools teams that would do credit to schools where football has been a favorite for years. The South side boys won by a score of 4 to 0, after a stubborn contest in which the teams showed up about equally well. The South siders had the advantage of weight in the rush line, and almost invariably made gains when they tried the V. The North side eleven on the other hand had the best running half backs, who were also successful at bucking the line. Neither side exhibited much team play, but interference and opening up holes in the line and working together with machine-like precision can only be acquired by long and patient work. Owing to the fact that the players were new at the game and not in training and on account of the lateness of the hour, 3:30 P. M., at which it was deemed advisable to commence play, two thirty minute instead of the regulation forty-live minute halves were played. The teams lined up as follows, the South side team having the west end of the field and the ball. South Side. Positions. North Side. Marvin……… Right end left……… Burnam Cullings…….. Right tackle left……..Barnum Pitton ……..Right guard left……..Studzinski Garcier…………..Center…………Packard Vanding………. Left guard right…….. Piper S_ffens…….. Left tackle righ…….. McFeeley Turner …….. Left end right…….. Duke (Wilson) Wildeboor ……..Right half left ……..Fariss Hufrord …….. Left half right………Greenleaf Thompson (Capt.)………..Quarter ……..Gill Cohn……………… Fullback……… Hay (Capt.) The bull had not been in play more than a minute when Marvin made a touchdown for the South siders amid tremendous cheers by the Mesa contingent. Cohn’s try for goal was a failure. Score: South side 4, North side 0. The North side boys brought the ball to the center of the field and started with the usual wedge. Tbe play was fast and spirited, the leather being in one territory only to be pushed or carried to the other side of the center. But little punting was done. Honors in the first half were divided about evenly after the touchdown by the Central High school, but no more scoring was done. Ten minutes’ rest and the ball was snapped off by the North siders, who now had the west goal. Up and down the field the two teams went, the play being for the most part in the South side ground, but neither goal was menaced until about five minutes before time was called, when Farris by a long run from near the center of the field around Turner’s end, followed by several short rushes by others of Captain Hay’s team, brought the pigskin to South side’s five-yard line. Here the Mesa boys took a brace, got the ball on four downs and had advanced it seven yards when time was called. Final score 4 to 0 in favor of the Central High school.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 25, 1892

The Demand for Woman Suffrage. We used to ask for suffrage because women needed it as the means to larger opportunities. But the aspect of the woman question has changed. Women are now saying, as in the days of the war, “The country needs us.” Women need to stand by the public schools as they stood by the nation—without much fighting or bristling, quietly, but efficiently.—Mary A. Livermore.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 17, 1893

 Colorado House

Mr. Heath—Bill extending suffrage to women. This provides that the question shall be submitted to the voters at the next general election.

SUFFRAGE FOR WOMEN. (big headline top of page, first column
A Decided Majority in the House of Representatives.
Arguments for and Against Woman’s Admittance to the Ballot Box

There were two reports on the woman suffrage bill. The majority report recommended that the bill be referred back to the house and it do not pass. It was signed by Messrs. Wicks, Gill, Anderson, Putnam, Garcia arid Herr, all republicans. The minority report recommended that it pass. This was signed by Messrs. Crow and Lynch (pop.) and Cannon (rep.) Mr. Wicks spoke in favor of the majority report. He said the tendency was to degrade women should they be allowed to vote during these exciting political times, and he did not think the time was ripe to allow women to vote. Mr. Cannon said that Mr. Gill had intimated that he would vote for the minority report, but he was not present at the first meeting. He did not know what Mr. Gill had done at the second meeting. Mr. Cannon was in favor of female suffrage. Mr. Heath (populist), the father of the bill, said the house was not to decide whether or not woman should vote. The question was to go before the voters for their decision, and he did not think the house should take the decision of this matter from the people. He did not think woman would be degraded by voting. Mr. Kilton (republican) thought it was a very important question, but he did not wish to debate it just then. He hoped that the minority report would be adopted. Mr. Anderson (republican) explained that the vote of the committee was correct as reported on the question. Mr. Wootton (democrat) favored the adoption of the minority report. Mr. Wicks (republican) offered a substitute that the majority report be adopted. Mr. Bromley (people’s dem.) said it would be unwise to extend female suffrage at any time. The proposition had been voted on by the people of the state and had ben snowed under. If the barriers were taken down the filth of politics would flow into the houses of the people. There were a certain class of women who would glory in political campaigns, and these were not the sort of women who should be allowed to vote. Mr. Carney, of Ouray, thought that in place of degrading the ladies it would elevate them, It would be an incentive to every man who had a mother or sister or wife to cast a vote for pure politics. He favored the minority report. “If I should vote against giving the people of this state a chance to vote on this question I would change the fashion and wear a veil,” said Mr. Crowley (people’s). of Otero, “for I could not look a woman in the face.” Mr. Herr (rep.), one of the committee, said he voted for the majority report because he did not believe in dragging women into politics. He thought too much of his wife and sister to go home at night and argue political questions with them.

The motion to adopt the majority report was put, and Messrs. Anderson, Babcock, Baldwin of El Paso, Bonynge, Bromley, Brown, Carnahan, Dean, Garcia, Harper, Herr, How, Humphrey, Hunter, Hurt, Norlin, Price, Putnam, Ross, Roth and Wicks voted in favor. The motion was lost, the vote being 33 to 21.

The motion to adopt the minority report was carried by a vote of 39 to 21.

The bill requiring an educational qualification of voters was recommended to be killed

Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 25, 1893

Denver, Colo., January 24.—1 n the senate this morning Senator McGovney asked that the secretary be instructed to send to the office of the secretary of state for a copy of the revised statutes and the session laws for several years back for the use of the senate. This was agreed to. The privileges and elections committee recommended that the bill to extend the right of municipal suffrage to women in this state and to provide for submitting the same to a vote of the qualified electors at the next general election be printed.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 27, 1893

A Decided Majority in the House of Representatives.
Arguments for and Against Woman’s Admittance to the Ballot Box.

There were two reports on the woman suffrage bill. The majority report recommended that the bill be referred back to the house and it do not pass. It was signed by Messrs. Wicks, Gill, Anderson, Putnam, Garcia arid Herr, all republicans. The minority report recommended that it pass. This was signed by Messrs. Crow and Lynch (pop.) and Cannon (rep.)

Mr. Wicks spoke in favor of the majority report. He said the tendency was to degrade women should they be allowed to vote during these exciting political times, and he did not think the time was ripe to allow women to vote.

Mr. Cannon said that Mr. Gill had intimated that he would vote for the minority report, but he was not present at the first meeting. He did not know what Mr. Gill had done at the second meeting. Mr. Cannon was in favor of female suffrage.

Mr. Heath (populist), the father of the bill, said the house was not to decide whether or not woman should vote. The question was to go before the voters for their decision, and he did not think the house should take the decision of this matter from the people. He did not think woman would be degraded by voting.

Mr. Kilton (republican) thought it was a very important question, but he did not wish to debate it just then. He hoped that the minority report would be adopted.

Mr. Anderson (republican) explained that the vote of the committee was correct as reported on the question.

Mr. Wootton (democrat) favored the adoption of the minority report.

Mr. Wicks (republican) offered a substitute that the majority report be adopted. Mr. Bromley (people’s dem.) said it would be unwise to extend female suffrage at any time. The proposition had been voted on by the people of the state and had ben snowed under. If the barriers were taken down the filth of politics would flow into the houses of the people. There were a certain class of women who would glory in political campaigns, and these were not the sort of women who should be allowed to vote.

Mr. Carney, of Ouray, thought that in place of degrading the ladies it would elevate them, It would be an incentive to every man who had a mother or sister or wife to cast a vote for pure politics. He favored the minority report.

“If I should vote against giving the people of this state a chance to vote on this question I would change the fashion and wear a veil,” said Mr. Crowley (people’s). of Otero, “for I could not look a woman in the face.”

Mr. Herr (rep.), one of the committee, said he voted for the majority report because he did not believe in dragging women into politics. He thought too much of his wife and sister to go home at night and argue political questions with them. The motion to adopt the majority report was put, and Messrs. Anderson, Babcock, Baldwin of El Paso, Bonynge, Bromley, Brown, Carnahan, Dean, Garcia, Harper, Herr, How, Humphrey, Hunter, Hurt, Norlin, Price, Putnam, Ross, Roth and Wicks voted in favor. The motion was lost, the vote being 33 to 21. The motion to adopt the minority report was carried by a vote of 39 to 21. The bill requiring an educational qualification of voters was recommended to be killed. There were two reports on the bill providing for the protection of employes who may be candidates for office. The majority of the committee on elections recommended that it do not pass. Messrs. Lynch and Crow, who signed the minority report, recommended that it pass.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 29, 1893

Hope for Liberal Men.

A Texas paper lately assured its readers that “a man might possibly favor woman suffrage and yet at last find a welcome at tho gate of heaven.” This assurance relieves us of any doubts as to the fate of our friends Charles Kingsley, Henry Ward Beecher, Georgo William Curtis, J. G. Whittier and many others. The Texan editor was born too late. He should have lived in the time of Boswell, that abject admirer of Dr. Johnson, who was present on the occasion of a discussion as to our prospects after death. A Quaker lady present ventured to express the hope “that in another world the sexes would be equal,” and was put down by Boswell with the retort: “That is being too ambitious, madam. We might as well desire to be equal with the angels.” —Wives and Daughters.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 2, 1893

Colorado State house Feb 1

Mr. Kilton—Bill providing for suffrage to women.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 2, 1893

A bill was introduced by Viscount Wolmer, libera! unionist, granting the suffrage to women.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 2, 1893

It is stated that the “Woman’s Democratic olub,” of Rock Springs, in the state of Wyoming, where the women are allowed to vote, has indorsed the handsomest saloon keeper in the town for United States marshal under the incoming reform administration. Is this a sample of the woman’s suffrage we are asked to adopt in Colorado?

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 2, 1893


Twenty-one Years of Woman Suffrage In Wyoming. An important and interesting contribution to the literature of the woman question is contained in a letter to the New York Sun from Wyoming. It is a clear and comprehensive summing up of the results of twenty-one years or woman suffrage in that state. We learn from it that nearly every woman in the state votes. The ladies have their partisan clubs —Republican. Democratic and Populist. They take fully as much interest in politics as the men do. They formerly voted the Republican ticket mostly, but last year their sympathies were aroused on the side of the “rustlers” as against the cattle barons in the cow war, and they voted almost to a woman with the Democrats, because the Democratic platform leaned toward the rustlers. l am glad to perceive they have learned already that you cannot law virtue and morality into the human race. In this they are in advance of some of their sisters in the east. The women of Wyoming concern themselves particularly with the character of the candidate who is to enforce the laws already made, rather than with the passing of new laws. A man who is a drunkard, a wife or child beater, a gambler or a corrupt politician stands no more chance of getting into office in Wyoming than of getting into heaven. One candidate was reported to have slapped his wife because a shirt she had made for him was too small. “The women vowed to make him feel so small that he could use the little shirt for an overcoat, and they did it.” The shirt story will follow him to the end of his days wherever he goes. As to officeholdiug, the ladies do not seem to aspire after that so much, though they get their proportion of the places. The office of school superintendent is by common consent yielded to a woman in all the twelve counties. The pay is from $600 a year to $1,500. Two women have been elected justices of the peace. The correspondent says there are no women doctors or lawyers in the state, which is unfortunate. There ought to be both. Finally after twenty-one years of suffrage the Wyoming women have only to show as a result in their state “good, honest government and pure elections.” What more would anybody want, pray? The way to achieve gains for our sex is for women to stand by one another through thick and thin. Do you remember what Olive Schreiner said in one of her “Dreams?”—“l looked and saw that all the women held one another by the hand.” An enterprising firm of women tea merchants have bought a large tea plantation of their own in Ceylon. They employ women in all the branches of their business where it is possible. There are women tasters, blenders and packers. We are told that in Wyoming fine personal appearance and winning manners go a long way toward electing a candidate of either sex. Well, why not? Other things being equal, that is as it should be. May the day never come when the race will be insensible to the charm of personal beauty in either man or woman. The Greeks were nearer right than the old church ascetics in this matter. Beauty culture, through cleanliness of body and mind, through physical education, and, above all, through developing the sweet graces of the soul, is a legitimate and noble pursuit. I for one never yet met an individual repulsive in physical appearance who was either good or gifted. And when I see upon a public platform as a speaker a woman with slipper slopper shoes, a badly fitting gown, not over neat and slumped over shoulders I know instantly that such a woman has as yet no conception of the noblest and most exalted doctrines of progress. When a married woman’s husband neglects her the poorest way in the world is for her to sit at home and mope and shed tears over it. Let her brighten up and go and have good times too. There is much pleasure left in the world, even if one’s husband is no longer in love with onr as much as he used to be. I am so tired of hearing about “woman as a wife and mother” that at times I would like to go off and live among the Eskimos or some place where I did not understand the language. In Wyoming a married and an unmarried woman were opposing candidates for school superintendent in one of the counties. The single woman appealed to a wife for her vote on the ground that the opponent was a married woman and had a husband to support her. Instantly the woman voter, who knew how it was herself, replied: “What of that? A married woman has a harder time to get money than anybody else.” My sisters, that married woman stated a great truth. There is no way of getting money so surely as to earn it yourself. More interesting perhaps than at any previous meeting were the speeches delivered this year at the convention of the National Woman Suffrage association. The address of Hon. Carroll D. Wright on “Women in Industry” and that of May Wright Sewall on “Municipal Housekeeping” show which way the woman question of today is drifting. It is pleasant to think of that woman in the town of Newburg, N. Y., who is superintendent of the street cleaning and street sprinkling department. She is in exactly the right place. She has had the contract for a number of years and made a fair profit out of it, hiring and superintending her own laborers. This is better than it is in some of the cities of Europe, where I saw women scraping and cleaning the streets with men bosses over them. Miss Elizabeth Utter is deputy clerk of the United States circuit court for the western division of the western district of Missouri at Kansas City. A dried up old hunks has lately been bemoaning the fact that women are crowding men out of the trades and professions. so that they cannot support their families and buy beer and cigars any more. It is like the shoemaker’s talk when mankind first began to make shoes by machinery. Eliza Archard Conner.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 7, 1893


