On November 7, 1893, a majority of the male voters of Colorado voted in favor of Women’s suffrage. On December 2, 1893, the governor, Davis H. Waite, proclaimed the right of franchise. If you thought the women worked hard to get suffrage, read these selections from the Pueblo Chieftain from Nov. 1893 through December 1894 to see how hard they worked once they achieved it.
These items were found by using four different search terms at the website: https://www.coloradohistoricnewspapers.org/. The search was limited to only the Colorado [Pueblo] Daily Chieftain. The four search terms were “suffrage,” “league,” “club,” and “Holly” (for Carrie Clyde Holly one of three women elected to the Colorado State Legislature in 1894. Holly lived in Vineland.
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November 1893
December 1893
January 1894
February 1894
March 1894
April 1894
May 1894
June 1894
July 1894
August 1894
September 1894
October 1894
November 1894
November 1983
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 21, 1893
The regular meeting of the Equal Suffrage league will be held today at 3 o’clock in the Board of Trade. The organization of discussion clubs in every precinct will be considered. These meetings are open to the public. We cordially welcome you. J. S. Sperry, Chairman.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 28, 1893
(Equal Suffrage league meetings are announced with greatregularity. The announcements for themeetings will only appear on this page if they are different from otherannouncements. Dates of meeting announcementsnot repeated on this webpage: Dec. 5, 10, 19; in 1894, Jan. 2, 16, 30; March 4;May 8, etc.
Equal Suffrage Meeting.
Equal Suffrage.
The equal Suffrage league will hold their regular meeting Tuesday at 3 p. m. at the Board of Trade, room 10. Mrs. H. Page, Secretary.
December 1893
Chieftain, Dec 6, 1893
The new law of Colorado conferring the suffrage upon women is now in effect, the governor having issued the necessary proclamation, and many women are being registered in order that they may vote at the next election. A woman may now hold any civil office in the state, but women are not subject to or eligible for duty of juries. They are not eligible for military offices except, as in the case of the governor, when the military is incidental to the civil office. They can not be required to pay a military or general poll tax. The rights of women under the new law have been thus defined by Attorney-General Engley:
The act of 1893 submitted to a vote of the people the question of woman suffrage only. It having been adopted by the people, women in consequence are permitted to vote at all elections to the same extent as men. But no privilege is conferred on them by the law except the right to vote, and such further rights as are necessarily dependent thereon. Article 7, section 6, of the constitution reads as follows: “No person except a qualified elector shall be elected or appointed to any civil or military office in the state.” Were it not for this limitation in the constitution all persons other than qualified electors would be entitled to hold office. It is a right belonging generally to every member of the body politic, under our system of government, unless qualified by law. Hence, the people having removed the restriction in the case of women in the matter of suffrage, their natural or civil right to hold office is now unimpaired. The legislature has the power to limit the exercise of public functions to any class of the people. The right to vote does not necessarily carry with it the right to sit on juries. The extension of the right of suffrage to women does not abrogate the provision of the act of 1885 (sess, laws p. 263). By that act only “male” inhabitsnts[sic] are declared competent to serve as grand and petit jurors Article 17, section 1, of the constitution says that “the militia of the state shall consist of all able bodied male residents of the state * * *.” By the act of 1889 (sess. laws p. 383) “every able bodied male citizen” is subject to military duty. The same act (p. 399) requires the military poll tax to be levied upon each “male” inhabitant. The general poll tax can be levied on able-bodied male inhabitants. G. S. section 2813. Our supreme court has recognized the constitutional provision first quoted as being the only thing in the way of the holding of office by a woman. 9 Colo., 628; 11 Colo., 191.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 8, 1893
(For me, reading about the work on suffrage since the late 1860s, this was one of the most exciting things I read. I love it for two main reasons:
1) Pueblo women –like so many other women across the world – persisted against great odds and despite numerous setbacks, they kept persisting and so what a feeling this moment of registration must have held!
2) The first person to register to vote in Pueblo was an ordinary woman, whose only claim to fame was that she was one of several saleswomen in Pueblo who were nominated for a best saleswoman competition earlier in 1893. Ordinary people committed to their community are what make a democracy work and so I find it meaningful and moving that the first woman to register was just a citizen in Pueblo County.)
Miss Julia V. Sisson is the First Woman Elector.
Mrs. J. S. Sperry, President of the Equal Suffrage League of Pueblo Registered Yesterday Afternoon and the Prospects Are That a Large Number Will Appear Now.
Pueblo now has two registered lady voters both of whom enrolled their names yesterday. To Miss Julia V. Sisson, an employee of the Glade Dry Goods company, belongs the distinction of having first fully qualified as an elector in Pueblo county. Miss Sisson lives at 722 West Eleventh street in precinct 4. She appeared at the county clerk’s office yesterday midforenoon and quietly said she wanted to register. Deputy Clerk W. B. Moore and C. S. Whiting gallantly offered to vouch for her and the inquisition began but Miss Sisson answered all the questions without a tremor or the slightest hesitation.
Late in the afternoon Mrs. J. S. Sperry, president of the Ladies’ Benevolent union and also of the Pueblo Equal Suffrage league, called for registration and was promptly enrolled as a voter in Precinct 43, County Clerk Henderson acting as one of her vouchers.
Now that the movement has been started it is expected that a considerable number of women will go through the ordeal every day. Mr. Henderson has made arrangements to devote all his time if necessary to attend personally to the registration.
January 1894
Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 1, 1894
The Flag of the Suffrage Cause.
Mrs. Clara B. Colby, the editor of The Woman’s Tribune of Washington, in her address before the suffrage convention, happening to mention the colors of the Woman Suffrage association—the narrow orange ribbon worn on the breast of every delegate—explained the circumstances surrounding the adoption of the emblem. The women of the state of Washington, on the first election day when their newly acquired franchise was in force, each, without respect to the political party with which she cast her ballot, displayed orange colors somewhere about her throat or bonnet in acknowledgement of the obligation to Judge Orange Jacobs, whose efforts were largely instrumental in securing for women their right to veto in the state. The right had since been rescinded by judicial decision, but throughout the country Judge Jacobs’ services are commemorated by the orange ribbon. The flag of the suffrage cause—an orange star on a blue field—was first raised on that election day in Washington, and stars have been added as Colorado and Wyoming have also acknowledged the worth of women’s opinion in political affairs.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 7, 1894
How Colorado Was Carried For Woman Suffrage—The Women Worked.
Now that the story of how Colorado was carried for woman suffrage has come out, the charge that women do not want to vote will be refuted forever, so far as Colorado women are concerned. The history of the battle and victory is as inspiring as the story of the Boston tea party. Aug. 1 a wealthy Denver lady gave the use of a room in the Opera House block to the suffrage workers. They had almost no money, hut they had stout hearts. Immediately they prepared sets of suffrage resolutions and sent them out so that they would be read in every county convention in the state. Some of the 55 counties had two or three conventions, and it required 180 sets to go around. The result was that two-thirds of the conventions indorsed the resolutions, and many of them put a suffrage plank into their own platforms. Next suffrage leagues were organized in every hamlet in the state. These did work in appointing meetings and distributing “leaflets,” as the ladies called their tracts. No less than 65,000 of the tracts gave instructions on how to vote for the bill. The country schoolhouse everywhere did valiant service for the women. The trustees allowed it to be opened to the suffrage speakers. Speakers were sent everywhere, well known ones if they could be had; if not, then the neighborhood women took it on themselves to address the meetings, and some of these quiet home keepers surprised themselves and all their acquaintances by developing into really effective and ready talkers. Besides that the ladies laid siege to prominent political leaders of all parties and won over almost every lawyer and preacher in Colorado to their cause. Neither were the newspaper editors let alone. They received every kind of document sent out. The women labored with them, too, and these gallant editors opened their columns for discussion of the question and in many cases advocated woman’s right to the ballot with the imperial “we.” The ladies did not let their efforts lag for one day, but held meetings up to the last evening of the campaign. So Colorado was carried for woman suffrage by over 6,000 majority. Some intelligent people labor under the impression that in Wyoming and Colorado women may vote for all officers except national ones, such as congressmen and presidential electors. This is a mistake. In both these states women vote for all candidates, state and national, just the same as male voters do.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 16, 1894
The Equal Suffrage league will meet in the Woman’s room, Central block, 2 p. m., Tuesday, January 16. Special business will come before the meeting. H. Page, Sec’y.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 16, 1894
The Annual Reunion of the Monday Evening Club.
The Grand Hotel a Scene of Gaiety Last Night—
Gathering of Pueblo’s Fairest and Brainiest.
One of the most delightful society events of each recurring season in Pueblo is the reunion of the Monday Evening club. For ten years the members of this club have given an annual reception and banquet to their friends and the event has always been looked forward to with pleasure. It is a gathering of the brains and beauty of the city and is distinctively the public society event of the year and the literary pabulum and physical food constitute a feast worthy the name. This year the affair was no exception to the rule of general and individual excellence and the members can certainly take great unction to their soul on its complete success. To begin with, a reception lasting half an hour was held, followed by the usual business meeting and at 9 o’clock the members and their guests were seated in the banqueting room. There were probably 150 people altogether, and very few vacant places could be seen at the tables. Beautiful ferns, flowers and candelabra graced the tables, and the eight courses were prepared and served with the ability and ease for which the management of the Grand is noted. Governor Alva Adams acted as toastmaster and never before did he show himself so witty, brilliant and eloquent as on this occasion. His address of welcome was in his best style and very heartily received. During the course of his remarks the governor referred to the fact that a year ago last October the club discussed the question of woman suffrage and decided unanimously that the ladies should vote, an opinion on which the legislature concurred at its next session, and the guests would notice that ‘woman” was the generic theme of every address on the evening’s programme. Prof. C. A. Murray followed with a violin solo rendered in his usual inimitable style. Mr. C. W. Bowman talked of Jennie June, founder of the first sorosis in the United States, and one who was always to the front in advancing the interests of women. Dr. R. W. Corwin had “Queen Lil” as his subject and evolved considerable humor out of this storm tossed monarch, whom the toastmaster described as “fat and forty, but not fair.” Judge M. J. Galligan had a short dissertation on “Queen Victoria” that was well received. Mr. E. F. Gladwin told his hearers about “Calamity Jane,” a truly western character who has her counterpart in almost every mining camp.
Mrs. W. L. Hartman sang “The Holy City,” by Adams, with excellent voice. Mr. E. C. Glenn’s task was to talk about “The first female lawyer.” From the fact of women being judges in olden times he thought it could be inferred naturally that they were women lawyers. Women lawyers in the present times were not rareties and be welcomed them all. Mr. J. E. Humphrey delivered a short but excellent address on “Ada Reban.” Rev. J. L. Hervey named “Susan B. Anthony” as the pioneer in securing the present freedom of women. Judge W. J. Kerr made a splendid address with “Mrs. Lease” as his text. Mr. C. S. Cornell was applauded for a fine vocal solo. Mr. E. C. Lyman paid a just tribute to “The Women of Colorado.” Rav. N. L. Reynolds spoke of “Queen ——, who introduced side-saddles,” in a very clever way. Mr. J. E. Rzier was very happy with his subject, “Mrs. Cleveland.” Mrs. E. Evelyn Selleck’s solo was well received. Mr. T. W. Collins descanted on “Lottie Collins.” Professor P. W. Search said that if a woman was to be president “Mrs. Potter Palmer” would be the one. Mr. H. P. Sharpless’ subject was “Mother Eve,” which he handled nicely. The accompanists were Miss Anna Thompson and Mrs. W. A. Moses.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 18, 1894
Women in England have made a distinct gain in Great Britain for the closing part of 1893. The bill giving them the right to vote at parish council elections and to be voted for as members of such passed the house of commons even against the wish of Gladstone. The other sign of progress is that the grating which walls off the women’s gallery from the rest of the house of commons is to be removed. A friend writes me that though little appears publicly in the Georgia papers about woman’s progress, and especially about woman suffrage there is really a strong feeling in favor of both among the women of that state. The Georgia Woman Suffrage association sent pecuniary aid to Colorado in the contest during the fall, and pecuniary aid is what counts. The same helpful and sympathetic association also sent money to Kansas to aid the women in their work there. One of the last and grimmest educational strongholds in the world has at length been captured by women. Heidelberg university has conferred on Fraulein Windschied, after a brilliant examination, the full degree of Ph. D. It is likely that Heidelberg will soon be opened throughout to women. A lady of Minnesota, Miss Sara M. Pollard, has conducted with the greatest success for nine years a farm at Dugdale, Polk county, Minn. Miss Pollard does her own plowing, planting and cultivating. In order to be dressed suitably for her work, she wears a bloomer costume in the field. She has prospered so well that she has been able lately to add 160 acres more to her farm. -Eliza Archard Conner.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 20, 1894
“It is with great gratification that the officers and managing board of the Josephine Home [for children] have such a satisfactory report to make of the last year’s work, to the public, who have always responded to calls for support for this institution. “The Home has been organized long enough—and the public have been appealed to often enough to make it unnecessary to enter into any details regarding its aim, usefulness and management. Sufficient to say that it Btill exists, and presents a report showing how we have worked and expended our time and money, and that we start in the new year out of debt and with b small balance to our credit in the bank. “As this is an institution principally for children we are pleased to note the help given us this winter by a club of misses! calling themselves W. A. B. W. who have taken upon themselves to furnish the Home with flour.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 20, 1894
Woman Suffrage in France.
London, January 19. —A dispatch from Paris says the senate by a vote of 132 to 81 agreed to give votes to women engaged in business at elections for tribunals of commerce. This is the beginning of woman suffrage in France.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 21, 1894
the importance of women’s clubs
This page of this edition is chock full of fascinating women’s firsts and successes, including international women and successes
Five hundred of the Wellesley college students sent a rejoicing telegram to the suffrage association of Colorado when they learned that women had gained the ballot in that state.
The Struggle Began Twenty-four Years Ago and Culminated In an Enthusiastic and Successful Campaign Last Fall —
The Distinguished Services of Mrs. Chapman.
Twenty-four years ago General Edward McCook, then territorial governor of Colorado, wrote concerning the woman suffrage question in his first message to the legislature: “lt rests with you to say whether Colorado will accept this reform in its first stage or in its last, whether she will be a leader or a follower, for the logic of a progressive civilization leads to the inevitable result of universal suffrage.” Governor McCook was a pioneer in the woman suffrage movement, and recent events have proved that he was something of a prophet so far as Colorado was concerned, for the state at its last election, by a large majority of the popular vote, decided to admit women to the right of suffrage on a perfect equality with men. But in those days Governor McCook met the proverbial fate of a prophet in his own country, and though he and a band of devoted followers made a hard fight for female suffrage in the territorial assembly of 1870 they were defeated by a two-thirds majority. The history of the movement in the Centennial State subsequent to that date makes interesting reading. When Colorado was on the eve of statehood in 1870, Judge H. P. H. Bromwell succeeded in having incorporated in the new constitution a clause providing that at the first general election or at any election thereafter the question of suffrage might be submitted to a vote of the people upon the passage of a bill to that effect by the state legislature. The general assembly passed such a law at its first session in 1877, and the ensuing campaign was a notable one. The struggle was in vain, however, for the suffragists were overwhelmed by a vote of 20,000 against their measure to 10,000 in its favor. Nothing disheartened, they made an effort in 1881 to secure municipal suffrage for women, but even that small favor was refused them, and the effort came to naught. In the spring of 1800 Mrs. Louise M. Tyler, who had done active work in the cause of woman suffrage in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, went to Denver and stirred the friends of the movement up once more. Through her efforts an organization was formed which in the winter of 1891 again petitioned the legislature to extend to women the right to vote. They made the mistake of not getting their bill introduced within the required time, however, and it had to be tacked on as a rider to a bill preventing foreigners from voting on their first naturalization papers. The bill was lost and the rider with it. But that “a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump” received fresh verification at the next meeting of the legislature, for in the Ninth assembly, which met in January, 1893, not less than four suffrage bills were introduced, one of which got through the house, by a small majority and narrowly escaped suffocation in the senate. It was one of the last bills passed by that body. Then the Equal Suffrage association enlisted the services of Mrs. Carrie Lane Chapman and went to work as they had never worked before. Headquarters were opened in Denver, where Miss Helen M. Reynolds, corresponding secretary of the association, engineered a campaign that was worthy of a veteran politician. Nothing was neglected that might promote success, and everything was avoided that might stimulate opposition. Some of the leading newspapers were enlisted in support of the movement, and the campaign was conducted entirely on an educational and nonpartisan basis. Mrs. Chapman made a tour of the state, traveling every day, speaking every night and organizing a league whereever she spoke. Men made up the greater portion of her audiences, and even in the mountain towns and mining camps she received the most courteous and chivalric treatment. Her tact was equal to her eloquence, and under her influence some of the best men in the state enrolled themselves in the local leagues, sometimes filling all the offices and doing all the routine work. There was no organized opposition, and the Populist party was united in support of the movement. The most sanguine suffragists hardly expected to carry Denver. In fact, defeat there was looked for as practically certain, and when the returns from Arapahoe county showed a majority of 915 in favor of equal suffrage the friends of the movement were among those most surprised. The official count showed the total majority in the state to be 6,347, and in accordance with the will of the people thus expressed the governor on Dec. 2 issued a proclamation conferring the right of suffrage on the women citizens of the state. The women accepted the decision quietly. There was no public jollification, but many of them hastened to show their appreciation of the franchise by registering as voters. It remains to be demonstrated whether the exercise of their new privilege will have the beneficial effects predicted for it.
Equal Rights Progress.
Colorado makes the second state that has now complete woman suffrage. The close of the present century will probably see at least a dozen states giving women all the rights that men possess. —Fredonia (N. Y.) Censor.
The National American Woman Suffrage Association to Meet In Washington. The twenty-sixth annual convention of the National American Woman Suffrage association will be held in Washington at Metzerott’s Music hall Feb. 15-20, inclusive. The government’s recognition of women in the board of managers for the World’s Columbian exposition, the world’s congress of representative women—the greatest convocation of women ever assembled—the participation of women in the entire series of world’s congresses, the gaining of woman suffrage in Colorado, give to our demand for political equality for women unprecedented prestige in the world of thought. From this vantage ground let us assemble in our twenty-sixth annual convention to work for the realization of an ideal republic, with the assurance of success in the near future. With the question of woman suffrage pending in Kansas and New York, it is our manifest duty to concentrate our efforts upon those two states, undone business session of the convention will be devoted to the consideration of ways and means to further this object. Besides the presidents of the auxiliary state associations the speakers invited are: Mme. Fanny Zampini Salazar of Italy and Mme. Hannah Korany of Syria, who were delegates to the world’s congress of representative women; Mrs. Carrie Lane Chapman, who was a most important factor in the Colorado victory; Rev. Marion Murdock, Rev. Ida C. Hultin, Rev. Anna H. Shaw, Mrs. Elizabeth Boynton Herbert, Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, Miss Mary H. Krout, Mrs. Mary Lowe Dickinson, secretary of the King’s Daughters; Mr. H. B. Blackwell, Mrs, Mary Seymour Howell and others. Since the call for the national American convention was issued the following persons have been invited: Senators Hoar of Massachusetts, Teller of Colorado and Carey of Wyoming and Representative Blair of New Hampshire; Mrs. Rebecca Henry Hayes of Texas, Mrs. Virginia D. Young of South Carolina, Miss Elizabeth U. Yates of Maine, Mrs. Josephine K. Henry of Kentucky, Miss Frances Griffin of Alabama and Mrs. Orra Laughogne of Virginia. A special feature of this convention will be an evening devoted to a celebration and glorification over our victory in Colorado, at which a very interesting ceremony will take place. One other special feature will be an evening given to short addresses by the presidents of auxiliary states, and this promises to be one of the most charming evenings of the convention. Susan B. Anthony, President. Rachel Foster Avery, Cor. Sec’y.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 22, 1894
The Monday Evening club will meet tonight at the residence of Judge Kerr, 25 block G, on the Abriendo avenue line. The attendance of every member is urgently requested.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 22, 1894
Now, as to Wyoming, the suffrage state to which I have given the greater attention, a few figures. The number of marriage licenses taken out after the enfranchisement shows a great increase over those taken out in the previous year. The number of divorces granted is very much smaller. This shows, incontestably, that the fact of woman having , been niaclo man’s political equal has not produced a dislike or contempt for the marriage relation. Before women began to vote there, there were 74 prisoners in the jail, two of whom were women; at the last census, after tho amendment, there were just 74 prisoners, all of whom were men. The figures show that, in comparison with the surrounding states, Wyoming has one-twelfth of the amount of crime and one-fourth the number of divorces. —Mrs. Clara J. Colby.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 25, 1894
lots of other good stuff
The women of Colorado are wise. As soon as the vote granting them full suffrage had been taken, they began in their various clubs and other organizations the study of politics. Political economy, political history and civil government in all its branches are occupying their attention this winter. They will prize their hard won gift of suffrage as men who have always enjoyed it scarcely can do, and they will fit themselves nobly for the high gift of citizenship, arming themselves with intelligence at all points. -Eliza (again)
Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 30, 1894
In the Air.
Nova Scotia follows the lead of New Zealand, as Colorado followed the lead of Wyoming, in granting full suffrage to women. This thing must be in the air. The noise of it is heard all around —from Big Horn river to Long’s peak, from the straits of Canso to the hay of Plenty. Even here it is talked of by many other people besides Mrs. Lillie Devereux Blake.—Exchange.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, January 31, 1894
If Joan of Arc finally gets through the congregation of the sacred rites at Rome and comes out a full fledged saint, she will be immediately adopted as the patron of all progressive women, Protestant and Catholic.
The campaign for the constitutional amendment in favor of woman suffrage has begun with enthusiasm in northern New York. At a rousing meeting in Buffalo prominent gentlemen of the city made favorable speeches, among them the Jewish rabbi, Mr. Aaron. Other speakers were Judge Stem and Rev. Joseph W. Mason. I have noticed that lawyers are quite generally in favor of woman suffrage, which is a good sign for both the lawyers and the suffrage. The tactics that carried the woman’s party to victory in Colorado will doubtless be adapted to the situation in New York. -Eliza Archard Conner.
February 1894
Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 4, 1894
Clergymen Favor Suffrage.
One of the most interesting expressions of opinion on the question of woman suffrage at the antipodes comes from the Roman Catholic prelate, Bishop Moran of Dunedin, New Zealand, who urged all qualified women to take advantage of the privilege of voting. He said he trusted much to the clear intelligence and upright consciences of ”the “devout female sex,” and they have only to play a prudent and thoughtful part to improve and purify political life. The Roman Catholic bishop and clergy of Colorado also gave strong support and approval to woman suffrage during the recent successful campaign in that state. -Exchange.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 7, 1894
Woman Suffrage in Kansas.
Emporia, Kan, February 6.—A county woman’s suffrage association was organized here last evening. The meeting was largely attended, comprising the most prominent ladies in this city and county. A vigorous campaign will be begun and continued till November.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 9, 1894
Senator Wolcott (Col) presented a resolution providing for the submission of a constitutional amendment prohibiting the state from denying suffrage to any person on account of sex.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 9, 1894
suffrage in Kansas – mixed in with silver etc
Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 10, 1894
Do Not Want Woman Suffrage.
Washington, D. C., February 9.— The house committee on judiciary today reported adversely on Representative Bell’s joint resolution, providing that the right of all citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged on account of sex. This shows that this Congress, as has been the case in past Congresses, is not in favor of woman suffrage.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 11, 1894
(lots of other good stuff here NY, Pennsylvania, England all in Woman’s Department)
Rallying to the Standard.
Nothing succeeds like success. In Colorado the Young Men’s Christian association of Denver hastens to disclaim the charge of having opposed woman suffrage and claims to have aided it. The Woman’s Christian Temperance union, too, comes forward with the assurance that it worked for woman suffrage in 1875 and has been pushing it ever since, all of which is very pleasing and satisfactory to the little band of suffragists that stood by Governor Pope in his effort to have the territorial legislature establish woman suffrage in 1870, and that has carried the flag for a quarter of a century, winning school suffrage in the state constitutional convention of 1876 and carrying on a woman suffrage campaign in 1877. Let all wear their laurels, but let us not forget that woman suffrage is still on trial and must secure its future by prompt and vigorous co-operation with the best measures and men.— Woman’s Journal.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 13, 1894
The New York “Woman’s Suffrage League Conducting an Active Campaign.
Encouraged by the result of the last state election in Colorado, when the proposition to grant the ballot to women was carried by a handsome majority, the woman suffragists of New York have entered upon a vigorous campaign with the object of convincing the delegates to the approaching constitutional convention that equal suffrage for both sexes is the one thing needful to the moral and material prosperity of the Empire State. The campaign is conducted under the auspices of the Woman’s Suffrage league, of which the veteran Lillian Devereux Blake is president. The practical direction of the work, however, is conducted by Mrs. Harrietts A. Keyser, who bears the title of “organizer” and has charge of the headquarters in New York city. In addition to sending out floods of letters and making personal appeals to the men elected as delegates to the convention, popular meetings are held in the various assembly districts, where eloquent women endeavor to educate public opinion on the subject. In the natural course of events these conventions pass resolutions calling on the delegates from the district to use their influence to strike out from the constitution the word “male” as a qualification for voters. Mrs. Keyser says the labor unions are with them and that “nearly all working women know that the right of suffrage will greatly improve their condition. They know that it will give them equal pay with men for equal work. Knowing that, how can any woman who works for a living do other than desire equal suffrage? Then most liberal, progressive men want women to have the suffrage if they wish it. “Some conservative people say to me, ‘But only the lowest class of women will vote.’ I answer, ‘Does the history so far of states where women do vote bear out any such assumption as that?’ No. It is in every instance the better class who vote, and the enfranchisement of women has had an elevating, purifying effect. I believe that most men hold this opinion. It is from the women that I hear the other argument mostly.” It is a case of “now or never” with the New York Woman’s Suffrage league, for if this constitutional convention fails to consider the matter favorably it will be a long time before the desired amendment can be submitted to the people. -MRS. KEYSER.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 16, 1894
The American Association is Addressed by Senator Teller. Washington, D. C.
February 15.— The National American Woman’s Suffrage association began its twenty-sixth annual convention here this morning in Mezerot Music hall, which had been tastefully decorated for the occasion. In the rear of the stage was hung United States, Turkish, British and National Woman Suffrage flags. The latter has two stars in the blue field, representing Colorado and Wyoming, which have granted suffrage to women. There are also outlines of two other stars, intended to represent New York and Kansas, where the woman suffragists hope to accomplish much. The convention was called to order by the venerable president, Miss Susan B. Anthony, who asked Rev. Anna Shaw to offer prayer, after which Miss Anthony, in a brief speech, formally opened the proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual convention. The report of the executive committee recommended that the special effort of the association be concentrated on the campaign in Kansas and New York, the two states where there is to be a test vote this year. Mrs. L. D. Blake, the member of the executive committee from New York, spoke of the work there and predicted success for woman’s suffrage in the coming constitutional convention in New York. Mrs. Laura M. Johns of Kansas said that the work for the enfranchisement of women had progressed further in Kansas than in New York. The night session of the convention was very largely attended. The president’s address was delivered by Miss Anthony. It was an interesting review of the cause of woman suffrage with frequent caustic allusions to the action of the courts in their decisions affecting the laws passed by the states for the enfranchisement of women. Senator Teller of Colorado and others spoke briefly on the question of woman suffrage. A paper on Kansas and New York was read by Mrs. Laura M. Johns of Kansas. Senator Carey of Wyoming, Representative Pence of Colorado also addressed the meeting.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 16, 1894
They are Urged to Attend Promptly to Their Registration.
