Find Your Suffrage Ancestor

Your ancestors might have been suffrage supporters from way back in 1894. Check this list of Pueblo Women to see and let us know. If you don’t have Pueblo ancestors but you do have suffrage ancestors, we’d love to include their stories here. If you are from a different Southern Colorado city, we would be happy to add your information here or link to a webpage that you have created. Let us know.

Women in Pueblo Engaged in Political Activity from November 21, 1893 to December 31, 1894 as recorded in the Chieftain newspaper

Adair, Mrs. George F.East Pueblo Equal Suffrage League, secretary
Andrus, Mrs.Woman’s Silver State Republican Club (Formerly, Bowen Bell Wringers), talked in club about government
Ayres, Mrs. N. J. Woman’s Silver State Republican Club (Formerly, Bowen Bell Wringers), talked in club about government
Baldwin, Mrs. B. F.Woman’s Silver State Republican Club (Formerly, Bowen Bell Wringers) AND Volunteer Republican Club
Bartholomew, Mrs.East Pueblo Equal Suffrage League, executive committee
Bell, Mrs. A.Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Langston Republican Club, vice-president
Brown, Miss MaryPueblo County Precinct Officers, March, 1894, precinct 18
Bump, Mrs. WillPueblo County Precinct Officers, March, 1894, precinct 17
Chamberlin, Mrs. I. D.,Ladies Populist Club Board of trade, president
Chase, Miss AliceBessemer Woman’s Republican Club, treasurer
Corkish, Miss NelliePueblo auxiliary to the Colorado Woman’s Democratic club, secretary
Crane, Mrs. L. L.Ladies of John A. Logan Circle, G. A. R, Hosted a pre-vote dance/party
Curtis, Mrs. S. D.East Pueblo Equal Suffrage League, chair 1st meeting for election of officers AND The Prohibition Club of Pueblo County, president
Darley, Miss Mary G.The Prohibition Club of Pueblo County, secretary
Darley, Mrs. Alex. G.Equal Suffrage League of Pueblo, Committee on Registration, prohibitionist
Davis, Mrs.Pueblo Women’s Christian Temperance Union (W.C.T.U.)
Deterding, Mrs. G.P.Women’s Political Education Club  (old name: Ladies Populist Club), corresponding secretary
Diggory, Mrs. BenjaminLadies Populist Club, vice president AND Women’s Political Education Club  (old name: Ladies Populist Club), president
Euntz, Mrs.Bessemer Woman’s Republican Club
Fawcett Mrs.Women’s Political Education Club (changed into this from the Ladies Populist Club above), librarian
Fish, Mrs. E. P.Pueblo County Precinct Officers, March, 1894, precinct 22 AND Equal Suffrage League, president, June 14, 1894 (succeeds Sperry)
Foote, Mr. A. C.The Prohibition Club of Pueblo County, vice president
Foster, Mrs. DoraEast Pueblo Equal Suffrage League 
Fox, Mrs. M. J. (probably a typo)Republican League of Pueblo,  corresponding secretary, also chairman (sic) of the Resolutions Committee AND Equal Suffrage League of Pueblo
Gallup, Mrs. J. M.Equal Suffrage League of Pueblo, Committee on Registration
Gardner, Mrs.Bessemer Woman’s Republican Club, recruiter
Gibson, Mrs. L. B.Ladies of John A. Logan Circle, G. A. R, Hosted a pre-vote dance/party; 
Goodman, Mrs. WilliamEast Pueblo Equal Suffrage League, executive committee
Grant, Mrs. RobertPueblo County Precinct Officers, March, 1894, precinct 44
Hatfield, Mrs. Dr. M. M.Equal Suffrage League of Pueblo AND Bessemer Woman’s Republican Club, spoke at a meeting, maybe a member? AND Republican League of Pueblo, first vice president AND organized Young People’s Republican Club
Hathaway, Mrs. E. W.Woman’s Silver State Republican Club (Formerly, Bowen Bell Wringers), secretary
Heller, Mrs. P. H.  (Mrs. Dr. Heller)Volunteer Republican Club, president
Hilburn, Mrs. A. A.Ladies Populist Club, treasurer AND Pueblo County Representative at Populist Convention
Holly, Carrie ClydeFirst woman elected to state legislature; School District Board Member
Howard, Mrs. H. A.Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Langston Republican Club, treasurer
Hull, Mrs.  East Pueblo Ladies’ Non-Partisan league  probably is the East Pueblo Equal Suffrage League
Jones, Mr. Thomas R.The Prohibition Club of Pueblo County, treasurer
Kicker, Mrs.Woman’s Silver State Republican Club (Formerly, Bowen Bell Wringers), talked in club about government
Killam OR Killian, Mrs. JuliaRepublican League of Pueblo, organizer
Little, Miss MaryPueblo County Precinct Officers, March, 1894, precinct 19
Livingston, Mrs. C.E.Women’s Political Education Club  (old name: Ladies Populist Club), vice president
Marble, Miss Ada C.Women’s Political Education Club  (old name: Ladies Populist Club), secretary AND Ladies Populist Club, secretary
Marble, Mrs. M.Bessemer Woman’s Republican Club, president
McCoy, Mrs. A. W.Republican League of Pueblo, second vice president
McElroy, Mrs. A. M.Bowen Bell Wringers Quartet
Mealey, Mrs. M. W.Woman’s Silver State Republican Club (Formerly, Bowen Bell Wringers), talked in club about government