Mrs. E. J. Schofield is known at her home in Providence as an editor, writer and teacher of the first rank. Several years ago her husband was editor of The Democrat and several other publications, but business troubles compelled him to leave the city immediately. Mrs. Schofield took the helm and became editor and manager. The paper prospered as never before in her care. Running a newspaper seems easy enough to Mrs, Schofield and does not occupy half her time, as she is a frequent magazine contributor and conducts a shorthand and penmanship school with her usual success. Scarcely thirty-five years of age and in the prime of life, this brilliant woman is considered one of the handsomest women in Providence. Her beautiful, stately figure is seen at many of the swell affairs both in Newport and Providence. C. S. New Honors for Women. Two ladies are to be judges at the dog show of the World’s fair. The young New England woman who makes a specialty of the rearing of St. Bernards is one of them. She is a judge for-this class. The other lady is from Philadelphia, and is one of the judges for all classes of canines. There are five judges for the dog shows, and two out of the five are women. Workbaa ami Needle Took. A convenient workbag and needle book combined is made of a 15-inch square of figured china silk, two yards of inch ribbon, some bits of flannel an il two cards. Cover the cards with the silk after laying some perfumed wadding on one side. Fasten together by overcasting the sides. Sew the silk together, leaving it open four inches at one end, split-

ting the opposite side the same distance down. Hem and run a case for the ribbons to close it. Gather the other end (two rows) nnd overcast it to the outer edges of the needle book. This will throw the book into the bag, concealing it entirely when closed and tied with the ribbons attached midway the book. WOMAN’S WORLD IN PARAGRAPHS. The Dairy Business as an Occupation for Women. That lively and aggressive state. Ira!: ana, furnishes many shining examples o’ successful business women. In the old< r states the dairy industry on a large scab has now drifted mostly into tb 5 hands ol men and stock companies. But in Indi ana we have several signal examples of what women can do not only in dairy ing, but also in the rearing of beef cat tie. Mrs. Meredith’s herd of Shorthorns in southeastern Indiana is one of the noblest in the country. Mrs. Laura D. “Worley, of Elletsville, is so successful a breeder of butter Jerseys and so successful a butter maker besides that it was at one time proposed by some gallant western men to make her chief of the live stock department of the World’s fair. As a matter of fact, she was appointed one of the jurors of award on dairy products. She sells gilt edged butter directly to consumers, without any middleman, a” 1 is adding to her bank account yea – by year. Another progressive Indian* dairy woman is Mrs. Mary C. who read a paper before the Ipliana State Dairy association on “Da’Jdng as a Successful Occupation fo r omen.’ Mrs. Alexander began (trying first with one cow and the nost primitive appliances. She took u P the hotter making branch of the vor’.c. Now she has many cows, a “brie* milkhouse with modern convenient” a *td a warm barn for her cows. It* 3 interesting to know that her own fin* strong armed daughters do the milkinf, and they have not found it too ltd work for a woman. Mrs. Alexander believes there i3 something in a w -man’s gentle touch with a cow and in y woman’s nice sense of cleanliness and

her keen sight, smell and taste that particularly adapts her to successful dairying. Mrs. Alexander is quite right. She is at present enlarging her own facilities and going into the business on a larger scale. Thero is not the drudgery attached to butter making and the care of milk that thero’used to be. Calf and dog power can bo utilized with the new style of chum, and the cream separator or the creamer relieves a woman of the care of a large number of heavy milk pans. As to pet animals, there is nothing one can become more attached to than to a herd of beautiful cowa Rev. Florence Kollock, who went to Europe last summer, is studying Assyrian archaeology and Egyptology in the British museum. She will undoubtedly come on tho fact in tho course of her investigations that in tho most ancient times in Egypt women had such rights and such a commanding power and influence as they have never enjoyed in any country, civilized or uncivilized, since. How they lost their power is a long story and most interesting one. In brief, they lost much of it through their own fault. They must struggle till they get it hack, and that is the task now before women. Much of women’s trouble comes to them because of a sort of intellectual laziness. It is easier to trust a mananybody, father, brother or husband—to transact business, easier to let men run city government and easier to let ministers make church rules, even if those rules relegate women to a shamefully subordinate position, than to rouse up and find out things and act for themselves. Women of this land have no right to whine when men cheat them out of all their property, when their sons and daughters are ruined because of bad city government and public vice, or when pompous doctors of divinity inßult them by preaching at them the propriety of ignorance and subjection for the Christian woman. Women have the remedy for every one of these evils in their own hands. In the series of scathing papers about American schools which Dr. J. M. Rice has been contributing to The Forum there is one city whose primary system merits his unqualified approval. That city is Indianapolis. He finds that hero the true idea of education is comprehended and put into operation with shining results. It is with modest pride I record the fact that this is owing to a woman, Miss Cropsy, assistant superintendent of tho Indianapolis public schools. Miss Cropsy has long been connected with the Indianapolis schools. She did not consider that if she worked just as the principal told her to do anil then drew her monthly wage that her duty was done and herself cleared of responsibility until some man came along and married her. Miss Cropsy thought over her work and studied the child nature. What boobs on education could teach her sho learned besides. In the course of years she evolved a noble system of primary education of her own uuu was fortunate enough to have her work appreciated by the school board. Some distressful souls are again in fear lest women try to make men of themselves. Thero is no danger. Tho average masculine animal is not such a howling success that women should want to imitate him. Maine needs some attention, judging from a letter in The Woman’s Journal. In that state a dead father has more control over a child than a living mother, and it is, moreover, lawful for a man to leave his wife a pauper at bis death Nevertheless in his last message the ernor devoted a third of his space t/ the protection of game and said never • word about the protection of women. It was a newspaper woman after all, that brilliant and industries* 8 P r h Lida Rose McCabe, who was -he means of opening to women the P° B t graduate course in moral philo (J Phy at St. Francis Xavier’s Roman Catholic college in New York city. Advice of TF Review of Reviews to women, “The Pest way for women to enter politic i® not to keep up agitation for woman suffrage, but to take a lively hand in ue political battle as it actually wages ’ This is what English women are rO’ng. Eliza Archard Conner.

An Enterprising Woman Editor.


Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 13, 1893

Woman and Politics.

According to the story of a man from Wyoming, woman suffrage has not materially changed the nature of woman. The surest way to get an indifferent woman to vote is the threat of a neighbor to kill her husband’s vote by another. Straightway the shiest woman will put on her hat and go to the polls. Every woman, however, takes pains to register to be prepared for any emergency, and politics is the chief topic at the sewing bees, church circles and afternoon teas. The women had some trouble with the Australian ballot, and private rehearsals were held in every house. —New York Evening Sun.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 21, 1893

Feb 20

This afternoon the house went into committee of the whole and took up the bill by Mr. Heath to provide for woman’s suffrage. The bill provides that tbe question shall be submitted to the qualified electors at the election of 1893 for approval or disapproval. Tbe ladies were out in full force to watch the action of the senate on this bill, and lost no opportunity to express their approval or dislike of the speeches made for or against their measures. A vote was taken on a motion to strike out, the enacting olause, and it was lost by 19 to 23 votes. On a vote to adopt the report of the committee the result waseven more satisfactory, it being adopted by a vote of 20 to 16. Mr. Humphrey, of El Paso, gave notice that he would tomorrow move a reconsideration of the vote by which the bill passed the second reading. The opponents of the bill expect to defeat it in a full house. To prevent the matter being brought up again Mr. Wootton moved to reconsider the vote, followed by the usual motion to table it. The anti-rights people were in a quandary. Suddenly Mr. Sweeney moved to adjourn. Some of the members present had paired and could not vote on the bill. It was thought they could vote on an adjournment, but this was disputed, and few voted, but the motion to adjourn was declared carried by 22 to 20, and this leaves the women’s suffrage matter still an open question. ]

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 22, 1893

— The Woman’s SuffrageBill Laid on the Table.
—Extended Debate on the Free Kindergarten Bill.—

…Denver, Colo., February 21—There was little show of the fight of yesterday’s session on the woman’s suffrage bill when the house was called to order this morning. Most of the absentees of yesterday’s session were on hand. Members lounged lazily or read the morning papers while the clerk read the minutes, a few strolling out into the ante rooms to enjoy a morning smoke before engaging in the turmoil of the day. …

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 24, 1893

Denver, House

*Mr. Crowley presented a petition requesting that the house pass the female suffrage bill. It was signed by 6,045 people.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 25, 1893

gov Osborne of Wyoming thinks suffrage is working splendidly there and women are equally dividied dem and rep.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 26, 1893

read this woman s world some discussion of suffrage

Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 28, 1893


Woman Suffrage is Rejected.— The New Board of State Supervisors. Denver, Colo., February 27.

— In the lower honse this afternoon Mr. Baldwin continued his speech on Mr. Kilton’s bill

providing for an educational qualification for voters. After a long debate an opponent of the bill offered an amendment providing that it do not go into effect until 1900. This was carried, and the bill was favorably reported for second reading.

The State Senate

Adverse reports were submitted by Chairman McKinley, of the committee on privileges and elections, on the various senate bills for the extension of suffrage to women. Adjourned.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 1, 1893

Denver, Colo., February 28.—In the state senate today the measures introduced by Senators Armstrong and Boyd referring to woman’s suffrage were laid on the table, as there are other bills of the same kind under consideration.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 2, 1893

Woman Suffrage in Arizona.

Phoenix, Ariz., March I.— The legislative Assembly has passed a bill authorizing woman suffrage in the territory. It is conceded that it will pass the senate and also receive the governor’s signature.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 5, 1893

an amazing huge bunch of artciles on women that need attention including suffrage and the support of a union in Boston

Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 9, 1893

A woman’s suffrage bill was passed by the lower house of the Legislature yesterday, amd is about to come up in the senate. It is a great big mistake.

The Massachusetts farmers at their convention in Boston voted unanimously in favor of municipal suffrage for women. They did more. They passed a resolution asking the legislature to enact a law enabling women to vote for school committees on the same terms that men do. Eliza Archard Conner.

Woman Suffrage Adopted by the House

Colorado Senate

Mr. Heath’s house bill in relation to woman suffrage was read the first time.