To the Editor of the Chieftain:
The Equal Suffrage league of this city have commenced a work along lines which are practical, and which will be helpful to all political parties alike. A complete canvass of the city will be made, with a view to ascertaining how many women have registered, and also to awaken interest among women in regard to suffrage and cause them to feel the responsibility which now rests upon them. Each canvasser is instructed to ask certain questions, and each and every one is strictly prohibited from making any remarks regarding any political party or alluding to politics in any way whatever. A committee has prepared the following for distribution: A majority of the voters of the state, having decided in recent election that Colorado women may safely be entrusted with the ballot in all elections and thereby assist in choosing those who shall make laws to which all must submit, thus assuring a government by the people and not by men alone as formerly, it is now of the greatest importance that women in every station of life should rise to a full appreciation of the responsibility thus laid upon them, and prepare for an earnest, conscientious, womanly discharge of the duties of citizenship. This is the best return that can be made for the gift of the ballot, the highest tribute ever laid at the feet of woman in any land. The addition of women to the voting population increases greatly the expense of an election which expense must be incurred whether few or many women vote. To justify this outlay, to offset it, we should have in every election, a free and full expression of Colorado manhood and womanhood—best of all, of motherhood. For who, in a city like ours, is, or should be, more concerned than the mothers regarding the public health, the schools, employment of children in factories and stores, the removal of temptations and pitfalls from the way of youth, the enforcement of the laws against gambling, and the sale of liquor and cigarettes to boys, the water supply, the guarding, lighting, safety and cleanliness of our streets, taxation of property and protection from fire, all of which are included in the government of a city, and must be considered when its officers are chosen. Few intelligent women will admit that they have no ideas or opinions on some or all of these subjects. To vote is to have your opinion registered on all the vital questions of the day. The first duty now is to register. The law states that a voter must be a citizen of the United States, or have declared his or her intention according to law to become a citizen not less than four months before he or she offers to vote. He or she must have resided in the state six months immediately before the election and in the county ninety days and in the, precinct from which he or she registers fifteen days, and be not less than 21 years old. No man or woman is permitted to vote until he or she has registered according to law, which is done by going to the office of the county clerk at the court house and there, in the presence of two persons—who are themselves registered voters— answering certain questions as to whether native or foreign born, married or single, owner of home or tenant, stating place of residence, age, height and other description of person, and signing name in full on record, or making mark X if unable to write. Any registered voter, man or woman, may vouch for twelve applicants in one calendar year. Women who have registered are asked kindly to give advice or to act as vouchers among their friends. □“Political equality, means woman’s voice in the laws, in the courts, in the halls of legislation. It means one code of morals for both sexes. Political equality is the key to virtue, independence, dignity and success in every department of life.” We appeal to the intelligent and conscientious women of Pueblo, to the women who are bread-winners and who courageously stand side by side with their brothers in an unequal struggle for a livelihood.
“There is a weapon better yet
And stronger than the bayonet.”
And that weapon is the ballot. “The use of the ballot will give to women equal wages and credit in the world of work, equal advantages of education, an equal share in the positions of honor and emolument and will secure equal respect from others and added respect for themselves.” We appeal to the women of leisure and of influence, women in happy homes, protected by a tender love and shielded from the hardships and sorrows that fall to the lot of their less fortunate sisters. Is it too much to ask of you that you help mitigate the miseries of life by just and equal laws, and that you aid the good and true men of Colorado by doing your part towards counteracting evils, which all deplore, and by using this new power given us towards purifying the political atmosphere in which we live?
Mrs. M. S. Olin,
Mrs. J. M. Gallup,
Mrs. M. A. Patterson,
Mrs. A. G. Darley,
Mrs. G. Smith.
Committee on Registration.
Pueblo, February 15,1894.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 18, 1894
and more Woman’s Department
THEIR photographs taken.
And Then the Convention Determines to Sleet at Atlanta Next Year.
Washington, D. C., February 17. The ladies attending the woman’s suffrage convention had their photographs taken in a group this morning. There was a large amount of business on the programme for transaction today, and the convention immediately proceeded to business after the picture taking. The subject of assistance to the work by the newspapers of the country came up incidentally, as a question of discussion, and in this connection letters were rend from D. R. Anthony, a newspaper man in Kansas, offering to publish items of interest to the cause, and a letter from Governor Waite, of Colorado, on the subject of woman suffrage in that state. There was a feeling among some of the delegates to the convention that the next meeting should be held in some other city than Washington. So many of the conventions had been held here that it was believed that more good might be accomplished by meeting in some one of the cities in which the woman’s suffrage question is paramount, 89 the moral effect might be beneficial. Invitations were extended to the convention to meet in Washington, Cincinnati, Atlanta and Detroit. Fifteen minutes were allowed to the adherents of each city to present its views.
Washington found a friend in Mrs. Lillie Devereaux Blake, who held that the capital was the proper place to hold the convention, because the law making power was here. Miss Anthony seconded Mrs. Blake, and said that more had been accomplished by holding the conventions here during the past twenty-six years than would have been accomplished had they been held elsewhere. The newspaper reports sent out from this city were more elaborate and complete than would be sent out from any other city, and she spoke in complimentary terms of the work of the Associated Press, in sending out daily reports of the convention. When a vote was taken, Atlanta, Ga., was chosen as the place for holding the next annual convention.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 20, 1894
A Devotion of More Than Forty Years to the Cause of Woman Suffrage.
[Special Correspondence.] Rochester, Feb. 15.—Susan B. Anthony, the white haired apostle of woman’s suffrage, who will preside at the convention shortly to be held in Washington, is as enthusiastic for the cause as she was in the first flush of her youth. From what she has said to her friends within the past few days, it is safe to infer that she is far more hopeful now than she has been at any time in the past. She holds that there is not the slightest question as to the ultimate outcome of woman’s fight for the ballot, it is only a matter of time, and that the time of success is now 12 months nearer than it was a year ago, and consequently suffragists have a right to and should be just so much more encouraged. No matter whether you agree with the suffragists or not, it is not possible to avoid admiring Miss Anthony and her long, persistent fight for equal rights with men for her sex. She was but a mere girl when she first took up arms. She has never faltered since, and she is a better fighter today than ever before. She has braved ridicule, scorn and even personal indignities in the cause since she first espoused it. She has sought arrest by registering contrary to law, and then, when her case was on the court docket for trial, she has traveled over and spoken in every hamlet in the counties whence the jurors to try her were to be empaneled. It was more than 40 years ago that she made her first speech. It was not a loud speech, so far as volume of sound was concerned, but in the broader sense it was a speech the echoes of which have not yet died away, nor will they for many years to come. She was a school mistress then. There was a convention of teachers here in Rochester. Two hundred of the attending delegates were men. Five times that number were women. The men had all the best seats—right down in front. And they made all the speeches, presented all the reports, held all the offices. The women held their peace and thanked heaven that it was vouchsafed to them to sit under the same roof with the men and listen to their wise remarks and their spirited discussions—that is, most of the women were in this frame of mind. Miss Anthony, then young, alert of brain and clever, was not one of the women who were thankful from that cause. She was thankful as she listened to the halting words of some of the men that she was not a man. Finally one speaker pronounced a jeremiad because the teachers—the men teachers—were not regarded with as great respect as were lawyers, doctors, clergymen and other professional men. In fact, according to this gentleman, schoolmasters were held in the same estimation as if they were Miss Nancys and grandmothers. This was too much for high spirited young Miss Anthony. She objected to these titles being considered as terms of reproach. So she stood on her feet and signified to the presiding officer of the convention that she had something to say. Hardly any one, even if his memory goes back more than two score years, can realize at this time in the history of the progress of woman what a sensation was created in the convention by the sight of that young girl standing on the floor of the hall. Said the chairman, kindly and condescendingly, as to a child, “What will the lady have?” with a curious rising inflection of the voice. Miss Anthony said she wanted to speak upon the question then before the house. The chairman looked at his fellow men. They looked at him. Then they all looked at each other, while the women held their breadth. Finally the chairman inquired what was the convention’s pleasure, and then there was a debate of half an hour or more as to whether the girl should be allowed to speak. Meantime she remained on her feet so as not to lose the advantage already gained. Well, a vote was taken, and by a very small majority she was allowed to speak. “Allowed, mind yon!” says Miss Anthony with delicious sarcasm whenever she tells the story of her first speech. Her remarks were not extended, but they were to the point. “It seems to me that none of you gentlemen fully comprehends the cause of the lack of respect of which you complain. Do you forget that while women are not allowed to preach, to plead in court or to prescribe as physicians, they are still thought to be of sufficient brain power to serve as teachers? And is it not clear that in teaching school you place yourselves on the same intellectual level as the women?” That is the substance of Miss Anthony’s speech, and it made a great sensation. Some of the men liked it and went to her and shook her hand and congratulated her. More of them were amazed and scandalized. But the ice broken then has never been allowed to freeze again. Miss Anthony never tells the story of that convention without including the fact that a good clergyman, after commending the matter and the reading of the paper, told her that he would rather follow a daughter of his to the grave than see her making a public address. Charles Applebee.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 22, 1894
Ladies Address the Committee.
Washington, D. C., February 21. Twenty-five ladies, the remainder of the National Woman Suffrage convention which has been in session in Washington for a week past, appeared before the house judiciary committee this morning. Among those in the party were Susan B. Anthony, Rev. Anna H. Shaw, Rev. Ida Huiin, of Illinois, Mrs. Greenleaf of New York, Mrs. Howard of Georgia, Mrs. Harriet Taylor Upton of Ohio, Miss Jennie Gifford of Ohio, Mrs. Kerohum and Mrs. Stansbury of Colorado, and Mrs. Pickier of South Dakota. But four members of the committee received the delegation, Representatives Goodnight, of Kentucky, Broderick, of Kansas, Boatner, of Louisiana, and Wolverton, of Pennsylvania. The speech making was begun by Susan B. Anthony, who after a short talk introduced the Rev. Anna H. Shaw, minister of the Protestant Episcopal cburcb. Mrs. Shaw took eloquent exception to the system which copiers suffrage upon all men not idiots. She averred that the male half of creation had resorted to every device of demagogery to deprive the female of her rights. Mrs. Virginia C. Young, of South Carolina, described the trials of women under the present system. Miss Lavinia Hatch, of Massachusetts, spoke of the injustice of taxation without representation, and was followed by Mr. Henry Blackwell, of Massachusetts, a pioneer of the movement. Professor Jennie Gifford, of Buchtel college, Akron, Ohio, urged that all property owners ehonld have a voice m the government. The wife of Representative Waugh, of Indiana, was introduced by Miss Anthony, with the remark that since man and wife were one, and that one might be the wife, in this instance it could be considered that Mr. Waugh was speaking. Miss Augusta Howard, of Georgia, who wore a reform costume, made a humorous speech. Mrs. Stansbury of Colorado, described the recent Colorado campaign for suffrage, which resulted in a victory for women. While the speeches were progressing other members of the committee than the four early comers dropped in, finding seats on the desks or window sills, as the room was crowded, so that the scene was an informal and rather picturesque one for a congressional hearing, brightened by the gowns and bonnets of the delegates. At the close of the hearing, Representative Goodnight promised the delegation consideration for their cause. From the house most of the female suffragists went to tbs senate marble room, where Senators Hoar, Wolcott, Blackburn and Hill, of the senate committee on woman suffrage, gave them a hearing. The speakers before the committee were Rev. Ida Hulin, of Illinois, Miss Alice Stone Blackwell. Mrs. S. B. Mitchell, of Pennsylvania, Mrs. Anna S. Diggs and Representative Davis, of Kansas, Miss Sallie Clay Bennett, of Kentucky, Phoebe Wright, of New Jersey, Mrs. Alice Smith, of Vermont, Mrs. Clara Colby, of Nebraska, Mrs. Jeannette S. French, of Rhode Island, Mrs. Abbey Pesele, of Maine, and Rev. Anna Shaw, president at large of the National Woman’s Suffrage association.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, February 25, 1894
Iowa, England, Rhode Island
The Effort of Her Life.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton is making her most vigorous and what may be her last effort to see women enfranchised before she lays down her pen forever. A grand woman’s rights Rally will soon be held simultaneously all over the country. -New York Ledger.
March 1894
Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 9, 1894
Registration of Women and the New Form Ballot.
The New Ballot Simpler Than the Old
In It the Names of All Candidates for -Each Office Are Printed Together in a Group—The Special Arrangement for Voting a Straight Ticket.
Every voter will be interested in the changes of the election and ballot laws effected by the special session of the General Assembly. The main alteration is in reference to the registration of women. For 5 days, though it may be legally be extended to 20, they will registered by canvassers going from house to house, as already noted in the Chieftain, on the same plan as the men were registered when the Australian law first came into force. Only ladies will be so registered, the men having to present themselves in person at the office of the county clerk or his deputy, as will the women not registered at the end of the time allowed the canvasser to complete his or her work.
The following questions must be answered by the candidate for female suffrage: Name in full; married or single; place of residence, by street and number, or if there be no number, then number of lot, block, addition or division of the city where residence is located; whether owner, tenant or lodged with occupant of residence; whether native born or citizen by marriage to a citizen of the United States, or by naturalization of parents; height, age (it is only necessary to state that the lady is over 21); complexion; color of eyes; profession, business or employment; postoffice address. The canvasser takes down the replies to all of these questions and if the candidate is a voter she is registered without further trouble upon her part. It will be noticed that a specified length of residence in the state, county or precinct is not required of a woman voter. At the end of twenty days, when the canvass must be complete, the fact that the canvass has been completed must be advertised in two newspapers for four weeks. This notice will state that for a period of sixty days from the date of the first publication of the notice, the record of the registration will be open for inspection in the office of the county clerk, and during that time voters may correct any errors or be registered if they have been missed by the canvasser. During this period the voter has only to appear in person to have corrections made, or to be registered, but after that period there can be no change in or addition to the registration lists unless the voter desiring to be registered or to have registration corrected appears at the county clerk’s office with two qualified registered electors as vouchers. In the latter case the applicant and his voucher are required to make oath or affirmation. In case of removal from one county to another after having been registered, the voter can have a certificate of registration for 10 cents, which will entitle him to registration in his new borne. No change can be made in the registration lists within fifteen days of an election, and any voter not properly registered before-that time can not vote. The county clerks provide copies of the registration lists for use at the polls, and for every name incorrectly omitted from list, or added to the list, the county clerk shall forfeit $10. If an elector’s name should be left from the list incorrectly, he or she may vote by securing a certificate of registration from the county clerk. After each election and within thirty days, the county clerk will notify each registered voter who failed to vote at that election, by mail, that he must appear before the county commissioners and show either that he did vote at that election or was entitled to vote or his name will be stricken from the list. The county commissioners are required to divide the city into districts of not less than eight or more than twenty precincts to a district. The county clerk appoints two deputies for each of these registration districts and upon the third Tuesday before each election (next Tuesday), these deputies will open registration offices in each of these districts for the purpose of making registrations. These registration offices will be open from noon until 9 o’clock p. m., for not less than three nor more than five days, beginning with the third Tuesday before election, and the county clerk is required to advertise the names of the deputies, time and place of registration, and voters may register at these places the same as at the county clerk’s office. This, in brief, is the new registration law as applied to cities. The new ballot law applies to the whole state, and will be used at all spring elections in the state, whether town, city or county. The new ballot is really more simple than the old style. At the top of the ballot is printed the name of each party having a ticket in the field, together with the emblem of the party. If the voter desires to vote a straight ticket he has only to make a cross mark in the square opposite the name and emblem of the party whose ticket he desires to vote. Below this arrangement for voting a straight ticket the names of all the candidates are arranged under the title of the office for which they are candidates. That is, all the candidates for governor are together under the title “for governor,” and under the title -‘for sheriff” appears all the candidates for that office, arranged in alphabetical order, without reference to party. After the name of each candidate is given the came of the political party or parties by whom nominated. Full instructions are printed upon the ballot to guide the voter, so that mistakes are not so likely to occur as under the old ballot. If the voter does not wish to vote a straight ticket he must make a cross mark opposite the name of each candidate he wishes to vote for, in the place left and designated for that purpose. Sample ballots and copies of the new law have been sent to County Clerk Henderson so that the new ballot will soon be familiar to all. It is not nearly so cumbersome as the old ballot and will doubtless meet with favor.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 10, 1894
What the opinion of college women is on the question of suffrage maybe gathered from the fact that 500 Wellesley college women sent a congratulatory telegram to the Colorado Suffrage association when women gained the ballot in that state.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 11, 1894
A Correspondent Writes Pithily and Interestingly on the Suffrage Question,
To the Editor of the CHIEFTAIN.
I have been a constant reader and admirer of the Chieftain for years. Its pages are not only filled with good hard sense but with polished wit and keen edged satire. Since the woman’s campaign began I have heard many hard things said, and find that many of our best women have misunderstood your paper. They claim that the Chieftain is opposed to women and works against them constantly. I have watched your columns carefully and fail to find this much talked of opposition. In debating this subject I have always claimed that the brightest daily paper in Colorado worked on broader lines than these and that when the proper time arrived it would most certainly join the procession. I believe that I am entirely right in making this claim. In your paper of March 5, I find the brightest and funniest hit yet made on this subject. Ton say: “It was a great novelty when women acquired the franchise in Colorado, but when they step in where angels have hitherto feared to tread and carry off two of the fat state offices, man that is of few days and full of trouble asks ‘Where is this going to stop?” What a delicious morsel of sarcasm that contains. But why should you turn on the poor men of Colorado in such unfeeling manner, alluding to them as angels? Oh my! Having lived with him it is hard for the mind of the average married woman to grasp this idea of man, and whoever can imagine an angel dressed in such attire? Then, too, you insinuate that these same men—or angels—had not the courage to walk in and possess themselves of such fat offices. So “fools walk in where angels fear to tread.” It is hard for the struggling soul of man to find that the sharpest thrusts come from the hand of a man and brother. Surely this is the unkindest cut of all. I have made somewhat of a study of the different phases of this question of a “Woman’s Era,” and as I listen to the wise sayings of the bright women at the Suffrage league and other gatherings of the kind I become more and more convinced of the need of earnest champions for the rights of man. And so. although his cause seems to grow more helpless and forlorn, and with you. I feel inclined to ask “Where is this going to stop?” still my voice shall, on all suitable occasions, ever be heard pleading for the rights of the downtrodden and the oppressed. -Clara Doyle. Pueblo, March 10,1894.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 11, 1894
Woman’s Republican Club.
The women of Bessemer who yield allegiance to republican principles have decided to organize, and will meet Tuesday at 2 p. m. in the Dempsey-Langdon hall to form a club.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 14, 1894
Governor Osborne, of Wyoming, congratulated Colorado on the adoption of female suffrage, which has been in successful operation since 1869 in Wyoming.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 14, 1894
Bessemer Ladies Effect Political Organization and Elect Officers.
Nineteen of Bessemer’s republican ladies met at the Dempsey-Langdon hall yesterday afternoon and organized a woman’s political club. Mrs. M. Marble was chosen president, Miss Alice Rickabaugh secretary, Miss Mary Little financial and corresponding secretary and Miss Alice Chase treasurer. Committees on hall, by laws and constitution were appointed and the following were selected to secure recruits for the club. Mrs. Montgomery, Miss Rickabaugh, Mrs. Gardner and Mrs. Moore. The club will meet at 2:30 tomorrow at the Dampsey-Langdon hall and at the same hour each succeeding Friday.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 16, 1894
Bessemer Woman’s Republican Club.
Judge W. J. Darnell addressed the Woman’s Republican club of the Eighth ward yesterday afternoon in Dempsey-Langdon hall. The speaker made a good, sensible talk on the duties of the qualified voter and his remarks were well received.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 18, 1894
The Monday Evening club will meet tomorrow at the residence of E. F. Gladwin, 305 west Twelfth street. W. L. Hartman will lead on the subject, “The Future of Our Public Schools.”
Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 20, 1894
That is the Number Now Sitting in the Council Chamber.
The Annexation of Bessemer to Pueblo City Seeing to Be Now Complete— Messrs. Kirk and Leithead Are the Eighth Ward Aldermen—Petition for a Cigarette Ordinance Granted—Bessemer Council Adjourns Sine Die.
In the absence of Mayor Strpit Alderman Valentine, president of the council, presided. All the aldermen were present. After the reading of the minutes a recess was taken to await the arrival of representatives of the Bessemer city council.
In a short time President Valentine called the council to order to listen to the reading of a petition for the passing of an ordinance prohibiting the sale or gift of cigarettes to boys of all ages. The petition was signed by Mrs. M. Patterson, president of the W. C. T. U.; Mrs. E. P. Fish, president Woman’s Suffrage league; George J. Dunbaugh and Frederick Rohrer, presidents of the school boards; Rev. N. L. Reynolds, president Ministers’ association; G. C. Huntington, secretary Y. M. C. A., and others.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 20, 1894
The Ladies Republican club will hold the first public meeting of the campaign at the Bessemer City Hall tonight, which will be addressed by Hon. G. W. Collins. A cordial invitation is extended to all voters—especially lady voters, to attend.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 20, 1894
(someone came down from Denver a few days earlier to set up a Republican League)
Headquarters Opened.
Republican headquarters in the Board of Trade building were opened yesterday and the attendance was very large. The latest periodicals and daily papers are on hand and all are welcome. Thursday evening a meeting for the organization of a republican league club will be held and the ladies are specially invited to be present.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 23, 1894
Organization of a Club in Pueblo Last Night.
Starts Out With a Membership of 475
Organizer C. W. Varnum Explains Its Objects—A. M. Nicholas President and Three Officers are Ladies.
An enthusiastic meeting of republicans was held at the Board of Trade hall last evening for the purpose of organizing a republican club, and before the meeting adjourned the work was accomplished and 475 members enrolled. There were many ladies present and in the selection of officers half the honors were voted to their sex. Chairman J. P. Drake called the meeting to order at 8.20 and called attention to the deplorable condition in which the country and state were, and the necessity for organization by the members of the republican party. He referred to the fact that ladies were present by special invitation, congratulated them on the interest they had thus shown in politics and said that after they became more used to campaigning their presence would elevate its general tone and make it more pleasant for all. Mr. J. N. Langworthy was elected chairman of the meeting and Mr. George M. Brigham, temporary secretary. Mr. C. W. Varnum, secretary and state organizer of the Republican League of Colorado, was introduced and was received with applause. He began by stating that he was a republican partisan. He had no respect for a non-partisan who was a one-winged bird fluttering aimlessly and hopelessly through life only to die at last a dishonorable death and sink into the oblivion of forgetfulness. He denounced the idea that a politician must be necessarily vile, and after a few sentences regarding national politics, the speaker said that the election of a president was not of such great moment to the business and social interests of the people of Colorado as the choice of a governor. Continuing, he warned his hearers against apathy on election day, and said that the Republican league had been organized for the purpose of keeping up enthusiasm within the ranks of the party. The league was organized in 1887 and there were now in the United States 15,000 clubs. Its purposes were not to influence republican conventions but to work for the election of republican tickets. The annual national convention would be held in Denver, June 26, and it was the first time a national republican convention had been obtained for this state. Denver had agreed to raise $15,000 for the expenses of the convention and they wanted Pueblo to help. Secretary Brigham read the constitution of the republican league. Dr. M. M. Hatfield made a short address that evoked loud enthusiasm, being thoroughly republican in sentiment, witty, clever and eloquent. Mrs. Lulu Lee Varnum also addressed the audience for a few minutes. The organization of the club then proceeded, the constitution as read by the secretary being adopted without comment. A. M. Nicholas was nominated for the position of president of the club by E. C. Glenn and there was no opposition to his election. Prank P. Lannon named Mrs. Dr. Hatfield for first vice president and there was no objection. Other officers were elected as follows: Second vice president, Mrs. A. W. McCoy. Secretary, George M. Brigham. Corresponding secretary, Mrs. M. J. Fox. Treasurer, J. B. Blackburn. Grand marshal, Cash Moses. The club will be known as the Republican league of Pueblo, and will meet every Thursday evening.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 23, 1894
The public meeting under the auspices of the Ladies Republican club of Bessemer set for Tuesday night and postponed on account of the weather will be held this evening at the Bessemer city hall.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 23, 1894
Election Notice.
I, Lewis B Strait, mayor of the city of Pueblo, Colorado, do under and by virtue of the provision of an act entitled, “An act to amend an act entitled an act in relation to municipal corporations,” approved April 4th. 1877, and the acts amendatory thereto, hereby proclaim that the regular annual city election of said city will be held on Tuesday, the 3rd day of April, 1894, in the several precincts of said city, for the election of the following officers, to be voted for by the qualified electors of said city. One alderman from the First ward. One alderman from the Second ward. One alderman from the Third ward. Ono alderman from the Fourth ward. One alderman from the Fifth ward. One alderman from the Sixth ward. One alderman from the Seventh ward. Two aldermen from the Eighth ward. The following named persons are appointed judges of the election in the several precincts of said city and the following polling places designated in the several precincts, to-wit:
Precinct No. 1—Ed. Jordan, G. W. Williford, J. C. Hamilton. Polling place, court house,
Precinct No. 2—W. E. Singer, Mrs. E. O. Nash, J. T. Gannon. Polling place. Grand hotel.
Precinct No. 3-H. 0. Drake, T. P. Peale, E. R. Chew. Polling place, Corner Twenty-Fifth and Court streets.
Precinct No. 4—C. L. Sleade, James Muldoon, Roland Hoy. Polling place, Colored Baptist church, corner Eighth and Greenwood.
Precinct No. 5—R. J. Belville. Mrs. J. S. Patterson, William Peach. Polling place. No 1138 west Thirteenth street.
Precinct No. 6—W. M. Oungst. W. C. Darby, A. W. Arrington. Polling place, No. 1601 west Eighteenth street, corner of Hooper.
Precinct No. 7—John Spencer, Andy Baker, A. C. Schafer. Polling place, Neilsen’s store room. Fourth and West.
Precinct No. 8—J. B. Yeith. Mrs. Arthur Whitehead, John S. McGregor. Polling place, Pueblo Carriage Co’s.. Court street. between Third and Fourth.
Precinct No 9—E. E. Kiesel, J. J. Willard, George W. Smith Polling place, Highberger block. Main street, near Santa Fe tracks.
Precinct No. 10—Ludwig Kramer. Mrs. Sam Sands, M. C. Donnelly. Polling place, John Arthur’s shop, east Fourth street.
Precinct No. 11—Peter Spurgeon, Mrs. William Goodman. William Colly. Polling place, No. 104 Bradford street, Johnston terrace.
Precinct No. 12—S. D. Brosius, J. D. Brown. E. C. Downer. Polling place, No. 601 east Eleventh, corner of Water.
Precinct No. 13—Mrs. C. M. Noble, James McGee, A. L. Hopkins. Polling place, store room No. 616 east Fourth street.