Meyers (Myers), Mrs. A.Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Langston Republican Club, president
Miller, Miss MaryYoung People’s Republican Club, secretary (William E. Stimpson, is president)
Miller, Mrs. WilliamBowen Bell Wringers Quartet
Little, Miss Mary Bessemer Woman’s Republican Club, financial and corresponding secretary
Monroe, Mrs. H.Women’s Political Education Club (old name: Ladies Populist Club), treasurer
Montgomery, Mrs.Bessemer Woman’s Republican Club, recruiter
Moore, Mrs.  M. A.Bessemer Woman’s Republican Club, recruiter AND Woman’s Silver State Republican Club (Formerly, Bowen Bell Wringers),  second vice-president
Munroe, Mrs. HarrietLadies Populist Club, librarian
Murphy, Mrs. CarolineLadies of John A. Logan Circle, G. A. R; Hosted a pre-vote dance/party; 
Myers (Meyers), Mrs. A.Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Langston Republican Club, president
Nash, Mrs. E. O.Pueblo County Precinct Officers, March, 1894, precinct 2
Noble, Mrs. C. M.Pueblo County Precinct Officers, March, 1894, precinct 13
Noble, Mrs. M. J.Woman’s Silver State Republican Club (Formerly, Bowen Bell Wringers), first vice-president AND Republican Pueblo County Central Committee, vice chairman
Olden, Mrs.Republican League of Pueblo, third vice president
Olin, Mrs. Clare D.Bowen Bell Wringers, president AND Woman’s Silver State Republican Club (Formerly, Bowen Bell Wringers), president AND Equal Suffrage League of Pueblo, Committee on Registration
Page, Mrs. H.Equal Suffrage League of Pueblo, Secretary
Page, Mrs. M. C.Equal Suffrage League, president, June 14, 1894 (succeeds Sperry)
Patterson, Mrs.Pueblo Equal Suffrage League, representative at Populist Convention
Patterson, Mrs. J. S.Pueblo County Precinct Officers, March, 1894, precinct 5
Patterson, Mrs. M. A.Pueblo Women’s Christian Temperance Union (W.C.T.U.), president AND Equal Suffrage League of Pueblo, Committee on Registration
Pearson, Mrs. MarySwedish Republican Club
Perkins, Mrs. G. W.Volunteer Republican Club
Phillips, Mrs. M.Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Langston Republican Club, secretary
Porter, Mrs. D. C.Pueblo County Precinct Officers, March, 1894, precinct 53
Reanor, Mrs.Equal Suffrage League, treasurer, elected June 14, 1894 
Richardson, Mrs. C. C.Volunteer Republican Club
Rickabaugh, Miss AliceBessemer Woman’s Republican Club, secretary, recruiter
Ricker, Mrs. M. J.Woman’s Silver State Republican Club (Formerly, Bowen Bell Wringers), talked in club about government
Runner, Mrs.East Pueblo Equal Suffrage League 
Sackett, Mrs. SEast Pueblo Equal Suffrage League 
Samuel, Mrs. W. D. or W. R. Woman’s Silver State Republican Club (Formerly, Bowen Bell Wringers), talked in club about government AND Woman’s Silver State Republican Club (Formerly, Bowen Bell Wringers), treasurer
Sands, Mrs. SamPueblo County Precinct Officers, March, 1894, precinct 10
Sisson, Miss Julia V.First woman registered to vote in Pueblo County
Smith, Mrs. G.Equal Suffrage League of Pueblo, Committee on Registration
Smith, Mrs Lucinda East Pueblo Equal Suffrage League, treasurer
Sperry, Mrs. J. S.Pueblo County Precinct Officers, March, 1894, precinct 43 AND Ladies’ Benevolent union, president AND Equal Suffrage League of Pueblo, president
Stevens, Mrs. L. A. Equal Suffrage League, secretary, elected June 14, 1894 AND Pueblo auxiliary to the Colorado Woman’s Democratic club, president AND vain attempt to nominate her for County Commissioner for  1st District on  Democratic ticket.
Stewart, Mrs. A.Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Langston Republican Club, assistant secretary
Stiles, Mrs.Woman’s Silver State Republican Club (Formerly, Bowen Bell Wringers), talked in club about government
Suter, Mrs. M. J.East Pueblo Equal Suffrage League, president
Thatcher, Mrs. M. D.Volunteer Republican Club
Timmes, Mrs. E. H.Pueblo County Precinct Officers, March, 1894, precinct 50
Townsend, Mrs. W. F.a populist AND Ladies of John A. Logan Circle, G. A. R., Hosted a pre-vote dance/party
Utter, Mrs. E. E.Republican League of Pueblo, committee to draft by-laws
Wadhams, Miss MaryBowen Bell Wringers Quartet
Wadhams, Mrs. A. D.Woman’s Silver State Republican Club (Formerly, Bowen Bell Wringers), talked in club about government
Weber, Mrs. JuliaRepublican League of Pueblo, organizer
Webster, Miss KittieYoung People’s Republican Club
Webster, Mrs. M. B.East Pueblo Equal Suffrage League , executive committee AND Pueblo Women’s Christian Temperance Union (possibly a member)
Whitehead, Mrs. ArthurPueblo County Precinct Officers, March, 1894, precinct 8
Williams, Mrs.East Pueblo Equal Suffrage League 
Wilson, Mrs. PaulWoman’s Silver State Republican Club (Formerly, Bowen Bell Wringers), third vice-president
Woodruff, Mrs. EllaBowen Bell Wringers Quartet
Wooton, Mrs. Mary E.East Pueblo Equal Suffrage League, vice president