The Home. Denver, Colo., March 8.—Mr. Heath’s bill which provides for woman suffrage, was down for a third reading on the house calendar today. There were a number of ladies present who were interested in the bill, and the prospect of the battle filled the lobbies. After several of the various standing committees had reported, Mr. Brown’s bill, which was down for a third reading, was passed for the present, and Mr. Heath’s woman’s suffrage bill came up. The bill provides that the question of giving women equal suffrage shall be submitted to the voters of the state at the next general election. There was no discussion, and the motion by Mr. Heath to pass the bill was put and carried by this vote: Ayes—Baldwin (Boulder), Benton, Booth, Calkins, Cannon, Carney, Cochran. Coffman, Crow, Crowley, Dake, Dyatt. Fritz, Gill, Gordon, Hallett, Heath, Heisler, Hynes, Jenks, Lynch, McKnight, Newman, Page, Price, Slawson, Wells, Westerman, Wicks, Wootton, Young, Mr. Speaker—34/ Nays—Anderson, Babcock, Baldwin gll Paso), Bonynge, Brown, Carnahan, Dean, Donath, Fitzgarrald, Garcia, Harper, Herr, Humphrey, Hunter, Hart, Kriton, Leonard, Lowell, Moore, Putnam, Reynolds, Ross, Roth, Sanchez, Sims, Sweeney, Twombly—27. Mr. Boynge raised the question as to wbether or not it did not require a twothirds vote to pass it. It was found that it required only a majority vote to pass it. Mr. Bent moved, in order to prevent the bill from being called up and killed, that Mr. Wooton’s motion that the vote be reconsidered be tabled, and the motion was tabled by a large majority. The bill now goes to the senate.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 12, 1893


This is a subject which is at the present moment receiving close attention in Colorado, a bill designed ultimately to extend the suffrage to women having been passed by one house of the state Legislature and is now awaiting the verdict of the other house. There is a disparity of advantage in the presentation of the arguments of the advocates and opponents of this measure. The former can present the usual reasons why they think woman ought to vote and hold office, in a series of easily understood propoeitions. They have no difficulty in massing language for the presentation of these arguments, and are therefore apparently able to muster a strong case. Moreover, although the subject has been a trite one for a generation it is still comparatively new—especially is it new in practice, so that but few adverse experiences can yet be produced to combat the assertion that women ought to have the right of suffrage, beyond the strange experience in Utah. On the other hand the opponents of the measure have difficulty in framing their remonstrance, since practically their whole argument must be limited to -one extremely brief expression—“lt is not natural.” Yet if we go outside of the subject to borrow comparisons we could find persons who would argue that horses ought to wear clothing; that women should cut their hair short; that men should wear their hair long; that young ohildren should eat meat;’that people should dwell in cellars; that food should be seasoned with clay; that men should chew tobacco and drink liquor. When we come down to the processes of actual logic we find that advocates of these and innumerable similar propositions could string out long sentences in their support, while their opponents are reduced to the one little and apparently flimsy denial, ‘“lt is not natural.” But it is not a flimsy denial, and it is not weak. It is the strongest argument in the world. No human plan can stand against it. Neither a political, a civil, social or physical scheme can maintain itself if the verdict is in the negative when the simple inquiry is made, “Is it natural?” It seems strange that so many people can read the reports of the daily press and still insist upon placing woman in the same position with man, and demand that she shall there maintain and defend ‘herself. Not a day passes but some awful deed is described by the telegraph. A woman has been foully wronged, denied the simplest privileges of wife or mother or home-keeper, ‘brutally maltreated, browbeaten in society and in law, deceived and debased and deserted and outraged, a victim of cruelty in every state and every city. Yet with this plain record people come forward and ask that her position in popular estimation shall be made still more unnatural and difficult. A woman yesterday announced herself as candidate for mayor of a Kansas city. Thus she asserts ‘her equality with man in a realm in which only those qualities which are masculine are called forth. She lays claim to a “privilege of citizenship,” but it is hardly expected that this woman will also volunteer for the duties of citizenship—serving on a sheriff’s posse, carrying a musket in the army, and leaving home for days and nights to serve on a jury. It is not natural that she should. Quite recently the people of the state. were shocked by the story of a man’s deeds at Leadville. He was a drunkard, , a “sport,” a laxy ruffian and do-nothing. She took in washing and by her work supported both. If at any time he found or suspected that she had more money than was actually required for the necessities of life he gave her a beating, secured the money and spent it in bad resorts. Finally he beat her too hard, and she died. What’s the matter with this tory, if woman is on man’s level in phyaical characteristics? Why is it not all right? Why should people be shocked? There is no explanation that can be given of the word ‘‘natural.” Those who have the Christian faith say that what is not natural is not in accordance with God’s design, but there is no other explanation, at least none that can be brought down to simply materialistic logic. We can talk all around it, but we are no nearer the truth than before. We can not explain why men should not generally sew garments and do housework, for if we attempt it we are at once met by the simple fact that when men do sew garments they do it well. We can not explain why women should not be locomotive engineers, except to repeat the old tefrain, “It is mot natural; she was not fitted for it; it was not intended.” The suffrage is very much such work as locomotive engineering. To ask woman to engage in it is a shameful perversion, for the suffrage is merely a physical duty devolving upon the head of the family, the same as sawing wood and shoveling coal and earning the family living. The only way to answer the stereotyped woman suffrage arguments is by citing instances. One of the two chief arguments is that woman would purify society. An answer is given in the telegraphic column this morning. Women engaged in a crusade against a saloon at Effingham, Ill., and when they entered and made known their mission they were summarily ejected and two of them were “soundly thrashed,” to use the language of the telegraphic account. Who did the ejeoting and the thrashing. The men? Oh, no—they would not have been spbase. Women did it. The other chief argument is that it is woman’s “right.” The answer is, She already has her right when the family is rightly balanced and when husband and wife are the “one flesh” which nature intended. The suffrage is merely the safeguard of the entire family’s social, political and civil rights. The wife is protected in every right if the husband is protected. No wrong and no invasion can harm one without harming the other. In fact and in law they are one individual. This is natural. Woman’s suffrage arguments can never get men interested in the elaborate discussion of beautiful colors of fabrics, tasteful decorations, the care of children and the thoughtful preparation of food. It can’t be done, because it is not natural. Neither can women be interested in those departments of work that belong to man’s duty. One of the most intelligent women in this city—a woman far above the level of housekeepirg interests, much broader in mind and experience than the usually narrow limit of womanly pursuits, candidly and innocently asked, the other day when the Hatch bill failed in Congress, “What is the anti-option bill, anyhow?” Is this a matter for which she should be laughed at? Not at all. The question was but natural. Another woman, and one who is bright and wide awake, is doing work which necessitates her reading all the news that goes into the daily paper. The argument is made that if women were given the suffrage and so placed that they had to be brought into contact with politics they would at once be interested. This woman reads all the politics every day—it is her business. Yet one day last week on completing the work on the exciting incidents following the quadrennial American revolution she exclaimed of her own accord, “Do you really suppose that anybody reads this stuff?” The more the subject of suffrage is enlarged, in relation to woman, the more her really great qualities and really great life-work are belittled, and the less is the estimated value of her priceless worth in the eyes of both sexes. This is natural. The common mistake is in discussing “inferiority” Comparisons have nothing to do with the case; it is merely a question of inexorable natural law.


Woman’s World in this issue talks about lots incl. Woman suffrage in MASS

Bound to Come.

Among the important subjects that will come before the Massachusetts legislature is municipal suffrage for women. This is one of the measures about which the public mind is undergoing some, as yet, unregistered changes of opinion. Women read the newspapers. They are in all the schools, in the colleges as students, as professors, as college presidents. They carry on business to an extent undreamed of 20 years ago. They are in all the professions. They form an intelligent portion of the community. There is no reason why they should not have municipal suffrage, and every reason why they should.—Boston Transcript

Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 20, 1893

The Colorado Springs Telegraph in a strong editorial article on woman’s suffrage says: “It is becoming too much the fashion of the strong advocates of woman suftrage to belittle the home relations, to discredit household influences, and to bring into a sort of disrepute those sensible, wholesome, womanly sentimens that recoil from public appearance or participation in public affairs, and which, we may be thankful, are so generally planted In the hearts of American women. It may be a sad, rather than a glad day when these sentiments are overridden and ground out of existence.”

Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 21, 1893

The next bill in regular order for discussion according to the calendar was Mr. Heath’s woman suffrage measure. How it came to be at the top of the calendar over other bills that have been awaiting consideration for weeks nobody seemed to know. The explanation offered was that it had been placed there by mistake. Senator Adams called attention to this little circumstance, and asked that it be placed in its proper place near the foot of the calendar.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 21, 1893


Women Are Marching on Toward Liberty and Citizenship. There was no convulsion of nature, neither did the sun stand still, nor was there silence in heaven for even half a minute, when Mrs. Laura J. Eisenhuth, the newly elected state superintendent of the public schools in North Dakota, assumed the duties of her office. All goes well, and Superintendent Eisenhuth is administering her office with signal ability. Meantime 21 of the 44 states permit women to vote for school officers. In Kansas they have municipal suffrage. In Wyoming they have what they will soon have in every northern state—full suffrage. Wyoming will be honored above all the rest in the history of the emancipation of woman. In Kansas half the counties have women school superintendents. From county superintendent is only a step to state superintendent, and that step has already been taken by Laura Eisenhuth. In 1894 in Kansas a constitutional amendment will be voted on to strike out the word “male” from the qualifications for citizenship. Perhaps Kansas will be the first state to range herself alongside of Wyoming. As many as 20 women speakers took part in the last presidential campaign. New York will hold a constitutional convention in 1894, and, according to the law, some of the delegates to it must be women. The question of giving suffrage to women will come up before the convention drafting the new constitution. The members may as well adopt that provision. Unless they do part of their work will have to be done over again before five years. The word “male” must follow the word “white” into the exploded superstitions of the past. Liberty is as good for woman as it was for the white and black male. It has been predicted that women from Kansas and Wyoming will sit as members of the Fifty-fifth congress. If not then, they will soon after. And women United States senators will never have to go to a sanitarium or to medicinal springs to get over alcohol sprees. The secretary and treasurer of the New Castle (Del.) gas and water companies is a young lady, Miss Lucille U. Martindale. It is agreeable to record that she gets the same salary as was paid to the gentleman who held the office before her. Whatever your work is, no matter how humble, do it the best that it can be done, in hope and in faith. Do not fret or grow impatient because it is humble, or in your judgment not worthy of your abilities. Know this for certain—if you have ability for great work and high work, that work will come to you in due time. But first all must serve and do little work in a great and high way. Another ever broadening field for women’s work is that of teaching physical culture. Universal attention is being paid to it, and that girls’ school which has no gymnasium and no teacher of physical culture is away behind the times. The devotion to physical culture among women is shown in the constantly increasing number of tall, fine, strong girls and women one meets on the street and elsewhere. It certainly appears to me that the girl of today is taller and larger than the girl of 20 years ago was. Virginia, the mother of presidents, has not a woman suffrage society. A mother would die for her child and do far more for it than a father would in a majority of cases, yet in only six states has the mother equal rights with the father in the guardianship of her children. This is one of the cruelest provisions of our civilized law. It is quite out of fashion for women to hate women now. The woman who says mean things about women is a person to beware of. The Association of Working Girls’ Societies deserves all praise for much that it has done, but for nothing more than for organizing the Choral union. The object of this union is to give a thorough course in reading music to all working girls who desire it. The union has already given some concerts. Few of the young ladies had any knowledge of music at the start, yet many of them are learning rapidly to sing music from the notes at sight. It is a noble undertaking. America lags behind in popular musical culture, and these fine working girls are doing more than anybody else to bring it up. Dr. Caroline S. Pease is a member of the examining board of the New York state civil service commission. She is the first woman in New York to hold such an office. There is no country in civilization where a wife is allowed her share of the family income. She is dependent on the charity of her husband for every cent. Every mother and housekeeper ought to have regular wages for taking care of the household and the children, and this onght to be established by law. Her wages should come out of the money earned by the husband. Her work is fully as important as his, and she gets nothing for it. I have known men with an income of $l0,000 a year who never gave their wives any money. Through the temperance organizations and the societies of the King’s Daughters women and girls are learning parliamentary usage all over the country, and becoming good extempore speakers and presiding officers as well. The more intelligent a man or woman is the more liberal will he or she be on the woman question. This is a sure way to tell how much anybody knows. People now living, well on in years at that, will see women governors, senators, representatives, mayors, councilmen, judges and jurymen. “Captain Lettarblair,” by Marguerite Merington, has proved one of the most successful plays ever written in America. It has an exquisite sparkle and finish that render it most attractive. Denmark has a remarkable woman violin player, too—Froken Frida Scotta.