Precinct No. 14—It appearing from the registration books in the office of the county clerk that there are no legal voters residing in the city limits in this precinct there will be no polling place designated nor judges appointed.
Precinct No. 15-J. H. Frain. J. T. Lewie, James Lewis. Polling place, No. 306 Plum street.
Precinct No. 16—J. T. Harris, Thomas Yassault. James M. Kelley. Polling place, store room No. 328 south Main street.
Precinct No. 17-Jay Cullings. Mrs. Will Bump. Albert Murray. Poling place, C. J. Long’s carpenter shop.
Precinct No. 18-W. P. Weed, Miss Mary Brown, E. G. Middelkamp. Polling place. Swedish church, block V, Corona park.
Precinct No. 19-Charles Olson, Miss Mary Little. Frank Benett. Poling place, Sol. Fisher’s stable, Fairview avenue, corner Abriendo
Precinct No. 20-Andy Glover, John Hopkins. W E. Mahar. Polling place. Hose house No. 2.
Precinct No. 21—W. J. Darnell, W. J. Prairie, James Ferguson. Poling place, Bessemer city hall
Precinct No. 22-J. B Jones, Mrs. E. P. Fish, Thomas B. Kaylor. Polling place, Hose House No. 3.
Precinct No. 23—T. J. Hurford, Will Strait, F. A. Morath. Polling place. Royal Stables, corner Evans and Union avenues.
Precinct No. 24—H. S. Van Keuren, W. A. Craft. W. Pond. Polling place, southwest corner of Broadway and Grant street.
Precinct No. 42-W. M. Cochran, George Fariss, Hugh McCafferty. Polling place. Birch’s Livery Stable.
Precinct No. 43—W. C. Slawson, Mrs. Sperry. Matt McCabe. Polling place. No. 321 Victoria avenue.
Precinct No. 44—Robert McFedries, Mrs, Robert Grant, John P. Meyer. Polling place, northeast corner of east Seventh and Mesa streets.
Precinct No. 47—W. H. Hyde, Otto Rettberg, Harry McNeil. Polling place, store room, northeast corner Grand avenue and Sixth street.
Precinct No 48-Charles E. Cherrington, M. French. P. J. Dugan. Polling place. No. 407 west Seventeenth street, corner of Grand avenue.
Precinct No. 49—D. S. Stevens, John Pritchard, H. K. Palmer. Polling place, southeast corner Richmond avenue and Main street.
Precinct No.. 50. B. G. Jones, Mrs. E. H. Timmes, G. H. Wasson. Polling place. No 1004 Ash street.
Precinct No. 51-S. M. Davis, Klaas Wildeboor, Williamm F. McCaffertv Polling place, store room No. 709 east B street.
Precinct No. 52-J. K. tihireman, P. O. Gaynor, H. Stewart. Polling place, dwelling No. 44, Block F, Corona Park.
Precinct No. 53—John Lynch, Mrs. D. C. Porter, R.H. Allen. Polling place, A. H. Hull’s stable, sw corner of Topaz and Stone streets.
Dated at Pueblo, Colorado, this 21st day of March, A. D. 1894. L. B. Strait, Mayor. Attest: C. E. Boss, City Clerk.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 24, 1894
The canvass will be completed today.
Eighty five republican ladies of the Eighteenth precinct joined the Republican league last night.
Hon. G. W. Collins addressed a crowded meeting of the Eighth ward ladies’ republican club last night.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 25, 1894
(not sure what kind of club this is)
Bessemer Saturday Night Club.
The Bessemer Saturday night club elected officers last evening as follows: President, H. F. Johnston; vice president, Miss Mary Miller; secretary, Ernest Harris; treasurer, John Robinson.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 31, 1894
Some of the ladies of the Equal Suffrage league complain bitterly of the impolite notion of some of the men in attendance at the late city primaries. Now, girls, you can not reform and purify political primaries nor mend the manner of rough men in a few days. It takes time to bring about such things, but with patience and perseverance you may succeed in making silk purses out of sows’ ears.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 31, 1894
An Alleged Attempt to Endorse the Fusionists.
Spurious Resolutions Published on a Hand Bill—Mrs. Fox, Chairman of the Resolutions Committee, Would Not Consent to the Display of Partisan Spirit—She is Backed by Other Influential Ladies.
There is war in the ranks of the Equal Suffrage league of Pueblo. The objects of the organization are to look after the rights of women of all shades of political belief and to take no partisan action as a body. This was all well and good so long as the ladies could not exercise the franchise, but now political preference has begun to crop up at the meetings and it gives promise of leading to internicine warfare. Some of the members have been at it hot and heavy for a few days, and the question in dispute is not settled yet.
At a meeting of the league two weeks ago a number of east side ladies desired that action be taken with reference to the allegations of roughness and the prevention of ladies from voting at the Second ward primaries. Dr. Hatfield named three ladies and the league appointed them as follows: Mrs. N. J. S. Fox, republican, chairman; Mrs. L. A. Stevens, democrat, and Mrs. Alex. G. Darley, prohibitionist. The committee were not ready to report at the next meeting held last Tuesday and were instructed to go ahead with the matter and report to the executive committee.
Mrs. Fox, chairman of the committee, was seen by a reporter for the Chieftain last night and she tells the story from that time on. Mrs. Fox says the committee on resolutions met in her rooms Wednesday afternoon and there were present also Mrs. Gallup and Mrs. Page of the executive board. Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. Darley presented a long string of resolutions condemning the candidate of the Second ward in the matter and intimating that he should be voted down.
Mrs. Fox would not hear of them as they were bitterly partisan and for that reason opposed to the essential principles of the league. She thought they ought to be modified to suit the facts of the case, whatever they were, none of the members of the committee having been present at the primaries. Then a long and very warm debate followed, and some of the speeches were of a decidedly political nature, free trade and other questions being discussed.
The shades of night began to approach and Mrs. Fox suggested that she be allowed to draft a set of resolutions and the other members of the committee agreed to this if Mrs. Fox would guarantee to have them published. Mrs. Fox could not see her way to pledge herself that the resolutions should be printed as she had no control over the papers and one lady suggested that they be printed on a handbill.
Mrs. Sperry had come in a few minutes before and she made a vigorous talk on the question and heartily fell in with the dodger plan, saying she would guarantee payment for the work. However, as Mrs. Fox, Mrs. Gallup and Mrs. Page were the only members of the executive committee present, and it required a quorum of four to take action anyhow, the meeting adjourned till Thursday morning. Then Mrs. Darley appeared with an entirely new set of resolutions of strong partisan character and thought they would suit much better than any others. Mrs. Fox read the resolutions she had prepared but the other members of the committee would have nothing to do with them and they left the room.
Yesterday the handbill resolutions headed “Resolutions of the Equal Suffrage League,” and signed by Mrs. Darley and Mrs. Stevens as the committee, appeared, and these Mrs. Fox declares to be spurious and unauthorized by the league. The committee were delegated to draft resolutions and submit them to the executive committee, a majority of whom could declare them to be an expression of the opinion of the league, but, as a matter of fact, they were approved by no one but the two ladies whose names are attached and are not officially from the league, having, therefore, only individual weight.
Mrs. Fox protests against subverting the league to political ends and in this she is vigorously backed up by Dr. Hatfield. An effort is being made by a few to swing the league to the populistic column, it is said, against the will of the majority, and an exciting session is looked for at the next meeting. Mrs. Sperry says she does not know anything about the muddle, only being at the meeting a few minutes. She had been told the morning of the meeting by fourteen ladies that they were willing to pay for the publication of the resolutions and on that strength she said that the publication would be paid for but did not say she would stand good for the work.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 31, 1894
Members of the Bessemer Club Hold a Meeting.
The Ladies Republican club of Bessemer held a meeting yesterday afternoon, a very interesting and instructive session of two hours resulting. Mrs. Marble presided and Mrs. Euntz acted as secretary. Major M. Williams, candidate for alderman in the Eighth ward, made a short address and Mrs. Marble explained the details of voting under the new ballot law, with particular reference to the manner of voting the straight republican ticket. She urged all republican ladies to be sure to vote and impressed them with the importance of the republicans winning this spring in view of the campaign ahead next fall. The ladies decided to organize under the Republican National league independent of the city league and will accept an invitation to visit headquarters. A petition to the city council against the granting of a saloon license for a building on Evans avenue was signed by all present and will go to the council at its next meeting. Monday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the Bessemer city hall the club will be addressed by Mrs. Mary T. Telford on “We, the unsolved problem.’’ The next regular meeting will take place Friday at 2:30 o’clock.
April 1894
Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 1, 1894
appears in subsequent editions
Some evil-disposed and malicious person has started a story to the effect that I am opposed to woman suffrage. It would be but base flattery to brand the anther as a cowardly and dastardly falsifier. I have espoused the cause of woman suffrage for nineteen years, and I will agree to forfeit $500 to any charitable institution if I can not prove my assertion beyond any possibility of a doubt. Respectfully, F. P. Lannon.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 1, 1894
The Ladies’ Republican club of Bessemer will meet at the Bessemer city hall Monday evening. Mrs. Dr. Hatfield will be the principal speaker.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 1, 1894
Clara Doyle Writes Pertinently of the Hydra-Headed Ticket.
To the Editor of the Chieftain:
I notice that certain journals of this city are very much shocked because of on alleged quarrel in the camp of the Equal Suffrage league. When the time arrives that any body of representative women can get together and make such an exhibition of themselves and of their tempers as did the learned gentlemen the halls of Congress a few days since, when they defied the chair, shouted to members to “shut up” using the language and refined manners of a gang of hoodlums, it will then be time enough for the superior sex to talk about the “monkey and the parrot business. At the present moment, however, such criticism comes with a bad grace. My dear brother, don’t you know that men and women are very much alike, and that humanity is moved and actuated by motives and influences that appeal with like force to both sexes? Let man, who claims superior wisdom, give to the admiring eyes of woman great and illustrious examples of perfection and my word for it—she will make an effort to stand beside him on that dizzy height. The Equal Suffrage league is a nonpartisan organization and level-headed, members should not allow the league, as a body, to be identified with any political party whatever. Their place is in the middle of the road. The ambitious populist makes a great mistake when he thinks that all women are to be won by his stale flattery. The man who is now courting woman most sweetly and untiringly is the one who a very short time ago was forced to leave the ranks of the old parties, because in the purity of his soul, and with his lofty aspirations and longings for the beautiful and the good (and a little office thrown in), he could no longer affiliate with men of baser ambition. He belongs to the great party of reform and moral integrity, When, bland and smiling, he steps out upon the platform to endeavor to mould the plastic mind of woman, he invariably says that he is so delighted to see so many fair faces before him; he always did admire and love the women, and from his youth up be has fairly pined to see them have their rights. He says that his party gave the franchise to women and appeals to them now to show their gratitude by casting a solid populist vote—while woman, a basely ungrateful being—listens with apparent admiration, meanwhile stowing away a large sized laugh in her sleeve. We all get a little bilious towards spring, and this is a very good time to take our medicine, but the nauseous dose as offered by the mongrel ticket is just a little too bad to swallow. I respect the man who, while he may have altogether mistaken views, is at the same time honest in his belief, who stands out boldly and does battle for his principles and for his party. But when the loud voiced moralist and apostle of reform will for the sake of a petty office and the spoils therefrom consent to embrace and affiliate with his most loathsome and hated enemies he forfeits all claim to the tolerance of honest people. Let him be buried too deep for resurrection. The intelligent women of Pueblo will not be led astray by sophistry or hypocrisy. They will vote for the party that saved this nation in its extreme hour of peril, and gave us thirty years of unparalleled prosperity. They will vote for the party that believes in an equal value and purchasing power for the gold and the silver dollar, and protects American industries while upholding the dignity of labor by giving fair wages to the workingman, instead of forcing him down to the level of European labor and starvation. They will vote for the party that has never forgotten what this country owes the old soldier, and that does not show its gratitude by taking a paltry pension away from him in his hour of need. Democracy with its free trade and poverty, socialism with ignorance and anarchy will be snowed under. Clara Doyle. Pueblo, March 31,1894.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 2, 1894
The quarrels among the women who compose the Equal Suffrage league are unfortunate. The league is supposed to be a non-partisan organization to instruct the women voters in the noble profession of politics. The attempts of certain sharp politicians to use it for their own purposes will result in its early dissolution. Some of the members are already rendering themselves ridiculous and should place a guard over that unruly weapon the tongue.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 2, 1894
F. P. McLellan offered the woman suffrage resolution at the first People’s Party state convention in Colorado, May, 1§92. With the aid of two other gentlemen he supported it so zealously and persistently that it was adopted, despite much, bitter opposition on grounds of expediency. Mr. McLellan is editor and manager of the El Paso County Herald, in which he says: “Every member of The Herald company is individually in earnest sympathy with Miss Frances E. Willard and with every woman who seconds her efforts. We indorse practically every sentence she writes, and the editor personally would vote to nominate and elect her to the presidency.”
Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 2, 1894
A Correction.
To the Editor of the Chieftain. I wish to correct a statement made in Sunday’s Chieftain about the league that was started in East Pueblo on Saturday. It was a Ladies’ Equal Suffrage league. We are not so benighted as to have just started a W. C. T. U. league. There has been one in good working order in that part of the city for five years. Very respectfully, Mrs. M. B, Webster, 815 east Second street. Pueblo, April 1,1894.
Republicans Assured of a Sweeping Victory Today.
Dirty Campaign Slurs Refuted.
Republican headquarters was the liveliest place in town last evening, hundreds of people being present and moving in and out.
Frank P. Lennon’s traducers will find tonight that their cowardly slurs have made friends for the man they seek to down. Mr. Lannon has been most shamefully maligned for political effect, the I charge that he was opposed to woman suffrage and other equally false reports not being backed up with proof of even an indirect nature. Mr. Lannon is deserving of the support of every man and woman who believes in fair play in politics as well as business.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 4, 1894
The Equal Suffrage association of Denver has come to grief after the manner of the Pueblo body. In the language of the Republican it is “bifurcated.” The republican women and their populist sisters fail to agree, the former being in the majority. Instead of leaving the room with a hurrah, hiring another hall and organizing a new association the minority simply refused to vote. Women have much to learn in politics. It seems that during all of the row none of them were drunk and there were no knock downs. What is the respectable and exciting profession of politics coming to?
Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 4, 1894
The Republicans Meet the Demo-Pop-Labor Combination
And With the Aid of Women Good and True
An Overwhelming Victory Scored by the Republicans in the City Election Tuesday—A Combination that Did Not Combine and a Fusion that Refused to Fuse—The Unholy Alliance Defeated in Nearly Every Precinct by Large Majorities—The stay-at-Home Vote Very Heavy—The Women Take a Prominent Part In Work at the Polls.
Straight tickets have been of no avail, fusion has proved worse, even tripartite alliances were futile in efforts to overcome the republican majority in Pueblo. The entire republican ticket of nine aldermen was elected yesterday by an average majority of 1,400 votes. This, too, in a vote of less than 5,500, of whom onethird were women, although in some precincts the ladies attended the polls in greater numbers than the men. The republicans had a perfect organization and the best of leadership. Their workers were kept hard at it and the greatest efforts were made to get the ladies out, a large majority of the women who voted being republicans. Women served as judges, clerks and poll workers and it was apparent at every voting booth that the fair sex were taking an active part in the contest. There was complete absence of rowdy ism everywhere and the occasion was a pleasant inauguration of the equal suffrage system especially considering the returns. The total registration was 8,010, but less than 5,500 of these cast their ballots, showing that general interest in the result was not as acute as generally supposed. All the republican candidates received over 3,000 votes, Mr. McGregor leading, while Mr. West was given the highest vote on the fusion ticket. Though the general result was not surprising, the figures will set many people to wondering how the Waterloo occurred in face of the fact that at previous elections the combined vote of the democrats and populists would have defeated the republicans. Probably the only and reasonable explanation is that the rank and file of the fusion parties did not follow in the path set by the leaders. Returns of the voting began to arrive than during the campaign just closed. It should not be forgotten that among those who have heretofore opposed us many rose above mere partisanship and helped to swell our unprecedented majority. All who participated deserve praise.
J. F. Drake, Chairman Rep. Com. Pueblo,
April 4, 1891.
Those having claims against the republican central committee will call at my office this Wednesday afternoon. J. F. Drake, Chairman.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 7, 1894
The Republican League Will Be a Steady Political Factor.
Speeches by Several Republicans—The Club Will Meet Every Other Thursday and Take Steps to Popularise the Meetings—A Glee Club to Be Formed.
Last night’s meeting of the Pueblo Republican league was held at the court house and was well attended. While billed as a regular meeting of the league it partook to some extent of a ratification. The question of further meetings was discussed and the purposes of the formation of the club were tacitly decided to have been not only the carrying of Tuesday’s election but of all subsequent ones. The club will live and grow, and to the national league meeting in Denver June 27 they hope to send an immense delegation to swell the throng that will be there. Dr. Hatfield, the vice president, called the meeting to order in the absence of President Nicholas, who came in later. Secretary Brigham read the minutes, which were approved. Hon. Platt Wicks, Mr. H. M. Morse and Mrs. E. E. Utter were appointed a committee to draft by-laws for the government of the club. The question of future meetings was then discussed at some length. Hon. Platt Wicks made a short talk in which he roundly condemned the populist state government for the disgrace they had brought on the fair name of the state and said the party was destructive. Referring to the enfranchisement of women he said that the good work that had been done in almost every part of the state was due in greater measure to the women than the men and he wished to pay a tribute to the good sense of the ladies and the splendid work they had performed on the first occasion of their use of the great power conferred on them. He urged the keeping up of interest in the Republican league in view of the important election next fall, which would be a struggle for the life of the state financially, the responsibility, integrity and honor of the state, not with our own people alone, but in the eyes of the people of the entire United States from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from the snowy north to the sunshiny south. Mrs. N. J. S. Fox said she had so many thoughts on the subject of politics that she could not express them in ten years. While only recently identified with the republican party as a voter she had been with them in spirit for many years and she knew of no other party that had ever done anything for the people. The franchise was a power that she greatly appreciated and she could not say too much to express her thanks to the men of Colorado for the progressive step they had made in admitting women to an equality with them in political elections and she thought the result this spring had thoroughly justified the act as proving that the women did know how to vote and vote intelligently. Mr. H. M. Morse congratulated the republican party, the league, and the chairman of the central committee on the splendid victory achieved. He also congratulated the republican party on the fact that many had returned to the fold from the people’s party. He admitted that before the franchise had been extended to the women he thought it a serious aud doubtful experiment but he found that he was badly mistaken— the ladies did know how to vote and they had proved it, and he wished to congratulate them on the unbounded success that had attended the experiment. He advocated taking back into the party with open arms all who had wandered into the camp of the enemy. Senator Drake hardly thought he was entitled to as much credit as had been bestowed on him. The people of the entire city were to be congratulated. It had happened whenever be had been chairman that the ticket was elected, but he did not arrogate the credit to himself but to the rank and file of the party. He referred to the election practices of some years ago, in the early 80’s, when any man could take a bunch of 10 or 100 or 500 names to the judges and have them registered without any addresses being given. He was at that time chairman of Precinct 13, and on one occasion he had a complete canvass of the precinct made and found that one-third ot the registered voters were spurious. There were 1,300 names registered and of these 425 were absolutely illegal and void. He did the challenging, and after half a dozen men had been arrested the balance of the 425 did not show up. As a result the entire republican ticket with the exception of treasurer was elected, the first time in the history of Pueblo that a republican had held office. Whenever the registration was legal and complete Pueblo would always go republican. This year, a great deal of the success of the ticket must be attributed to the league and he was earnest in advocating the continuance of the club between elections with regular meetings. The league was not formed alone to assist in carrying the election of Tuesday, but that of next fall and particularly of 1896. The ladies were entitled to a great deal of credit for the work they had done in the campaign. He had always had apprehensions on the subject of the enfranchisement of women but more intelligent, more thorough work he had never seen than was exhibited by some of the women and he was gratified that they showed so much sense. If they would not allow their prejudices to run away with their judgment and try to revolutionize the world they would prove to be excellent members of the republican party to which it seemed a majority of them belonged. President Nicholas was heartily in favor of keeping up the club and he wanted to see a big delegation go to Denver on the occasion of the meeting of the national league. He thought if the club would decide when to meet the executive committee would secure a central place. The club decided to meet every other Thursday evening and the executive committee were requested to secure a hall in a central location or if unable the meetings will be held at the court house. Secretary Brigham suggested a way in which interest in the club might be kept up by the getting up of glee club, entertainments, etc. The chair appointed Mrs. E. E. Utter a committee of one with power to select two others to organize a glee club in connection with the league. A unanimous and hearty vote of thanks was tendered to Chairman Drake for the masterly manner in which he conducted the late campaign. The senator responded in a modest way, turning much of the credit to the rank and file of the party. The executive committee will meet in the office of President Nicholas next Saturday at 4 p. m.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 7, 1894
Organization Effected Last Night—Vigorous Campaign to be Inaugurated.
The prohibitionists are laying their plans to carry the state this fall. Until recently the enfranchised portion of the party was a very small percentage, but with equal suffrage the organization of a political army that will be a power is looked for. Mrs. Mary J. Telford, president of the Colorado W. C. T. U„ refers to the surprise on the occasion of the populist victory of 1392, and also to the one that struck the people when equal suffrage carried last fall, and thinks that a third surprise by the election of a state prohibition ticket would be delightful. This party as a political factor has not been given consideration by the politicians in past campaigns but the members now see a bright outlook and will make every effort to take advantage of it. For this reason a meeting of prohibitionists was held last evening at the office of Mr. A. C. Foote on Santa Fe avenue to discuss the situation. Mr. Foote acted as chairman and Miss Mary G. Darley was secretary. About twenty ladies and gentlemen were present and most of them made short talks, all seeming to think that a time for action had arrived and that stronger efforts should be made than ever to spread the prohibition sentiment among the people. Mrs. Telford saw no reason why the prohibition party with the aid of the enfranchised women should not be a strong political party, and Mrs. Patterson said that the W. C. T. U. had appointed a superintendent of mothers meetings whose duties would be to visit those meetings and talk prohibition. The Prohibition club of Pueblo county was then organized with officers as follows: Mrs. S. D. Curtiss, president; Mr. A. C. Foote, vice president; Miss Mary G. Darley, secretary; Mr. Thomas R. Jones, treasurer. These officers with Mr. Jacob Saylor form the executive committee, and they were given power to appoint a committee to solicit funds with which to carry on the campaign. A chairman in each of the 53 precincts of the county will be appointed and an effort made to organize a club in each precinct.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 8, 1894
This Organization Will Be Educational and Non-Partisan.
The East Pueblo Equal Suffrage league met Friday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Foster, 816 east Fifth Street, with a large attendance and had an interesting meeting, Mrs. M. J. Suter, president. The league is a strictly non-partisan organization and has for its aims and objects the educational advancement of its members upon the leading questions of the day. On Saturday, March 31, a number of ladies assembled in the Second Street Methodist church and after listening to an interesting address on “Woman’s Responsibility” by Mrs. Telford, the league was organized with a membership of 24. Mrs. Curtis was appointed chairman and the election of officers resulted as follows:
President, Mrs. M. J. Suter;
vice president, Mrs. Mary E. Wooton;
secretary, Mrs. George F. Adair;
treasurer, Mrs. Lucinda Smith;
executive committee, Mrs. Goodman, Mrs. Bartholomew and Mrs. Webster.
The league will meet at the residence of Mrs. Foster, 816 east Fifth street, next Friday, April 13, at 2:30 p. m. An invitation is extended to all ladies interested to attend.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 10, 1894
(at a city council meeting)
Almost fifty members of the Bessemer Ladies’ Republican club protested against the granting of a saloon license for a building on Evans avenue. Received filed and concurred in.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 13, 1894
Dress reform is the latest fad among the women of Denver. The proposed reform costume is not pretty and corsets and whalebones are to be abandoned. The Colorado Rational Dress club will last about three weeks.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 20, 1894
The East Pueblo Equal Suffrage league will meet this afternoon at 2:30 at the residence of Mrs. M. E. Wooton, 917 East Third street.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 20, 1894
There are other such announcements on other days. I did not include them all.
Bessemer Republican Ladies’ Meeting.
The Woman’s Republican club of Bessemer will have a meeting at 7:30 o’clock this evening at the Bessemer city hall. Good speakers will be in attendance, and important business is to be transacted.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 21, 1894
Mineral Palace Casket Will Find a Permanent Home
Ladies of the Columbian Club Vote to Donate the Handsome Casket to the Woman’s Museum at Chicago Where the Montana Nail and the Nebraska Hammer Will Be. In the Woman’s Museum to be located in Chicago in all probability, the handsome Mineral Palace casket sent by the ladies of Pueblo to the World’s fair as a receptacle for the Montana nail and Nebraska hammer used at the dedication of the Woman’s building, will find a permanent home. When the exposition closed and the casket was returned to Pueblo the question arose as to what final disposition was to be made of Mr. Otero’s handsome production of the jeweler’s art. Mrs. M. D. Thatcher, one of the Colorado lady managers, called a meeting of the Ladies’ Columbian club for 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon at her home to determine what was to be done with the casket. It had been gotten up by the club with her assistance and it was of course thought best to have the club make disposition of it. After some discussion it was unanimously voting to give the casket outright to the woman’s museum for which Potter Palmer has given $l00,000. The museum will in all likelihood be in Chicago in connection with the Field art museum. This course was decided on as the best from a business standpoint as well as a means of having Colorado women permanently represented in the collection of woman’s work from the World’s fair. The Montana nail and the Nebraska hammer have also been donated to the museum and with the casket will form an appropriate and lasting memento of the first great exposition where woman was accorded proper recognition. Women from all over Europe have signified their desire to give something appropriate for this museum and from far away Japan word has come that many of the handsome and expensive pieces of woman’s work shown at Chicago last summer are at the disposal of the museum. The album of Pueblo views that was on exhibition at the fair will be placed in the Mineral Palace. The casket is now in the city and when the proper time comes it will be shipped to its permanent home.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, April 28, 1894
President of the Woman’s Republican Association Will Visit Pueblo.
Mrs. N. J. S. Fox has received a reply to her letter recently addressed to Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, president of the Woman’s Republican association of the United States inviting her to Pueblo. The letter is dated at Washington, D. C, April 23, and is as follows:
Mrs. N. J. S. Fox. Corresponding Secretary Republican League, Pueblo, Colo.: Dear Madame—Your letter of late date received, I am indeed glad to know from your own pen, what I had read in the public press, that Colorado women are honoring their citizenship by hearty action at the polls. I never feared that men as a class would fail to receive them courteously. 1 am coming to Colorado very soon, and shall hope to visit your city and meet your club. I will write you from Denver and arrange details.
Yours for the home and the flag, J. Ellen Foster.
May 1894
Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 3, 1894
The East Pueblo Equal Suffrage league will meet at the home of Mrs. Runner, 905 east Fourth street, next Friday at 2:30 o’clock. A good attendance is urgently requested, as business of importance will come before the league.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 4, 1894
The fellow who originated the wise saw about the “office seeking the man” lived before the days of female suffrage when the woman seeks the office.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 4, 1894
Not a Meager Right.
