Historical Calendar

In 1893 the state of Colorado granted women the right to vote. On August 26, 1920, the 19th amendment to the United States Constitution that guaranteed women the right to vote was formally endorsed by Congress. This monthly calendar includes significant dates in the History of Suffrage, especially dates of significance to Southern Colorado.

November 7, 1893 The Women of Colorado’s long struggle for suffrage achieves a major success when Colorado male voters vote in favor of Women’s Suffrage.

December 7, 1893 Julia V. Sissons, a sales clerk at Glade Dry Goods in Pueblo becomes the first woman in Pueblo County to register to vote.  Later that day, she is joined by Mrs. J. S. Sperry, president of the Ladies’ Benevolent union and also of the Pueblo Equal Suffrage league.

September 6, 1894, Carrie Clyde Holly is nominated by the Pueblo County Republican party as a candidate for state representative.