-Eliza Archard Conner

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 4, 1893

Denver, Colo. April 3

The senate amendments to house bill No. 118, relating to woman’s suffrage, were concurred in.

in same newspaper, Kansas elections

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 6, 1893


The Women in Kansas are Decidedly Kepubhcan. ELECTION ECHOES OF TUESDAY. No Certainty Yet as to Whether Woman’s Suffrage in General Elections Will Be Adopted In Kansas.—Republicans Won Thirty-Five Out of Forty-Four Cities In Kansas. Topeka, Kbs., April s.— The result of the municipal elections in Kansas yesterday show that universal suffrage has reoeived a great impetus. The women polled a large vote, but whether the result yesterday will lead to the adoption ot the constitutional amendment extending equal suffrage to all elective offices in the state at the general election is a problem as yet unsolved. Though it was the avowed intention of the women not to favor any one political candidate, their only apparent desire being to cast as many votes as possible, the returns from a majority of the cities of the state show that they cast more votes for the republican candidates than for those of the other parties. This may cause both the democrats and the populists to antagonize the movement. The movement is also opposed by a large number of voters within the ranks of the republican party, and these facts, coupled with the one that the suffrage amendment must receive a majority of two-thirds at the next general election to carry, may prove potent faotors in its defeat. However, the outcome can not be predicted with any degree of certainty, for no one can say what aspect the political situation in Kansas will assume at the next election.

same paper


Their Bill in the Legislature Had an Accident.
A Denver Cashier Mysteriously Missing, With no Known Cause for His Absence.
—A Bad House at Leadville Blown Up.
—A Good Strike of Ore at Lake City.
Denver, Colo., April 5.—In straightening up and comparing the record of the upper house of the Legislature today it was discovered that the woman’s suffrage bill of Mr. Heath, which was supposed to have passed and been sent to the governor, did not in reality pass at all. Being a constitutional amendment, it required a two-thirds vote to carry the measure, whereas the vote stood 20 to 10. Mr. Ammons’ bill, 198, and Mr. Bonynge’s bill, 195, referring to constitutional amendments, were nearly lost in like manner, but the mistake was found out in time by Senator Steck and the error rectified. The woman’s suffrage bill was not thought of, and now, of course, it is too late. The record shows the vote on the bill as follows: Yeas Senators Armstrong, Boyd, Brown, Drake, Graham, Hartzell, Howes, Lockwood, Merritt, Johnson, Mills, Painter, Pease, Smith (Costilla), Steck, Swink, Timmons, Turner, Waiters and Wheeler—2o. Naye—Senators Adams, Barela, Gunnell, Israel, King, Leddy, Newman, Pryor, Smith (Mesa) and White—10.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 6, 1893

The woman’s suffrage bill in Colorado Had an accidental defeat, and the matter will not come before the voters. The managers of all the political parties will be saved a great deal of trouble. Should we attain female suffrage there would of of course be a demand that women be represented on the various tickets. Experience in Kansas on Tuesday was that so sure as a woman was nominated for on office the other women would vote against her, and thus kill the ticket.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 7, 1893

Suffrage for Women in Illinois.

Springfield, Ill, April 6.— After a fierce parliamentary struggle the state senate today passed the woman’s suffrage bill extending the elective franchise to women in certain municipal and township elections.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 8, 1893

Are the streets going to be made any smoother and the railroad crossings any better, under the new city administration, or are vehicles to churn people up and down and sideways as heretofore? If the republicans can’t improve things in this respect they may just count on every driver of a carriage or wagon, every rider of a bicycle, and every lady who propels a baby buggy, voting the woman suffrage ticket at the ‘ next election.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 15, 1893

This Day in History

The New York assembly passed a woman’s suffrage bill.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 16, 1893


DRESS REFORM recommended by WOMEN’S NATIONAL COUNCIL. Women of Brooklyn-Difficult Feat For a Woman-Two Women and One Muff– In Favor of Universal Woman Suffrage — An Experiment In Dancing. A little over two years ago the National council of Women of the United States assembled in the interests of the sex, passed this resolution: Resolved Tha tthe general officers shall appoint a committee of women whose duty It shall be to report within a year suggestions for a business costume for women which shall meet the demands of health, comfort and good taste. The committee consisted of Frances E. Russell of St. Paul, chairman; Annie Jenness Miller, Frank Stuart Parker and Octavia W. Bates. M.D. The committee has recently made public the following report: One of the duties assigned to the committee was the reporting the committee’s idea of an everyday dress for wom- | en –a dress, as explained in the resolution suitable for business hours, for shopping, for marketing, housework, walking and other forms of exercise.” As the executive board and the comittec on dress agree in deprecating anything in the nature of a uniform for women, our recommendations will allow large liberty for taste and judgment Our hope is to deliver women from cer tain hard and fast lines, within which fashion has so long confined them. It has been customary to clothe the head regardless of comfort. Our recommendation is to relieve the head from unnecessary weight and furnish a proper protection from sunshine and cold. We take pleasure in recommending the union underwear of varying texture, price and style, the equestrian trousers, and any properly adjusted waist, or none, as forming a very perfect system of underclothing, which is a necessary condition of freedom and comfort. Utility and beauty, of which proportion is an essential element, demand freedom of outline, and outside dress should conform to this principle. Numerous beautiful designs, some of them including the short waist of the empire period, have been offered to us by artists and others, which each may adopt according to her individual needs. Among these are three costumes in which the principles named are practically applied. These costumes are the Syrian dress, suggested by our English sisters; the gymnasium dress, which is acknowledged to be graceful and beautiful, and the American costume, consisting of a abort skirted gown with leggings. Recognizing these different designs as merely suggestive, great latitude and variety are possible in general effect. The dressing of the neck should be loose and easy, whatever style of collar may he preferred, and the sleeves, however cut, should give the greatest possible freedom to the arms. The best authorities agree that the hands and feet require as much freedom as any other parts of the body: therefore easy fitting gloves and shoes loose across the balls, with room for the toes and with low, broad heels, are recommended. The outside wrap should be loose enough to permit unrestrained motion to every member of the body. The above is submitted as outlining, at least in essentials, a reasonable dress for all women who are engaged in the activities of life. After making these suggestions the committee says: This present year offers an exceptionally good opportunity for the women who crave freedom from the unwholesome restrictions imposed by the conventional dress to adopt a more sensible costume. Women visiting the Columbian exposition, where the costumes of foreign nations will show so much that is unconventional to American eyes, need not fear to attract unpleasant notice by wearing there the short street dress, which will add greatly to their comfort in viewing the fair. The Women of Brooklyn. The wives cut a great figure in Brooklyn—a lovely figure, of course—and one that reveals wholesome and normal conditions Everything tends to widen their freedom—the quiet city, the saving in rents, the absence of the men and the fatigue or the desire for entertainment, either or both, of the men at night. Therefore the women have had the opportunity to build up a pretty rivalry for self improvement. They get the latest books from the libraries. They go to cooking school in order to shine at dinuers of their own preparing. They flock to dancing school that they may trinmph at thoirown parties. They prepare papers to read in other houses so that the others may read papers at theirs. There is no whim of feminine fashion that is set spinning in New York but whirls when it gets over to Brooklyn—always provided that it does not cost too much or require going to the theater. The women are the very backbone of the churches in which they sing and hold fairs, and by means of which they figure in circles that are proud of them. Is it any wonder that they cannot tolerate New York, where tho shopkeepers won’t send a purchase around the corner without pay in advance, where the pews are private property in the best churches, and where a lady feels herself of no account in the hnrly burly? In Brooklyn the police understand who owns the town, and the car drivers pull up in the middle of a block. Besides, if my lady has no carriage, she observes that her neighbors also use the horse cars.—Julian Ralph in Harper’s. Difficult Feat For a Woman. -Mrs. Burgess, the wife of a member of tho Newfoundland assembly, has accomplished a feat second only to that of Mrs. Peary. She accompanied her husband to tho sessions at St. John’s, walking 230 miles over snow and ice on snowshoes. They had a guide, a sledge and three carrying luggage and provisions. During the first portion of their journey, IU:! miles from Little Bay, their home, al’ug the coast, they frequently traveled ninny miles over the ice on bays and inR ts. Three nights were spent without good shelter. They made a temporary shelter of branches of trees and warmed themselves at fires. Sleep was impossible owing to the cold. *hi one occasion it was necessary to cross an arm of the sea 11 miles wide in » boat. The boat was leaky, four row-

j era, the burgess and his wife, the guide, I dogs and sledge were all in the boat! They had to unravel a rope to fill the seams of the boat and prevent her from sinking. They were caught in the run- | ning ice and nearly carried out to sea. The men gave themselves up for lost, but they gained an isolated rock and finally got to the mainland. The rest of the journey, 127 miles, was through the interior, crossing rivers by means of trees lying across. Several snowstorms were encountered, and 16 days were occupied in the journey. Mrs. Burgess is the first woman in Newfoundland to make such I a journey. Two Women and One Muff. A lady living within a score or so of miles from Springfield attended an afternoon lecture in the city hall, and on her way up town, when near Bridge street, llie discovered she had left her muff in I the hall. She retraced her steps, eare- | fully scrutinizing the muffs in the hands | of the women she met. At tho corner of ! Pynchon street she met a woman with her property, and demanded excitedly, | “Where did you get my muff?” The woman turned white and in tremulous accents replied, “I-I-l just found itdown here,” pointing at the sidewalk with a shaking hand. “No, you didn’t,” said tho lady. “You got it in the city hall!” The woman brightened up a little and answered: “Yes, I did. I told the man I’d take it to you. I’m real glad I met j you.” “So am I,” emphatically said the ‘ owner of the muff as she seized her property and turned away. Shortly aft- ■ erward, remembering seeing something whito in the woman’s hand as she pulled it out of the muff, the lady made an examination and found her pocket handkerchief missing. —Springfield (Mass.) Homestead. In Favor of Universal Woman Suffrage.A joint memorial has been introduced in the Wyoming legislature asking congress to submit to the states a woman suffrage amendment to the United States constitution. It reads as follows: Be it resolved by the second legislature of the stale of Wyoming: That the senate and house of representatives of the United States of America be memorialized as follows: We, your memorialist, the legislature of the state of Wyoming, would respectfully represent to the honorable congress of the United States that nearly if not fully one-half of the citizens of this nation are, without cause or reason, unjustly deprived of the right of suffrageand participation in political affairs solely on account of sex. Recognizing in the women of America our equals in point of intelligence and culture, and believing that they are not only fully capable of and justly entitled to the right of assisting in the choice of those to whom the duty shall be assigned of making the laws and managing the affairs of the nation, but of actual participation therein, your memorialist would therefore respectfully and earnestly urge the honorable congress of the United States to enact a law submitting to the several states of this Union an amendment to the constitution of the United States granting full and equal political rights to the women of the United States, and as in duty bound your memorialist will ever pray. An Experiment In Dancing. For a good many years past ballroom reformers have been pretty constantly agitating for the revival of that stately and classic dance, the minuet. The disinclination of young men to dance at all, and their preference for the waltz when they do condescend to ask for a dauco has been an inert obstacle in tho way; but at last Herr Johann Strauss, the famous Viennese musician, has succeeded in obtaining a trial of his pet idea. At the White Cross society’s charitable ball in Vienna 28 couples danced a j ‘ minuet. The men wore dress coats and black kneo breeches, while the young ladies were all arrayed in white empire dresses and sandals. The experiment, we are told, was “a great success.” Perhaps we may presently see the minuet in American ballrooms. The cheapness and simplicity of , the dresses in which it is danced will lend it favor in the eyes of fathers of , daughters, but whether the daughters will see the matter in tho same light is not quite so certain. —San Francisco Ar- . gonaut. A Lenten Episode. : A certain metropolitan belle on a late bitterly cold day chanced to be crossing town in a Fourteenth street car with a number of home going workmen. An old Irishwoman, laden with a bulky market 1 basket, stood upon the platform loudly la- ’ men ting their slow progress. “Me hands ull be froze aff me,” was her frequent 1 exclamation. 1 A Lenten opportunity to, mortify the ‘ flesh, thought the society girl to her pretty self. ’ “Your hands will keep warm if you give me your basket to hold.” Tho old woman struck a meditative at- * tituile and gave a long searching glance ‘ over the other’s tailor made person. She shook her head decidedly. “I guess not. Me pocketbook’s inside that basket.” * The blushing penitent deemed it unnecessary discipline even for Lent when : a rough fellow opposite took up her 3 cause with the protestation, “Ah, she’s * all right.”—New York Times. i Chicago’s Women’s Clubs. Chicago women have two notable women’s clubs, known as the Fortnightly ’ club and the Woman’s club, and are admitted to the Saracen club as regular members. Membership In the Fortnight–3 ly is limited to 175. This successful or- ‘ ganization was formed for the purpose 3 of bringing together in some permanent ’ 1 association the scattered elements of in- ” tellectual life among women. Quite the 1 opposite policy governs the Woman’s 3 club, which was organized in 1876, and 1 has nearly 600 members. We have noth–7 ing in New York which corresponds with r this great body of women. Its work is 1 practical as well as literary, and deals largely with the prominent social .questions of the day. Acting through special commit.tees upon particular subjects, it ! has an energetic share in the work of ‘ philanthropy and social reform, affects * public opinion and contributes an imI portaui lactor to the higher life of the city.—New York Sun. 3 A Popular Costume. What a pleasure it is to see women > turn out in a well fitting tailor made » frock 1 With their short, neat, businessl like skirts, patent leather boots, hair * done up tight and smooth, cravats spott less and fastened with tiny pearl headed r safety pins, hats fitting well and perfectI ly secured, beautifully cut bodices and – well fitting chevrette gloves, they sally forth, and’ though the day may be rainy > and boisterous they look little the worse i when they come home. Even the men do not rival them in