Civilization is having no backset in Colorado so far as the rights of women are concerned. There the mothers and wives and sisters are moving steadily on. The amendments to the state constitution granting the right of suffrage to women, not the meager right to vote in matters of education, but in all that the term right of suffrage for men embraces, were carried by a substantial majority. Colorado now has the proud distinction of being the first state in the Union thus gracefully to yield to the inevitable. Some of the recent territories, notably Wyoming, came into the Union with a woman’s suffrage constitution, but Colorado is the first to recognize and correct the error. It is a proud distinction. It is likewise an example which other states must sooner or later follow. The idea that women must share the burdens of government and none of the honors is a decayed idea most cherished where men are the most savage.—Cincinnati Times Star.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 5, 1894
East Pueblo Equal Suffrage league met at the home of Mrs. Runner, 905 east Fourth street. The league held a meeting of indignation over the action of the city council in their failure to revoke the license of the Standard theater and thanking Mr. Lannon for the noble stand be took in regard to the closing of said theater.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 6, 1894
Kentucky’s Entering Wedge.
Kentucky has adopted an entering wedge for full woman suffrage. The general assembly before adjournment enacted a “uniform charter” for all cities containing a population of more than 20,000 and less than 100,000 inhabitants. This uniform charter contains the following provision: “Women who may possess such other qualifications required for males are hereby declared to be eligible as members of said board of education and qualified to vote at any and all elections for members of said board. The officers required to hold registration for voters in cities shall provide for separate registration of men and women and cause to be opened separate polls at which all persons desiring to vote for members of the school board shall be permitted to vote. Otherwise both the registration and election shall be held according to the provisions of the general elections.” Kentucky was the first state to give women limited suffrage in school elections. In 1542 widows having children of school ago were authorized to vote for school directors. Kentucky has now taken this additional forward step. —Louisville Exchange.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 9, 1894
Equal Suffrage League.
The Equal Suffrage league met at their rooms in the Central block and had a general discussion of the present law concerning cigarette smoking and the closing of the Standard theater. There was rather a small attendance, and the meeting adjourned early until the regular monthly meeting.
State Prohibition League.
Mrs. M. J. Telford, organizer of the prohibition party, formed a league of the state prohibition party here last night at the office of A. C. Foote. A provisional committee was appointed to complete the organization. Dayton O. Gilbert, treasurer of the party, was present and made an address.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 11, 1894
The East Pueblo Equal Suffrage league meeting has been postponed until tomorrow afternoon to enable its members to attend the funeral of David Evans. The meeting will be at Mrs. Sackett’s on east Third street.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 18, 1894
The East Pueblo Equal Suffrage league will meet at 3 o’clock this afternoon at 818 east Second street.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 19, 1894
Speeches by Prominent People Next Tuesday Evening.
Next Tuesday evening at the Board of Trade Hall Mrs. J. Ellen Foster of Washington, D. C., president of the National Woman’s Republican club, will address a mass meeting under the auspices of the Pueblo republican league. Speeches will also be made by Hon. C. W. Varnum, state secretary and organizer, and by Mrs. Varnum.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 19, 1894
Dr. Parkhurst expresses the opinion that the woman suffrage movement will wear itself out in time. The worthy doctor may be posted on theology, but the above statement shows that he knows little of the staying qualities of the dear girls. Susan B. Anthony has been at work on this great reform for more than a century and a half, and she is as vigorous and gushing as ever. Wear itself out! Bosh!
Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 20, 1894
The East Pueblo Equal Suffrage league at their meeting Friday afternoon adopted a resolution asking the city council to stop the baseball playing on Sunday on the grounds on east Eighth street.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 20, 1894
The President of One.
The Most Successful of These Organizations, Remarks.
“Club life revives the delicious sense of sympathy and warns us of the dangers of solitude and repulsion.” In describing the work of the typical woman’s club, Mrs. Frances A Goodale, president of the New Century club of Utica, N. Y., says: “Very many are the associations for the relief of misery. helplessness. poverty and bodily suffering in addition to the vast amount of benevolent work done by organizations within the churches. These associations enlarge the effective force of their members, increase their social advantages and teach them to some extent the value that inures from union for a common purpose. But these are results secondary to their main object. Their very basis is a limitation, sectarian, charitable, literary or otherwise, and necessarily circumscribed in sympathy as well as in the field and manner of work. “Here die woman’s club steps in and antagonizing no conviction, neutralizing no beneficence, but offering opportunity for affiliations on grounds broad and natural is womanhood and humanity. From this ground the spontaneous harvest is help for every form of human need, and knowledge gleaned from as many points of view as there are individuals in the membership. Every branch and method of education appeals with vital and mighty force to women. Who better than the mothers and the housekeepers can help along its beginning in kindergarten and kitchen garden? And who in the nineteenth century would deprive woman of her share or decline her aid in the higher grades of science, literature, music or art?
“‘The woman’s club is designed to be social, but not social on compulsion. Those disposed to fraternize with old friends only among club members could be just as reserved within the club as in the world, and one whose mood was solitary could indulge herself unquestioned. But there should be fine and constant opportunities to cultivate sociability, and there should be a pleasant welcoming spirit at its meetings both formal and informal.
“In order to do the best work we wish and we need all kinds of women as members fashionable women and working women, professional and literary women, women active in charity visiting and plain, quiet women who find their own affairs all they care to mind. The theory of the woman’s club should be to give and take. The very largest mental horizon, the most generous nature, is sure to expand, to receive new ideas and helpful suggestions now and again, and to bless itself still more bountifully by breadth of generous giving to the rest. This is the general theory. Under it, in practical working, every woman with a personal sorrow too heavy to bear alone, or with a problem in her own life or known to her to be in her neighbor’s, should feel that she has the right to ask and to find and the ability to give help and good influence in the woman’s club.”
The club of which Mrs. Goodale is the efficient president is a young but very vigorous organization. Only a year old, it has over 200 members and has incorporated into its constitutional methods many of the best ideas for getting rid of friction and facilitating work. It has a board of 20 trustees, elected for terms of one, two, three and four years. The trustees elect the officers, who are president, three vice presidents, recording and corresponding secretaries and treasurer. Six of the trustees, with these officers, constitute an executive board for the election of members and the transaction of business of the club.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 20, 1894
Attend the great mass meeting at Board of Trade hall Tuesday evening under auspices of the Pueblo Republican league. Addressee will be made by Mrs. J. Ellen Poster of Washington, D. C., president of the National Woman’s Republican club, Hon. C. W. Vamum, of Denver, state secretary and organizer of the Republican league, and by Mrs. Varnum, Good music.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 22, 1894
The clerk read two petitions from the Woman’s Suffrage league of East Pueblo asking that baseball playing be stopped in East Pueblo on Sunday. The chief of police was ordered to stop the nuisance.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 22, 1894
The Equal Suffrage association will meet this, Tuesday, afternoon in the woman’s room in the Central block. Any who are interested are cordially invited to be present. Mary Gow Dailey, Sec’y.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 22, 1894
D. McCaskill will deliver a lecture on political economy and woman’s responsibility at the Second street Methodist church tonight, commencing at 8 o’clock, under the auspices of the East Pueblo Equal Suffrage league.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 25, 1894
Miss Susan B. Anthony is of the opinion that female suffrage will prevent the accumulation of immense fortunes. Perhaps Susie is right. No Jay Goulds have been developed so far as heard from in Colorado since the women began to vote.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 25, 1894
D. McCaskill will deliver a lecture on political economy and woman’s responsibility at the Second street Methodist church tonight, commencing at 8 o’clock, under the auspices of the East Pueblo Equal Suffrage league.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 29, 1894
(at the city council meeting)
The chairman of a committee appointed by the East Pueblo Equal Suffrage league addressed the council by permission. She said that they wished something to be done concerning the social evil and wanted a committee appointed to confer with members of the league. The mayor appointed the police committee to meet them at 2:30 Thursday afternoon in the city hall.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, May 29, 1894
P. W. Search Addresses the Monday Evening Club.
The Monday Evening club held its last meeting until September 1 at the home of E. F. Gladwin 305 west Twelfth street last night. P. W. Search by request delivered an entertaining address on “The Pueblo Method” of individual instruction as it is practiced at the high school of district 20. Class lines are abolished and each pupil makes such progress as personal qualifications admit, all receiving separate instruction. The subject was discussed by the members and by several of the lady visitors who were present. Miss Haslup of the Central high school speaking at some length.
Resolutions of regret at the intended departure of Mr. Search from Pueblo and the withdrawing from the club, with appropriate words in regard to his work were adopted. J. J. Burns, of the committee on summer outing reported a plan for a three days excursion to Cripple Creek, July 16, a visit, to the camp and Manitou and then return, which was unanimously accepted. The evening was concluded with refreshments served by Mrs. Gladwin. The members present were: Alva Adams, J. J. Burns, C. W. Bowman, M. J. Galligan, E. F. Gladwin, E. C. Glenn, J. E. Humphrey, W. L. Hartman, W. J. Kerr, A. McClelland, N. L. Reynolds, T. W. Robinson, P. W. Search and H. F. Sharpless. Visitors were Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Graham, Dr. and Mrs. H. K. Palmer, J. B. Kilbourn, Mrs. T. W. Robinson, Mrs. P. W. Search, Mrs. M. J. Galligan, Mrs. W. L. Hartman, Mrs. E. C. Burdick, Miss Haslup. Gorton Rushmer, Thomas Wilkins and H. F. Huntington.
June 1894
Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 1, 1894
(in the flood of 1894)
Mrs. Williams, of the East Pueblo Equal Suffrage league, was said to be missing, but she was found sound and well.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 2, 1894
East Pueblo Relief.
The mayor yesterday gave it into the hands of the East Pueblo Equal Suffrage league to look after the interests of the flood sufferers in that part of the city and appointed Mrs. M. J. Suter, president of the league, of 905 east Fifth street, and Mrs. Dora Foster, of 816 east Fifth, to act as a committee to receive all donations. Anything in the way of clothing, provisions, etc., will be very acceptable.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 3, 1894
The Twenty-third.
The Ohio house of representatives on April 24 passed the senate bill extending school suffrage to women. Ohio thus falls into line, making the twenty-third state in which women can vote for school officers. Which state will be the next to join the procession?
Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 3, 1894
EQUAL SUFFRAGE LEAGUE. The Equal Suffrage league meets every Tuesday at 3 p. m. in the Central block. Mrs. H. Page, Secretary.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 3, 1894
Women of Denver Who Propose to Wear Comfortable Attire—Their Pledge.
The male population of Denver is just now in a state of daily expectation of an event which is to revolutionize society, in appearance at least. For some time the men have had a suspicion that the women had concealed somewhere about them that unknown quantity, a divided skirt, in spite of the fact that their skirts still flow about them as gracefully and innocently as though dress reform had never been heard of. But their suspicious have a pretty firm foundation. A rational dress club is only awaiting a few last converts to complete its roll of 100 members to make its appearance before the wondering public. They don’t intend to troop out in a squad like some new fangled army, but they will put on their new reform clothes, and if their courage holds out go about the duties of life as though nothing had happened. The models for these reform clothes are furnished by Mrs. B. O. Flower, the wife of the editor of The Arena, and Laura Leo of Philadelphia. The costume consists of bloomers and a blouse. But Denver does not intend to be a mere copyist in point of style, so she has modified the two designs given her by the east, and her leaders of society will appear in a garb peculiar to themselves. The skirts are to be very full and gathered just above the ankle, so that the folds will fall within five or six inches of the ground, and they are said to follow the movements of the legs so gracefully that it is difficult to see much difference from the conventional skirt. It is to the enterprise of the Chicago Tribune that the early knowledge of the reform is due. It has done its work of investigation thoroughly, too, as it even gives us the form of the pledge which must be signed by those who wish to be among the hundred. One result of this movement will be to reduce the long reigning Four Hundred of the city of Denver to the One Hundred. The pledge is as follows: Believing that the health, grace and comfort of women will be increased by the adoption of a more rational dress for business (including housekeeping) purposes, I, the undersigned, in consideration of ninety-nine (99) other women of the city of Denver severally pledging and binding themselves by an agreement similar to this, do hereby pledge and hind myself and agree:
First—To provide myself with a costume as follows: A rational dress skirt, a comfortable fitting blouse or waist, using no whalebone or stiffening of any kind whatever (whether in the form of a corset, under waist or dress waist); shoes with common sense heels.
Second—To wear the same publicly in the city of Denver, commencing at such time after one hundred (100) women shall have signed this document, as may be determined by the Colorado Rational Dress club,
Third—To continue to wear the same as a working, business or street costume for the period of at least three months after said date.
Fourth—To use my influence to induce others to join the Colorado Rational Dress club.
Mrs. J. A. Kilton, wife of a member of the legislature, is president of the club, and Miss Clara Irwin is its secretary. Mrs. C. W. Varnum, wife of a prominent attorney; Dr. Mary E. Bates, Mrs. Helen T. Bates, Mrs. C. W. Betts, Mrs. Bradley and Mrs. Harrington have already enlisted. Other names are kept secret to add to the surprise in store for the public. Mrs. Kilton says, “There will not be the least bit of immodesty about the dress,” and she thinks there is no reason why it cannot be made very attractive. In her opinion it is all nonsense for women to say they cannot help looking slouchy without corsets. She says: “They will simply have to learn to stand up and walk gracefully. Think of the comfort and ease and cleanliness! I am willing to grant that the sight will be a little peculiar at first, but when the first impression of strangeness wears off our genial critics, the men, will say, ‘Well done, and God bless you!’ ” Mrs. Kilton intends to have every one of her dresses—house, street and evening—made after the new pattern. Miss Irwin and others will fellow her example. When the number of signatures required is complete, the idea is to have a reception, so as to get a little accustomed to the new found freedom from petticoats before venturing on the streets. There seems to be little doubt among the women but the Rational Dress club will be a great success.— New York Sun.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 5, 1894
Equal Suffrage Meeting.
The annual business meeting and election of officers of the Equal Suffrage association will be held this Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock in the woman’s room at the Central block. Every member of the association is asked to be present. Mary Gow Darley, Corresponding Secretary.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 6, 1894
Mrs. Foster Goes East and Tells of Colorado’s “Awful Condition.”
Topeka, Kas., June 5.—J. Ellen Foster, president of the Women’s Republican association of the United States, is in the city to attend the convention of women which will meet this afternoon. When asked whether the association would ask the republicans to put in a suffrage plank she said emphatically that the republicans ought to do so. “I have just returned from Colorado,” said Mrs. Foster, “and I tell you the state is in a deplorable condition, with the strikes of the silver miners and coal miners, the Coxeyites at Denver and elsewhere. The women of Colorado, who now vote on all questions, will constitute the reserve force which will save the state from the awful condition into which Colorado has plunged, largely through her unwise governor.”
Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 8, 1894
The East Pueblo Equal Suffrage league will meet this .afternoon with Mrs. Dora Foster, 816 east Fifth street, at 2:30 o’clock. All persons interested are cordially invited.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 12, 1894
Equal Suffrage Association.
The annual business meeting of the Equal Suffrage association was postponed until this Tuesday, afternoon, at 3 o’clock in the woman’s room of the Central block. The new constitution is also ready to be signed and every member is urged to be present, as well as any who may desire to become members. MARY GOW DARLEY Corresponding Sec’y.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 14, 1894
The Equal Suffrage league has elected the following officers: President, Mrs. E. P. Fish; vice president, Mrs. M. C. Page; secretary, Mrs. Stevens; treasurer, Mrs. Reanor.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 14, 1894
Eleventh Quarterly Session to be Held Saturday Morning.
The eleventh quarterly session of the Pueblo County School Directors’ association is to be held at the court house, Saturday, June 16, beginning at 10:30 a. m. The programme is to be as follows:
Reading minutes of last meeting.
Reports or recommendations by officers.
Reports by executive committee.
School Board Meetings and Methods of Transacting Business,”
Mrs. Carrie Holly, district No. 47, Mr. H. L. Puterbaugh, district No. 10. Discussion by members. “Employing Teachers,” Mr. A. W. Muse, of Pueblo, Mrs. Maria Gregg, district No. 43. Discussion. Election of officers. Adjournment.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 15, 1894
The populist convention in Kansas has nominated Lewelling for governor and adopted a female suffrage plank in its platform. No sane man in Kansas will ever vote for Lewelling again, and if women suffrage is carried and works in Kansas as it has done in Colorado the doom of the populist party is already sealed.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 15, 1894
(Central High School Graduation speeches. this is just one of them. Notice the Darley name. Who do we think her mother might be?)
Miss Mariam Muir Darley was another orator who handled things without gloves. She has a very clear voice and fine dramatic power. Her theme was “America for Americans,” and she lashed out right and left at the policy which was over-running, corrupting and controlling our country by the foreign element. A foreigner can vote in Colorado after a residence of four months, but a native American from any other, state must live here six months before he can exercise the right of franchise. These foreigners, however degraded and ignorant, have as much voice in the government as our most cultured and highly educated citizens. These aliens are perfectly willing to-barter their votes to further the designs of our corrupt politicians so often antagonistic to the best interests of the nation. While the foreigner may vote our sons must wait. When the women of Colorado obtained the right of suffrage they were advised to study political economy that they might vote intelligently. But the foreigners are perfectly capable of voting even if they can not read the ballots to which they affix their crosses. Do we desire a premium upon foreign ignorance? If not we must demand uniform naturalization laws extending the time of probation and above all an educational qualification for voters. To obtain this we must protect our free public schools. By our national education alone can the masses be enlightened without having their minds perverted by the bigoted teachings of the parochial and sectarian schools. Should we not lift ourselves to liberty through the enthrallment of indiscriminate immigration? The tariff question was touched upon. The statement that wages have been raised and retained in this country by protection is rather illogical in face of the fact that in free trade England they are much higher than in protected France and Germany. The very persons who claim that tariff helps the laborer ask Congress for protection to compensate them for the high rate of wages in America as compared with Europe. The low wages are due to some other cause than free trade and this cause is indiscriminate immigration. The poorer classes of Europe pour into our country. Their labor is contracted for at lower than the rate prevailing in this country. Our deserving citizens are thus thrown out of employment or forced to work at the same low standard. The Geary law is a disgrace to any civilized country. There are only a few thousand Chinese in this country. Why all this disturbance about these Chinamen while yearly we welcome with open arms hordes of Hungarians, Poles, Italians and low Irish? Let us restrain first those nations that are bringing the most harm to this land. Shall not our naturalization laws be made more strict? Shall not our public schools be protected? Above all, shall not our gates be shut against poverty, corruption, ignorance and lawlessness? We must defend the heritage given us by the grandest constitution on earth. The orations and essays were all liberally applauded, some even approaching an encore.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 20, 1894
A New Organization With a Membership of Seventy-Five
La Junta, Colo., June 19. [Special.] —A republican club was organized here last night. Dr. J. F. Haskins was chosen president, Mrs. Frank Finney first vice president, R. C. Graves second vice president, Mrs. A. M. Wilson secretary and J. B. Sherman treasurer. The following delegates to the state meeting were elected: Dr. Frank Finney, R. G. Graves and E. Alvord. The club starts out with about 75 members.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 22, 1894
Not sure what the L. and S. club is but there are many clubs of many kinds, athletic, musical, literary, missionary, etc (Columbian)
The L. and S. club will meet at the home of Miss Rankin on Berkeley avenue, second house north of the lake, this evening.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 22, 1894
part of a much longer editorial
Wyoming was exceptional, for it had woman suffrage before it was created into a state, but it is remarkable that New Zealand, an English colony, and Colorado, an American state, conferred full suffrage on their women by the votes of men within a very few weeks of each other. In both Colorado and New Zealand the women seek moral reform, the making of better laws and more faithful enforcement of such laws as already exist.
The world is watching intently the course of and of administration in communities where equal rights for both sexes are recognized. According to the apparent results, will the example be copied or avoided. C. H. Spence. (well known Australian writer and lecturer)
Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 26, 1894
at the Republican national convention in Denver (much longer piece)
A memorial from the Woman’s NonPartisan Equal Suffrage association was next offered by T. S. McMurray but was referred to the resolutions committee.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 27, 1894
at the Republican national convention in Denver (much longer piece)
The remarks of Mr. Goudy were loudly applauded, especially when he referred to woman suffrage.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, June 28, 1894
at the Republican national convention in Denver (much longer piece)
“We again commend to the favorable consideration of the republican clubs of the United States as a matter of education the question of granting suffrage to women. We congratulate the women of Colorado and Wyoming on their possession of the elective franchise, and we cordially invite their co-operation in the work of rescuing the country from democratic and populist misrule.”
July 1894
Colorado Daily Chieftain, July 4, 1894
The Colorado Equal Suffrage association has changed its name to the Denver Non-Partisan Suffrage league.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, July 8, 1894
The Equal Suffrage league meets every Tuesday at 3 p. m. in the Central block
Colorado Daily Chieftain, July 13, 1894
The East Pueblo Ladies’ Non-Partisan league will meet at the residence of Mrs. Hull, 820 east Sixth street, Friday at 2:30 p. m. All ladies are cordially invited to attend.
The Woman’s Missionary society of the Mesa Presbyterian church will meet at the residence of Mrs. Dr. Dodds, 1019 Cedar street, this afternoon at 2:30. A fine programme has been prepared.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, July 14, 1894
Chicago Women and the Suffrage
The Chicago Woman’s club has added a woman suffrage section to its other departments.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, July 20, 1894
Mr. J. F. Roche, of Greeley, of the executive committee of the National Irrigation congress, which will meet in Denver soon, is in the city in the interest of the movement. The meeting in Denver will be the third one held for this purpose, and it is expected that over one thousand delegates will be present from 26 states and territories and from Europe. The county commissioners have been requested to contribute $200 toward the expenses of the congress. It is intended to use the money in printing a pamphlet setting forth the resources of the several counties which contribute to the fund and also in excursions of the delegates to various points in the state, including Pueblo and the Arkansas valley. The objects of the congress are important to every resident of Colorado, and the small amount of money asked for will give big returns in the way of making known the vast agricultural resources of the southern portion of the state.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, July 22, 1894
One of the best indications of what women will do in politics is shown in the “campaign for good government” which the ladies of Colorado are making. It is wholly nonpartisan and was organized by the Colorado Equal Suffrage association. Its object is to awaken the women of the state to see that only able and devotedly patriotic candidates are put in nomination for the offices, state and municipal, in Colorado this fall. Another object will be to bring the strength of the newly enfranchised women voters at the primaries as well as at the polls. -Eliza Archard Conner.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, July 22, 1894
(sarcastic)A SAPPHIRA club will be organized among the female politicians as an offset to the Ananias club cow solely composed of “horrid men.”
August 1894
Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 13, 1894
A League of Colored Women.
New York, l2. —The Women’s Loyal league, composed of Afro-American societies, and having as its aim the education and betterment of the women of the colored race, held its first meeting tonight. Speakers outlined the educational campaign which will at once be started by the formation in every AfroAmerican community in the east of chapter legions. Mrs. Victoria Matthews, president of the legion said that while it had been organized for three years it had been working quietly, until now the time had arrived to come to the front. She said the most horrible indignities were heaped on the negro, but he had himself to blame for he was too tame. He needed to be stirred up, and when awakened to the false position the white race had placed him in he would rise in his might and quickly bring his white brethren to their senses. His rights as an American citizen were too sacred to be violated without protest.
Mrs. Julia Killam, Mrs. Julia Weber and Mrs. Lulu Varnum have been appointed organizers for the Republican league. Mrs. Dr. Hatfield, vice president of the Republican league, left last night for Salida, Durango, Silverton and other southern Colorado points in the interest of the league. Mrs. Olden, third vice president of the league, will go with Mrs. Hatfield.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 14, 1894
Pueblo Auxiliary Formed Last Night by Mrs. Mary C. C. Bradford.
Quite a number of ladies were present in the audience at the court house last night when the democrats fired the first gun in the coming campaign. The speaker was Mrs. Mary C. C. Bradford, of Colorado Springs, state organizer of the Colorado Woman’s Democratic club, and her remarks wore closely listened to.
S. D. Trimble called the meeting to order and said that the numbers present showed the untruth of the statement that there were no democrats left The Pueblo county democrats proposed to start again on the career which had won so many victories in the past. He extended thanks to the ladies for their presence and introduced Mrs. Bradford. Mr. Trimble announced that owing to the lateness of the hour speeches to be delivered by Mr. Essex and himself would be omitted.
Mrs. Bradford was greeted with liberal applause, and in a very pleasing semiconversational tone commenced her remarks by referring to democratic principles as the sole living and vivifying essential political doctrines. The American republic in contradistinction to others was democratic, as opposed to the republican idea as a partisan principle which tended to monarchy or a strong centralization of governmental power.
Turning her attention now to democratic doctrine she said the cardinal principles of the faith were four: Individual freedom, full faith in the people, equitable legislation for all classes of citizens, and strict economy in the administration of public affairs. The AngloSaxon word freedom was preferable to the Latin liberty which had so frequently been made synonymous with license. Paternalism was incompatible with individual freedom.
She denied that full faith in the people was tinctured with demagogism as claimed by some latter day thinkers. The pops were compared to the centrifugal force which tends to cause the earth to fly off into space to its own destruction.
Mrs. Bradford now took up the third principle explaining the reason for the party’s belief in tariff for revenue only, and other primary doctrines of the democratic platforms, and concluded her address with a discussion of public administration.
She then proceeded to organize the Pueblo auxiliary to the Colorado Woman’s Democratic club with a membership of some fifteen ladies. Mrs. L. A. Stevens was chosen president and Miss Nellie Corkish secretary.
(immediately following the preceding article)
Colored Republicans Hear Addresses at Bessemer City Hall
At the Bessemer city hall last night a mass meeting of colored republicans was held under the auspices of the Langston club. There was a good sized audience of both sexes and no little enthusiasm was manifested. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev. William Garnett and the singing of a hymn. J. H. Pennington was introduced and spoke of the condition of the colored race in the south and urged his Pueblo friends to concerted action for the uplifting of their kind. Rev. J. J. Sales and G. W. Watson followed in the same tenor.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 24, 1894
The result of the state election in Colorado in November will demonstrate whether female suffrage is a success or a failure in this state.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 25, 1894
Populist Dissensions Will Swell the Republican Pluralities.
Dr. Mary M. Hatfield, organizer of the Republican league, returned yesterday from a very successful trip through the southwestern part of the state. While away she organized several clubs composed of women. She thinks that although the populists are quite strong in that part of the state the division in the party between Waites and anti-Waites will malt in a larger republican majority.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 26, 1894
One Will be Organized in Pueblo Next Tuesday Evening.
Sam W. Belford, a very bright young man from Denver, will be here on Tuesday evening and assist in organizing a Young Peoples’ Republican club. Mr. Belford has organized several of these clubs in Denver which are now in a very flourishing condition.
The meeting will be held at 8 o’clock in the reception room of the Grand hotel, and the young ladies and gentlemen of the city are urged to be present and join the club.
A colored quartette will be present and will sing the songs which were by the Nebraska Glee club, at the Republican league meeting in June, which met with such favor
Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 29, 1894
Pueblo County Club Formed Last Night and Officers Elected.
The Young People’s Republican club of Pueblo county was organized last night at the Grand hotel. A good sized crowd was present, the attendance not being confined however to young people. Samuel W. Belford, of Denver, a young man of much ability, made a stirring speech and was heartily applauded. Several enjoyable musical numbers were given by the Teller quartette and by Miss Kiltie Webster and considerable discussion was had over an age limitation in the constitution. Mrs. Dr. Hatfield called the meeting to order and Eugene C. Graham was elected temporary chairman and William H. Sweeney, Jr., was chosen temporary secretary. The secretary read the regular constitution which is used in the formation of republican clubs, giving the objects, etc., and naming the officers. At the conclusion of the reading of the constitution the club proceeded to elect permanent officers. William E. Stimpson was elected president and Miss Mary Miller secretary. On a motion it was decided to divide the offices between the ladies and gentlemen, giving an equal number to each. After selecting the president and secretary it was decided to defer the election of the other officers until the membership is increased. The Teller quartette sang two very pleasing campaign songs which were entirely new and were well received by the audience. At the conclusion of the songs Mrs. Hatfield introduced Mr. Belford as “the son of his father.” Mr. Belford made an excellent speech on republican lines touching the financial question and the tariff. (there is more to this article but not on gender.)
September 1894
Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 2, 1894
Notice to Langston Club.
All members of the Langston Republican club and friends are hereby notified to attend a meeting at Judge William’s court room on Grand avenue, Monday evening at 8 o’clock sharp, for the purpose of transacting very important business. All are urged to be present, ladies especially. C. L. Hill, Prest. W.F. Holmes, Sec’y.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 3, 1894
(also article about how CSU FC students are successful and pay no tuition and no lab or library fees)
Colored Republican Meeting.
The Clover Leaf club and Bessemer Union club request all the colored ladies and gentlemen of this city to be present Monday evening, September 3, at the grove Baptist church. They will be highly entertained with music and good speaking.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 4, 1894
Langston Club Meets and Organizes Sister Body. The Langston Republican club met last night in a room in the La Veta block and organized & ladies auxiliary. President Hill presided and after the new club was formed it was addressed by J. H. Pennington, R. W. Washington, C. A. Carter, Rev. W. H. Garnett and others on matters pertaining to the party and all were urged to work for the good of the republican party.
The club elected the following officers: Mrs. A. Meyers, president; Mrs. A. Bell, vice-president; Mrs. H. A. Howard, treasurer; Mrs. M. Phillips, secretary, and Mrs. A. Stewart, assistant secretary.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 5, 1894
Oliver Leaf and Bessemer Union Have Consolidated. The Oliver Leaf Republican club and the Bessemer Union Republican clubmet at the colored church on C street to consider the matter of consolidation. The meeting was largely attended and a great deal of interest was taken by all concerned. After a general canvass among the members it was agreed that they consolidate and advocate one principle. The following resolutions were adopted: Whereas, the colored voters of the city of Pueblo, Colorado, feel that the present political contest is one of great importance to the people of our race as well as the white race, and that the security and prosperity of both races depend on co-operation of both in the effort to obtain good government that the liberties and rights of our race as well as the white may be promoted, therefore be it
Resolved That since the politics and policy of government of a country contribute largely to the industrial, moral and religious development of the people, and since the condition of the colored man of this country demands such aid from men and parties as will help them upward in the scale of manhood and true citizenship, and since the maintenance of good government depends on the election of good men with broad and liberal views and exalted ideas of the rights ot man and of equal justice to all citizens before the law, and with moral courage to make and enforce wholesome laws regardless of race or color or conditions, placing merit, intelligence and useful citizenship as the proper standard, therefore be it
Resolved, that we ask the exercise of our right to labor in any position which our moral, mental and industrial capacity may fit us. We ask not for money in these great political contests, we scorn it in this connection; we ask not for notoriety, neither are we seeking social equality, but we earnestly ask protection and an equal chance in the race of life for our people, and seeing the great need of union in the midst of our people in order to bring about the desired results, therefore be it
further Resolved, that we the Oliver Leaf Republican club, and the Bessemer Union Republican club, consolidate to advocate the above principles and such as may hereafter be mentioned. The clubs then recommended the following names for candidates:
For representative, James Easter; for constable, Samuel Stuart.
–J. J. Sales, Pres. Oliver Leaf Club. Pink Griffith, Pres. Bessemer Union Club.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 6, 1894
(populist convention, lots more here but not directly about suffragists. What we do see is a lot of women participating, including a “Mrs. Hilburn, for Pueblo county”)
Bartholomew moved that all resolutions be referred to the committee without reading. This prevailed, yet in a few minutes Mrs. Patterson, from the Pueblo Equal Suffrage league, by unanimous consent, was allowed to read a number of resolutions, which the league desired the convention to endorse. These were some reformatory laws in regard to the protection of young girls and boys from the temptations to immorality. The committee on resolutions retired and Delegate Day, a colored man of Arapahoe, wanted the convention to adjourn until 2 o’clock in order to “cool off,” he said, after the late heated discussion, but the convention refused to accept his suggestion and recommended Mrs. Patterson’s resolutions to the favorable consideration of the committee.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 7, 1894
(this is a very long report on the Republican county convention)
Republicans Name Candidates Who Will Bring Victory.
Owing to Four Contests the Convention Did Not Get Down to Business Until Mid-Afternoon – Ringing Resolutions Adopted—The Populists Roasted— A Woman for Representative—The Convention in Session Until Early This Morning.
For judges of the district court Tenth judicial district—Joseph C. Elwell and, N. Walter Dixon.
For district attorney —George W. Collins.
For county commissioner. First district—Gideon H. Hard.
For, county commissioner, Third district—William L. Rees.
For state senator—Jesse G. Morton.
For representative— Mrs. Carrie Clyde Holly, Nathaniel Kearney, Julius D. Brown and Frank Allie.
For justice of the peace—Thomas A. Bradford. For constable—Samuel Stewart.
The above was the ticket named by the republican county convention yesterday and it is a winner. All of the candidates are of Pueblo’s best citizens and never was as good a ticket put in the field and it will be elected from top to bottom on November 6.
Although the convention was long the utmost harmony prevailed throughout and all will go forth and help swell the majority on the ticket. The convention met in the morning at the court house but the accommodations at that place were entirely inadequate and an adjournment was taken to the Columbia theater, which is a very good place for meetings of that character.
There were many lady delegates in the convention, nearly every delegation having a lady representative. Some said that they ought to adjourn on account of the ladies, and John W. McDaniel said that he had sat up with ladies lots later than it was then, and he could do it again. Several colored delegates also had seats in the convention and took a very active part in the proceedings. N. S. Walpole was a favorite with the delegates, as each time his name was mentioned there were cheers and when the committee on resolutions read a formal endorsement for him as state treasurer the convention fairly went wild and could not be quieted for some minutes.
The stage at the theater looked very pretty decorated with the stars and stripes. Handsome bouquets furnished by Mrs. Theodore Cramer adorned the desks of the officers of the convention. The fact that the committee on credentials had four contests to settle and that all the candidates were elected by ballot caused the convention to sit until after 3 o’clock in the morning. The spectators at the convention were in legion and hardly enough accommodations could be found for them. They were demonstrative, too, and when one of them suggested to Mr. McDaniel that he “saw wood” while he was telling an anecdote it brought down the house and brought the chairman up. During the afternoon Chairman Mechem used his pocket knife to rap the convention to order, but in the evening someone presented him with a gavel tied with varicolored ribbons and he kept it in use a good part of the session. All of the delegations to the state, senatorial, congressional, and judicial conventions were selected and the members’ names appear below.
Sketches of the Nominees.
(the men get their jobs listed, including the one who had one of the same roles as Carrie Clyde Holly (school district) and yet her job did not get listed. Also, the men “have a wife and a family” and that’s all that gets said about the)
Mrs. Carrie Clyde Holly, nominee for representative, was born in New York city and has lived there all her life until her removal west. She came to Colorado five years ago, and lives on a ranch at Vineland with her husband, Judge Charles F. Holly, who is well known, and her two daughters. Mrs. Holly is a very pleasant womanly lady with a sweat voice and attractive personality, who will win votes wherever she appears. She has hosts of friends who will work hard for her.
… Senator Drake made a motion that J. H. Mechem act as temporary chairman and the motion carried. In taking his seat Mr. Mechem said that it was with a sincere feeling of gratitude that he thanked the convention for selecting him temporary chairman to preside over the first republican county convention which had admitted women. He said “When Colorado is redeemed from the populist misrule the people can thank the republican women for the redemption. There has never been a time when united action was needed more. We have been subject to this populist tyranny for eighteen months and most have relief.” He then stated that the next thing in order was the election of a temporary secretary, and when W. L. Hartman nominated G. G. Withers everyone in the room voted yes. Mr. Withers has been the secretary of every republican convention that had met for years. Sue E. Moses was elected assistant temporary secretary. H. B. McCoy moved that the chair appoint a committee of five on credentials and Mr. Mechem named George Sears, C. Z. Mark, J. M. Meales, C. A. Witte and C. L. Funk for committee. Each contesting delegation was allowed a hearing before the committee on credentials. …
The convention then adjourned to meet at the Colombia theater at 1 o’clock.
A motion was made to adjourn at this time but the sentiment was so strong against it that the motion was not put. The chair asked for nominations for representative. He was gratified as there were 16 nominations for the four positions. They were Mrs. Carrie C. Holly, Nathaniel Kearney, J. J. Lansing, G.L. Knight, Platt Wicks, James Easter, A. W. Lannard, Frank M. Gray, Morris C. Johnson, F. L. Strang, Julius D. Brown, C. E. Olio, J. H. Coulter, W. J. Sturgeon, Frank Allie and John Leonard.
Miss Clara [sic] C. Holly and Nathaniel Kearney were elected. Mrs. Holly received 96 votes and Mr. Kearney received 92 votes. The other candidates received the following number of votes: Lansing,l9; Knight, 45; Wicke, 50; Easter, 33; A. W. Lennard, 42; Gray, 69; Johnson, 43; Strang, 42; Brown, 83; Olio,11; Coulter, 19; Allie, 49; Sturgeon, 5; John Leonard, 4; Prank Elepass, l; G. W. Watson, 2.
When Mrs. Holly appeared on the platform escorted by Mayor Strait the convention went fairly wild. She made a neat little speech in accepting the office, that she thanked the convention for the honor shown to women and that she would do everything in her power to redeem the state from populist misrule. She also said that she lived in a populist community and the populists claimed that it would be impossible for a woman to get a place in the republican ticket, and she would now go home and crow over them. Mr. Kearney also made & short speech of acceptance.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 11, 1894
Equal Suffrage League.
There will be a meeting of the NonPartisan Equal Suffrage league this (Tuesday) afternoon in the L. B. U. hall, Central block. The meeting will begin promptly at 3 o’clock.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 17, 1894
To all members of Langston Republican club:
You are requested to meet at Judge Willauer’s court room in the La Veta block Monday evening. All the ladies of the auxiliary club are requested to be present. C. Hill, President. W. P. Holmes, Secretary.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 18, 1894
Earnest Speeches Before Republican Club Members. Judge Willauer’s court room on Grand avenue was the scene of a well attended meeting of the Langston club and the Ladies’ auxiliary of the club last night. President Hill of the Langston club and Mrs. Myers, president of the auxiliary, presided. Enthusiastic speeches were made by John Vest, Rev. Mr. Garnett and O. L. Boyd. Mr. Boyd said among other things that there were 1,250 colored voters in Pueblo county and he hoped to see every one of them stand by the republican party. He especially urged the ladies to organize and see that all the women were registered and that they voted on election day.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 19, 1894
A Full Ticket With Exception of First Commissioner’s District. A RATHER WARM DISCUSSION of Putting the Name of a Woman on the Ticket Stirs Up Things Somewhat and is Finally Settled in the Negative—Resolutions Adopted and Committee on Vacancies Appointed.
For senator, A. Royal.
For representatives, Garrett Lankford, W. D. Latshawr, M. Stuinski, Harry Hart.
For county commissioner, First district, not named.
For county commissioner, Third district, W. L. Shockey.
For justice of the peace, First precinct, Frank G. Murick.
For constable, First precinct, Harry McNeil.
At the adjourned county convention of the democratic party at the court house last night a full county ticket with the exception of a nominee for commissioner from the First district was placed in the field. Quite an animated discussion arose over the placing on the ticket of Mrs. L. A. Stevens for the unfilled place.
An amendment once was carried giving her the nomination but a protest being entered on account of the consideration of the nominations committee’s report in the absence of the resolutions committee, the chair ruled the former motion void and the amendment being put was lost by one vote.
The committee on vacancies will fill the place. Chairman J. P. Vail called the adjourned convention together soon after 8 o’clock and in the absence of the secretary, Charles P. Dunbaugb, Hume Lewis elected to act as secretary pro tern. The chairman, in accordance with a motion put and carried, called for the report of the committee previously appointed to suggest candidates. T. J. Morgan wanted a committee of three on resolutions which he thought should be named before the committee on nominations reported and the chair chose S. H. White, S. D. Trimble and Judge A. Royal. A recess for five minutes was then ordered.
After a wait of fifteen minutes the convention was again called to order and O. S. Essex for the committee on nominations made the following report:
“We, your committee on nominations respectfully suggest the following candidate for the offices this convention is called on to fill: “For state senator, Hon. Andrew Royal.
“For float senator your committee request that our delegation to that convention be instructed to cast the vote of Pueblo county for Hon. James K. Dempsey.
“For representatives, Garrett Lanford, W. D. Latshaw, M. Studzinski, Harry Hart.
“For county commissioners-the selection of a candidate from the First district to be referred to the committee on vacancies; for county commissioner from the Third district, W. L. Shockey.
“For justice of the peace, First precinct, Frank G. Mirick,
“For constable Harry McNeil.”
The report was signed by H. S. Currie chairman and C.S. Essex secretary.
A. T. Stewart thought the ladies should be represented on the ticket and amended the name Mrs. L. A. Stevens for county commissioner from the First district. The amendment was adopted and Mrs. Stevens was called for but said she would reserve her acceptance until the ballot on adoption of the amended report was taken. A motion to accept the report as amended was made but C. S. Essex suggested that as a matter of courtesy to the committee on resolutions action on the report should be postponed until the resolutions were presented.
The committee on resolutions now appeared and the report of the nominations committee was read again. The question of adopting the amended report was now put, several voting nay. T. J. Morgan wanted a division but the question was not urged. S. H. White objected to the fact that the amendment was adopted while the committee on resolutions was out, s aying the procedure was irregular. A. T. Stewart said the procedure was correct. Mr. White took the floor again and Chairman Vail ruled his point well taken. Mr. White then moved to adopt the nominations report as presented.
The motion was announced by the chair, and A. T. Stewart again amended to place the name of Mrs. L. A. Stevens on the ticket for county commissioner in the First district. Mr. Stewart supported his amendment with remarks urging the importance of placing a woman’s name on the ticket. A. A. Groome also spoke in favor of the amendment.
S. H. White said he did not think the time was ripe to put a woman on the ticket. The question at stake was what the people wanted. He did not say that women were not as well qualified as men to administer public affairs but the ticket must go before the people with names of tried and experienced men whose election would assure a reduction of taxation and a reform in the administration of public affairs. With all regard for women and for his own satisfaction at their having the suffrage he did not think it advisable to nominate a woman within a year after the passage of the equal amendment, they should have opportunity to familiarize themselves with public matters.
Nat Greenbaum differed from Mr. White and the question of the amendment was put. The chairman seemed to think that the amendment was carried. A division was called for and the amendment was declared lost by one vote, 9 ayes and 10 noes. The report was now adopted on a viva voce vote, A. T. Stewart voting no.
The resolutions and platform were now presented by S. H. White and adopted as follows, A. T. Stewart and several others voting no on all but the endorsement of the state platform:
“Resolved by the democratic party of Pueblo county in convention assembled,
“First That honest government administered by honest men and women free from corruption and bribery and the direful influences of party heelers, is absolutely necessary to the prosperity and happiness of the people.
“Second, that any candidate of any party securing his nomination by trickery, fraud and bribery is unworthy the confidence of our people and can not be entrusted with the administration of justice, the enactment of laws and the government of our country.
“Third, that reckless and unjust expenditures of money, corruption and greed in office, in both the city and county government, are discouraging investments, retarding the growth of our city and by means of unjust taxation confiscating the property of our citizens.
“Fourth, that the enormous end exorbitant rate of taxation of almost 5 per cent, now existing, with the prospect of a rate of 6 1/2 per cent, for the coming year is an inequity that should receive the earnest protest of every citizen and the candidates of the democratic party are hereby pledged to correct such evil and give the people an economical county government.
“Fifth, the democratic party proposes and pledges itself to the following reforms: First, that the jury system be restored in order that justice may be administered fairly and honestly and the great temptation to accumulate fees be removed from those whose duty it is to administer the criminal law; second, that a law be enacted reducing the number of aldermen in the city council to one elected from each ward and that such aldermen serve without pay; third, that the number of county commissioners be reduced to three and that such commissioners shall receive pay for not exceeding ten days in each month; fourth, that the north side water works be placed under the control of aboard of three commissioners irrespective of party, to manage said water works in the interest of the tax payers and not in the interest of the politicians.
“Sixth, the democratic party of Pueblo county reaffirms the declaration of principles set forth in the platform adopted at the recent state convention in Denver.”
S. D. Trimble thought it best formally to name the list of nominees in the report of the nominations committee as the choice of the convention, which was done. Mr. Stewart now moved to place Mrs. Stevens’ name on the ticket but she thanked those who had worked for her and positively declined.
H. S. Currie, Dr. H. K. Palmer, T. J. Morgan, S. H. White end C. S. Essex were appointed a committee on vacancies and the convention adjourned at 9:25.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 21, 1894
East Pueblo Suffrage League.
The East Pueblo Equal Suffrage league will meet this (Friday) afternoon at 2 o’clock at the residence of Mrs. Webster on east Third street. By order president. Mrs. M. J. Suter.
October 1894
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 4, 1894
Notice to Democrats.
All members of Monticello Democratic club will meet at the Grand Opera house tonight, October 4, at 7:15 p. m., to hear the able address to be delivered by the Hon. C. S. Thomas, candidate for governor. The Democratic Ladies’ club and all democrats are respectfully invited to be present. Nat Greenbaum, Pres’t. J. C. Hamilton, Sec’y.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 7, 1894
Form a Club and Make Arrangements for the Campaign.
About 25 populist women met at the people’s party headquarters in the Board of Trade building yesterday afternoon and organized the Peoples Party club of Ladies. Mrs. I. D. Chamberlin was elected president, Mrs. Benjamin Diggory, vice president, Miss-Ada C. Marble, secretary, Mrs. A. A. Hilburn, treasurer, and Mrs. Harriet Munroe, librarian. The club decided to keep women’s headquarters in the Board of Trade building open all the time and Mrs. H. Page will stay at headquarters and attend to the ladies. Women chairmen for each precinct were decided upon and the list of city precincts nearly filled. The club decided to give a ball at the headquarters next Friday to raise money for the fund.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 10, 1894
The East Pueblo Equal Suffrage league, of which Mrs. Suter is president, will also meet at the same place at 4:30. Tea will be served at 5 o’clock. All members of both organizations are earnestly requested to be present as business of importance will come up.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 10, 1894
REPUBLICAN MEETING. The women voters in precincts 13 and 50 will hold a joint republican meeting on Friday evening, October 12, in the building corner Fourth street and Fountain avenue. Judge G.W. Collins and Mrs. Caroline Holly, with others, will address the meeting
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 10, 1894
Meeting at Headquarters Addressed by Governor Waite
The Populist Ladies club held a well attended meeting in their headquarters yesterday afternoon. Governor Waite, and S. F. Lincoln, populist candidate for state auditor, were present and made short talks to the women. The club discussed campaign work and also the ball which it will give Friday evening at Board of Trade hall. The proceeds of the ball will go into the campaign fund and a large crowd is expected.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 11, 1894
There will be a republican rally at the Vineland school house, precinct 32, on Saturday evening. Carrie Clyde Holly, candidate for representative, and others, will address the meeting. All are invited.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 11, 1894
E. P. W. C. T. U. AND E. S. L.
Mrs. M. J. Suter Entertains the Members at Tea.
Yesterday afternoon the East Pueblo W. C. T. U. and the Equal Suffrage league met in separate sessions with Mrs. M. J. Suter at the Aldine. About 35 representative ladies, including some of the prominent Christian workers of the city, were present. Quite an amount of benevolent and other business was transacted and addresses were delivered by Mesdames Sperry, Darley and others which were well received.
At 2:30 the W. C. T. U. was called to order by the president, Mrs. Chapman, and after an hour’s session the Equal Suffrage league convened with Mrs. Suter in the chair. At 5 o’clock the ladies repaired to the dining room where a sumptuous tea was spread. All in all it was one of the most successful and enjoyable meetings held by the union and league. _______________
Registration of Voters.
Saturday, October 20 will be the last day for original registration and it is estimated that by that time the names of more than 10,000 electors will appear on the books at the county clerk’s office.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 13, 1894
Hold an Enthusiastic Meeting on the East Side.
She Arraigns Governor Waite and His Party and Expresses Her Belief In “Free American and American Rights”
—Brief Talks by G. W. Collins, N W. Dixon, J. D. Brown and Nat Kearney.
The republican women of Precincts 13 and 50 held a very well attended meeting last night at the corner of Fourth and Fountain streets. The women were in the majority in the audience. The room had been gaily decorated with national Mrs. M. A. Timmis acted as chairman of the meeting and Mrs. N. B. Webster acted as secretary. N. W. Dixon, G. H. Hard, Nathaniel Kearney, Julius D. Brown, Thomas A. Bradford, G. W. Collins and Mrs. Carrie Clyde Holly, candidates on the republican ticket, were present and Judge Collins, Dixon, Mr. Brown and Mrs. Holly made speeches.
Mr. Collins talked mainly on the tariff question showing the differences between a high protective tariff and the conditions at present under the Wilson bill. He said that the populist platform was absolutely free trade. In closing he said Davis H. Waite was only a friend to Waite, that he wanted to boost himself into office. He said that the populist party had made every effort to array class against class and any party or class of men who attempted to do this were enemies to their country.
Mrs. Holly made her maiden speech of the campaign. She said that she thought the clause in the Declaration of Independence which said “all men are created equal” included her sex as well as men. She said she wanted to pay her respects to the western men, every one of whom showed in every way his respect for women.
She said “I come before you tonight as a candidate for legislative honors and it is not so terribly shocking to hear a woman speak out in meeting.” She had once heard Susan B. Anthony ask permission to address a Woman’s Suffrage meeting. In speaking of the republican party she said it had brought about the abolition of slavery and all other great reforms. The party had originated the equal suffrage movement in this state and made it possible for the question to be brought before the women. “I have noticed among the warmest friends of equal suffrage a feeling of uneasiness as to the advisability of electing a woman to office. They seem to think the women would legislate themselves a large collection of bonnets or some equally foolish measure. If I am elected I will say that I will faithfully carry out all the fundamental principles of the party. I am in favor of the free and unlimited coinage of silver and a tariff for the protection of American industries. You know the old motto ‘Free trade and sailors’ rights.’ I would like to change it to ‘Free Americans and American rights.’ “I have found that politics is not a bed of roses. I have been accused of saying that all my neighbors were populists and anarchists. I wish most emphatically to deny that. An anarchist is a person who believes in no law, I think the populists go to the other extreme. But I would like to ask the people of that party one thing, if they are not anarchists why did they in their county convention publicly endorse Myron Reed after he had declared he was an anarchist? “I believe the masses in all parties are in earnest. I can say to my friends who wanted a change ‘you have jumped from the frying pan into the fire.’ Governor Waite has said that he had made many and great mistakes, but his heart was in the right place. What would you think of a ship captain who had run you aground, and as the ship was sinking would come to you and say ‘I have made a great mistake but; my heart is in the right place?’ It you had it to do over would you go out with him? A few words more about Governor Waite. He has violated the constitution of the state and all the rest of the laws which he did not like.”
Mr. Dixon addressed the meeting briefly. He said that the only question if the populist ticket was elected was where we would go. His remarks were entirely confined to state affairs during the reign of “Davis I.” He closed by paying a tribute to the ladies and said that the held they key to the situation and that every one of them should exercise their right. J. D. Brown and Nat Kearney made short talks.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 13, 1894
Women Form a Republican Campaign Club for Active Work
A large meeting of republican women was held yesterday afternoon in the office of Mrs. M. J. Noble, vice chairman of the republican county central committee, in the Board of Trade building and the Bowen Bell club was organized. The meeting was exceedingly enthusiastic, the ladies agrreing to work as hard for the succeess of the entire state and county ticket as they do for Mr. Bowen. A permanent organization was effected, Mrs. Claire D. Olin being elected president. Mrs. M. J. Noble was elected vice president and Mrs. M. A. Moore secretary. The women adopted as a motto, “We’ll wring that Bell from Congress.” The ladies propose to do some very active work in the campaign an arrangements are being made to hold a mass meeting at the Columbia theater some day next week in which all the women in Pueblo will be invited.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 13, 1894
Populist Ladies a Entertain a Large Crowd at Board of Trade.
A campaign ball was given last night at the Board of Trade hall by the Ladies Populist club. It was very well attended, at least 100 couples being on the floor at one time. The ladies served a very fine supper in the rooms adjoining the hall. Schreiber’s orchestra furnished the music. There were twenty dances on the programme and the ball lasted until 1 o’clock.
The dance was in charge of the following committee of arrangements, Mrs. Harriet Monroe, Mrs. Livingston and Mrs. Minnie Montgomery. The reception committee was Mrs. J. J. McFeeley, Mrs. Ben Diggory, Mrs. I. D. Chamberlin, Mrs. J. H. Voorhees and Mrs. D. M. Campbell. O. P. Stephens did the honors at the door.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 13, 1894
The ladies of the populist club wish to thank the public through the Chieftain for kind assistance that aided greatly in the success of the entertainment and ball given at the Board of Trade hall last evening. Ladies of Populist Club.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 13, 1894
Joel F. Vaile and Earl M. Cranston Will Address the Republicans.
Joel F. Vaile and Earl M. Cranston will arrive in the city at 6:40 o’clock and will address a mass meeting at the Columbia theater at 8 o’clock. Both gentlemen are excellent speakers and will give addresses on national and state affairs that can not fail to be appreciated by anyone who hears them. The music will be furnished by a colored glee club that has lately been organized. The Tom Bowen Marching club will attend in a body and seats will be reserved for them in the theater. The Bowen Bell Wringers, the newly organized ladies’ club, will have seats on the stage.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 13, 1894
The members of the Bowed Bell Wringers club are requested to meet at republican women’s headquarters in the Board of Trade building at 7 o’clock this evening to attend the speaking at the Columbia theater. Mrs. Clare D. Olin, President.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 14, 1894
(big Republican rally with the ten-member “Colored Ladies Glee Club,” which brought down the house)
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 16, 1894
Woman’s Republican Meeting
There will be a joint meeting of precincts 19,20,21,22 and 53 at Bessemer city hall this (Tuesday) evening, October 16. Judge Dixon, Judge Collins, Mrs. Holly and others will address the meeting.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 17, 1894
Five Eighth Ward Precincts Have a Rousing Meeting.
Mrs. Carrie Clyde Holly was the Principal Speaker and Fired Hot Shot into the Populists–Judge Holly Tells why He will support the Republican Ticket —Other Speakers.