turning np tidy after a long walk, with the rain beating in their faces and the wind trying its best to dishevel them. 1 For wear with the tailor made costume, or rather with the tailor made skirt and jacket, the ever comfortable blouse – bodice is with us always and showß no 1 ®gus of taking its departure—in fact, it will be more seen than ever this spring. 1 —New York Tribune. I 1 The Queen’s Hindoostani. 1 A correspondence has been started and j ■ happily concluded as to the merit of her ‘ : majesty’s Hindoostani handwriting. The ! ‘ Times of India refuses to admit the merit : of her majesty’s tutor, or of the actual j handwriting, while the writer of a re- j ‘ cent article in The Strand Magazine as-1 sures every one that “the statement is as ungenerous as it is untrue. I can assure you that her majesty writes Hindoostani, better than many Englishmen who have been studying the language for some years.” Surely such a trivial mattei must be quite beside the question, and far less important than that the queen has voluntarily made herself mistress of a language spoken by so many of hei subjects.—Ladies’ Pictorial. Feminine Even When In Peril. One humorous incident connected with the fire is told me by a member of En- • gine 25. He was with a few members. of that company attempting to save a screaming young lady who was hanging : from the third story of the Ames build- i ing. At the risk of their own lives they ; finally placed a ladder on the burning ■ building, and one man took the young lady from her perilous position and placed her safely on the ground. Instead of j running as fast as she could for her life, ; she carefully took hold of her skirts and . lifted them so as not to wet them and I slowly picked her way among the debris and on to the opposite sidewalk, where she disappeared.—Boston Record. Data Concerning Children. Certain ladies charged with the duty of obtaining data for a study of young humanity, now send to new mothers little blankbooks provided with questions as to when the baby first exhibited the sense of hearing, when he first took note of light, what were his earliest signs of distress and many more such. The ques- \ tions are designed to furnish hints for ‘ an investigation extending over the first i four years of the child’s life. In time I all the books will be collected and sent I to Germany as aids to the persons wlio are one day to announce the results of an elaborate study of mental development during infancy and early childhood.—New York Recorder. A New Position For Women. A new departure has been made in the 1 senate. Senator Peffer has selected as clerk to his committee his daughter, Miss Nellie Peffer. The committee of which he is chairman is that to examine the several branches of the civil service. It is a committe* that seldom meets, and the duties of its clerk will not be onerous. This is the first time that a woman has been appointed to the clerkship of a senate committee, although there have been instances where senators have em- | ployed their wives as private secretaries. —Cor. Philadelphia Press. A Young Woman’s Salutatory. Miss Eva C. Kinney recently assumed control of a Kansas paper. She made an announcement at that time which, while doubtless very pleasing to her friends, must have caused surprise among the general readers of her publication. “I am,” she wrote, “a girl, with all a girl’s love for fun, frolic and romance.” A Woman’s Bequests. Mme. Allemandi, who died a few days ago in Paris, left $B,OOO to the Swiss government, $20,000 to the city of Basel, $6,000 to the Canton Basel and $4,000 to the Canton Solothum. The interest of the money is to be used in paying for the wedding outfits of the daughters of poor Swiss laborers. Mme. Modjeska is said to contemplate studying Sanskrit, in order that she may read the poetry of that lan- ! gnage. She is already an accomplished ‘ linguist, speaking English, German French and Italian, as well as her own tongue. Do not wear ties if tho throat is full and large. Stout ladies should avoid the bow at the throat. Small ties in bridle fashion or around the coil of hair ; are in better taste. Heavy ribbon and lace ties should be tabooed with large collars. Mrs. Barrett Browning, the daughter-in-law of Robert Browning, is encouraging window gardening in Azolo, the city in Italy probably dearest to the poet. | She gives prizes for plants and flowers grown in balconies and gardens. At a recent military wedding in Washington the bride wore to church a half dozen yellow garters, which upon the return of the party to the house where the breakfast was served were distributed among the bridemaids. The cheapest dress made by Worth, the Parisian milliner, even if of cotton, does not cost less than $l5O, and this he calls his “pauvrette costume” (the poor girl’s dress).

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 23, 1893

Much more stuff here:

College Girls. The college girls are coming, many thousand strong, to help secure for women their equal political rights. In New York state two young women, graduates of Cornell, took the responsibility of all the arrangements for the annual meeting of the New York Woman Suffrage society. The place chosen was Syracuse, where just 40 years before one of the earliest suffrage conventions was held. The two young women had no money in the treasury, but they had good intellects well trained. They engaged the opera house at a cost of $3OO. They secured good speakers and good music, made an attractive programme and charged 25 cents admission. To make sure there should be no debt they got the promise of 10 business men tb : make up any deficit. The time came. There were three days’ sessions. On one of these the rain poured, and the mud was execrable, but the audiences grew constantly larger, and on the last evening the house was packed. The best people of the city came. Bishop Huntington of the Episcopal church opened one session with a prayer. His daughter made one of the best speeches of the occasion. The papers gave fair and friendly reports. These college girls are still pushing the work in New York.—Woman’s Journal

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 26, 1893

Kansas – read this

Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 26, 1893


Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 2, 1893

Much more in Women’s World

From the inaugural address of Governor Routt of Colorado: “About eight years ago a law was passed giving the women of Colorado the right to vote at school district elections, and inasmuch as since that time the heavens have not fallen and the efficiency of the public schools has greatly improved I recommend a law extending to the women of Colorado the right of suffrage at all municipal elections.”

Miss Martha Jordan of Dallas is the first colored woman to prepare herself for practicing dentistry. She is attending the dental department of Denver university.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 21, 1893

National Suffrage meeting in Chicago Ill on May 20.

. It was decided to extend as much aid as possible to New York in furnishing money and speakers, but the most interest will be centered in the Kansas struggle, as the women already have municipal suffrage and intend to make a desperate effort for universal suffrage. A very spirited discussion was carried on when the prohibition question was Drought up. It was decided ob prohibibition has already been secured in Kansas to keep the two questions entirely separate.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 21, 1893

a couple columns of the Kansas campaign

Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 21, 1893

tons in the edition
Woman Suffrage In Colorado.

Both houses of the Colorado legislature have voted in favor of a constitutional amendment extending suffrage to women. Governor Waite has signed the bill, and the supporters of the measure are confident that at the next election they will get an overwhelming majority of votes. “Western men have chivalrous views on the suffrage question and acknowledge the right of women to all the privileges that men enjoy. As coeducation received the impetus in the west that gave momentum to public opinion in breaking down conservative barriers and opening the doors of the greatest educational institutions in the east to women, so it is to be given to western women to demonstrate that women do desire and will exercise the right of franchise. Once the American woman fully decides and makes her decision known that she will elect the rulers of the commonwealth, she will have the right, as she has all other privileges within the power of the American man to bestow.

—New York Sun.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 31, 1893

She Will Talk Woman Suffrage.

Mrs. M. L. Tyler, of Denver, will address a mass meeting of ladies in Pueblo. Friday at 3 p. m., her subject being the organization of women. The address will have special reference to an organization in the interest of woman suffrage, and will be under the patronage of the L. B. U. The place of meeting has not yet been determined, but will likely be in the Board of Trade hall.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 1, 1893


An Address In Favor of Woman’s Suffrage and a Local Movement. Mrs. M. L. Tyler, of Denver, will address the ladies of Pueblo in the Board of Trade hall Friday at 3 o’clock on the subject of a more thorough organization of women, especially along the line of suffrage. She is an interesting speaker and well posted on all questions pertaining to the helpfulness of her own sex. Everybody will be welcome.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 3, 1893

A Branch of the State Organization Formed Here. Mrs. M. L. Tyler, of Denver, addressed quite a gathering of women in the Board of Trade hall yesterday afternoon on the subject of better organization of women with especial regard to the suffrage movement. When she had finished her remarks a Woman’s Suffrage league auxiliary to the state league was formed with a charter membership of twelve and the following officers: President. Mrs. Dr. Fellows, vice president Mrs. G. S. Mitchell, treasurer Mrs. Dr. Walters, secretary Mrs. W. J. Kerr. Men as well as women are eligible to membership in the league. The next meeting will be held during the coming week at a time and place to be announced shortly.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 7, 1893
Woman’s Suffrage League.

There will be a meeting of the Pueblo Woman’s Suffrage league this (Wednesday) afternoon, June 7, at 3 o’clock, in the ladies’ reception room of the Grand hotel. All members, and friends of equal suffrage are earnestly requested to attend. Dr. L. M. Fellows, Pres. Mrs. W. J. Kerr, Sec’y.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 8, 1893

Woman’s Suffrage League.

The Woman’s Suffrage League held a very pleasant and successful meeting at the ladies’ parlor in the Grand hotel yesterday afternoon. The league was reinforced by a number of new members. The meeting adjourned to next Tuesday at 2p.m. at the above named place. All ladies are earnestly requested to be present.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 10, 1893

 snippets of all Centennial high school grads speaking at the Opera House –including a young woman who praises women education and a young woman who calls suffrage an evil.

Miss Rose Hill says (among other things): “Dissatisfaction in regard to our riches brings only trouble. The woman’s suffrage of the present time is an evil very near us. God built woman’s niche on a higher plane than man’s- – the slums of public life, away from vice and crime, and in attempting to step from our plane to man’s plane we only lower our standard without raising theirs.”