The Republican women of Precincts 19. 20, 21, 22 and 53 held a joint meeting last night at the Bessemer city hall. The gathering was addressed by Mrs. Carrie Clyde Holly, Nat Kearney, N. W. Dixon, John B. Blackburn and Judge Holly. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. B. F. Moore and Mrs. C. J. Baker acted as secretary. Mrs. Holly spoke first, dealing with local affairs and especially the administration of Governor Waite. She also spoke of the words of Myron Heed, in which he said that Christ was an anarchist. She told the story of Jesus, when he was approached by the Jews, who wanted him to make some anarchistic speech, and Jesus said: “Render unto Caesar that which is his.” She did not think that the life of Christ would show that he was an anarchist. The speaker then took up the woman’s suffrage question, saying although Governor Waite was supposed to be in favor of equal suffrage, in his inaugural address he had recommended that women be allowed to vote provided the franchise was “limited to municipal and school elections.” She spoke of the claim that the chivalry of men is being decreased by the granting of woman’s suffrage, but she said she knew it to be a fact that all the women in her district wore registered as being only 21 years old, not being required to give their ages, and she said that that did not look as though the men had lost their chivalry. She closed her talk with an appeal to all present to support and work for the entire republican ticket and elect it with a big majority on November 6. Mr. Kearney was called upon and said he could not make very much of a speech but would gladly address the audience for a few minutes. He had been a woman’s suffragist for over thirty years, having received his first lesson from Susan B. Anthony. He read a short article from the New York Press reporting the banquet tendered to Congressman Wilson in London, in which Mr. Wilson that the country had been for years trying to remove the defenses to international commerce. Mr. Kearney told several anecdotes, closing with one on the equality of sexes, in which he said he had once heard of one typewriter marrying another typewriter. J. H. Blackburn was called for and said that he was born a Republican, and arrived at his majority while wearing the blue and at a time when patriotism could not but be instilled into a man’s views. He had also discovered that even in the war women could not be dispensed with, and to a great extent the redemption of the state rested with them, and he hoped they will all support the Republican ticket. Judge Holly said, after he had been asked to speak, that he was an old-time Democrat, but “I declared in a public speech in my neighborhood that I would accept the invitation of the Republicans to redeem the state, not that I loved my party less but my country more, and I think that at all we should rally round the flag and maintain the good name of the state. The law of this state provides that murder in the first degree is punishable by hanging. The governor has refused absolutely to carry out this law. Governor Waite says that he has made many mistakes, but I saw the other day in a Trinidad paper where he said that he would repeat these same mistakes if he was given an opportunity. Is it not time that all party differences were laid aside and the people of the state united for the good of the state? Therefore I will say that for this campaign I am with the Republican party until the crossing of the last ‘t’ and the dotting of the last ‘i.’ ” After a wait of a few minutes Judge Dixon arrived and made a short talk. He said, I don’t know that I can add much to what Mrs. Holly has said. I can simply urge the ladies to take diligent and concerted action in this campaign. The very existence of the state itself is at stake in this campaign. The ticket which will be used in the next campaign is a wonder. It is about 16×30 inches and will contain 89 names. Of course if one desires to vote the straight ticket, all one has to is to put the cross opposite the party design, but if you desire to scratch your ticket even for a single candidate, you must pick out 24 names and mark them all. The importance of voting the straight ticket can plainly be seen, and I hope you will all vote the straight Republican ticket. “The reports throughout the state are very encouraging, and we should all take good cheer and do all we can to keep the work for the ticket. I think that we are going to have a good old-fashioned victory.”
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 17, 1894
Fine Entertainment by Langston Club Ladies Auxiliary Last Night.
Under the auspices of the Ladies’ auxiliary to the Langston Republican club a very entertaining literary and musical programme was given to a good-sized audience at the Columbia theater last night. The places of honor on the programme were allotted to the Colorado Republican Ladies’ Campaign chorus, who rendered a number of vocal selections in excellent style.
The entertainment was gotten up by and was under the personal direction of Mrs. Alice Myers, president of the auxiliary. The chorus sang: “America” as the opening number and were heard also in “John Brown’s Body,” “Poor Davy, Good Bye, “Colorado, Gem of the Nation,” “When Jennie Comes Out to Vote” “Hurrah for Colorado,” “Waite’s Wheels,” and “Voting to Save Colorado.”
O. L. Boyd delivered an address with “Patriotism” for his theme, giving the populists many thrusts and dwelling on the necessity of ridding the state of them. He urged all women to stand by the republican ticket and redeem the state. Mrs. Mary Bryant was heard to excellent advantage in a recitation entitled. “Warden, Keep a Place for Me,” and Mrs. Alice Myers did credit to herself in her reading of “Barbara Freitchie.” W. M. Holmes recited an original piece of humorous verse, “Populist Pastry,” that brought down the house. Miss Kate Allen sang “Sweet Marie” with words suited to the campaign, and William Dean gave “A Soldier and a Man.” Both solos were very cordially received. Mrs. Sawyer, pianist and accompanist, played a march that won much applause. James Thomas executed a shuffle with music on banjo and guitar by Messrs. Perryman and Waston.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 17, 1894
An encouraging meeting was held yesterday afternoon at the Grand hotel for the purpose of organizing a republican club of women. This club will have for its objects the interesting of all women of the city in their new of right of suffrage, in seeing to the registration of those still unregistered, of trying to become better acquainted with the duties of voters and the use of the ballot. With so many names as will appear on the ballot this fall it would not be surprising if mistakes occurred, those not perfectly understanding how to vote will have an opportunity to learn by joining this club.
At the preliminary meeting yesterday Mrs. P. H. Heller was elected president. The Mesdames M. D. Thatcher, H. F. Sharpless and G. W. Perkins first, second and third vice president; Mrs. C. H. Stickney, treasurer; Mrs. J. N. Chipley, marshal; Mrs. C. C. Richardson, secretary. The ladies meet again this afternoon at 3:30 o’clock in the Grand hotel reception room (down stairs) and it is hoped that every republican woman in town will make an effort to be present prepared to do her mite toward electing the republican ticket. Do not wail for further invitation, you are hereby invited to attend. Speakers will be provided for the enlightenment and entertainment of the club from this time to the end of the campaign.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 19, 1894
Woman’s Volunteer Republican club.
An erroneous impression has gained ground that this club is not in sympathy with other republican organizations. This is far from the fact. Co-operation is the very thing desired, since “in union is strength.”
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 19, 1894
Attention, Republican Women.
All republican women, both members of the Volunteer club and those who have not yet joined are cordially invited to the Grand hotel this afternoon at 4 o’clock.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 19, 1894
Every member of the club is requested to be at the Columbia theater promptly at 2 o’clock this afternoon to consider a question of importance before the opening of the mass meeting. Mrs. Clare D. Olin, President. Mrs. M. A. Moore, Secretary.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 19, 1894
(also on Oct. 19 Tom Bowan marching club is getting hats and canes for a republican event)
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 20, 1894
Bowen Bell-Wringers Have a Meeting Arranged by New Voters.
Mrs. Clare D. Olin, Mrs. Carrie Clyde Holly, Judge Collins and Senator Drake Address the First Public Political Gathering Held Under Women’s Auspices at the Columbia Yesterday. An audience composed almost entirely of women gathered at the Columbia theater yesterday afternoon, when a mass-meeting was held by the Bowen Bell-wringers Republican club. Mrs. Clare D. Olin, president of the club, was in the chair and made a brief speech after rapping for order. The speakers were Mrs. Carrie Clyde Holly, Mrs. N. J. S. Fox, Judge G. W. Collins and Senator James F. Drake. The exercises were opened with a song by the Bell-wringers quartette, Mrs. William Miller, Miss Mary Wadhams, Mrs. Ella Woodruff and Mrs. A. M. McElroy. At the conclusion of the song Mrs. Olin said: “In behalf of the ladies’ club, known as the Bowen Bell-wringers,’ I welcome you to-day to the first political rally and mass-meeting ever held in Pueblo under the auspices of the woman voter. Just at this time we hear a great deal said in regard t women doing their duty at the coming election. The intelligent women of this state are alive to the fact that Colorado 一 the fairest state that the sun shines on, or ever will shine on—stands today humiliated and dishonored because of an irresponsible and lawless administration. And the fact that a large majority of the women of Colorado are now in the ranks of the Republican party, demonstrates also that other fact, that they know their duty and intend to do it.
“Two years ago the voters of this country concluded that they wanted a change—they wanted it very badly indeed—and since that time we have seen many changes that have become only too painfully familiar. In less than two years we have seen the entire business interests our country become paralyzed, property of every description has depreciated in value, private enterprises have been abandoned, factories, workshops, mills and furnaces have been closed, while more than 2,000,000 workingmen are now walking up and down the streets of our cities in enforced idleness and eating the bread of charity. Where once was heard the hum of happy industry, we now hear the ringing blows of the hammer of the auctioneer knocking down our property and selling our homes.
“In Colorado the populist party—that great party of so-called moral ideas and political reforms—with socialism, anarchy and lawlessness, have brought us only humiliation, poverty and disgrace. And because of these things. I feel like congratulating the republican party in Colorado upon the fact that woman has the right to use the ballot. If the blood ever does reach the bridles, women will be physically unable to shoulder the musket and march to the front to do battle. But friends, there is a weapon better yet and stronger than the bayonet, and the hand that rocks the cradle now holds that all powerful weapon, and with that little weapon called the ballot, when next November comes, the loyal-hearted women of Colorado will give the balance of power that will make it possible for the government of this state to be passed over into the hands of the grand, old republican party. Aye, and more, they will see to it that our next congressman from this district is a man who believes in that grand underlying principle of the republican party, the principle of protection to American industries. American workingmen and American homes. The name of that gentleman, who on that victorious day will wring that Bell from Congress, is the Hon. Thomas M. Bowen.
“The women of Colorado will, in 1896, ask and expect that the men of this nation will show their wisdom and their patriotism by placing: in the presidential chair and in Congress men who are loyal Americans, republicans and patriots. Then will the wheels of our industries begin to move once more. Our credit will be regained, confidence in the stability of our splendid resources will be restored, capital will come to us seeking n safe investment. No longer will grim want and hunger walk in our midst and terrify our people, no longer will little children be found crying in our streets for bread, but under the blue skies of this sunny clime will be found a people who enjoy peace, prosperity and happiness. The women of Colorado have the glorious privilege of American institutions and American homes. Let us have the courage and the wisdom to fight that insidious enemy called anarchy and fight it to the death. Let us see to it that on the 6th day of November, when the sun has gone down behind our snowcapped mountains, that we shall have laid away that ‘grand old anarchist’ in his political grave, and let us cover him deep with our ballots.”
Mrs. Olin now introduced Mrs. Carrie Clyde Holly, candidate for the house of representatives in the next legislature.
Mrs. Holly said she would talk but a few moments and on the question of woman’s suffrage. She cited the case of Priscilla and John Alden an early instance of woman suffrage. She would speak a few words for herself in regard what she had to contend with. Not only were the populists opposed to her, but she had to contend with the men who thought it was unwomanly for her sex to go into politics, for men could make better laws for women than they could themselves. “If this is so what do you think of the law by which a man can whip his wife provided he uses a stick no larger than his little finger, (the law in some states), and other laws of such nature, making the age of consent only 11 years.”
She denied at some length the fall of chivalry, as claimed by some, on account of woman’s suffrage. In closing she urged all to support the republican ticket and prevent the re-election of Governor Waite.
Mrs. Olin introduced Mrs. N. J. S. Fox, who, she said, needed no introduction. Mrs. Fox spoke of the diversity of parties throughout the United States and the death of them in the past, only to arise on some new vote–getting lines under the leadership of the same old crowd, always willing to sacrifice themselves in office. No new party since the birth of the republican party had proved anything but an inglorious and dismal failure. She eulogized the republican party’s record during the war and since. Little need be said of the populist party; it was only necessary to ask intelligent women if it was safe to intrust Colorado, a state second to none in natural resources, to such an administration as had disgraced the state for two years. To the republican party Colorado owed all its prosperity: to the populist party it owes the evils of the last two years. The choice was simple.
Mrs. Fox read an extract from the Philadelphia Press saying that the future of woman’s suffrage depends on Colorado to a large extent, for the women must assist in the redemption of the state. She paid a tribute to the women of Colorado and urged them to vote the eagle ticket straight. Mrs. Olin called forward Judge Collins, who had taken a back seat, she said, because he was modest. He admitted being modest and said he couldn’t help it. Speaking seriously now, he said the women had a greater responsibility than the mere casting of a vote. There had been much difference of opinion about female suffrage, but no self-respecting man would marry a woman whom he did not consider better than himself. Woman was a lofty ideal and the rank and file of women were superior to the generality of men intellectually and were far better than men morally. He believed in the protection of the home and called upon the legislature to enact laws for the punishment of a man who would slander the fair name of a woman. He also directed attention to the fact that the republican platform called for raising the age of consent to 21 years.
The speaker now turned his attention to the business stagnation and losses of the last two years. Never until recently had any one attempted to start an American system of economics. Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill and Cairnes had written for the aristocracy of England and their theories were out of place in free America, where the first principles are the survival of the fittest and no distinction of class by birth. Whenever a political party attempts to array class against class it is properly denominated anarchy and dynamitism.
Waite is claimed to be a friend of labor, yet what labor wants is not strikes, but conditions that will keep men actively and constantly employed. He cited a case which he knew of where money would come to Colorado if Waite was defeated, but not a cent if he is re-elected. He spoke of the bitter fight, made bitter by some, for some nominations, and the fact that these men, defeated for nominations, were now trying to defeat their successful opponents. He had not entered into any combination to secure the nomination given him against men who were seeking an office which was not seeking them. He urged the women not to be influenced by appeals to prejudice made by Judas Iscariots and Benedict Arnolds of the party. This campaign was the most important in the history of the state, for an underlying strain of anarchy was running through and must be stamped out. Socialism was to him a vagary, though it was not anarchy. He was in favor of law and order and every necessary force must be used to compell obedience, for no one who does not violate the law near fear its enforcement. No such governor as wrote insulting letters to the chief executive of the nation should be re-elected and the undercurrent of anarchy and the arraying of class against class must be stamped out.
Mrs. Olin called Senator Drake forward and introduced him. He said he would speak but a few words and would devote his attention to the Populist claim that the party gave suffrage to women. The governor in his message recommended only municipal suffrage, but the votes of all parties passed the act giving full franchise. But the Populists forget that it was the Republican party that in 1876 put in the constitution the clause making it
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 21, 1894
Approximately 11,500 Names are Now on The Books. Registration closed last night and those who are not registered can’t vote. The enrollment is large and will probably be 11,500, which is nearly double what it has ever been. During the past few days a great many foreigners have been naturalized so that they might vote. The lists will be cut down slightly by challenges which will be filed. Changes may be made in residences until next Saturday night.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 21, 1894
Monday Evening Club.
George J. Dunbaugh will lecture next Monday evening before the Monday Evening club upon the subject “Municipal Government.” It is expected Mr. Dunbaugh will draw some conclusions from the present city government. Although Mr. Dunbaugh is the most recent member of the club, the members are expecting a comprehensive treatment of the subject.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 22, 1894
The republican women of Pueblo have organized two political clubs, the Bowen Bellwringers, of which Mrs. Olin is president, and the Volunteer club, presided over by Mrs. Dr. Heller. Mr. N. S. Walpole, chairman of the republican county committee, requests that all women voters join one or both of these clubs as every one of them can render valuable service in the campaign.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 22, 1894
The Swedish Republican club will have its next meeting Tuesday, the 23rd, in the old Swedish church. All members are expected to be present and everybody is welcome to become a member of the club. Judge Collins and Mrs. Carrie Clyde Holly will speak. Mrs. Mary Pearson will act as chairman for the evening.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 22, 1894
(Former Governor Alba Adams gave a speech at the Monday Evening Club that was then published in the Chieftain. This is a short excerpt of a much longer speech on Municipal Government.)
“…Municipal reform in Colorado should have a great impetus under the new reign of woman suffrage.
“Woman who heretofore has been man’s superior is now his equal.”
She must now with him share the responsibility. We have shirked our duty; will she shame us by being more earnest, more patriotic? National patriotism was never more universal, more potent in the United States than today. No breeze that blows over our broad land carries a single taint of treason or disloyalty. What we need is a revival of home and city loyalty. Like charity, that patriotism is best and truest that begins at our own fireside. Our people must be as willing to make a sacrifice for their city as for their country, a spirit of local patriotism must be invoked. If our cities be well governed, all will be well with the nation. Reform in a free government must come from the foundation—the people. You can not reform from the top down. If you would straighten a leaning tower you send your architect to the foundation, not to the battlements ― so with a republic. The city is the center from which our civilization radiates. …”
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 23, 1894
Fully seven-eighths of the women of Pueblo county will vote the republican ticket. Such good judgment shows that the people of Colorado acted wisely when they adopted female suffrage.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 23, 1894
The Woman’s Volunteer Republican Club.
The Volunteer Republican club will meet this afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Grand hotel. Business of Importance. Nellis M. Heller, President. F. L. RICHARDSON, Secretary.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 24, 1894
Well Attended Meeting With Several Last Night.
George W. Collins and Mrs. Carrie Clyde Holly addressed the Swedish Republican club last night at the old Swedish church on the mesa. A large crowd was present and listened intently to Judge Collins* remarks on the silver question and the tariff and to Mrs. Holly’s words on woman’s suffrage, which were exceptionally good and were highly appreciated. Judge Elwell came in rather late and spoke briefly on the monetary question and paid attribute to Senators Teller and Wolcott. Charles Strots, the president of the club, presided. Another meeting will be held next Tuesday evening, October 30.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 24, 1894
Judge and Mrs. Holly are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Eckburg at 602 Santa Fe avenue.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 24, 1894
At the Grand Hotel This Afternoon at 2 O’Clock
Arrangements have been made by the Woman’s Volunteer Republican club to have Mrs. Foster address the women of the city interested in politics this afternoon at 2 o’clock in the Grand hotel ordinary. In order that those attending may have seats at the Columbia theater for the rally at 3 o’clock the chairman of the central committee has kindly agreed to reserve 100 seats for those desiring to hear both speeches. After the address in the ordinary an opportunity will be offered of meeting Mrs. Foster at an informal reception in the parlors.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 25, 1894
The registration in Denver will be more than doubled through female suffrage. A like result is apparent in Pueblo county.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 25, 1894
Greatest Political Occasion in the History of Pueblo.
Senator Teller Sets at Rest Rumors of His Populistic Tendencies.
Big Excursions From Outside Points— Columbia Theater and Court House Crowded In the Evening with People Anxious to Hear the Cause Discussed —Teller Speaks on State Issues and Silver– Mrs. Foster Appeals to the Patriotic People of Southern Colorado To Redeem The State.
Yesterday was republican day in Pueblo and its influence was clearly felt in all sections of the city. The stores were filled with people, the cars were crowded all day and the places of interest had many visitors. All the incoming trains brought people into the city, the low rates being a great inducement. Crowds came from Colorado Springs, Fountain, Canon City, Florence, Trinidad, Lamar, La Junta, Rocky Ford, Sheridan Lake, Fowler and all points on the Santa Fe, Rio Grande, Missouri Pacific and Gulf roads. In all it is estimated that 800 or 1,000 visitors spent the day in the city.
The white campaign hats of the Tom Bowen Marching club were very numerous on the streets and the officers of the club were busy all day fitting out members for the big turnout in the evening. In the afternoon the ladies of the city had everything their way. Mrs. J. Ellen Foster was the guest of honor. She was entertained at luncheon by the Woman’s Volunteer Republican club at the Grand hotel and an informal reception was tendered her at which she made a few remarks to the women on womanliness and patriotism.
At 3 o’clock Mrs. Foster addressed a mass-meeting of fully 900 women at the Columbia theater on the national and state issues in the present campaign, speaking directly to the women from a woman’s standpoint. Her speech was intently listened to and she was frequently applauded. The day’s exercises closed with the biggest mass-meeting ever held in Pueblo, such an enormous crowd turning out to hear Senator Teller speak that it was necessary to hold an overflow meeting at the court house.
Fully 1,800 people listened to Colorado’s senior senator while for two hours he talked on state matters and the silver Question. He took this opportunity forever to set at rest the story that he might at any time be expected to join the new party and when he said:
“I am a republican; I have been a republican all my life, and I expect to remain a republican as long as I live,” the audience fairly went wild with applause. Mrs. Foster spoke briefly at this meeting, confining her remarks mainly to patriotism.
Fully 500 people attended the overflow meeting at the court house, which was addressed by Hon. John Campbell, candidate for supreme judge, N. W. Dixon and Mrs. Foster.
Colombia Theater Wouldn’t Hold All Who Wanted to Hear Senator Teller. If anyone had any doubt that there were plenty of good, loyal, enthusiastic republicans in Pueblo those doubts were entirely dispelled by the cheering crowd which marched through the streets last night to hear Senator Teller’s speech at the Columbia theater. There were 1,000 men in line and all wore white campaign hats and presented a very good appearance. They were headed by about twenty wheelmen followed by the Second regiment band, and then came the legion marching four abreast with the stars and stripes at their head. A circuit of the streets was taken in and a halt made at the residence of Hon. I. W. Stanton, where Senator Teller was stopping, and the guest was escorted to the amid the loudest cheers.
On arriving at the theater it was found that every available inch of space was occupied and an overflow meeting was at once announced to meet at the court house. On the stage were seated the republican candidates in the campaign, the officers of the different campaign clubs, the city and county officials and prominent members of the republican party. Fully 1,800 people were crowded into the theater. All the members of the Bowen Bell Wringers club were seated in a certain section of the theater and several times during the evening arose and gave their salute, that of waving white handkerchiefs. It had a very pleasing effect. The music was furnished by the Teller quintette and the Cyclone orchestra of Colorado Springs, composed of colored men. Hon. Thomas M. Bowen acted as chairman of the meeting, and was greeted with hearty applause when he stepped to the footlights. His introductory remarks were very brief.
In presenting Mrs. J. Ellen Foster to the audience he said: “You have heard of Mrs. Foster frequently during this campaign and you will now have an opportunity to hear her.” Mrs. Foster was greeted with applause as she came forward, the Bell wringers greeting her with their salute. She said: “I have already been privileged to speak to Pueblo people today and am here now to remind you that on November 6 you will have the privilege of electing the associate of the man who will address you tonight. You often hear that the state ticket is all right, the whole state ticket must be all right, we don’t want any bushwhacking in this campaign.
“To the women I will say that you have been crowned with sovereignty and now Colorado is in danger, and it is your duty to save the state at the ballot box. It is always the duty of woman to be on hand in cases of emergency. It has been her duty to go around picking up; now you must keep picking up until election
“When we come to the interests of this commonwealth, you know very well the condition on the material side. There is a spirit of patriotism which must be cultivated more than anything else, the kind of patriotism our boys had in ’61. I have wondered as I have read the populist speeches if any vandal should strike at the flag where we would go to raise our army. I wouldn’t expect to raise a corporal’s guard in the populist party.
Let our motto be the cross and the stars and stripes and we will win. Men and women, don’t defame your right to vote by voting for a man who broke his oath of office as governor of the state of Colorado. May God deal with you as you deal with the commonwealth of Colorado.” Senator Bowen didn’t say a word in ’introducing Senator Teller, but simply led him to the footlights, where he was greeted with cheers lasting several minutes, the Bowen Bell-wringers giving their salute.
Senator Teller said in part:
“This large and enthusiastic meeting assures me that the people of Colorado are alive to their Interests. I want to speak to you independent of any partisan feeling and regardless of party. I have no interests in this campaign that you do not have. You and I may not agree upon what is the proper policy to follow out to regain prosperity, but I believe that all the people of the state are patriotic enough to want good government. Politics are but the proper conduct of the state affairs. What care you what party the governor or other officials belong to as long as they give you a good administration? I am a republican, I have been a republican all my life and expect to remain a republican as long as I live.
“I shall now talk to you for a few minutes about what has been done in the past two years since I last addressed you. From 1861 until 1876, when Colorado became a state, we had republican officers who came to us from abroad. From 1876 until 1893 we have had republican governors except four years of the time, and the administrations would have been a credit to any state in the union. I make this statement because some speakers would lead you to believe that the administrations had been a carnival of robbery. We have made the campaigns in this state upon the questions of tariff. I am a protectionist of rather an extreme type, because I think protection protects nolt only the manufacturer but the men who work in the mills.
“Now, I am not going to say that the third party is not honest in their efforts for the people. My judgment is that certain lines of conduct will bring prosperity and in our political affairs we should be fair. Now let us consider a moment. You have had a populist administration for the past two years and now you are asked to continue it for the next two years. Now by my last remark I ask you to consider it and use your best judgment. I will not say anything about the administration or the actors in it except so far as it may be necessary to discuss the question. The present administration promised us many things; it was to be one of reform and there was to be a condition of affairs much better than ever before. The governor of this state appointed a police board in Denver but he allowed them to stay but a few weeks. You and I know that in the administration of affairs a good official should be allowed to stay in office long enough to give him a trial. Later the governor appointed two prominent citizens, one of them made the first populist speech in the state, the other was a townsman of mine before the territory was formed. I know that both of these men were honest and upright.
“These two men had been on the board but a short time when the governor wanted some changes made in the fire and police department. These two men refused to remove the persons except for cause, and the governor said to put them out or he would. Mr. Martin and Mr. Orr declined to go. The governor then called upon the militia and said ‘Bring out your catling guns, and if those men don’t go out blow down the city hall.’
“The sheriff, whose duty it is to preserve the peace, gathered about him a thousand men, more or less, and now you have the spectacle of the militia on one hand and the sheriff’s force on the other, and there was civil war. True, there was no blood shed, but I’ll tell you why, I was in Washington and I never spent such an anxious night during all my life in Colorado, and I was glad to hear in the morning that General McCook was in command. I went to the office of the secretary of war and he said he did not know how McCook got there, but he was there and he was going to stay.
“The matter finally got into the supreme court and the governor will tell you that the court upheld him. But it didn’t, because they simply said he had the right to remove these officials, but went on to say that he had no authority to enforce his eviction or appointment with the militia. This is the first time that the governor of any state in the union has ever called out the army to enforce his edicts. Now all these things have reflected upon the state and its credit, and he should not be placed in power again for the next two years.”
Senator Teller then touched for a moment on the Cripple Creek trouble, which he said might have been prevented by a few words from the governor of the state. He also mentioned the extra session. “I want an administration in this state that will uphold the laws. We must have a good man to lead us. If the issue in this campaign was between Thomas and Waite it would not take me the hundredth part of a second to decide that I would vote for Mr. Thomas. This is just as much to the interest of one class of men as another. I believe that 99 per cent of the people are in favor of good government. We have no use for a man who stands on the platform and proclaims anarchy. We haven’t room in Colorado for anarchists and there should be room for them in the country. When you go into your booth you will think how can I best serve my state? What ticket can I vote that will bring back good government to the state?
“I want to talk to you a little about the party I am in and for a short time on the silver question, which has been the great question in this state. I have submitted for several years that civilization, morality and virtue are dependent upon this question. How can we bring about this great reform? We have done but little in this, it is true, but a great many people will tell you that the only thing we have to fear is Wall street. This is not so. It is the people who are to blame. They are not educated to it. There are silver men in all parties and there are gold men in all parties and there are paper men in the populist party.
“Now. I am frequently told that I am a populist. I am in favor of many things in the populist party, but I was talking silver in the United States senate ten years before the populist party was formed and ten years before any man who is now prominent in the populist party was heard of. The populists are in favor of the government issuing all the money. So am I. They are in favor of a direct vote for senator. So am I. They are in favor of woman’s suffrage and take all the credit for passing that law in this state. I have always been in favor of woman’s suffrage and have voted for it in the senate. They are in favor of an income tax. So am I and I voted for it, whether it was good republican doctrine or not. “I don’t think it is possible to do any good outside of the republican party for silver. There is no outlook for it in any other party. There is no use in joining any party which cannot absorb either one or the other of the old parties. If either the democratic or republican parties put a silver plank in their platform of 1896 they will carry the great northwest. Are we making any headway. We had an extra session of congress and we made a good fight and it stirred up the entire world on this question. We had our caucuses and we asked whether we should debate the question or simply let the repeal pass without a murmur. We had Senator Cameron with us and we decided to go in and debate it for the education of the people, and it did a vast deal of good. There isn’t any immediate result to be gotten out of this, but in this country and in Germany and England we have made good progress.
“When you sent me to the senate did you think I would follow some newspaper or some traveling speaker or the vagaries of some accidental governor? You expected me to follow my own best judgment. I would leave the republican party if I thought it was for the best interests of the people of this state. I would join the Democratic party if I thought they could pass a free coinage bill. The democratic party in Ohio and the republicans in other states have lately put a silver plank in their platforms, and all these things show that silver is gaining ground and gives great encouragement to those who have been making the fight for silver for many years in congress. “The question will not be settled except by the people of the United States. Your governor has not gained any converts for silver and such actions as his cannot gain any good people for the party.”
Senator Teller was frequently interrupted by applause and at the close of the speech the hand-clapping and waving of handkerchiefs continued for several minutes. The gathering dispersed after a song by the Teller quintette.
Delivers a Brilliant Speech at the Woman’s Mass Meeting
Mrs. J. Ellen Foster addressed a large mass-meeting of republican women at the Columbia theater at 3 p. m., delivering one of the able and logical addresses for which she is justly famed and holding the attention of her auditors and arousing their enthusiasm for more than an hour. Judge John Campbell said a few words at the close of the meeting. The audience was composed almost entirely of women and they were the representative, intelligent, thinking women of the community. Mrs. M. J. Noble, vice chairman of the republican county central committee, presided.
Seats on the platform were occupied by Mrs. Carrie Clyde Holly, Mrs. Clare D. Olin, president of the Bowen Bellwringers; Mrs. P. H. Heller, president, and other officers of the Woman’s Volunteer Republican club, and members of that organization and of the Bellwringers. Mrs. Foster’s appearance on the stage during the singing of a selection by the soloist of the colored quartet, which opened the meeting, was the signal for enthusiastic applause.
Mrs. Noble introduced Master Chester as a young republican and the little fellow did a song and dance in very clever fashion. He reappeared in response to applause wearing a Bowen hat that aroused enthusiasm and sang a verse about Waite. The hat had been given him and he wore it very proudly. Miss Kittie Webster admirably rendered a violin solo, a patriotic melody, at the conclusion of which Mrs. Noble said: “I now have the pleasure of introducing to you Mrs. Foster,” who spoke as follows:
“Gentlemen and Ladies—lt has always been woman’s mission to serve, to cook and to make clothes for peace or war, and the quality of her work shows what the civilization of a nation is. Woman is the index of a land’s status.” Mrs. Foster now explained the relation between what has always been woman’s work and the ballot. The suffrage in Colorado was not an accident but was a natural result and other states would follow.
“Woman has followed man’s position; when he was servile she was servile, and she has kept pace with his advances.” She briefly referred to the development of civilization until women are now in the world of work; they have always been in a world of work but they are now everywhere. With woman’s position as a leader in the world of charity and philanthropy and her progress her child has been developed. The sons of women who were free before their children were born gave women the suffrage as a natural result of this evolution.
“It would not be natural if woman did not want to mother the good principles of her brain. The woman who doesn’t want to vote is not womanly but womanish, and what the world needs is womanly women. Woman’s voting is but an extension of her service for ages and is the protection of her functions in society. Women. I am here to ask you to hold fast to the civilization which has been achieved in this year and the republican party is the stronghold for the maintenance of this civilization. At this crucial time when everything that was steadfast for years is in danger of being lost, I ask everyone of you, like the Jewish maiden of old, to say: ‘Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord.’ Heroes and heroism are recognized after the accomplishment of the deed, yet now is the time for heroism, and you must turn all your efforts to the suppression of infamy, lawlessness and crime.
“There are only two parties that can properly be called parties, the democratic and the republican, who stand by the constitution of state and nation, the organic law. Everywhere the body is recognized as sacred, for it is the organism which protects life and so too is the organic law sacred.” Mrs. Foster referred to the populist party as one that “had its unclean hands on this ‘body of liberty’ as the organic law was called in New England. and to women is given this magnificent privilege, not a cross, of redeeming the body of liberty from this pollution.
“The republican party by tradition and descent believes in a strong government, a high organized government, that has always sought some new development of the nation’s resources and its people. The republican party believes in advancement, it is constructive. The democratic party believes the best thing government can do for a man is to let him alone. The tariff arises out of these fundamental principles, and the republican party regards the nation us a large family. Though there are more than 2,000,000 wage-earning women who are affected by the tariff in addition to the wives of wage-earning men so affected, you do not, many of you, fully appreciate the importance of this tariff question. Yet through the democratic tariff thousands of women are out of employment and in hunger and need.
“The United States is a nation of diversified national resources, and republicanism believes in using whatever we can get at home before going abroad. The way to help these women is to vote for protection and not make the Colorado miner and the wool grower a donation for charity or a relief fund.” Mrs. Foster explained the protective doctrine by a story of a Kansas boy who said he would rather have his sister make his shirt than any other girl for he wouldn’t get the shirt 一 she would have the money and the whole thing would be in the family, and then if he wanted a little money he could borrow it from her. This is protection in a nut shell. The speaker urged the voters to cast their ballots for a republican congressman and for republican representatives in the Legislature to secure a senator who will stand by Senator Teller.
“Vote the whole ticket from top to bottom, and don’t think that you are greater than the party that nominated the candidates. How much nobler it is to stand for a principle than for a person.”
Mrs. Foster spoke feelingly of Messrs. Carr and Mulnix, the one maimed in war for right and the other in heroic sacrifice to save human life. She now turned her attention to the aggregation who want to keep the present administration in power. Government ownership of railroads has not proved a success in Europe, and in principle it is monarchical. The populist suggestion of seizure of certain railroads by the government because the roads are owned by foreigners is demoralizing. There is no need of being concerned about the sub-treasury and other vagaries, for no men smart enough to get to congress will ever vote for such things. The initiative and referendum are interesting but would be a radical departure from the constitution and it would be rather expensive to publish bills and amendments, but that party seems to have a weakness for publishing such things—it’s a very convenient way of raising campaign funds. The populist party and its leaders are believers in flat money. Bimetallism, which we accept, believes in gold and silver because they have value, and are standards of value. Populists what do you mean by all your talk about silver at 16 to 1? That’s why nobody respects you, for consistency is the first thing necessary. Where will we get free silver? Why, where we got everything else, from the G. O. P. The populists will never get there even if they really would give us silver. Will we get it from the democratic party? Judging from their tariff troubles they won’t be able to do anything they want. Do you wonder that I am so enthusiastic? How could it be otherwise when there is only one side? We will get silver from the republican party, for it has always given the people what they want when it finds it out.”
Mrs. Foster said the silver sentiment was growing and paid an eloquent tribute to Senator Teller. When he arose to speak, everyone listened, and even those who disagreed with him gave heed, and the effect of his sound logic and clear reasoning is spreading. Senator Peffer speaks to empty benches because he is a populist. In conclusion she arraigned the populist executive as a corrupter of morals by his profane and violent language. She was not talking religion but decency, and such a man should be relegated to the oblivion that is proper for such characters.
“He is not even an average Colorado man, much less a representative man. Do you ask who is a representative man for governor? I answer, A. W. Mclntire, of course.
“But finally, whatever is our opinion on the tariff and the other doctrines on which the democrats and republicans differ, we all want our children to do well. From love of your children I ask you to put this man away.”
She appealed to democrats to stand with the party of law and order, decency and good government, and restore to the state political righteousness and respect for constitutional law.
Mrs. Noble said the man who would be chosen justice of the supreme court this fall was present, and would say a few words, Judge John Campbell. He spoke in very complimentary terms of Mrs. Foster, as the most eloquent orator in the United States, and referred to the large registration of women in Pueblo county. This furnished the ground work for a great victory, but careful and thorough organization was imperative. He had been in some of the mountain counties and also in the rainbelt during the last three weeks, and he knew the mountain counties were not populist, for there are more republicans in those districts than anyone who had not been there had any idea of. The rainbelters, in all their poverty and distress, were leaving no stone unturned to insure republican victory, which showed the sentiment of the people.
Addresses by Judge Campbell, Mrs. Foster and Judge Dixon.
Judge Elwell presided at the overflow meeting at the court house, the large room on the second floor being filled. He first introduced John Campbell, nominee for supreme Judge. The speaker denied the authority of the populists’ claim to be the friend of the laboring man. They had proved the hollowness of these pretensions by the persistent manner in which they had created antagonism between labor and capital. Their boasted principles of economy were disproved by their extravagance in the publication at such enormous expense of the proposed amendments to the constitution. He also referred to Governor Waite’s police board fiasco. Returning again to the labor question he said none of the three nominees for governor was a laboring man and none was the especial candidate of the wageearners. And the republican party’s record showed it to be the friend of the laboring man, as it was the firm friend of the whole people. He was raised on a farm, learned the printers’ trade and was a member of the typographical union. He believed firmly in organized labor, for it was the employes’ only method of self-protection. Songs were rendered by W. G. Howard and Dr. R H. Dunn, at the conclusion of which Judge Elwell introduced Mrs. Foster. After some introductory remarks, referring to the patriotic songs just heard, Mrs. Foster directed her attention to the present political situation. In history it would be recorded, she said, that In 1892 there was a general political upheaval which resulted in the election of a man as governor of Colorado who had not only brought into disrepute the fair name of the state, but had grievously injured and maimed its industries. She and her auditors would in future years proudly tell how they had assisted in redeeming the state from this misrule. Better times are coming, but no one must expect a spontaneous revival on the morning of November 7, when the sun will rise on Waite’s overthrow.
She urged all to vote the republican ticket and vote it straight.
N. W. Dixon was the next speaker. He devoted his attention largely to the state administration and Waite’s subversion of the civil authority to the military and his famous sentiment of “D — the courts.” He referred to the city hall troubles in Denver also. He declared Waite to be the tyrant of the populist party with McClees a close second. The one had turned his every effort toward securing a renomination and the other had swung his chance to run again by publishing the proposed amendments broadcast at the expense of the people. In the state, in spite of the existence of four parties, there were in reality but two elements, one of law and order and decency, represented by the republican and democratic parties, and the other of, anarchy, represented by the populists. He complimented Charles S. Thomas, but said he had no chance whatever of election, and the law-abiding classes should array themselves against the common foe and elect the republican ticket. A vote for Thomas, he said, was a vote for Waite, as in 1892 a vote for Weaver was a vote for Cleveland. The same thing was true of a vote for the prohibition nominee for governor. In conclusion he urged all who were opposed to Waiteism to vote the republican ticket from Mclntire to Steward. RECEPTION TO MRS. FOSTER. Entertained at the Grand By the Woman’s Volunteer Republican Club. Mrs. J. Ellen Foster of Washington, D. C., arrived in the city yesterday and was received by the officers of the Woman’s Volunteer Republican club and escorted to the Grand hotel. She was entertained at luncheon by them and was tendered a reception at the hotel at 2 o’clock. Fully 200 ladies attended the reception and were spoken to by Mrs. Foster, who was introduced by Mrs. P. H. Heller, president of the club. Mrs. Foster made a most womanly talk to them, saying that she was glad to see that there were two such enthusiastic women’s clubs in Pueblo, and advising the women to work together for the one great end, the success of the republican ticket. She told the women that they had heard everywhere the talk that women would purify politics, but she thought it would make more womanly and better of them, and she appealed strongly to their patriotism, telling those who had children to bring them up to be patriots and good, law loving and law-abiding citizens. She advised active committee work in the clubs, and furthermore not to scratch their tickets, as they were voting fully as much for principle as they were for any particular man.
She said: “I’d rather be simply a member of the republican party and stand up for their principles than to be a leader in any other party.” In conclusion the speaker said: “If it goes out from Colorado that the state has been redeemed and by a good large republican majority, every state in the land will rejoice with us.” Many of the ladies were introduced to Mrs. Foster before the meeting adjourned.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 26, 1894
Republican Women Meet.
Women voters in precincts 9, 10, 11 and 42 held a joint meeting last night in room 118 in the Central block, which was fairly well attended. Mrs. Carrie Clyde Holly addressed the ladies on the issues of the campaign, and Judge Salisbury made a short talk. The music was furnished by the Colored Ladies Glee club.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 27, 1894
The women voters of Pueblo are a Power which will render great aid in wresting the government of the state from the hands of the populist mob.
Let every republican use his utmost endeavors to secure the election of Mrs. Carrie C. Holly, Nat Kearney, Julius D. Brown and James F. Allee to the house of representatives. They will take good care of the interests of Pueblo county in that body.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 30, 1894
The greatest event before election will be the entertainment given by the John A. Logan Circle Ladies of G. A. R.. The democrats have kindly proffered their hall free. All political parties will be ably represented by five-minute speeches. Voting for the most popular candidates for governor and district judge will be a novel feature of the entertainment. Singing by the Colored Ladies’ Quartette. Dancing from 10 o’clock. Polls close promptly at 11 o’clock. The candidate receiving the most votes will receive an elegant silk quilt that will be guaranteed to keep them warm though they do not get elected on November 6. The political parties will each have a table from which elegant refreshments will be served. Admission to the hall, 10 cents.
Attention, Candidates
Owing to the intense excitement growing out of the political campaign now in progress, the ladies of John A. Logan Circle, G. A. R., have decided to settle the question as to who is to be our next governor, district judge and district attorney on the evening of October 31, and to that end will entertain republicans, populists, democrats and prohibitionists at the Mechanics’ block (democratic headquarters) from 7 p. in. to 1 a. m. The programme will consist of music, speaking and dancing. Refreshments will be served at any time desired. The leading features of the evening will be the voting for governor, district judge and district attorney, and as the vote taken at that time will be conclusive, all friends of the different candidates should be present and vote early and often. Admission, 10 cents. Mrs. L. B. GIBSON, MRS. W. F. TOWNSEND, MRS. CAROLINE MURPHY, MRS. L. L. CRANE.
Interesting Papers Read at the Meeting Yesterday Afternoon. An Interesting meeting of the Volunteer Republican club was held at the Grand hotel yesterday afternoon. Mrs. G. W. Perkins read the constitutional amendments and Mrs. B. F. Baldwin read a clipping from the Denver Republican opposing their adoption. For a more thorough understanding of them a lawyer of the city will address the club on this subject at its next meeting, of which due notice will be given. Mrs. M. D. Thatcher read an able paper on “Silver at 16 to 1.” Mrs. P. H. Heller gave a talk on “Tariff,” and Dr. Hatfield followed on the same question, giving the result of personal observation in the working of the present tariff law. The club now numbers 76. Any others desiring to join are invited to send their names and addresses to the secretary. Mrs. C. C. Richardson, 609 Santa Fe avenue.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, October 30, 1894
The Volunteer Republican club will meet at the Grand hotel to-morrow (Thursday) morning at 10 o’clock. Mr. Horton Pope will address the club on the subject of the ”Constitutional Amendments.”
NELLIE M. HELLER, President.
F. L. RICHARDSON, Secretary.
November 1894

Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 1, 1894
There will be a meeting of the club to-day (Thursday) at the Columbia theater at 3 p. m. Every member is requested to be present as business of especial importance will be brought before the meeting. Bring your lead pencils. CLARE D. OLIN. President. M. A. MOORE, Secretary.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 1, 1894
Look out for the legislative ticket.
The populists now rest their entire hopes upon sending one of their number to the United States senate. See that your ballots bear the names of Jesse G. Morton and J. R. Gordon for senators and Carrie Clyde Holly, James F. Allee, Nathaniel Kearney and Julius Brown for representatives. They are all good reliable people and must be elected. Beware how you scratch your ticket.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 1, 1894
Logan Circle’s Social at Democratic Headquarters Well Attended.
Ladies of Logan circle, L. of G. A. R., gave a very enjoyable political entertainment at the democratic headquarters in the Mechanics’ block last night. The attendance was large and the affair was a decided success socially and financially. The four political parties were represented by speakers, each of whom said a few words for his or her political cause. J. E. Rizer and S. H. White appeared for the democrats. Rev. N. L. Reynolds for the prohibitionists, Mrs. W. F. Townsend and D. M. Campbell for the populists and Colonel M. H. Fitch for the republicans The colored glee club sang several songs. A handsome silk quilt was won for T. H. Devine, democratic nominee for district judge, through the votes of his friends present, his total when the balloting closed being 176, G. W. Collins second with 75. Dancing was continued until 1 o’clock, and refreshments prepared by the ladies were served.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 2, 1894
Constitutional Amendment Explained in Detail by Horton Pope.
Notwithstanding the fact that the weather was decidedly unpropitious yesterday morning a good proportion of the members of the Volunteer Republican club met at the Grand hotel to listen to a talk on the subject of the “Constitutional Amendments.” Horton Pope minutely and impartially explained the matter in hand, cheerfully responding to all questions. Many men and women have found themselves in doubt concerning these amendments on which they are called upon to vote November 6, but those who had the privilege of hearing the explanation yesterday have made up their minds as to the proper course to pursue. Eighty-two are now enrolled as members of the Volunteer club. The next meeting and last prior to election will be Saturday afternoon. November 3, at 3:30 o’clock at the Grand hotel.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 3, 1894
Remember, women voters of Colorado, that if Waite is defeated thinking men will say “the women did it and they are on the side of law and order.” If he is elected they will say “the women did it and female suffrage is a failure?”
Republican women, don’t forget that on your shoulders, as well as upon those of the men, rests the responsibility of Colorado’s welfare for the next two years. Women claim to be friends of law, order and good government. Now is the time to prove the truth of that claim.
next column and part of longer article
Women voters of the Tenth judicial district, beware. The kickers are making every effort to deceive you and cause you to substitute the names of populists and democrats for those of tried and true republicans on your ballots. Bear in mind that a populist office holder, no matter how small the office may be, is a menace to the peace and good order of the community. Vote your ticket straight. Place a X beside the eagle.
a few columns later in a column called “Campaign Notes”
Woman’s Longfellow Republican club of Denver holds a mock election every afternoon to practice voting.
and elsewhere
Women of Colorado, the enemies of female suffrage throughout the entire length and breadth of the United States are watching to see the result of the first state election held here since the enfranchisement of women. If you cast your ballots, in favor of law and order and against anarchy and misrule you will give the lie to the statements of your enemies and strengthen the cause of your struggling sisters in every state in the Union. If on the contrary you array yourselves on the side of Waiteism the cause of female suffrage will receive a backset from which it will require years to recover.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 4, 1894
They Cut Quite a Figure in the World’s Politics.
The countries of the world where women already have suffrage have an area of 18,000,0000 square miles and their population is over 350,000,000. In Great Britain women vote for all elective officers except members of parliament. In France the women teachers elect women members on boards of education. In Sweden women vote for all elective officers except representatives; also, indirectly, for members of the house of lords. In Norway they have school suffrage. In Ireland the women vote for the harbor boards, poor law guardians, and in Belfast for municipal officers. In Russia women householders vote for all elective officers and on all local matters. In Finland they vote by proxy for all elective officers. In Austro-Hungary they vote by proxy for all elective officers. In Croatia and Dalmatia they have the privilege of doing so in local elections in person. In Italy widows vote for members of parliament. In the Madras presidency and the Bombay presidency (Hindostan) the women exercise the right of suffrage all municipalities. In all the other countries of Russia-Asia they can go wherever a Russian colony settles. The Russians are colonizing the whole of their vast Asian possessions, and carrying with them everywhere the “mir” or self-gov-erning village, wherein women who are heads of households are permitted to vote. Women have municipal suffrage in Cape Colony, which rules a million square miles. Municipal woman suffrage rules in New Zealand, and, I think, at parliamentary elections. Iceland, in the North Atlantic, the Isle of Man. (between England and Ireland), and Pitcairn Island, in the South Pacific, have full woman suffrage. In the dominion of Canada women have municipal suffrage in every province and also in the northwest territories. In Ontario they vote for all elective officers, except in the election of members of the Legislature and Parliament. In the United States twenty-eight states and territories have given women some form of suffrage.
School suffrage in various degrees is granted to women in Arizona. Colorado. Connecticut, Delaware. Idaho. Indiana. Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota. Nebraska, New Jersey, New York. North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Vermont and Wisconsin. In Arkansas and Missouri women vote by petition on liquor license in many cases. In Delaware suffrage is exercised by women in several municipalities. In Kansas they I have equal suffrage with men at all municipal elections. About 50,000 woman voted in 1890. In Montana they vote on all local taxation. In New York they can and do vote at all school elections. The question of the constitutionality of the law is still undecided. They vote also in many places in this state on local improvements, such as gas and electric street lighting, paving, sewerage and municipal bonds. In Utah women voted until disfranchised by the “Edmunds law,” when they promptly organized to demand its repeal. In Pennsylvania a law was passed in 1889 under which women vote on local improvements by signing or refusing to sign petitions therefor. In Wyoming women have voted on the same terms with men since 1870. The convention of 1889 to form a state constitution unanimously inserted a provision securing them full suffrage. This constitution was ratified by the voters at a special election by about threefourths majority. Congress refused to require the disfranchisement of women and admitted the state July 10, 1890. And let it not be forgotten that in the senate of the United Staten February 7,1889, a select committee reported in favor of amending the federal constitution so as to forbid states to make sex a cause of disfranchisement. Congress adjourned, however. March 4 following, without reaching the subject. It might be added that in Honduras a new constitution on the point of adoption which will give women the right of suffrage.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 4, 1894
Large and Enthusiastic Meeting at the Grand Hotel.
One of the largest and most enthusiastic meeting of the “Volunteers” occurred yesterday afternoon at the Grand hotel. Mrs. Carrie C. Holly, candidate for representative to the state Legislature, first addressed the ladies in her usual pleasing manner. The main part of her talk was devoted to the superiority of the republican to other political parties and woman’s place in politics. She gave an amusing description of a populist rally she had recently attended as well as other entertaining anecdotes. A gentleman from Denver spoke …goes on a few more paragraphs
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 4, 1894
The present campaign, which is rapidly drawing to a close, has been marked on the part of the opposition to the republican ticket by personal abuse of the grossest character. This has undoubtedly been caused by the fact that for the first time in a general election women are to vote. Years ago such modes of political warfare were popular, but men soon learned that mud-slinging was more dangerous to the operator than to the person operated upon. Because women are novices in the art of politics the soreheads have resorted to such methods with the hope of being able to take advantage of their inexperience and to seduce them from their duty. The ladies must remember that the meanest cur can bark with impunity at any passer-by; that the meanest villain can slander the purest character. More than two weeks ago, upon the first appearance of the Odorless Excavator as a kicking organ, the Sunday Opinion, a staunch republican weekly, challenged the kickers to produce the proofs of their charges or to stand convicted as slanderers, and not a scintilla of proof of any character whatever has been produced. The kickers are therefore compelled to take the other horn of the dilemma and to stand branded before the community as falsifiers and slanderers. The mission of women In politics is to purify them, and no better opportunity has ever been afforded them to fulfill their mission than the present. Women can not engage in politics either as voters or as candidates if they are liable to be subjected to such personal abuse and slander, and they should remember that it is just as easy for some scoundrel to slander them as for the kickers to slander the republican nominees. Indeed, it has already been done. One of the papers employed in the present campaign by the kickers is the La Junta Tribune, which recently published a slander upon the republican ladies of La Junta, which is thus commented on by the Watermelon of October 29: But not content with slandering the male members of the republican party, this pestilence breeder, this tumor on honorable journalism, these libels on decent manhood, seek to attack by cowardly innuendo and insinuation the Ladies’ Republican club of La Junta and the county. Read what the despicable curs say in the last Issue of their “swag’ sheet: “The republican ladies meet every night at ‘headquarters’ and make the air ring with lively campaign songs. That isn’t all they do, however.” Could insinuation be baser, manhood sink lower, than to formulate such ambiguous language and concealed spite against some of the best ladies of La Junta? The ladies of Otero county will resent this insult at the polls. The ladies of Pueblo county should rise en masse to protect their newly acquired political rights, by serving notice on all politicians or would-be politicians that personal abuse and slander will not be tolerated, and this they should do by snowing under all candidates who are seeking to crawl into office by such means. Elwell, Dixon and Collins should receive the unanimous woman vote. Devine Voorhees and Sabin should stand at the bottom of the poll. The Chieftain has always contended that the “kickers” care nothing about the success of any part of the republican ticket. They are merely posing as republicans to aid them in carrying out their nefarious plot, and we also have been sure that sooner or later they would do some fool tricks to convict them. Sure enough, this morning you will have the evidence of their traitorIsm. They have sent out sample ballots with the names of Voorhees, Devine and Sabin on them marked, and the balance blank. Now how many votes will this make for the republican ticket? Not one. If a democrat votes it of course he will fill out the remaining blanks with democrats, and a populist will fill out with populists. And yet these “kickers” call themselves republicans, and expect to defeat a part of the republican ticket in this way. Silly men, you have exposed yourselves as the enemies of the whole ticket. Put your mark, republicans, opposite the eagle, and let these kickers learn the penalty of traitorism.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 4, 1894
(women involved in parade by the Volunteer club riding in carriages and some named women on the podium (and speaking) at Mineral palace park. with Teller Quintette and the Colored Ladies Glee Club)
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 5, 1894
Italians will Remember the Slur of a Populist Speaker.
To the Italians of Pueblo: We never make it a practice to take up or to refute the slanders that are hurled at our nation, but sometimes they are so absurd, so abominable, that we feel it our duty to pass a few remarks about them, especially if they are of such a nature that they might really mislead public opinion. We read in Roma of Denver that a certain female, Miss Johnson by name, hailing from somewhere in the east, was selected by the populists of Denver to make a speech at Coliseum hall. As she was frantically applauded, especially when she casts slurs on our nation, we are forced to the conclusion that she spoke the very mind and heart of the populist party. Among the other rank nonsense that this female Dun Quixote, who had come to save Colorado from the brink of ruin and perdition, detailed before her eager listeners, we will mention a few passages in which she broke a few lances against fair Italy.