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 13, 1893


They Will Dipcuss the Question of Woman Suffrage The district convention of the W. C. T. U. will be held in Pueblo commencing June 22. This district embraces most of the state south of a line drawn from east to west through Colorado Springs. The railroads have made a rate of one and a fifth fares for the round trip from any point in the state and it is expected that there will be from sixty to seventy delegates and others interested in the charitable work of the district present. The session will last two or three days, most of which time will be devoted to discussing the work of the unions and the ways and means necessary better to provide for the poor and needy. It is stated that the question of woman’s suffrage, which is now attracting so much attention, will be thoroughly discussed at this meeting, and that several Denver ladies who are identified with that movement will attend for the purpose of participating in the debates that will take place. The meeting will undoubtedly be one of the most interesting that has ever been held in the district.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 14, 1893


A Well Attended Meeting of the Association Members. The members of the Woman Suffrage Association held a meeting yesterday at the ladies’ reception room in the Grand hotel. There was a very good attendance and Mrs. G. S. Mitchell presided, and Miss Stage acted as secretary. The meeting was for the purpose of discussing plans for furthering the cause of female suffrage. The question of working through the political parties was discussed at considerable length. Mrs. J. S. Sperry read a selection from the speech of Mrs. Merriweather in the east, who is regarded as one of the ablest advocates of woman suffrage in the country, calling attention to the fact that for thirty years past the republican party had made promises to favor this matter but that they had never done anything. The democratic party, according to this authority, had made no promises, but let it be understood that they did not favor it as a national measure. It was generally agreed that nothing could be expected through the old parties. It was announced that Miss Campbell, a national organizer from the east, would be in Colorado soon and it was decided to secure her services for two or three addresses in Pueblo. The members are thoroughly in earnest in the work and they will hold meetings at the Grand hotel once a week, Manager Schubert having tendered them the free use of the ladies’ reception rooms for that purpose. The next meeting will be held Tuesday. June 20, at 2 p. m.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 18, 1893

 Kate Fields joins national

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 21, 1893

Woman’s Suffrage League.

To the Editor of the Chieftain: A very enjoyable and profitable meeting was held by the Woman’s Suffrage league Tuesday afternoon in the reception parlors of the Grand hotel. The work is progressing nicely and the women of Pueblo are taking an interest. Special business next meeting. All officers and members are requested to be present. M. E. Page, Secretary.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 26, 1893

Woman’s Suffrage League.

There will be a regular meeting of the Woman’s Suffrage league Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock in the reception parlors of the Grand hotel. All ladies are earnestly requested to be present. Dr. H. C. Fellows, President Miss M. E. Page, Secretary.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 27, 1893

Woman’s Suffrage League.

There will be a regular meeting of the Woman’s Sjffrage league Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock iL the reception parlors of the Grand hotel. All ladies are earnestly requested to be present. Dr. H. C. Fellows, President. Mlss 34. E. Page, Secretary.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 28, 1893

An Interesting Paper Read Yesterday at the Woman Suffrage Meeting. The Woman’s Suffrage association held their regular weekly meeting yesterday afternoon at the Grand hotel. There was a good attendance and the meeting was one of the best the association has held. The special subject for discussion was the rights of women as defined by the statutes of Colorado and Mrs. William Mitchell read an interesting paper on that subject carefully recounting the rights and privileges of women under the laws of the state. It was found that the women of Colorado are quite well protected in their rights under the laws and that all that is necessary is for them to post themselves and know what their rights are. The subject was discussed by several of the ladies present and Mrs. Mitchell was highly complimented for the information her paper contained. Mrs. Fellows, the president of the association presided and the usual routine business was transacted. Six new members were taken in. It was decided to hold another meeting next Monday at 3 p. m. at the Grand hotel, instead of on Tuesday the Fourth of July.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, July 4, 1893

The Woman’s Suffrage League.

Tbe Woman’s Suffrage league held its regular meeting at the Grand hotel yesterday afternoon. The officers were present and conducted the meeting but nothing excepting routine business was transacted. The subject of Mrs. William Mitchell’s paper read a week ago on the rights of women under the laws of Colorado was talked of and she was asked to carry the same subject further. The meeting next week will be on Tuesday.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, July 11, 1893

Meeting of the Woman’s Suffrage League will be held at 3p. m., July 11, in ‘ the reception parlors of the Grand hotel. . All ladies are most cordially invited to . be present, as there is business of interest to come before the league. Dr. L. M. Fellows, President. Miss M. E. Page, Secretary.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 13, 1893

huge article on women suffrage in Wyoming

Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 10, 1893

The agitation of the female suffrage movement suggests the question whether our voters are not just a little too numerous at present and whether a restriction of the right of suffrage would not be beneficial to the people of the United States. Another query suggests itself; after twenty years of trial in Wyoming has female suffrage purified the political atmosphere as its friends have promised and have public morals reached a higher standard in that state than in Colorado?

Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 11, 1893

The Coming of Woman Suffrage.

Is woman suffrage coming? It begins to look so. Out in Kansas, in a recent election, women having the right to vote did vote. They went early to the polls, with the balance of political power in their hands, and staid late, not merely a handful, but 95 per cent of the registered female voters. This incident is bound to exert an influence, and the chances are that Kansas will very, soon be followed by other states. Once the thing takes an actual turn opposition to woman suffrage will not have a foot of earth to stand upon. Down in this country, where it is our pride and boast that our women are too good for such duties, there is as yet no agitation. But woman’s sphere has of late been greatly enlarged. She is a part and parcel of our commercial, our industrial and our scientific as well as our social world. She has come to boa breadwinner, and with it a taxpayer. She is a factor in civilization’s development and a formulative, creative and executive entity in our political economics. Heretofore, except sporadically, she has not wanted suffrage. If, however, her ideas are changed, and she calls for the right to make laws and assist in filling the offices, there is no doubt but that she will be accorded every opportunity. Theoretically it is a right to which she, as a property owner and a supporter of public institutions, is entitled. Practically and sentimentally her sphere is higher and nobler. The American cannot go on record as advocating woman suffrage, but it is bound to admit that the tendency of the times and incidental conditions are growing more and more favorable thereto.—Nashville American.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 13, 1893

The house of representatives in faraway New Zealand has passed a bill giving suffrage to women, not only white women, lint also to the native Maori women.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 15, 1893

Southern Colorado Democratic Convention

The secretary commenced to read a communication from the Equal Suffrage association. As soon os he had gone Car enough to show the drift of tbe circular F. R. McAliney presented a resolution stating that the democratic party of Pueblo county in convention assembled declared unqualifiedly in favor of woman’s suffrage. The resolution was adopted unanimously.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 15, 1893

 Populist County Convention in Pueblo also endorsed suffrage

A communication was “read from the Equal Suffrage association asking tbe convention to endorse their principles and a resolution was attaohed which it was desired it should be adopted. Delegate Barksdale moved that the matter be referred to the committee on resolutions. Delegate Lane moved to lay the communication on the table, as he did not believe the party should get mixed up in woman suffrage at this time. This brought C. L. Engel to his feet, and in an impassioned manner said that he had u mother 72 years old and two daughters, whom he loved nnd revered. He would be false to hia principles and his manhood if he should turn his back to them. He moved that the convention endorse the resolution; which was done with a rush.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 7, 1893


Mrs. Marble Will Discuss the Subject for Pueblo People. Mrs. M. A. Marble, of Kingston, N. M., is in the city and on next Monday and Tuesday evenings will deliver two lectures at the Board of Trade hall which have been very favorably received and commented on at other places where she has delivered them. Her lecture Monday will be on free coinage but she promises something out of tbh usual run of such speeches. On Tuesday evening her subject will be, “Equal Suffrage.” Tuesday afternoon from 2 to 6 a reception will be tendered Mrs. Marble at the L. B. U. headquarters in the Central block to which all are invited. Mrs. Marble has spent thirteen years of her life in the mining towns and will depict the want and misery that has been brought upon some of them by the stopping of mining operations.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 8, 1893

Susie B in Kansas

The women of Iceland, who have had municipal suffrage ever since 1883, have now been made eligible to municipal offices.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 10, 1893


A Lady’s Views of the Much Discussed Question. Mrs. Marble, of Kingston, N. M., who spoke at the Board of Trade last night on the subject of free coinage had a very good audience in every way. Mrs. Marble is an agreeable speaker and clothes her ideas in very good language and handles the subject with great intelligence. This evening the lady will talk at the same place on. the subject of equal suffrage, and everybody interested in that important question should go and hear her. This  afternoon from 2 to 6 o’clock at the Central block Mrs. Marble will be tendered a reception to which everyone is invited.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 11, 1893


Mrs. Marble Addresses a Meeting at the Colored Baptist Church.

Mrs. Marble, the woman’s suffrage leader now in the city, was tendered a reception in the Central block yesterday afternoon from 2 until 6 o’clock. Last night she addressed a meeting at the Colored Baptist church on the subject of equal rights and organized a league for active work in the present campaign. This evening she will address a meeting at the court house and form another league.  Tomorrow night she will speak in Bessemer and organize a league there.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 12, 1893

Equal Suffrage Movement.

Mrs. Marble addressed a large and sympathetic audience at the court house last night on the question of equal suffrage. She has a very pleasing address arid presents her views in a clear and forcible manner. A reception will be tendered her this afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the United Presbyterian church, corner Northern avenue and Pine-street, Bessemer. In the evening she will speak at the city hall.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 13, 1893

The Woman’s Library of the Fair.

The Woman’s library of the Woman’s building at the fair is to be placed in a permanent woman’s memorial building. Mrs. J. J. Bagley of Michigan is chairman of the committee that has this buildirig matter in charge. The library already numbers 7,000 volumes in 16 languages and representing 23 countries. A forthcoming catalogue will form a bibliography of women’s writings.

A Kansas Woman’s Scheme.

It remained for a Kansas woman to find a new way to take quinine clear without leaving a bad taste in the mouth. She had the rheumatism in her left leg, and she tried rubbing it with a mixture of quinine and lard. The absorption process cured the rheumatism, and the woman is going to get a patent on it— Exchange.

Women’s Civic Rights.

The sentiment of the country is approaching a general acquiescence in legislation conferring civic rights upon women. And the political party which first champions the cause of universal suffrage lays its foundations deep and solid, even though endangering present success.—Minneapolis North.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 21, 1893

 Also to vote upon the following question, viz. The authority for submitting such question is found in house bill 118, which is in the words and figures following. viz.;

“An act to submit to the qualified electors of the state the question of extending” the right of suffrage to women of lawful age, and otherwise qualified, according to the provisions of article seven, section 2 of the constitution of Colorado, approved April 7, 1893, provides as follows:

Section 1. That every female person shall be entitled to vote at all elections, in the same manner in all respects as male persons are or shall be entitled to vote by the constitution and laws of this state, and the same qualification as to age, citizenship and time of residency in the state, county, city, ward and precinct and all other qualifications required by law to entitle male persons to vote shall be required to entitle female persons to vote.

And those voting at the said election who approve said section one of this act shall place in ink a cross or “X” upon said ballots opposite to or in the margin of the words; “Equal suffrage approved” and those voting at said election who do not approve the same shall place in ink a cross or an “X” upon said ballots opposite to or in the margin of the words: “Equal suffrage not approved.”

In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the official seal of Pueblo county at the city of Pueblo this 20th day of October, A. D. 1893. C. D. Henderson, County Clerk, Pueblo County. Colorado.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 21, 1893

ELECTION NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that a general election will be held in the several election precincts of Pueblo county in the state of Colorado, on Tuesday, the 7th day of November, A. D. 1893.

Also to vote upon the following question, viz. The authority for submitting such question is found in house bill 118, which is in the words and figures following. viz.; “An act to submit to the qualified electors of the state the question of extending” the right of suffrage to women of lawful age, and otherwise qualified, according to the provisions of article seven, section 2 of the constitution of Colorado, approved April 7, 1893, provides as follows: ***

Section 1. That every female person shall be entitled to vote at all elections, in the same manner in all respects as male persons are or shall be entitled to vote by the constitution and laws of this state, and the same qualification as to age, citizenship and time of residence in the state, county, city, ward and precinct and all other qualifications required by law to entitle male persons to vote shall be required to entitle female persons to vote.

And those voting at the said election who approve said section one of this act shall place in ink a cross or “X” upon said ballots opposite to or in the margin of the words; “Equal suffrage approved,” and those voting at said election who do not approve the same shall place in ink a cross or an‘X’ upon said ballots opposite to or in the margin of the words: “Equal suffrage not approved.”