According to Miss Johnson Italy is the most ignorant nation that exists on the face of the earth. Italians ought to be expelled from the civilized nations since they form the most stupid and the most ignorant element, and therefore the most dangerous element that can exist. For a while she goes on in this style and ends her rabid oratory in horrifying her audience by telling them that she has seen in the most frequented streets of New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and other cities, Italian women nursing their children, their breasts bare, “just like cows.” (her precise words, and how ladylike!) She concluded her diatribe by saying that Italians merited neither respect nor regard, nor should they be taken into any account, since numerically they are so few and morally are of no weight. Such are the insults that this celebrated ‘‘silver-tongued’’ Miss Johnson throws in our faces. In the interest of humanity we consider it better to consider the fair speaker as ignorant or as having temporarily lost her wits, than to consider her as a malicious calumniator.
Is it not better to be ignorant or of unsound mind than to be malicious? How is it that a woman speaking publicly does not know what Italy is? How can this poison-swollen serpent ignore the fact that Italy has been the cradle of western civilization, of art and of science; that countless names of great astronomers, of philosophers, of physicians, of orators, of poets, of painters and sculptors have always shone and still shine in the world of all that is true, beautiful and good? Miss Johnson was more vulgar than Lamartine, who designated Italy as the land of the dead; she was more trivial than Metternich, who called Italy a geographical expression. Miss Johnson, if the populist party will furnish you with the means of making a voyage to Europe, remember that Eden, which is called Italy, study its history. its science, its art, its grandeur, its virtues, its history, its traditions, the nobility of its characters, its gentleness of feeling and we are sure that you will then kneel down on that blessed soil to pray God that He may forgive you for the insults which you have done to Italy and to Italians, as we forgive you from the bottom of our hearts. Italians, recollect that the insult that has been thrown in our face comes from a woman : remember that Miss Johnson’s bloody insult comes from the populist party. That is the enemy! M. J. Pueblo, November 4,1894.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 6, 1894
Women of the Tenth judicial district, the mudslingers are bragging that they have deceived you by their attacks upon Messrs. Elwell, Dixon and Collins. A vote for Voorhees, Devine and Sabin is an endorsement on our part of the vile attacks made upon these gentlemen and mudslinging politics in general. If such things are to be allowed what will become of the reputations of those of your sisters in the future who are candidates for office? Think of these things, women of Pueblo and Otero counties, if you have any idea of voting ‘the mudslingers’ ticket.
In another column of the Chieftain this morning will be found a correct list of all the polling places. Look it over and find out where you belong.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 6, 1894
Women of Colorado, on you the eyes of the nation are turned. Your initial vote in this state determines your political status. Will you cast shadows of bane or rays of blessings? When your children are on their way to school this election morn remember they go to institutions founded and sustained not by and on any of the teachings of populism, which stands, as enunciated by Mr. Waite, for hostility to and a disregard of law and order, but they had their origin and growth before the day of his party, and from the childish prattle within their walls is echoed back the intelligence that in these halls of learning anarchy knows no place—that order and decorum arc the prices to lie paid for the largest liberty and the highest intelligence; that it stats in at the head. When the principal is false to his trust, the school will not keep. Down with Waite, or the lesson you will learn shall be your own overthrow Vote for LAW AND ORDER, and to make doubly sure what is reasonably certain we appeal to the democratic ladies to join with us, not thereby casting of party ties, but exercising the highest democracy, which pleads for the home and the law which protects the home.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 7, 1894
Entertained by the Populist Ladies’ Club Last Night.
Judge J. W. Kerr was tendered a public reception at the people’s party headquarters in the Board of Trade hall last night by the ladies’ Populist club. The attendance was large and Judge Kerr’s characteristic speech was frequently punctuated with applause. On the steps of the platform potted chrysantemums were artistically placed in profusion. Judge J. H. Voorhees acted as chairman. The exercises were opened by J. J. McFeeley, who made a short speech. This was followed by a selection by the People’s Party quartet. A five-year-old girl brought down the house with a recition and was forced to repeat it. Mrs. J. W. Deane of Denver then sang two songs that were enthusiastically received J.C. Overmyer read a letter of regret from J. W. Deane of Denver who was expected to be present, which spoke in highly eulogistic terms of Judge Kerr. Mrs. Ben Diggory on behalf of the Ladies’ club welcomed Judge Kerr and for them presented him with a beautiful basket of roses. The judge then made one of his characteristic speeches of more than an hour’s length and was frequently applauded. He dealt with industrial conditions, the tariff, silver and the state administration. He declared the people’s party to be the only advocate of silver, said all money was flat money, lauded Governor Waite and his administration and urged all to vote the people’s party ticket straight for self and silver. The meeting closed with several more songs by Mrs. Deane.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 7, 1894
And Ran Behind His Ticket all Over the State.
Early in the Evening the Result was Known
Little Doubt of the Re-election of Wolcott.
Congressman Pence is Defeated In the First District.—the Women Worked Hard and Had a Thorough Organization.—They Were Better Posted In Denver on the Situation than Were the Men.
DENVER 一 Special to the Times-Sun says: In four districts of Fort Collins 125 majority is claimed for Mclntire. Bell (populist) may defeat Bowen in the Second district, but his majority of 12,000 two years ago will be greatly reduced. Dispatches from all parts of the state say that a very full vote was being polled and in the cities fully as many women voted as men. The polls did not close until 7 o’clock and it will be very late before any definite figures arc received. In Denver and suburbs about 85 per cent of the registered vote was cast. Women worked earnestly at the polls all day for the success of the republican ticket, and the result is largely due to their efforts. All day long the private carriages of the “Capitol Hill” society leaders have been carrying women to the polls. In many cases the ladies owning the turnouts went with them to urge the voters to make use of their franchise. Through the excellence of their organization the committeewomen are far more thoroughly informed as to the political preferences of the women in their districts than are the men regarding their sex, but no doubtful voter was neglected. Among the women who have taken an active part in the campaign and who have been prominent the workers today may be named Mrs. Sue M. Hall, wife of the well known Colorado historian; Mrs. Frank Hall, wife of the present city treasurer of Denver; Mrs. David H. Moffat, wife of the president of the First National bank, and one of the most extensive mine owners in the state, and Mrs. Routt, wife of the ex-governor. Their homes have been repeatedly thrown open for receptions to candidates during the campaign, while their personal services wore given freely to the work of spreading campaign argument, and to-day was devoted to increasing the vote of their favored candidates. The society ladies, however, are not the only ones who were in evidence at the polls to-day. Thirty housewives have left their firesides during the entire day to use their Influence in bringing their less enthusiastic sisters to the polls and in urging upon them the important issues of the election from their point of view. They represent all parties, the greater number advocating the candidates of the two prominent parties.
BRIGHTON, Colo. 一 No disturbance here. Mclntire has about 60 majority. There were 255 straight tickets cast. Entire republican ticket has a majority. A large percentage of the women voted the straight republican ticket. …
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 7, 1894
Allee, R 1,521
Brown, R 1,580
Holly, R 1,480
Kearney, R 1,535
Coe, P 1,219
Harris, P 1,203
McGinley, P 1,167
Nelson, P 1,147
Woman’s Volunteer Republican Club
The Volunteer Republican club will meet at the Grand hotel this afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. Plans for reorganization will be discussed. Nellie M. Heller, President; P. L. Richardson, secretary.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 8, 1894
Woman suffrage is a success in Colorado, and when the dear old girls get a little better posted they’ll make things hum.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 8, 1894
one of the many complaints Governor Waite makes about his defeat
The governor said that woman’s influence in the cities, where it is greatest, was exerted against him. “The women,” he said, “must be educated to think for themselves and not be controlled by the money power as the men are.”
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 9, 1894
A Kansas newspaper talks about the ‘‘heavy woman vote’’ in Colorado. Judging from Mclntire’s majority both the heavy and the light women must have done considerable voting last Tuesday.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 10, 1894
The dynamite organ expresses the opinion that woman suffrage is a failure in Colorado because the women didn’t vote the populist ticket. Sad, isn’t it? The women needn’t cry over it, however, they have the right of suffrage and will keep it.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 10, 1894
Mrs. Davis is a Democrat.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 9.— Percy L. Moore of this city is out in a card denying that Mrs. Margaret Davis Hayes of Colorado Springs, the eldest daughter of the late Jefferson Davis, ever had any intention of voting the republican ticket or any other ticket. He says: “The statement is without foundation or truth, and Mrs. Hayes is deeply mortified over the cruel injustice it does her, and authorizes me to say for her that she has never registered or voted, and never intends to. She has no patience whatever with the so-called ‘woman suffrage.’ Of course her political preferences are too well established to require any explanation here. Washington is Mrs. Hayes’ birthplace, and she has many warm friends here, for which reason I hope you will kindly give space to this correction of a misstatement of fact which does a good and pure woman a great injustice.”
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 11, 1894
The bitter enmity of the populists toward the women voters of Colorado crops out in the shape of vile insinuations in the columns of their newspapers. The women will probably remember them.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 11, 1894
He Writes Expressing Himself on the Campaign.
Advises the People of the District to Turn Their Attention to the Restoration of Business Prosperity,
“With Malice Toward None and Charity Toward All.”
Pueblo. Colo., Nov. 10.1894. To the People: Upon the face of the returns as published my defeat for Congress seems to be a fixed fact. 1 had the loyal, active, earnest support of all the republicans in the district, the active, loyal support of the women as well as earnest, faithful support from very many intelligent democrats. Added to all this I had the support of the republican candidates on the state ticket, the judicial and legislative tickets all over the district, as well as from our state, county and congressional committees and the press not only of the district but the state at large. Senator Drake, the chairman of our congressional committee, has proven a giant in organization and management. To each and all I make grateful acknowledgment and take special pride in the different women’s organizations, beginning with “the Bowen Bellwringers’ and the Women’s Volunteer Republican club of this city, without whose active and earnest co-operation we had not even a chance of success. I can not close without making a special mention of my appreciation of the many kind and flattering allusions made of me by Judge Mclntire and Senators Teller and Wolcott, all of which added largely to my chances. With all this support, however, defeat was almost inevitable in view of the adverse majority in this district two years ago of 12,000 votes. We have wiped out about 10.000 of this adverse majority and to that extent the people of the Second district may justly lay claim to the part they have thus accomplished toward the redemption of the state, and we leave it to the people of the first district to give us such credit as in their fair and unbiased judgment we deserve. Now let both districts turn their attention to that restoration of business prosperity which we have felt would follow a change in our state administration, and “with malice toward none and charity toward all” press forward toward the development of the boundless resources of this “empire of the west,” and in the immortal words of General Grant, “Let us have peace,” for peace is a necessary prelude to prosperity. Truly ever. THOMAS M. BOWEN.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 13, 1894
The populists propose to begin an “educational campaign” the women. The women of Colorado know too much now to vote the populist ticket
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 13, 1894
Women’s Political Educational Club.
The Ladies Populist Club met at their rooms in the Board of Trade Hall Saturday and it was unanimously decided to change the name from the Ladies’ Populist club to the Women’s political educational club. A new organization was perfected and the following officers were elected: President, Mrs. Benj. Diggory; vice president, Mrs. C.E. Livingston; secretary, Miss Ada C. Marble; corresponding secretary, Mrs. G.P. Deterding; treasurer Mrs. H. Monroe; librarian, Mrs. Fawcett.
Mesa W.C.T.U. Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Mesa W.C.T.U. will be held at Mrs. Davis, 222 Orman avenue, this afternoon at 2:00. The special feature of the meeting will be the report of the state convention.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 13, 1894
The populists propose to begin an “educational campaign” the women. The women of Colorado know too much now to vote the populist ticket
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 14, 1894
Disgusted populists now claim that a woman who claims to be dovelike is often only pigeon toed.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 14, 1894
Bowen Bell-Wringers Change the Club Name.
Woman’s Silver State Republican Club the Name Adopted — Mrs. Clare D. Olin chosen President—Objects of the Organization Set Forth— Resolutions Adopted on the Great Race of Senator Bowen.
The Bowen Bell-wringers met yesterday afternoon and formed a permanent organization, changing the name of the club to the Woman’s Silver State Republican club. Permanent officers were elected and a plan of work laid out. The club will meet every other Saturday to discuss matters of interest to all citizens. The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Clare D. Olin, and on reformation she was elected president of the new organization. Mrs. M. J. Noble was elected first vice-president, Mrs. M. A. Moore second vice-president. Mrs. Paul Wilson third vice-president, Mrs. E. W. Hathaway secretary, and Mrs. W. R. Samuel treasurer. The club adopted the following resolutions as to the policy to be followed: “Resolved, That the objects of this club shall be to promote, advocate and maintain the principles of republicanism as enunciated by the republican party; to direct and interest in politics those who have hitherto been more or less indifferent to political duties; to encourage attendance at the caucus or primary meetings in order that honest and capable persons may be nominated; to guard and defend the purity of the ballot box; to make a study of all national and local issues, thereby fitting ourselves for intelligent work on political lines, and to strive in the interest of our homes and our children to do our part towards purifying the political atmosphere in which we live. To this end be it also “Resolved, That in making this permanent organization we make the policy of this club so broad that all true republicans can work under it: that we invite to membership all women who sympathize with republican principles; that we permit no conflicts to arise between our club and other republican organizations, and that we co-operate with other republican committees in strengthening the party, and lastly that every officer elected in this club shall be a person whose republicanism is unquestioned, and that we put none but true blue republicans on guard.” Feeling that this club, named after Senator Bowen, should take some note of his defeat, they also adopted these resolutions: “Whereas, By the defeat of the Hon. Thomas M. Bowen, a majority of the voters of this district have indicated their lack of appreciation and their apparent lack of knowledge concerning the great national issue which confronts our people at the present time — the protection of American industries and of American homes一 and.
“Whereas, Our candidate did, in the face of almost insurmountable obstacles, reduce the great majority of two years ago by over 10.000 votes; therefore, be it “Resolved, That this club points with pride to the splendid fight made by our candidate, and that in this contest we recognize all the elements of success. And furthermore, as we believe that the great wall of protection should be built so high that the squalor and poverty-stricken labor of Europe cannot by competition reduce our laboring men to that degrading level; therefore, be it also
“Resolved, That it is the unanimous sense of this club that we look forward to the campaign of 1896 with courage and renewed determination, and with the hope that we may have the honor of unfurling a banner, upon which will be inscribed the magic words “Bowen and Victory.” Considerable difficulty arose when the selection of a name for the new club came up and the following were suggested: Woman’s Sliver State Republican club. Woman’s Protective Tariff league. Woman’s Republican club of Pueblo. Woman’s Eagle club, and Woman’s Lincoln club. The first name was selected after three ballots had been taken. The club decided to hold meetings the first and third Saturdays in each month and at the next meeting a discussion on the work of the State Legislature, led by Mrs. B. F. Baldwin, will be had. Selection of the place of meeting was deferred until the next gathering.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 15, 1894
(column is:) The Listener
Senator Teller of Colorado, in a late speech, said, “In all great questions of morals a woman is worth two men.” He gave this as his main reason for favoring woman suffrage.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 18, 1894
Volunteer Club Becomes a Non-Partisan, Permanent Organization.
In the two meetings of the Woman’s Volunteer Republican club subsequent to election, the advisability of permanent organization has been thoroughly discussed. The decision was in the affirmative, but it was also resolved that a non-partisan club could do better work next spring than one adhering strictly to party lines, since women are first, last and all the time for good government in municipal affairs, regardless of party. Therefore at the yesterday afternoon at the L. B. U. hall the association was rechristened the Woman’s Good Government club, and it is hoped that all women interested in the “safety, honor and welfare” of our city will join, no matter what their political belief may be.
The club will meet on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month, and for the next few weeks a parliamentary drill will be taken up. Other matters of importance and interest will occur Saturday afternoon, November 24, in the L. B. U. hall, Central block, at 3 o’clock promptly. All women interested are cordially invited.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 18, 1894
Constitution Adopted at a Meeting Held Yesterday Afternoon.
The Woman’s Silver State Republican club met yesterday afternoon in the Board of Trade hall. The president, Mrs. C. D. Olin, was unavoidably absent and Mrs. M. A. Moore presided. The committee appointed at the last meeting on constitution reported and presented a constitution which was adopted. Mrs. B. F. Baldwin read a most interesting paper on “Women in Politics” and assigned the following topics for the next meeting which will be for a discussion of the state Legislature: Mrs. W. D. Samuel, float senators; Mrs. M. W. Mealey, members of the lower house, how apportioned; Mrs. Stiles, members of the senate, how apportioned; Mrs. M. J. Ricker, state officers, who they are, what salaries, term: Mrs. A. D. Wadhams, bills, how introduced; Mrs. N. J. Ayres, United States senators, how elected. In the constitution adopted yesterday article 3 reads: “This club shall not be used in any way to further the interest of any candidate for office previous to nomination but shall reserve its force to be exerted in behalf of candidates nominated by republican conventions.” The club now numbers fifty permanent members. The next meeting will be held Saturday, December 1.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 20, 1894
Woman suffrage was defeated by more than 30,000 votes In Kansas. So much for pinning their faith to the populist party. Susan B. should try again and select the winning crowd if possible.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 21, 1894
In a recent article on the progress of women suffrage the Philadelphia Record reviews the experience of the late election in Colorado and tells many things favorable to our newly enfranchised citizens. Then it goes on as follows: “There are, however, some shades to this picture of female suffrage in action. It is related that in Buena Vista two women of opposite politics fell into a dispute the polls and belabored each other most brutally with their fists. Two colored female citizens who disagreed in regard to the political merits of Governor Waite undertook to decide the question so far as they were concerned by an appeal to main force, in which the weapons were the finger nails. In the excitement of this first female campaign some women of easy virtue in Denver carried their enthusiasm so far as to threaten other fellow-sinners with exposure and arrest if they dared to vote the populist ticket. In two cases they are said to have carried out their threats.” There is nothing in the above paragraph to show that women are not worthy of the franchise or that they are any less capable than men to use it properly. There are in this world many women who have as little control over their tempers as have some men. Did the Record never hear of two men, falling out at the polls and belaboring one another? Have such things never occurred in the sleepy old City of Brotherly Love? Did two negro men never decide their political differences in Philadelphia by the arbitration of battle on election day, or two white men never “take the law” on one another on account of ill feeling arising out of difference of opinion? Male voters are not all gentlemen, neither are all female voters ladies. When universal suffrage prevails bad women as well as bad men go to the polls, but in this state the disreputable female element has been conspicuous for its good behavior on election day. Colorado has tested female suffrage and is perfectly satisfied with the result.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 21, 1894
National temperance meeting elections
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 22, 1894
WCTU meeting continues, among things discussed…
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 22, 1894
In the afternoon the report of the committee on resolutions was taken up and new resolutions were adopted. A long discussion of boys’ brigades, and a somewhat heated one, was started by a resolution protesting against putting arms in the hands of boys. Other resolutions were adopted, one deploring the Armenian massacre and advocating international protection, and denouncing the increase of military education in public schools, colleges and universities. One which raised much controversy thanked the populists for the suffrage plank in the platform of Kansas, the republicans for the same thing in Colorado and the democrats of the south for bringing a large area under local option laws.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, November 22, 1894
Will the Women of Denver Turn and Rend Their Friends? By heredity, tradition and education I belong to one of the old political parties—at least so far as a disfranchised woman can belong to anything. And yet if I lived in Colorado this fall I should feel myself bound in common gratitude and decency to vote the Popalist ticket. It must never be forgotten so long as woman is woman that it was the Populist states and party that enfranchised her. For years women had been hanging around the old parties, begging and pleading, even with tears in their eyes, for a platform plank favoring woman suffrage.The Republicans would not touch the thing with a 40 foot pole; neither would the Democrats. Meantime the brave Populists openly pat suffrage planks into their platforms, openly worked for and with the women, and as soon as they came on top in Colorado enfranchised them. It was under Populist administration that the women got suffrage in Colorado and under Governor Waite’s administration. His hand signed the proclamation giving women the right to vote. But now they say some of the families of the Denver aristocracy are disgruntled because of Governor Waite and the Populists. Governor Waite had the temerity to appoint a mechanic—forsooth a mechanic —chief of police. The Populists have, moreover, been guilty of a yet more atrocious crime. They have put a cigar maker up as candidate for lieutenant governor. How it curdles the blood to think of it, especially when there are so many white handed politicians lying around out of a job! For this reason the Republicans who would not touch woman suffrage with a 40 foot pole now come honeying around the women voters in Denver and beg them to “save” the state. They have formed what is called the “Redemption guard/’ which sounds ridiculously like the Salvation Army, and use all their sweet masculine wiles to capture the woman vote. Will the woman voter of Colorado turn and rend the mother that gave her existence? That is what I should like to know. It is the plain duty of women now to stand by the party that gives them their rights. Other issues can be settled afterward. Other issues are of minor importance to woman. If I lived in Colorado, I should vote for Governor Waite even if he eats with his knife. He does not, though.
December 1894
Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 4, 1894
Mrs. Grover Cleveland is a pronounced friend of female suffrage. It is pleasant to know that there is a little good political judgment somewhere in the president’s family.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 1, 1894
Silver State Republican Club
The Silver State Republican club will meet this, Saturday, afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the Board of Trade. All women interested in the study of good government are invited to be present.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 2, 1894
Entertaining and Instructive Meeting at Board of Trade.
The Silver State Republican club held their regular semi-monthly meeting yesterday afternoon in the Board of Trade hall and had a large attendance. The president announced the appointment of the following executive committee: Mrs. E. O. Nash, Mrs. J. w. Lockin, Mrs. J. C. Elwell, Mrs. Minerva Walk and Mrs. M. J. Ricker. A petition to the state Legislature raising the age of consent of girls to 21 years was endorsed and a committee was appointed in each precinct to circulate the petition for signatures. Senator Drake spoke to the ladies on the question of establishing a reform school for girls similar to the Institution at Golden. The ladies to whom assignments were made at the last meeting presented papers on the state Legislature. Mrs. W. R. Samuel had the question of ‘‘Float Senators,” and read a very good paper and Mrs. M. W. Mealey had a splendid paper on the “Apportionment of Members of the Lower House.” Mrs. Stiles’ paper on the “Apportionment of Members of the Senate” was read by Mrs. Samuel. “State Officers: Who They are, Salaries, Terms of Office,” was given by Mrs. M. J. Ricker. Mrs. N. J. Ayers explained “How United States Senators are Elected.” The other questions which were assigned were laid over until the next meeting. The ladies were very much interested in the papers and each one was discussed briefly in turn. Mrs. Baldwin, who has charge of the assignment of topics, has asked each member of the club to look up the question of judges of the supreme court. The club will hold a special meeting next Tuesday afternoon in the Board of Trade building to consider the question of taking up a parliamentary drill. The next regular meeting will be held December 15.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 11, 1894
Political Educational Club. The Woman’s Political Educational club will meet at the A. O. U. W. hall this afternoon at 2 o’clock sharp. Important business demands the presence of all the members. ADA C. MARBLE, Secretary.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 12, 1894
The friends of female suffrage in Kansas will apply to the Legislature this winter to pass an act resubmitting the suffrage amendment to the people in 1896. This the Legislature will probably refuse to do for two reasons: First, because the members were elected by the opponents of woman suffrage, and second because about all the time which can be devoted to the resubmission business during the coining session must be given to the prohibition amendment.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 16, 1894
Study of Administration of State Affairs Commenced Yesterday.
The Silver State Republican club met yesterday afternoon in the Central block, and after being called to order by the president, Mrs. C. D. Olin, Mrs. B. F. Baldwin, the chaplain, opened the afternoon’s exercises with a prayer. The ladies who are canvassing the several precincts of the city to secure names for the petition to the Legislature regarding the age of consent reported progress and an encouraging outlook for a monster petition. The regular order of business being concluded the order of the day was taken up by the leader, Mrs. Baldwin. Mrs. Wadhams read an entertaining and instructive paper on “Bills—How They Are Introduced, etc.,” which was followed by a discussion on the supreme court and court of appeals. Mrs. Sperry was present and gave a little talk on municipal affairs. The next meeting will be held December 29, when Mrs. Wadhams will continue the subject of “Bills.” Each member is requested to bring three, questions relating to the Legislature or the state government. The first parliamentary drill of the club will be held at the First Methodist church Tuesday, December 18, at 2:30 p. m.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 22, 1894
The Silver State Republican club held a parliamentary drill yesterday afternoon at the First Methodist church. In the future the meetings will be held in the L. B. U. rooms in the Central block.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 23, 1894
One of the advanced women claims that the future man will have a sixth sense, a sense of his inferiority, we suppose.— Albany Argus. The Chicago Women’s club was getting along famously with its equal rights doctrine until a colored woman made application for membership. 一 Washington Post. Miss Willard thinks women would make good policemen. There is certainly no doubt as to their knowing more about what is going on than most policemen do 一 Washington Star. A writer in an exchange discourses learnedly on the “Women of Ushant’’ It is all in the nature of information, the world at large being better acquainted with the women of “you shall.” A good argument for tb=he higher education of women is contained in an interesting statement made at a recent meeting of Vassar alumnae—namely, that no graduate of that college who has married has been divorced from her husband.—Buffalo Express. Give the women the full and free right of suffrage equal to the men and see if they do not take an interest; see, too, if we do not have better candidates for office, fairer campaigns and purer elections. Give women the ballot.— South Bend Tribune A great deal is being said and written in New York about “the new woman,” a fad that has been imported from London, meaning one who carves out her place and her fortune independently. The new woman, in fact, is patterned after the old man. —Philadelphia Ledger.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 27, 1894
Many of our old-timers will remember the efforts of Ex-Governor Ed M. McCook to prevail upon the territorial Legislature to submit to the people an amendment to the constitution providing for woman suffrage in Colorado. The late Hon. George A. Hinsdale represented Pueblo county in the Legislature, and mainly through his efforts the pet scheme of the governor was defeated. Meeting Mr. Hinsdale on the street just after the vote was taken and the bill lost Governor McCook was so incensed that he so far forgot himself and the dignity of his office as to threaten Mr. Hinsdale with personal violence. Friends interfered, however, and there was no exhibition of pugilism. The ex-governor will return to find every woman in Colorado a full fledged voter.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 29, 1894
The Silver State Republican club will meet this afternoon at 2:30 o’clock in the Christian Science rooms at the Central block. The subjects for discussion will be the “Legislature” and “Court of Appeals.” The ladies who have been canvassing the different precincts will bring in the petitions and make their final reports.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 30, 1894
The Silver State Republican Club will Discuss Them.
The Silver State Republican club met at 2:30 yesterday afternoon with the president in the chair. A very fine paper on the Supreme court was sent to the club by Judge Dixon and was listened to with interest. The club had a long discussion upon the work of the Committee of One Hundred, and it was the general sense of the meeting that while retrenchment was greatly needed, and was endorsed by the club, that in the matter of taxes the poor man and the rich man should fare alike. The club will hold their next regular meeting on Saturday, January 5. Mrs. Andrus will present the subject of “Our City Laws, What They Are and How Enforced.” Mrs. Kicker will speak on “State Laws and Officers.”
Colorado Daily Chieftain, December 31, 1894
The Originator of Dress Reform and the First Female Editor.
COUNCIL BLUFFS, lowa, Dec. 30 .— Mrs. Amelia Bloomer, from whom the Bloomer costume, one of the first efforts toward dress reform, was named, died at her home in this city to-day. She was in her younger years a noted lecturer on temperance and woman’s suffrage. She established at Seneca Falls, N. Y., in 1849 a paper called the Lilly, the first paper in this country owned and edited by a woman.