In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the official seal of Pueblo county at the city of Pueblo this 20th day of October, A. D. 1893. C. D. Henderson, County Clerk, Pueblo County. Colorado.

same notice posted in Chieftain for Oct 22-

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 26, 1893


Tbe ladies have been waiting for some merchant to announce himself iu favor of equal suffrage so as to give him their united pa ronage. The Picnic comes to the front this morning, don’t you forget it, and from now on the Chieftain ex- | pects to see the Picnic Dry Goods Co’s store packed fuller than ever witn members of the fair sex. Just glance at tbßt bargain in Henrietta drees goods for Thursday and Friday—so cent goods for 38 cents See those SI aod $1.50 sailor bats. They go at this sale for 75 cents each.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 30, 1893


Mrs. Theresa Jenkins Will Address a Mass Meeting Tonight. Mrs. Theresa Jenkins, of Wyoming, one of the prominent equal suffrage orators of the west, arrived in the city last night and will be the guest of Governor and Mrs. Alva Adams during her stay in Pueblo. Tonight at 8 o’clock she will address a mass meeting at the county court house, to which all ladies and gentlemen are invited. The colored glee club has kindly consented to sing and will render several fine musical selections. Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock a mass meeting will be held at the Columbia theatre, which will be addressed by several prominent gentlemen of this city. Mrs. Jenkins will also speak at this meeting, and it is hoped that Mrs. Susan B. Anthony will be here in time to take part in the proceedings. Both of these meetings will be held under the auspices of the Equal Suffrage league of Pueblo.and will no doubt be largely attended.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 31, 1893

Woman’s Suffrage Meeting.

Mrs. Theresa Jenkins, of Wyoming, one of the most prominent advocates of woman suffrage in the west, addressed a quite largely attended meeting at the court house last night under the auspices of the Equal Suffrage league of this city. This afternoon at the Columbia theater Mrs. Jenkins will speak before a mass meeting held in behalf of the cause.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 1, 1893


Mass Meeting: and Addresses at the Columbia Theater. The address made yesterday afternoon at the Columbia theater by Mrs. Jenkins, of Wyoming, on the subject of equal suffrage, was listened to by a large number of the best people of the city and they unite in pronouncing it a most interesting discussion of that question. Mrs. Jenkins is an intelligent and highly refined lady who has evidently studied this question carefully and is deeply in earnest for the adoption of the measure. The address of Judge L. B Gibson received many complimentary words, and especially from the members of the league, some of whom declared it was the most instructive talk they had yet heard. The meeting was called to order shortly after 2 p. m. by Mrs. J.S. Sperry, president of the league. First was an appropriate solo by Mrs. E. E. Utter and then Mrs Jenkins was introduced, and at the close of her address the Pythian Glee club delighted the audience with a song and this was followed by Judge Gibson. At the conclusion Mre. Dr. Hatfield announced that next Saturday night Mrs. Marble, of New .Mexico, would speak at the court house

Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 5, 1893


A Lady Gives Her Reasons for Opposing Woman’s Suffrage. To the Editor of the CHIEFTAIN. As a mother and wife I can not help but feel that it is my duty as the election approaches to give my viewS upon the question of woman suffrage. As I am no public speaker and do not wish to seek any notoriety. I shall, with your kindness and permission, intrude upon the columns of your most valuable paper, feeling sure that you will give me a chance to be heard upon this mighty question. I am strictly opposed to giving women equal rights with men. I think the laws of God and nature never ordained that I should be placed on a level with men. As a good Christian woman I feel that I was endowed for a nobler purpose. I feel that the sphere for which God ordained me is something higher than that of men. I feel that I am here for the purpose of doing good to humanity, of elevating my sex and not casting it down to a station far below our purpose. When I am at home and making that home happy and attractive for my husband and keeping him in the path of honor and virtue, when I am raising my children up to be good, noble Christian men and women, when I can help some poor discouraged girl to a position or make some poor woman happy and contented upon whom all blessings of this earth are not lavished, when I can do all these things I feel that I am treading the path which was intended for me by my Creator. The creation of women was for a more noble purpose than that of being cast upon a level with men. I can’t see how some mothers who have families to raise and educate can find time to mix with politics. Her place is at home and that is where she should stay. God created her to act as the mistress of the home. What will become of thousands of homes in this state if mothers commence to mix in politics? Brothers, husbands, fathers and sons, consider for an instant the result if you give us equal rights with men. How would you like to have us go to the polls and vote beside the abusive, vile and disreputable class of human beings that will be corralled and driven to the polls on election days if women get the right to vote? Some claim that we should have suffrage because we own property. I am perfectly willing to leave all legislation to men, because if they do not care for my property rightly they also injure themselves, and besides I still have faith enough in my country to have full confidence in our legislative and executive powers. In a free country like ours I can’t see what more power or more courtesies women can ask for. Is there a country on earth where more is made of us and where we are more petted and respected? Where do women enjoy more privileges than we do in the United States? We can walk down every public street in this city and meet with respect everywhere from the common street urchin to the polite gentlemen; we meet every where with politeness. Why is all this? Doesn’t this go to show that they consider women far above them. Women have all that is due them, and to those that are so much in favor of being given the right to vote, I would say go home to the bosom of your family, raise your children in the fear of God, make your home a heaven, do the duties for which a wife was in tended and when you have done this, you have fulfilled the mission for which God intended us. Be satisfied with the high station you now have. Don’t ask your husband, sons and brothers to dishonor you by pushing you a step backward. Have something done that will elevate you and tend to make you more pleasing in the eyes of One who has destined all things right. To the men I would say think twice before casting your vote Think of your mothers, your wives, your sisters, and ask yourselves if you want to give your aid towards lowering them from the high, the noble, the divine purpose for which they are created. This is but the pleadings of a poor defenseless woman who aims to do her Christian duty. There are hundreds of others who feel the same way, but who have not the power of putting their feelings into language.

Yours very truly,
Pueblo, November 4,1893.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 5, 1893


Mass Meeting: and Addresses at the Court House Mrs. M. E. Marble, of Kingston, N. M., and Judge L. B. Gibson addressed a largely attended woman’s suffrage mass meeting at the court house last night under the auspices of the Pueblo league. Mrs. J. S. Sperry, president of the local organization, occupied the chair and after calling the meeting to order introduced Mrs. Dr. Hatfield, who gave a brief history of the work of the local suffrage league! Mrs. Marble will address a meeting in Bessemer Monday evening in the I. O. O. F. hall.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 5, 1893

Plucky Kansas Women.

The Sixth District Equal Suffrage association has voted to hold a convention in Osborne this fall. A vast amount of speaking must he done in the 13 months that remain before the amendment is voted upon, and it is designed to press into the service all the home talent, both men and women, who have any gift in that direction. Almost any woman can tell why sho wants to vote, and most men can find words to assent to the propriety and justice of the demand women are making for the ballot. Even the children can recite and sing for it. “Neither delay nor rest” should be our motto till the polls close in 1894.—. Lincoln (Kan.)

Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 7, 1893

Another question which is creating no little interest is equal suffrage. The indications are that it will be carried.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 8, 1893

It looks as if the woman suffrage ticket were elected, and it may be thought that the political future would thereby be complicated and changed. Not at all. The number of votes will be increased, but the ratio of political division will remain much the same as at present.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 8, 1893

headline with no story

Note: November 8 and 9 issues I might have gotten a little confused.

Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 9, 1893

Waylaid the Wrong Woman.

Mrs. G. W. Barnes, a lady living 10 miles from Pierre, was waylaid yesterday. A fellow had watched her draw a large sum from the bank and expected to make a good haul. She picked up a board and knocked him senseless from his horse and then proceeded deliberately on her way. The fellow was seriously injured.—Minneapolis Tribune.

and these snippets (one right after the other)

The women of Kansas cast 43 per cent of the total school vote this year. The vote increased 100 per cent in a year.


The National League of Women Lawyers is the latest organization reported
The Coffee-Colored Queen.

Washington, D. C., November 8. — Some sensational dispatches that were published yesterday afternoon to the effect that Queen Lilioukalini was to be restored to her throne of Hawaii by the United States government brought a flood of inquiries on the state department. The usually impassive officials of this department ridiculed the proposition, which is regarded by them as absurd.

also elsewhere in the same edition

Mixed Results in the Counties of Southern Colorado.

Creede Votes to Move the Seat of Mineral County from Hasson to Jimtown–Equal Suffrage is Generally Approved. —Fusionists and Republicans Divide Up the Offices.

Rocky Ford, Colo., November 8—The entire republican local ticket was elected. The republican gain over last year is over 200. Local and individual interests are the only cause of the defeat of the republican party in the county. C. D. Steward, republican candidate for sheriff, ran 132 votes ahead of his ticket in Rocky Ford, but is defeated by a combination at La Junta. George Morris, populist candidate for county clerk, is probably elected. Charles Reynolds, democrat, for treasurer, is elected. John C. Vroman, democratic candidate for county commissioner, by combination of ditch influence, was elected by a majority of 62. C. N. Allen, republican candidate for assessor, was elected by 200 majority. There is a majority of 120 against Hon. Platt Wicks for judge in this county. S. C. Cressy; republican candidate for surveyor, is elected. He is the only republican carrying Catlin precinct. W. E. Sears, republican candidate for coroner carries our precinct by 41 majority and is elected. Woman’s suffrage received 116 in favor and 80 against, 66 not voting.

Creede, Colo.,November 8.—The election was a close one, with much scratching. Apparently from the returns now in the following are elected: Judge, Rutledge, populist; commissioner, First district, Seward; commissioner, Second district, Wheeler; commissioner, Third district, Vincent; clerk, Woodruff; sheriff, Jones; treasurer, Major; assessor, Munsell; superintendent of schools, Van Noorden; coroner, Simpson; surveyor, Rowley. The total vote cast in the county was about 890. The county seat vote was in favor of removal from Wason to Jimtown. Equal suffrage carried by about 250.

Lamar, Colo., November 8.— The contest was extremely close, all majorities being small. There were several tickets in the field. E. E. Pike, populist, was elected over A. N. Parrish by 12 votes for treasurer. G. T. Feast, populist, was elected superintendent of schools. M. E Underwood, republican, present county clerk, was re-elected. Williams, republican, was elected assessor, F. E. Irwin, democrat, county surveyor, and Dr. D: H. Dickason, populist, coroner. Equal suffrage was carried.

Del Norte, Colo., November 8.—Returns from seven out of nine precincts in Rio Grande county give these majorities: Hobkirk, republican, sheriff, 145; C.eghorn, republican, clerk, 67; Basset, populist, treasurer, 106; Kramer, populist, commissioner,9o; Jameson, populist, assessor, 179; Sampson, populist, school superintendent, 90. Equal suffrage is approved.

Ouray, Colo., November 8.— The people’s party ticket had the field all to itself and but 279 votes being polled. Woman’s suffrage won by 17 majority in the four Ouray precincts.

La Veta, Colo., November 8. Four-fifths of the registered vote was polled. Republican vote: Clerk, Roof 93; treasurer, Hill 33; sheriff, O’Mally 98; assesses Archuleta 64; commissioner, Lewis 53. The vote on the democratic fusion populist ticket was : Clerk, Sporleder 68; treasurer, Francisco 109; sheriff, Dick 61; assessor, Vallejos 60. People’s party vote: Clerk, Norwick 36; treasurer, Ireland 54; sheriff, Chowa 28; assessor, Biggerstoff 57; commissioner. Sharp 56. For suffrage 80, against suffrage 83.

Pagosa Springs, Colo., November 3, The republicans elect as clerk, E. M. Taylor; sheriff, Jewett Palmer; treasurer, C. H. Freeman; surveyor, Robert Howe. The people’s party elect as commissioner, A. G. Boone; assessor, S. Morehouse. The county voted against suffrage.Canon City, Colo., November B—Returns indicate that the entire populist ticket is elected by majorities from 5 to 175.

Monte Vista, Colo., November 8. Tbe average populist majority here was 38 over the fusion vote. Suffrage received 113 majority. Las. Animas, Colo., November 8.—Las Animas gives the democratic ticket a plurality of 60, except commissioner, McVay, democrat populist, whose majority is 11 over Murray, republican, The precincts to hear from will not change the results materially.

Silverton, Colo., November 8. Woman’s suffrage carried this county by 52 majonty. The entire people’s party ticket is elected as follows; Clerk, Marriil H. Dowd, Silverton;. treasurer. S. D. Cunningham, Silverton;. sheriff, Henry Sherman; assessor,. Will C. Fisher; county commissioner, Joseph Bordelean; supperitendent of schools, J. N. Pascoe;. coroner, fl. G. Prosser;, surveyor, James Dyson.

Villa Grove,. Colo., November 8.— At this place the fight was made on county clerk. Coleman, populist, polled 40 votes; Williams, republican, 28; Fitzpatrick, independent silver, 12. The balance of the populist ticket is elected. Equal suffrage approved, 38; equal suffrage not approved, 23.

Breckenridge, Colo., November 8 The people’s ticket is elected by majorities of from 70 to 250, except Ed. R. Hannahs for treasurer and Charles H. Fuller for assessor, who were on the citizens’ ticket. Owers and Guyselman, people’s candidates for district judge and attorney, carry this county by small majorities. Equal suffrage is carried by a small majority.

Montrose, Colo., November 8. —Seven precincts in Montrose county so far beard from give the entire populist ticket between 200 and 300 majority. Five precincts yet to hear from will increase the majority. Suffrage carried by probably 200 majority.

Antonito, Colo., November 9.—The fight in Conejos county was on sheriff and county superintendent. J. A. Garcia, republican, was elected sheriff for the fourth time. His majority will not be less than 700 over F. A. Hyatt. P. D. Edgar Newcomb, rep., will have not less than 500 majority over W. M. Adair, populist. The returns are not all in, but the above majorities are safe. Equal suffrage is defeated, The entire republican ticket is elected by a large majority. The total vote cast was about 1,500.

Fairplay, Colo, November 8. —The entire people’s party ticket was elected in this county yesterday, with the exception of sheriff, which is doubtful. As several of the outside precincts will not be heard from for a day or two, the exact result will not be known until then. The woman’s suffrage question was defeated by a large majority in this county.


Woman’s Department

1 ; Full Returns of the Election in Pueblo County. . A SUMMARY OF THE RESULT. Pluralities for the Republican County Ticket Range 92 to 924.—0nly One Candidate on the Ticket Defeated.—The Majority Against Woman Suffrage, Over 600 —The Banner Republican Precincts. Notes and Comments.

A table containing full unofficial returns of the election in Pueblo county will be found on the fourth page of the Chieftain this morning. The returns were copied from the poll books of the various election precincts and are substantially correct. …

Woman suffrage was defeated by 647 majority. In several precincts no returns could be obtained. Thirteen precincts show a plurality for the proposition, one was a tie, and 24 are against it. Henderson for clerk, McNamara for treasures,

MRS. FRANK LESLIE ACKNOWLEDGES HER SEX’S WEAKNESS The Helplessness of Women —Their Hereditary Inequality — How Argument Worries Them—The Estimate of Men. Al For Love —A Close Analysis. [Copyright, 1893, by American Press Association.]

IT IS the fashion in these days to talk very grandly and much about the equal rights of women with men, their equal capacity for nearly all occupations, offices and honors, and above all their right to regulate and control their own affairs, whether political, financial, social or domestic. I, as a woman, stand up stoutly for my own sex; I do most firmly believe them to be in all but brute strength the equal of man, and in spiritual and moral strength very frequently his superior. I admire women, I love women, I long and work for the advancement of women; but, as a woman not without powers of observation and a wide experience of the world, I cannot but see a certain side of the truth not often brought forward by women and not at all understood by men, and this is the inherent helplessness of woman in a struggle with man. Possibly this helplessness is largely due to hereditary prejudice on the part of man, hereditary self distrust on the part of woman, but it is also largely due to the inherent natures of the two sexes. Every virile man has a vein of brutality in his composition, more or less deftly buried beneath the surface of his civilization, and every woman is at heart timid of encountering this brutality— that is to say, every womanly woman is. Almost any man brought into business relations with a woman not his employee meets her propositions or arguments with either an air of good natured tolerance, or disquieted contempt of skeptical scrutiny, or of magnanimous acceptance, perhaps harder to bear than any other of the demonstrations of his superiority. Let a woman try to argue a political point, or a point of statecraft or political economy with a man, and she usuallv receives some such answer as the famons insult offered by Gladstone, I think, to some titled woman who earnestly implored him to advocate some measure. Listening with an amused smile to all she had to say, he simply ejaculated at the end. “Oh, you darling!” and passed on as carelessly good humored as if he had been listening to the prattle of a pretty child. Or, if the man is not as benevolent as Gladstone, he may reply in the spirit of Napoleon, who assured Mme. de Stael that the most valuable woman in his empire was the one who has borne most sons for France, or again, after the manner of Henry VIII of England, who bade the nuns who tried to argue for their right to live their own lives in their own way: “Go spin, you jades; go spin!” To epitomize the three utterances, women in general are to men in general either “darlings,” or mothers of children, or household and domestic machines. Within these limits woman receives admiration, protection and a certain amount of appreciation from every grade of men, but let her step outside these limits, let her try to meet man upon his own intellectual or authoritative platform, and her disadvantage is at once made apparent, and her helplessness to overcome it stares her in the face. No man ever meets her and converses upon momentous subjects precisely as he does with another man, and until this is the case there are no true equal rights for the woman. The woman seeks an interview with her business man or lawyer; she wishes certain things done and done at once; the business man or the lawyer assures her with an air of indulgent patience that what she suggests cannot be done, at least not in her way and at her time: that to sell, or to buy, or to invest, or to do whatever it is she wishes to do is not possible, or if possible not desirable. and she had better leave it all in his hands and rest secure that he will do what is for the best. Now just here comes in the helplessness of which I speak. The woman feels confident that the thing she wishes _could_ be done, and that it would be well that it should be done, but she lacks the habit of command, the self confidence, the weight of will, that would enable her to hold her own without agitation or struggle. A woman can no more hold her own against the well trained masculine mind in matters of business, the law or politics than she can against the well trained masculine muscle in a pugilistic encounter, and this is what I mean by the inherent helplessness of woman. She may be better informed than the man, she may have a deep rooted conviction that she is right, but she does not dare to take the thing into her own hands and manage it in a manner contrary to that advised by the man who claims to know that she is wrong. Another point of a woman’s inherent helplessness is her sensitiveness. The man’s sneer, or his half veiled contempt for her opinion, or his exaggerated politeness and deference, all tell upon her courage and beat it down as if with

—— blows of a fist or the stinging cuts or a whip. She feels wounded, hurt, ashamed even, while remaining sure that she is in the right. She withdraws from the contest apparently defeated; but, like Galilei, secretly murmuring, “But nevertheless it does move.” In fact, Galilei is a conspicuous illustration of my theory He had quicker perceptions and a keener insight, more courageous theories and more faith in his own intuitions than the whole college of cardinals with the pontiff included, but when he propounded these theories he found himself opposed to the solid phalanx of the ages in the form of a governing class, who intended to remain governors. He was defeated by frowns and sneers and smiles and jeers, behind which lay the power of life and death. Beaten down and overwhelmed, he signed the recantation of his profession of truth, made a humble apology for having been brighter than his masters and went away muttering the re-recan-tation which we have quoted. I wonder how many women have walked out of the office, the study, the back parlor, the vestry when they have held an interview with some male arbiters of their destinies, their heads upright, their cheeks glowing, their eyes bright with anger and unshed tears, their hearts hot with defeat and humiliation, muttering to themselves in one form or another, ‘‘But for all that it does move!” Another element is woman’s helplessness in her relations with man in her love of being loved, and this desire in its various developments is perhaps the root of a woman’s nature. Every woman has it, even the coarsest termagant, the hardest and boldest wrangler for her rights— every one of them in the core of her heart longs to be loved by somebody, to be the first object in somebody’s life, to have some one to whom she may turn and be sure of welcome and of sympathy. It is one of the very best and most , precious factors of womanhood, but, alas! | it is one of its most terrible dangers. A woman with no one to love her is the most miserable of creatures. She loses half her value in her own eyes. She is unable to do justice to the best of her nature. She either hardens and becomes cold, defiant, bitter and narrow, or she withers and languishes like spring flowers in an east wind. Perhaps she does not know her own need. Perhaps she scoffs at love and declares herself strong enough to live without it and says, as did a famous literary woman: “I am of the oak oaky and do not understand women who are of the vine viney and must have something to cling to.” And yet this very woman clung to her kindred and her adopted child with a really noble devotion. Sometimes a loveless woman cherishes a dog, a bird, a cat, and bestows upon the little brute a wealth of love enough to enrich a monarch; sometimes she buys the love of a companion or of a servant; sometimes she becomes a philanthropist and distributes her unused affection over whole armies of orphans and phalanxes of widows; sometimes if she is of a certain temperament she becomes “a religious” and joins a sisterhood devoting their lives to good works and their hearts to God. In that case she tells herself that she needs no earthly outlet for her affections; that her entire nature is turned into the channel of adoring love for the Divine Being, and she probably feels that she thus secures a higher place in his affections than her more mundane sisters can hope to hold. It is a heroic choice, a noble life, but who can doubt that it must hold moments of chill disappointment, of withering insufficiency, of terrible despair? In this world human creatures live in bodies. They are surrounded by earthly needs and cares and sympathies, and to deny or to starve all these is to defeat the very purpose of our being. A mortal woman needs mortal love, and she will seek it in one form or another, if she is at liberty, as surely as a housing pigeon seeks her dovecote or a perishing deer seeks the water. I do not say that this all powerful thirst applies always or entirely to the love of man and woman naturally terminating in marriage. A woman cares for the love of her own sex, for the love of her employees, for the love of her friends, her circle, her society, be it a large or a small body. Men say women have a passion for admiration, an appetite for flattery, a thirst for applause. True, true enough! But all these cravings are but forms of the great craving for love which lives at the root of aIl. One who loves does admire, does flatter, does applaud. These are some of the almost invariable signs and signals of love, and the instinct of the woman leads her to seek these signs and signals, although her reason whispers that they are false lights, mere igni fatui poorly counterfeiting the real sun and moon of her existence and very likely to lead her into a dark and dismal bog whence she issues mired and torn and weary. It is not well to accept these shams, even though we bitterly tell ourselves that since we cannot have the real thing we will take what at least resembles it If a person cannot have diamonds, she had better not try to persuade herself or the world that rhinestones are just as good, although she may choose to wear them; but, just as there are women who _will_ glitter, though it be in rhinestones, so there are women, and probably the majority of the sex, who will have that ornament more precious than diamonds—that crown of love which proclaims its wearer a queen indeed, and if it be but a pinchbeck and tinsel crown she will wear it all the same, although her own aching heart cry incessantly: “It is no crown. l am no queen. My kingdom has gone from me, and I am desolate.” Well, to come back rather tardily to our muttons—to the discussion of woman’s helplessness in her relations with

the other sex. She hates to do or say anything to forfeit her position in any man’s estimation. Of course she does not expect or wish her broker, her lawyer, her pastor, or her political antagonist, or her intellectual opponent to be “in love” with her in the ordinary meaning of the phrase, but she does want, probably unconsciously to herself, that he should feel attracted to her; that he should like, admire, speak kindly, perhaps tenderly, of her to other persons; that he should be sorry to see her go and glad to have her come again. All this natural and instinctive desire underlies her whole conversation conduct, weakens the strength of her opposition to what her intuitions warn her is false or dangerous, softens her phraseology and not very infrequently prompts her to say in the end: “Very well, you know best. I will do what you say,” when the indignant common sense at the back of her mind is clamoring: “That’s nonsense! It isn’t at all as you say! I shall lose my money, or my case, or my success if I do thus and so!” Every woman knows that, though she be wise as Minerva, pure as Diana, regal as Juno, or even beautiful as Venus, if she wearies a man, if she claims the time and attention he wants to bestow upon his business, his pleasure, or more especially upon himself, he ceases to wish for her presence—in fact, he grows tired of her—and in the end feels her to he a bore and avoids her. I suppose most women would rather die than to know they were thus regarded by any number, perhaps any one, of the men of their acquaintance, and if they feel themselves in proximity to any such position they will hastily sacrifice any theory, any scheme or any advantage and withdraw from the position their reason bids them hold with tenacity. And here, of course, is the point I have intended to make. The woman’s need of love, of liking or of approval from man is a terrible element of weakness in her nature. She is her own enemy.’ She is made helpless by her own best and sweetest characteristic. The motto of her career is, after all, no more than this, although the motto must be expanded to its very widest and most general limits: “All for love, and the world well lost!” “Nothing succeeds like success,” and nothing will more quickly insure success than true merit. For fifty years Ayer’s Sarsaparilla has maintained its popularity as the superior blood purifier. It stands upon its own merits and never fails to give satisfaction.
